[Support] Creation of minidump after compiler crash on Windows

In the current implementation compiler only prints stack trace
to console after crash. This patch adds saving of minidump
files which contain a useful subset of the information for
further debugging.

Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D18216

llvm-svn: 268519
This commit is contained in:
Leny Kholodov 2016-05-04 16:56:51 +00:00
parent b034526853
commit 1b73e66b5d
6 changed files with 247 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ public:
/// @brief Prevent core file generation.
static void PreventCoreFiles();
/// \brief true if PreventCoreFiles has been called, false otherwise.
static bool AreCoreFilesPrevented();
// This function returns the environment variable \arg name's value as a UTF-8
// string. \arg Name is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding too.
static Optional<std::string> GetEnv(StringRef name);

View File

@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ static const char colorcodes[2][2][8][10] = {
{ ALLCOLORS("4",""), ALLCOLORS("4","1;") }
// This is set to true when Process::PreventCoreFiles() is called.
static bool coreFilesPrevented = false;
bool Process::AreCoreFilesPrevented() {
return coreFilesPrevented;
// Include the platform-specific parts of this class.
#include "Unix/Process.inc"

View File

@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ void Process::PreventCoreFiles() {
signal(SIGSEGV, _exit);
signal(SIGBUS, _exit);
coreFilesPrevented = true;
Optional<std::string> Process::GetEnv(StringRef Name) {

View File

@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ void Process::PreventCoreFiles() {
coreFilesPrevented = true;
/// Returns the environment variable \arg Name's value as a string encoded in

