[NativePDB] Higher fidelity reconstruction of AST from Debug Info.

In order to accurately put a type into the correct location in the AST
we construct from debug info, we need to be able to determine what
DeclContext (namespace, global, nested class, etc) that it goes into.
PDB doesn't contain this mapping.  It does, however, contain the reverse
mapping.  That is, for a given class type T, you can determine all
classes Q1, Q2, ..., Qn that are nested inside of T.  We need to know,
for a given class type Q, what type T is it nested inside of.

This patch builds this map as a pre-processing step when we first
load the PDB by scanning every type.  Initial tests show that while
this can be slow in debug builds of LLDB, it is quite fast in release
builds (less than 2 seconds for a ~1GB PDB, and it only needs to happen

Furthermore, having this pre-processing step in place allows us to
repurpose it for building up other kinds of indexing to it down the
line.  For the time being, this gives us very accurate reconstruction
of the DeclContext hierarchy.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D54216

llvm-svn: 346429
This commit is contained in:
Zachary Turner 2018-11-08 18:50:11 +00:00
parent 8c5ec1ff46
commit 056e4ab497
11 changed files with 500 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
target variable TC
target variable TS
target variable TU
target variable TE
target variable ABCInt
target variable ABCFloat
target variable ABCVoid
target variable AC0
target variable ACNeg1
target variable AC0D
target variable ACNeg1D
target variable AD
target variable ADE
target modules dump ast

View File

@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ target variable h
target variable i
target variable incomplete
target modules dump ast

View File

@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ target variable -T UnnamedClassInstance
target variable -T PointersInstance
target variable -T ReferencesInstance
target modules dump ast

