[analyzer] exploded-graph-rewriter: Initial commit.

This is a utility to improve readability and generally manipulate
GraphViz dumps of the analysis graph. Such dumps are often huge and
not only hard to read, but also often hang the viewer apps with their
mere size. Such script should significantly improve debugging experience.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D62638

llvm-svn: 362340
This commit is contained in:
Artem Dergachev 2019-06-02 21:40:53 +00:00
parent fde26d222d
commit 162360774e
7 changed files with 584 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// RUN: %exploded_graph_rewriter %s | FileCheck %s
Node0x1 [shape=record,label=
"{{ "node_id": 1, "pointer": "0x1",
"program_state": null, "program_points": []}\l}"];
// CHECK: Node0x1 -> Node0x2;
Node0x1 -> Node0x2;
Node0x2 [shape=record,label=
"{{ "node_id": 2, "pointer": "0x2",
"program_state": null, "program_points": []}\l}"];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// RUN: %exploded_graph_rewriter %s | FileCheck %s
digraph "Exploded Graph" {
label="Exploded Graph";
// CHECK: digraph "ExplodedGraph" {
// CHECK-NEXT: label="";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// RUN: %exploded_graph_rewriter %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: <b>Environment: </b>
// CHECK-SAME: <table border="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: <b>#0 Call</b>
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: <font color="grey60">foo </font>(line 4)
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: </tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: <i>S5</i>
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: bar()
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: Unknown
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: </tr>
// CHECK-SAME: </table>
Node0x1 [shape=record,label=
{ "node_id": 1,
"pointer": "0x1",
"state_id": 2,
"program_points": [],
"program_state": {
"store": null,
"environment": [
"location_context": "#0 Call",
"lctx_id": 3,
"calling": "foo",
"call_line": 4,
"items": [
"stmt_id": 5,
"pretty": "bar()",
"value": "Unknown"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import lit.util
import lit.formats
import os
use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL")
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(use_lit_shell == "0")
'utils', 'analyzer'))))
config.suffixes = ['.dot']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// RUN: %exploded_graph_rewriter %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: <b>Program point:</b>
// CHECK-SAME: <table border="0" align="left" width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <td width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left" width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <font color="gold3">Edge</font>
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: [B0] -&gt; [B1]
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: </tr>
// CHECK-SAME: </table>
Node0x1 [shape=record,label=
{ "node_id": 1, "pointer": "0x1",
"program_state": null, "program_points": [
"kind": "Edge",
"src_id": 0,
"dst_id": 1,
"terminator": null,
"term_kind": null,
"tag": null }
// CHECK-NEXT: <b>Program point:</b>
// CHECK-SAME: <table border="0" align="left" width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left" width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: (main file):<b>4</b>:<b>5</b>:
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left" width="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <font color="cyan3">DeclRefExpr</font>
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td>x</td>
// CHECK-SAME: </tr>
// CHECK-SAME: </table>
Node0x2 [shape=record,label=
{ "node_id": 2, "pointer": "0x2",
"program_state": null, "program_points": [
"kind": "Statement",
"stmt_kind": "DeclRefExpr",
"stmd_id": 3,
"pointer": "0x3",
"pretty": "x",
"location": {
"line": 4,
"column": 5
"tag": null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// RUN: %exploded_graph_rewriter %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: <b>Store: </b>
// CHECK-SAME: <table border="0">
// CHECK-SAME: <tr>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: (<i>Default</i>)
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: <td align="left">
// CHECK-SAME: Undefined
// CHECK-SAME: </td>
// CHECK-SAME: </tr>
// CHECK-SAME: </table>
Node0x1 [shape=record,label=
{ "node_id": 1,
"pointer": "0x1",
"state_id": 2,
"program_points": [],
"program_state": {
"environment": null,
"store": [
"cluster": "x",
"items": [
"kind": "Default",
"offset": 0,
"value": "Undefined"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import json
import logging
import re
# A deserialized source location.
class SourceLocation(object):
def __init__(self, json_loc):
super(SourceLocation, self).__init__()
self.line = json_loc['line']
self.col = json_loc['column']
self.filename = json_loc['filename'] \
if 'filename' in json_loc else '(main file)'
# A deserialized program point.
class ProgramPoint(object):
def __init__(self, json_pp):
super(ProgramPoint, self).__init__()
self.kind = json_pp['kind']
self.tag = json_pp['tag']
if self.kind == 'Edge':
self.src_id = json_pp['src_id']
self.dst_id = json_pp['dst_id']
elif self.kind == 'Statement':
self.stmt_kind = json_pp['stmt_kind']
self.pointer = json_pp['pointer']
self.pretty = json_pp['pretty']
self.loc = SourceLocation(json_pp['location']) \
if json_pp['location'] is not None else None
elif self.kind == 'BlockEntrance':
self.block_id = json_pp['block_id']