View File

@ -11,7 +11,11 @@
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Support/WindowsError.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <io.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -117,6 +121,12 @@ typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64)(HANDLE hProcess,
typedef DWORD64 (__stdcall *PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64)(HANDLE hProcess,
HANDLE hThread, LPADDRESS64 lpaddr);
static fpMiniDumpWriteDump fMiniDumpWriteDump;
@ -154,6 +164,8 @@ static fpEnumerateLoadedModules fEnumerateLoadedModules;
static bool load64BitDebugHelp(void) {
HMODULE hLib = ::LoadLibraryW(L"Dbghelp.dll");
if (hLib) {
fMiniDumpWriteDump = (fpMiniDumpWriteDump)
::GetProcAddress(hLib, "MiniDumpWriteDump");
fStackWalk64 = (fpStackWalk64)
::GetProcAddress(hLib, "StackWalk64");
fSymGetModuleBase64 = (fpSymGetModuleBase64)
@ -171,7 +183,7 @@ static bool load64BitDebugHelp(void) {
fEnumerateLoadedModules = (fpEnumerateLoadedModules)
::GetProcAddress(hLib, "EnumerateLoadedModules64");
return fStackWalk64 && fSymInitialize && fSymSetOptions;
return fStackWalk64 && fSymInitialize && fSymSetOptions && fMiniDumpWriteDump;
using namespace llvm;
@ -485,6 +497,9 @@ void sys::DisableSystemDialogsOnCrash() {
/// PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal - When an error signal (such as SIBABRT or
/// SIGSEGV) is delivered to the process, print a stack trace and then exit.
void sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(bool DisableCrashReporting) {
if (DisableCrashReporting || getenv("LLVM_DISABLE_CRASH_REPORT"))
@ -563,9 +578,209 @@ void llvm::sys::RunInterruptHandlers() {
/// \brief Find the Windows Registry Key for a given location.
/// \returns a valid HKEY if the location exists, else NULL.
static HKEY FindWERKey(const llvm::Twine &RegistryLocation) {
RegistryLocation.str().c_str(), 0,
return NULL;
return Key;
/// \brief Populate ResultDirectory with the value for "DumpFolder" for a given
/// Windows Registry key.
/// \returns true if a valid value for DumpFolder exists, false otherwise.
static bool GetDumpFolder(HKEY Key,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &ResultDirectory) {
using llvm::sys::windows::UTF16ToUTF8;
if (!Key)
return false;
DWORD BufferLengthBytes = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ::RegGetValueW(Key, 0, L"DumpFolder", REG_EXPAND_SZ,
NULL, NULL, &BufferLengthBytes))
return false;
SmallVector<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> Buffer(BufferLengthBytes);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ::RegGetValueW(Key, 0, L"DumpFolder", REG_EXPAND_SZ,
NULL, Buffer.data(), &BufferLengthBytes))
return false;
DWORD ExpandBufferSize = ::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(Buffer.data(), NULL, 0);
if (!ExpandBufferSize)
return false;
SmallVector<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> ExpandBuffer(ExpandBufferSize);
if (ExpandBufferSize != ::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(Buffer.data(),
return false;
if (UTF16ToUTF8(ExpandBuffer.data(), ExpandBufferSize - 1, ResultDirectory))
return false;
return true;
/// \brief Populate ResultType with a valid MINIDUMP_TYPE based on the value of
/// "DumpType" for a given Windows Registry key.
/// According to
/// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787181(v=vs.85).aspx
/// valid values for DumpType are:
/// * 0: Custom dump
/// * 1: Mini dump
/// * 2: Full dump
/// If "Custom dump" is specified then the "CustomDumpFlags" field is read
/// containing a bitwise combination of MINIDUMP_TYPE values.
/// \returns true if a valid value for ResultType can be set, false otherwise.
static bool GetDumpType(HKEY Key, MINIDUMP_TYPE &ResultType) {
if (!Key)
return false;
DWORD DumpType;
DWORD TypeSize = sizeof(DumpType);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ::RegGetValueW(Key, NULL, L"DumpType", RRF_RT_REG_DWORD,
NULL, &DumpType,
return false;
switch (DumpType) {
case 0: {
DWORD Flags = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ::RegGetValueW(Key, NULL, L"CustomDumpFlags",
return false;
ResultType = static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>(Flags);
case 1:
ResultType = MiniDumpNormal;
case 2:
ResultType = MiniDumpWithFullMemory;
return false;
return true;
/// \brief Write a Windows dump file containing process information that can be
/// used for post-mortem debugging.
/// \returns zero error code if a mini dump created, actual error code
/// otherwise.
static std::error_code WINAPI
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::sys;
std::string MainExecutableName = fs::getMainExecutable(nullptr, nullptr);
StringRef ProgramName;
if (MainExecutableName.empty()) {
// If we can't get the executable filename,
// things are in worse shape than we realize
// and we should just bail out.
return mapWindowsError(::GetLastError());
ProgramName = path::filename(MainExecutableName.c_str());
// The Windows Registry location as specified at
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787181%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
// "Collecting User-Mode Dumps" that may optionally be set to collect crash
// dumps in a specified location.
StringRef LocalDumpsRegistryLocation =
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Windows Error Reporting\\LocalDumps";
// The key pointing to the Registry location that may contain global crash
// dump settings. This will be NULL if the location can not be found.
ScopedRegHandle DefaultLocalDumpsKey(FindWERKey(LocalDumpsRegistryLocation));
// The key pointing to the Registry location that may contain
// application-specific crash dump settings. This will be NULL if the
// location can not be found.
ScopedRegHandle AppSpecificKey(
FindWERKey(Twine(LocalDumpsRegistryLocation) + "\\" + ProgramName));
// Look to see if a dump type is specified in the registry; first with the
// app-specific key and failing that with the global key. If none are found
// default to a normal dump (GetDumpType will return false either if the key
// is NULL or if there is no valid DumpType value at its location).
if (!GetDumpType(AppSpecificKey, DumpType))
if (!GetDumpType(DefaultLocalDumpsKey, DumpType))
DumpType = MiniDumpNormal;
// Look to see if a dump location is specified in the registry; first with the
// app-specific key and failing that with the global key. If none are found
// we'll just create the dump file in the default temporary file location
// (GetDumpFolder will return false either if the key is NULL or if there is
// no valid DumpFolder value at its location).
bool ExplicitDumpDirectorySet = true;
SmallString<MAX_PATH> DumpDirectory;
if (!GetDumpFolder(AppSpecificKey, DumpDirectory))
if (!GetDumpFolder(DefaultLocalDumpsKey, DumpDirectory))
ExplicitDumpDirectorySet = false;
int FD;
SmallString<MAX_PATH> DumpPath;
if (ExplicitDumpDirectorySet) {
if (std::error_code EC = fs::create_directories(DumpDirectory))
return EC;
if (std::error_code EC = fs::createUniqueFile(
Twine(DumpDirectory) + "\\" + ProgramName + ".%%%%%%.dmp", FD,
return EC;
} else if (std::error_code EC =
fs::createTemporaryFile(ProgramName, "dmp", FD, DumpPath))
return EC;
// Our support functions return a file descriptor but Windows wants a handle.
ScopedCommonHandle FileHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_get_osfhandle(FD)));
if (!fMiniDumpWriteDump(::GetCurrentProcess(), ::GetCurrentProcessId(),
FileHandle, DumpType, ExceptionInfo, NULL, NULL))
return mapWindowsError(::GetLastError());
llvm::errs() << "Wrote crash dump file \"" << DumpPath << "\"\n";
return std::error_code();
static LONG WINAPI LLVMUnhandledExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS ep) {
// We'll automatically write a Minidump file here to help diagnose
// the nasty sorts of crashes that aren't 100% reproducible from a set of
// inputs (or in the event that the user is unable or unwilling to provide a
// reproducible case).
if (!llvm::Process::AreCoreFilesPrevented()) {
ExceptionInfo.ThreadId = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
ExceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers = ep;
ExceptionInfo.ClientPointers = FALSE;
if (std::error_code EC = WriteWindowsDumpFile(&ExceptionInfo))
llvm::errs() << "Could not write crash dump file: " << EC.message()
<< "\n";
// Initialize the STACKFRAME structure.
STACKFRAME64 StackFrame = {};

View File

@ -167,6 +167,22 @@ struct CryptContextTraits : CommonHandleTraits {
struct RegTraits : CommonHandleTraits {
typedef HKEY handle_type;
static handle_type GetInvalid() {
return NULL;
static void Close(handle_type h) {
static bool IsValid(handle_type h) {
return h != GetInvalid();
struct FindHandleTraits : CommonHandleTraits {
static void Close(handle_type h) {
@ -178,6 +194,7 @@ struct FileHandleTraits : CommonHandleTraits {};
typedef ScopedHandle<CommonHandleTraits> ScopedCommonHandle;
typedef ScopedHandle<FileHandleTraits> ScopedFileHandle;
typedef ScopedHandle<CryptContextTraits> ScopedCryptContext;
typedef ScopedHandle<RegTraits> ScopedRegHandle;
typedef ScopedHandle<FindHandleTraits> ScopedFindHandle;
typedef ScopedHandle<JobHandleTraits> ScopedJobHandle;