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// clang-format off
// REQUIRES: lld
// Test various interesting cases for AST reconstruction.
// RUN: clang-cl /Z7 /GS- /GR- /c /Fo%t.obj -- %s
// RUN: lld-link /DEBUG /nodefaultlib /entry:main /OUT:%t.exe /PDB:%t.pdb -- %t.obj
// RUN: env LLDB_USE_NATIVE_PDB_READER=1 lldb -f %t.exe -s \
// RUN: %p/Inputs/ast-reconstruction.lldbinit 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// Test trivial versions of each tag type.
class TrivialC {};
struct TrivialS {};
union TrivialU {};
enum TrivialE {TE_A};
// Test reconstruction of DeclContext hierarchies.
namespace A {
namespace B {
template<typename T>
struct C {
T ABCMember;
// Let's try a template specialization with a different implementation
struct C<void> {
void *ABCSpecializationMember;
// Let's make sure we can distinguish classes and namespaces. Also let's try
// a non-type template parameter.
template<int N>
struct C {
class D {
int ACDMember = 0;
C<N - 1> *CPtr = nullptr;
struct D {
// Let's make a nested class with the same name as another nested class
// elsewhere, and confirm that they appear in the right DeclContexts in
// the AST.
struct E {
int ADDMember;
// Let's try an anonymous namespace.
namespace {
template<typename T>
struct Anonymous {
int AnonymousMember;
// And a nested class within an anonymous namespace
struct D {
int AnonymousDMember;
TrivialC TC;
TrivialS TS;
TrivialU TU;
TrivialE TE;
A::B::C<int> ABCInt;
A::B::C<float> ABCFloat;
A::B::C<void> ABCVoid;
A::C<0> AC0;
A::C<-1> ACNeg1;
A::C<0>::D AC0D;
A::C<-1>::D ACNeg1D;
A::D AD;
A::D::E ADE;
// FIXME: Anonymous namespaces aren't working correctly.
Anonymous<int> AnonInt;
Anonymous<A::B::C<void>> AnonABCVoid;
Anonymous<A::B::C<int>>::D AnonABCVoidD;
// FIXME: Enum size isn't being correctly determined.
// FIXME: Can't read memory for variable values.
// CHECK: (TrivialC) TC = {}
// CHECK: (TrivialS) TS = {}
// CHECK: (TrivialU) TU = {}
// CHECK: (TrivialE) TE = <Unable to determine byte size.>
// CHECK: (A::B::C<int>) ABCInt = (ABCMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: (A::B::C<float>) ABCFloat = (ABCMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: (A::B::C<void>) ABCVoid = (ABCSpecializationMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: (A::C<0>) AC0 = {}
// CHECK: (A::C<-1>) ACNeg1 = {}
// CHECK: (A::C<0>::D) AC0D = (ACDMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>, CPtr = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: (A::C<-1>::D) ACNeg1D = (ACDMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>, CPtr = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: (A::D) AD = {}
// CHECK: (A::D::E) ADE = (ADDMember = <read memory from {{.*}} failed>)
// CHECK: Dumping clang ast for 1 modules.
// CHECK: TranslationUnitDecl {{.*}}
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class TrivialC definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct TrivialS definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} union TrivialU definition
// CHECK: |-EnumDecl {{.*}} TrivialE
// CHECK: |-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} A
// CHECK: | |-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} B
// CHECK: | | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<int> definition
// CHECK: | | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} ABCMember 'int'
// CHECK: | | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<float> definition
// CHECK: | | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} ABCMember 'float'
// CHECK: | | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<void> definition
// CHECK: | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} ABCSpecializationMember 'void *'
// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<0> definition
// CHECK: | | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class D definition
// CHECK: | | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} ACDMember 'int'
// CHECK: | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} CPtr 'A::C<-1> *'
// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<-1> definition
// CHECK: | | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class D definition
// CHECK: | | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} ACDMember 'int'
// CHECK: | | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} CPtr 'A::C<-2> *'
// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C<-2>
// CHECK: | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct D definition
// CHECK: | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct E definition
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} ADDMember 'int'
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// REQUIRES: lld
// Test that we can display function signatures with class types.
// RUN: clang-cl /Z7 /GS- /GR- /c -Xclang -fkeep-static-consts /Fo%t.obj -- %s
// RUN: clang-cl /Z7 /GS- /GR- /c -fstandalone-debug -Xclang -fkeep-static-consts /Fo%t.obj -- %s
// RUN: lld-link /DEBUG /nodefaultlib /entry:main /OUT:%t.exe /PDB:%t.pdb -- %t.obj
// RUN: env LLDB_USE_NATIVE_PDB_READER=1 lldb -f %t.exe -s \
// RUN: %p/Inputs/function-types-classes.lldbinit | FileCheck %s
@ -66,6 +66,13 @@ struct B {
// clang (incorrectly) doesn't emit debug information for outer classes
// unless they are instantiated. They should also be emitted if there
// is an inner class which is instantiated.
A::C ForceInstantiateAC;
B ForceInstantiateB;
B::A ForceInstantiateBA;
template<typename T>
struct TC {};
@ -81,31 +88,19 @@ auto d = &four<C, const volatile U*, const volatile E&, const volatile S&&>;
// classes nested in namespaces and inner classes
// FIXME: LLDB with native pdb plugin doesn't currently resolve nested names
// correctly, because it requires creating clang::NamespaceDecl or
// clang::RecordDecl for the outer namespace or classes. PDB doesn't contain
// sufficient information to distinguish namespace scopes from nested class
// scopes, so the best we can hope for is a heuristic reconstruction of the
// clang AST based on demangling the type's unique name. However, this is
// as-yet unimplemented in the native PDB plugin, so for now all of these will
// all just look like `S` when LLDB prints them.
auto e = &three<A::B::S*, B::A::S*, A::C::S&>;
// CHECK: (S *(*)(S *, S &)) e = {{.*}}
// CHECK: (A::B::S *(*)(B::A::S *, A::C::S &)) e = {{.*}}
auto f = &three<A::C::S&, A::B::S*, B::A::S*>;
// CHECK: (S &(*)(S *, S *)) f = {{.*}}
// CHECK: (A::C::S &(*)(A::B::S *, B::A::S *)) f = {{.*}}
auto g = &three<B::A::S*, A::C::S&, A::B::S*>;
// CHECK: (S *(*)(S &, S *)) g = {{.*}}
// CHECK: (B::A::S *(*)(A::C::S &, A::B::S *)) g = {{.*}}
// parameter types that are themselves template instantiations.
auto h = &four<TC<void>, TC<int>, TC<TC<int>>, TC<A::B::S>>;
// Note the awkward space in TC<TC<int> >. This is because this is how template
// instantiations are emitted by the compiler, as the fully instantiated name.
// Only via reconstruction of the AST through the mangled type name (see above
// comment) can we hope to do better than this).
// CHECK: (TC<void> (*)(TC<int>, TC<TC<int> >, S>)) h = {{.*}}
// CHECK: (TC<void> (*)(TC<int>, TC<struct TC<int>>, TC<struct A::B::S>)) h = {{.*}}
auto i = &nullary<A::B::S>;
// CHECK: (S (*)()) i = {{.*}}
// CHECK: (A::B::S (*)()) i = {{.*}}
// Make sure we can handle types that don't have complete debug info.
@ -113,6 +108,25 @@ struct Incomplete;
auto incomplete = &three<Incomplete*, Incomplete**, const Incomplete*>;
// CHECK: (Incomplete *(*)(Incomplete **, const Incomplete *)) incomplete = {{.*}}
// CHECK: TranslationUnitDecl {{.*}}
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class C definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} union U definition
// CHECK: |-EnumDecl {{.*}} E
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct B
// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct A
// CHECK: | | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S
// CHECK: |-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} A
// CHECK: | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct C
// CHECK: | | |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S
// CHECK: | `-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} B
// CHECK: | `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct TC<int> definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct TC<struct TC<int>> definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct TC<struct A::B::S> definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct TC<void> definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct Incomplete
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;