# A value of a single expression in a deserialized Environment.
class EnvironmentBinding(object):
def __init__(self, json_eb):
super(EnvironmentBinding, self).__init__()
self.stmt_id = json_eb['stmt_id']
self.pretty = json_eb['pretty']
self.value = json_eb['value']
# Deserialized description of a location context.
class LocationContext(object):
def __init__(self, json_frame):
super(LocationContext, self).__init__()
self.lctx_id = json_frame['lctx_id']
self.caption = json_frame['location_context']
self.decl = json_frame['calling']
self.line = json_frame['call_line']
# A group of deserialized Environment bindings that correspond to a specific
# location context.
class EnvironmentFrame(object):
def __init__(self, json_frame):
super(EnvironmentFrame, self).__init__()
self.location_context = LocationContext(json_frame)
self.bindings = [EnvironmentBinding(b) for b in json_frame['items']] \
if json_frame['items'] is not None else []
# A deserialized Environment.
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self, json_e):
super(Environment, self).__init__()
self.frames = [EnvironmentFrame(f) for f in json_e]
# A single binding in a deserialized RegionStore cluster.
class StoreBinding(object):
def __init__(self, json_sb):
super(StoreBinding, self).__init__()
self.kind = json_sb['kind']
self.offset = json_sb['offset']
self.value = json_sb['value']
# A single cluster of the deserialized RegionStore.
class StoreCluster(object):
def __init__(self, json_sc):
super(StoreCluster, self).__init__()
self.base_region = json_sc['cluster']
self.bindings = [StoreBinding(b) for b in json_sc['items']]
# A deserialized RegionStore.
class Store(object):
def __init__(self, json_s):
super(Store, self).__init__()
self.clusters = [StoreCluster(c) for c in json_s]
# A deserialized program state.
class ProgramState(object):
def __init__(self, state_id, json_ps):
super(ProgramState, self).__init__()
logging.debug('Adding ProgramState ' + str(state_id))
self.state_id = state_id
self.store = Store(json_ps['store']) \
if json_ps['store'] is not None else None
self.environment = Environment(json_ps['environment']) \
if json_ps['environment'] is not None else None
# TODO: Objects under construction.
# TODO: Constraint ranges.
# TODO: Dynamic types of objects.
# TODO: Checker messages.
# A deserialized exploded graph node. Has a default constructor because it
# may be referenced as part of an edge before its contents are deserialized,
# and in this moment we already need a room for predecessors and successors.
class ExplodedNode(object):
def __init__(self):
super(ExplodedNode, self).__init__()
self.predecessors = []
self.successors = []
def construct(self, node_id, json_node):
logging.debug('Adding ' + node_id)
self.node_id = json_node['node_id']
self.ptr = json_node['pointer']
self.points = [ProgramPoint(p) for p in json_node['program_points']]
self.state = ProgramState(json_node['state_id'],
json_node['program_state']) \
if json_node['program_state'] is not None else None
assert self.node_name() == node_id
def node_name(self):
return 'Node' + self.ptr
# A deserialized ExplodedGraph. Constructed by consuming a .dot file
# line-by-line.
class ExplodedGraph(object):
# Parse .dot files with regular expressions.
node_re = re.compile(
'^(Node0x[0-9a-f]*) \\[shape=record,.*label="{(.*)\\\\l}"\\];$')
edge_re = re.compile(
'^(Node0x[0-9a-f]*) -> (Node0x[0-9a-f]*);$')
def __init__(self):
super(ExplodedGraph, self).__init__()
self.nodes = collections.defaultdict(ExplodedNode)
self.root_id = None
self.incomplete_line = ''
def add_raw_line(self, raw_line):
if raw_line.startswith('//'):
# Allow line breaks by waiting for ';'. This is not valid in
# a .dot file, but it is useful for writing tests.
if len(raw_line) > 0 and raw_line[-1] != ';':
self.incomplete_line += raw_line
raw_line = self.incomplete_line + raw_line
self.incomplete_line = ''
# Apply regexps one by one to see if it's a node or an edge
# and extract contents if necessary.
logging.debug('Line: ' + raw_line)
result = self.edge_re.match(raw_line)
if result is not None:
logging.debug('Classified as edge line.')
pred = result.group(1)
succ = result.group(2)
result = self.node_re.match(raw_line)
if result is not None:
logging.debug('Classified as node line.')
