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; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-codegen-ppcg -polly-acc-dump-code \
; RUN: -polly-acc-use-shared \
; RUN: -disable-output < %s | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CODE %s
; REQUIRES: pollyacc
; void add(float *A, float alpha) {
; for (long i = 0; i < 32; i++)
; for (long j = 0; j < 10; j++)
; A[i] += alpha;
; }
; CODE: read(t0);
; CODE-NEXT: sync0();
; CODE-NEXT: for (int c3 = 0; c3 <= 9; c3 += 1)
; CODE-NEXT: Stmt_bb5(t0, c3);
; CODE-NEXT: sync1();
; CODE-NEXT: write(t0);
; This test case was intended to test code generation for scalars stored
; in shared memory. However, after properly marking the scalar as read-only
; the scalar is not stored any more in shared memory. We still leave this
; test case as documentation if we every forget to mark scalars as read-only.
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
define void @add(float* %A, float %alpha) {
br label %bb2
bb2: ; preds = %bb11, %bb
%i.0 = phi i64 [ 0, %bb ], [ %tmp12, %bb11 ]
%exitcond1 = icmp ne i64 %i.0, 32
br i1 %exitcond1, label %bb3, label %bb13
bb3: ; preds = %bb2
br label %bb4
bb4: ; preds = %bb8, %bb3
%j.0 = phi i64 [ 0, %bb3 ], [ %tmp9, %bb8 ]
%exitcond = icmp ne i64 %j.0, 10
br i1 %exitcond, label %bb5, label %bb10
bb5: ; preds = %bb4
%tmp = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %A, i64 %i.0
%tmp6 = load float, float* %tmp, align 4
%tmp7 = fadd float %tmp6, %alpha
store float %tmp7, float* %tmp, align 4
br label %bb8
bb8: ; preds = %bb5
%tmp9 = add nuw nsw i64 %j.0, 1
br label %bb4
bb10: ; preds = %bb4
br label %bb11
bb11: ; preds = %bb10
%tmp12 = add nuw nsw i64 %i.0, 1
br label %bb2
bb13: ; preds = %bb2
ret void