View File

@ -270,6 +270,94 @@ constexpr References ReferencesInstance;
// CHECK-NEXT: (long long &) m = {{.*}}
// CHECK: Dumping clang ast for 1 modules.
// CHECK: TranslationUnitDecl {{.*}}
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class ClassWithPadding definition
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} a 'char'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} b 'short'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} c 'char [2]'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} d 'int'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} e 'char'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} f 'int'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} g 'long long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} h 'char [3]'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} i 'long long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} j 'char [2]'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} k 'long long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} l 'char'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} m 'long long'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} class ClassNoPadding definition
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} a 'unsigned char'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} b 'char'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} c 'bool'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} d 'bool'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} e 'short'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} f 'unsigned short'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} g 'unsigned int'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} h 'int'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} i 'unsigned long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} j 'long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} k 'float'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} l 'EnumType'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} m 'double'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} n 'unsigned long long'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} o 'long long'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} p 'int [5]'
// CHECK: |-EnumDecl {{.*}} EnumType
// CHECK: | |-EnumConstantDecl {{.*}} A 'unsigned int'
// CHECK: | `-EnumConstantDecl {{.*}} B 'unsigned int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct DerivedClass definition
// CHECK: | |-public 'BaseClass<int>'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} DerivedMember 'int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct BaseClass<int> definition
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} BaseMember 'int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct EBO definition
// CHECK: | |-public 'EmptyBase'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} Member 'int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct EmptyBase definition
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct PaddedBases definition
// CHECK: | |-public 'BaseClass<char>'
// CHECK: | |-public 'BaseClass<short>'
// CHECK: | |-public 'BaseClass<int>'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} DerivedMember 'long long'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct BaseClass<char> definition
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} BaseMember 'int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct BaseClass<short> definition
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} BaseMember 'int'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct <unnamed-type-UnnamedClassInstance> definition
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} x 'int'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} EBOC 'EBO'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct Pointers definition
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} a 'void *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} b 'char *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} c 'bool *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} e 'short *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} f 'unsigned short *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} g 'unsigned int *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} h 'int *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} i 'unsigned long *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} j 'long *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} k 'float *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} l 'EnumType *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} m 'double *'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} n 'unsigned long long *'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} o 'long long *'
// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct References definition
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} a 'char &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} b 'bool &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} c 'short &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} d 'unsigned short &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} e 'unsigned int &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} f 'int &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} g 'unsigned long &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} h 'long &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} i 'float &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} j 'EnumType &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} k 'double &'
// CHECK: | |-FieldDecl {{.*}} l 'unsigned long long &'
// CHECK: | `-FieldDecl {{.*}} m 'long long &'
// CHECK: `-<undeserialized declarations>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;