node_id = result.group(1)
if len(self.nodes) == 0:
self.root_id = node_id
# Note: when writing tests you don't need to escape everything,
# even though in a valid dot file everything is escaped.
node_label = result.group(2).replace('\\l', '') \
.replace('&nbsp;', '') \
.replace('\\"', '"') \
.replace('\\{', '{') \
.replace('\\}', '}') \
.replace('\\<', '\\\\<') \
.replace('\\>', '\\\\>') \
json_node = json.loads(node_label)
self.nodes[node_id].construct(node_id, json_node)
# A visitor that dumps the ExplodedGraph into a DOT file with fancy HTML-based
# syntax highlighing.
class DotDumpVisitor(object):
def __init__(self):
super(DotDumpVisitor, self).__init__()
def _dump_raw(s):
print(s, end='')
def _dump(s):
print(s.replace('&', '&amp;')
.replace('{', '\\{')
.replace('}', '\\}')
.replace('\\<', '&lt;')
.replace('\\>', '&gt;')
.replace('\\l', '<br />')
.replace('|', ''), end='')
def visit_begin_graph(self, graph):
self._graph = graph
self._dump_raw('digraph "ExplodedGraph" {\n')
def visit_program_point(self, p):
if p.kind in ['Edge', 'BlockEntrance', 'BlockExit']:
color = 'gold3'
elif p.kind in ['PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols',
color = 'red'
elif p.kind in ['CallEnter', 'CallExitBegin', 'CallExitEnd']:
color = 'blue'
elif p.kind in ['Statement']:
color = 'cyan3'
color = 'forestgreen'
if p.kind == 'Statement':
if p.loc is not None:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<td align="left" width="0"><font color="%s">'
% (p.loc.filename, p.loc.line,
p.loc.col, color, p.stmt_kind, p.pretty))
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<i>Invalid Source Location</i>:</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td><td>%s</td></tr>'
% (color, p.stmt_kind, p.pretty))
elif p.kind == 'Edge':
self._dump('<tr><td width="0">-</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td><td align="left">'
'[B%d] -\\> [B%d]</td></tr>'
% (color, p.kind, p.src_id, p.dst_id))
# TODO: Print more stuff for other kinds of points.
self._dump('<tr><td width="0">-</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0" colspan="2">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td></tr>'
% (color, p.kind))
def visit_environment(self, e):
self._dump('<table border="0">')
for f in e.frames:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left"><b>%s</b></td>'
'<td align="left"><font color="grey60">%s </font>'
% (f.location_context.caption,
('(line %s)' % f.location_context.line)
if f.location_context.line is not None else ''))
for b in f.bindings:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left"><i>S%s</i></td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td></tr>'
% (b.stmt_id, b.pretty, b.value))
def visit_store(self, s):
self._dump('<table border="0">')
for c in s.clusters:
for b in c.bindings:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td></tr>'
% (c.base_region, b.offset,
'(<i>Default</i>)' if b.kind == 'Default'
else '',
def visit_state(self, s):
self._dump('<tr><td align="left">'
'<b>Store: </b>')
if s.store is None:
self._dump('<i> Nothing!</i>')
'<tr><td align="left">')
self._dump('</td></tr><hr />'
'<tr><td align="left">'
'<b>Environment: </b>')
if s.environment is None:
self._dump('<i> Nothing!</i>')
'<tr><td align="left">')
def visit_node(self, node):
self._dump('%s [shape=record,label=<<table border="0">'
% (node.node_name()))
self._dump('<tr><td bgcolor="grey"><b>Node %d (%s) - '
'State %s</b></td></tr>'
% (node.node_id, node.ptr, node.state.state_id
if node.state is not None else 'Unspecified'))
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">')
if len(node.points) > 1:
self._dump('<b>Program points:</b></td></tr>')
self._dump('<b>Program point:</b></td></tr>')
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<table border="0" align="left" width="0">')
for p in node.points:
if node.state is not None:
self._dump('<hr />')
def visit_edge(self, pred, succ):
self._dump_raw('%s -> %s;\n' % (pred.node_name(), succ.node_name()))
def visit_end_of_graph(self):
# A class that encapsulates traversal of the ExplodedGraph. Different explorer
# kinds could potentially traverse specific sub-graphs.
class Explorer(object):
def __init__(self):
super(Explorer, self).__init__()
def explore(self, graph, visitor):
for node in sorted(graph.nodes):
logging.debug('Visiting ' + node)
for succ in sorted(graph.nodes[node].successors):
logging.debug('Visiting edge: %s -> %s ' % (node, succ))
visitor.visit_edge(graph.nodes[node], graph.nodes[succ])
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('filename', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.WARNING,
help='enable debug prints')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const',
dest='loglevel', const=logging.INFO,
help='enable info prints')
args = parser.parse_args()
graph = ExplodedGraph()
with open(args.filename) as fd:
for raw_line in fd:
raw_line = raw_line.strip()
explorer = Explorer()
visitor = DotDumpVisitor()
explorer.explore(graph, visitor)
if __name__ == '__main__':