View File

@ -21,6 +21,38 @@ using namespace lldb_private::npdb;
using namespace llvm::codeview;
using namespace llvm::pdb;
CVTagRecord CVTagRecord::create(CVType type) {
assert(IsTagRecord(type) && "type is not a tag record!");
switch (type.kind()) {
case LF_CLASS:
ClassRecord cr;
llvm::cantFail(TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs<ClassRecord>(type, cr));
return CVTagRecord(std::move(cr));
case LF_UNION: {
UnionRecord ur;
llvm::cantFail(TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs<UnionRecord>(type, ur));
return CVTagRecord(std::move(ur));
case LF_ENUM: {
EnumRecord er;
llvm::cantFail(TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs<EnumRecord>(type, er));
return CVTagRecord(std::move(er));
CVTagRecord::CVTagRecord(ClassRecord &&c)
: cvclass(std::move(c)),
m_kind(cvclass.Kind == TypeRecordKind::Struct ? Struct : Class) {}
CVTagRecord::CVTagRecord(UnionRecord &&u)
: cvunion(std::move(u)), m_kind(Union) {}
CVTagRecord::CVTagRecord(EnumRecord &&e) : cvenum(std::move(e)), m_kind(Enum) {}
PDB_SymType lldb_private::npdb::CVSymToPDBSym(SymbolKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case S_COMPILE3:
@ -94,6 +126,8 @@ PDB_SymType lldb_private::npdb::CVTypeToPDBType(TypeLeafKind kind) {
return PDB_SymType::Enum;
return PDB_SymType::FunctionSig;
return PDB_SymType::BuiltinType;
lldbassert(false && "Invalid type record kind!");
@ -306,6 +340,18 @@ bool lldb_private::npdb::IsForwardRefUdt(CVType cvt) {
bool lldb_private::npdb::IsTagRecord(llvm::codeview::CVType cvt) {
switch (cvt.kind()) {
case LF_CLASS:
case LF_UNION:
case LF_ENUM:
return true;
return false;
lldb_private::npdb::TranslateMemberAccess(MemberAccess access) {
switch (access) {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolRecord.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeRecord.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBTypes.h"
#include <tuple>
@ -21,6 +22,48 @@
namespace lldb_private {
namespace npdb {
struct CVTagRecord {
enum Kind { Class, Struct, Union, Enum };
static CVTagRecord create(llvm::codeview::CVType type);
Kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
const llvm::codeview::TagRecord &asTag() const {
if (m_kind == Struct || m_kind == Class)
return cvclass;
if (m_kind == Enum)
return cvenum;
return cvunion;
const llvm::codeview::ClassRecord &asClass() const {
assert(m_kind == Struct || m_kind == Class);
return cvclass;
const llvm::codeview::EnumRecord &asEnum() const {
assert(m_kind == Enum);
return cvenum;
const llvm::codeview::UnionRecord &asUnion() const {
assert(m_kind == Union);
return cvunion;
CVTagRecord(llvm::codeview::ClassRecord &&c);
CVTagRecord(llvm::codeview::UnionRecord &&u);
CVTagRecord(llvm::codeview::EnumRecord &&e);
Kind m_kind;
union {
llvm::codeview::ClassRecord cvclass;
llvm::codeview::EnumRecord cvenum;
llvm::codeview::UnionRecord cvunion;
struct SegmentOffset {
SegmentOffset() = default;
SegmentOffset(uint16_t s, uint32_t o) : segment(s), offset(o) {}
@ -56,6 +99,7 @@ inline bool IsValidRecord(const llvm::codeview::ProcRefSym &sym) {
bool IsForwardRefUdt(llvm::codeview::CVType cvt);
bool IsTagRecord(llvm::codeview::CVType cvt);
lldb::AccessType TranslateMemberAccess(llvm::codeview::MemberAccess access);
llvm::codeview::TypeIndex GetFieldListIndex(llvm::codeview::CVType cvt);

View File

@ -13,13 +13,16 @@
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamBuffer.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTImporter.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangExternalASTSourceCommon.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangUtil.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
@ -43,14 +46,14 @@
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Demangle/MicrosoftDemangle.h"
#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "Plugins/Language/CPlusPlus/CPlusPlusNameParser.h"
#include "PdbSymUid.h"
#include "PdbUtil.h"
#include "UdtRecordCompleter.h"
@ -527,9 +530,60 @@ void SymbolFileNativePDB::InitializeObject() {
TypeSystem *ts = GetTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus);
m_clang = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<ClangASTContext>(ts);
m_importer = llvm::make_unique<ClangASTImporter>();
void SymbolFileNativePDB::PreprocessTpiStream() {
LazyRandomTypeCollection &types = m_index->tpi().typeCollection();
for (auto ti = types.getFirst(); ti; ti = types.getNext(*ti)) {
CVType type = types.getType(*ti);
if (!IsTagRecord(type))
CVTagRecord tag = CVTagRecord::create(type);
// We're looking for LF_NESTTYPE records in the field list, so ignore
// forward references (no field list), and anything without a nested class
// (since there won't be any LF_NESTTYPE records).
if (tag.asTag().isForwardRef() || !tag.asTag().containsNestedClass())
struct ProcessTpiStream : public TypeVisitorCallbacks {
ProcessTpiStream(PdbIndex &index, TypeIndex parent,
llvm::DenseMap<TypeIndex, TypeIndex> &parents)
: index(index), parents(parents), parent(parent) {}
PdbIndex &index;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeIndex, TypeIndex> &parents;
TypeIndex parent;
llvm::Error visitKnownMember(CVMemberRecord &CVR,
NestedTypeRecord &Record) override {
parents[Record.Type] = parent;
CVType child = index.tpi().getType(Record.Type);
if (!IsForwardRefUdt(child))
return llvm::ErrorSuccess();
llvm::Expected<TypeIndex> full_decl =
if (!full_decl) {
return llvm::ErrorSuccess();
parents[*full_decl] = parent;
return llvm::ErrorSuccess();
CVType field_list = m_index->tpi().getType(tag.asTag().FieldList);
ProcessTpiStream process(*m_index, *ti, m_parent_types);
llvm::Error error = visitMemberRecordStream(field_list.data(), process);
if (error)
uint32_t SymbolFileNativePDB::GetNumCompileUnits() {
const DbiModuleList &modules = m_index->dbi().modules();
uint32_t count = modules.getModuleCount();
@ -730,16 +784,69 @@ lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateSimpleType(TypeIndex ti) {
ct, Type::eResolveStateFull);
static std::string RenderDemanglerNode(llvm::ms_demangle::Node *n) {
OutputStream OS;
initializeOutputStream(nullptr, nullptr, OS, 1024);
n->output(OS, llvm::ms_demangle::OF_Default);
OS << '\0';
return {OS.getBuffer()};
std::pair<clang::DeclContext *, std::string>
SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateDeclInfoForType(const TagRecord &record,
TypeIndex ti) {
llvm::ms_demangle::Demangler demangler;
StringView sv(record.UniqueName.begin(), record.UniqueName.size());
llvm::ms_demangle::TagTypeNode *ttn = demangler.parseTagUniqueName(sv);
llvm::ms_demangle::IdentifierNode *idn =
std::string uname = RenderDemanglerNode(idn);
llvm::ms_demangle::NodeArrayNode *name_components =
llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::ms_demangle::Node *> scopes(name_components->Nodes,
name_components->Count - 1);
clang::DeclContext *context = m_clang->GetTranslationUnitDecl();
// If this type doesn't have a parent type in the debug info, then the best we
// can do is to say that it's either a series of namespaces (if the scope is
// non-empty), or the translation unit (if the scope is empty).
auto parent_iter = m_parent_types.find(ti);
if (parent_iter == m_parent_types.end()) {
if (scopes.empty())
return {context, uname};
for (llvm::ms_demangle::Node *scope : scopes) {
auto *nii = static_cast<llvm::ms_demangle::NamedIdentifierNode *>(scope);
std::string str = RenderDemanglerNode(nii);
context = m_clang->GetUniqueNamespaceDeclaration(str.c_str(), context);
return {context, uname};
// Otherwise, all we need to do is get the parent type of this type and
// recurse into our lazy type creation / AST reconstruction logic to get an
// LLDB TypeSP for the parent. This will cause the AST to automatically get
// the right DeclContext created for any parent.
TypeSP parent = GetOrCreateType(parent_iter->second);
if (!parent)
return {context, uname};
CompilerType parent_ct = parent->GetForwardCompilerType();
clang::QualType qt = ClangUtil::GetCanonicalQualType(parent_ct);
context = clang::TagDecl::castToDeclContext(qt->getAsTagDecl());
return {context, uname};
lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateClassStructUnion(
PdbSymUid type_uid, llvm::StringRef name, size_t size,
PdbSymUid type_uid, const llvm::codeview::TagRecord &record, size_t size,
clang::TagTypeKind ttk, clang::MSInheritanceAttr::Spelling inheritance) {
// Ignore unnamed-tag UDTs.
name = DropNameScope(name);
if (name.empty())
return nullptr;
clang::DeclContext *decl_context = m_clang->GetTranslationUnitDecl();
const PdbTypeSymId &tid = type_uid.asTypeSym();
TypeIndex ti(tid.index);
clang::DeclContext *decl_context = nullptr;
std::string uname;
std::tie(decl_context, uname) = CreateDeclInfoForType(record, ti);
lldb::AccessType access =
(ttk == clang::TTK_Class) ? lldb::eAccessPrivate : lldb::eAccessPublic;
@ -749,8 +856,9 @@ lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateClassStructUnion(
CompilerType ct =
m_clang->CreateRecordType(decl_context, access, name.str().c_str(), ttk,
m_clang->CreateRecordType(decl_context, access, uname.c_str(), ttk,
lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus, &metadata);
clang::CXXRecordDecl *record_decl =
@ -771,7 +879,7 @@ lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateClassStructUnion(
// FIXME: Search IPI stream for LF_UDT_MOD_SRC_LINE.
Declaration decl;
return std::make_shared<Type>(type_uid.toOpaqueId(), m_clang->GetSymbolFile(),
ConstString(name), size, nullptr,
ConstString(uname), size, nullptr,
LLDB_INVALID_UID, Type::eEncodingIsUID, decl,
ct, Type::eResolveStateForward);
@ -782,14 +890,13 @@ lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateTagType(PdbSymUid type_uid,
clang::MSInheritanceAttr::Spelling inheritance =
GetMSInheritance(m_index->tpi().typeCollection(), cr);
return CreateClassStructUnion(type_uid, cr.getName(), cr.getSize(), ttk,
return CreateClassStructUnion(type_uid, cr, cr.getSize(), ttk, inheritance);
lldb::TypeSP SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateTagType(PdbSymUid type_uid,
const UnionRecord &ur) {
return CreateClassStructUnion(
type_uid, ur.getName(), ur.getSize(), clang::TTK_Union,
type_uid, ur, ur.getSize(), clang::TTK_Union,

View File

@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ public:
void DumpClangAST(Stream &s) override;
std::pair<clang::DeclContext *, std::string>
CreateDeclInfoForType(const llvm::codeview::TagRecord &record,
llvm::codeview::TypeIndex ti);
void PreprocessTpiStream();
size_t FindTypesByName(llvm::StringRef name, uint32_t max_matches,
TypeMap &types);
@ -180,10 +185,9 @@ private:
const llvm::codeview::ArrayRecord &ar);
lldb::TypeSP CreateProcedureType(PdbSymUid type_uid,
const llvm::codeview::ProcedureRecord &pr);
CreateClassStructUnion(PdbSymUid type_uid, llvm::StringRef name, size_t size,
clang::TagTypeKind ttk,
clang::MSInheritanceAttr::Spelling inheritance);
lldb::TypeSP CreateClassStructUnion(
PdbSymUid type_uid, const llvm::codeview::TagRecord &record, size_t size,
clang::TagTypeKind ttk, clang::MSInheritanceAttr::Spelling inheritance);
lldb::FunctionSP GetOrCreateFunction(PdbSymUid func_uid,
const SymbolContext &sc);
@ -209,6 +213,8 @@ private:
llvm::DenseMap<clang::TagDecl *, DeclStatus> m_decl_to_status;
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, clang::TagDecl *> m_uid_to_decl;
llvm::DenseMap<llvm::codeview::TypeIndex, llvm::codeview::TypeIndex>
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::VariableSP> m_global_vars;
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::FunctionSP> m_functions;

View File

@ -429,6 +429,10 @@ public:
return (Options & ClassOptions::ForwardReference) != ClassOptions::None;
bool containsNestedClass() const {
return (Options & ClassOptions::ContainsNestedClass) != ClassOptions::None;
bool isScoped() const {
return (Options & ClassOptions::Scoped) != ClassOptions::None;