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Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; RUN: opt < %s -basicaa -scoped-noalias -aa-eval -evaluate-aa-metadata -print-all-alias-modref-info -disable-output 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
define void @foo1(float* nocapture %a, float* nocapture readonly %c) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: Function: foo1
%0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0
[opaque pointer type] Add textual IR support for explicit type parameter to getelementptr instruction One of several parallel first steps to remove the target type of pointers, replacing them with a single opaque pointer type. This adds an explicit type parameter to the gep instruction so that when the first parameter becomes an opaque pointer type, the type to gep through is still available to the instructions. * This doesn't modify gep operators, only instructions (operators will be handled separately) * Textual IR changes only. Bitcode (including upgrade) and changing the in-memory representation will be in separate changes. * geps of vectors are transformed as: getelementptr <4 x float*> %x, ... ->getelementptr float, <4 x float*> %x, ... Then, once the opaque pointer type is introduced, this will ultimately look like: getelementptr float, <4 x ptr> %x with the unambiguous interpretation that it is a vector of pointers to float. * address spaces remain on the pointer, not the type: getelementptr float addrspace(1)* %x ->getelementptr float, float addrspace(1)* %x Then, eventually: getelementptr float, ptr addrspace(1) %x Importantly, the massive amount of test case churn has been automated by same crappy python code. I had to manually update a few test cases that wouldn't fit the script's model (r228970,r229196,r229197,r229198). The python script just massages stdin and writes the result to stdout, I then wrapped that in a shell script to handle replacing files, then using the usual find+xargs to migrate all the files. update.py: import fileinput import sys import re ibrep = re.compile(r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr inbounds )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") normrep = re.compile( r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") def conv(match, line): if not match: return line line = match.groups()[0] if len(match.groups()[5]) == 0: line += match.groups()[2] line += match.groups()[3] line += ", " line += match.groups()[1] line += "\n" return line for line in sys.stdin: if line.find("getelementptr ") == line.find("getelementptr inbounds"): if line.find("getelementptr inbounds") != line.find("getelementptr inbounds ("): line = conv(re.match(ibrep, line), line) elif line.find("getelementptr ") != line.find("getelementptr ("): line = conv(re.match(normrep, line), line) sys.stdout.write(line) apply.sh: for name in "$@" do python3 `dirname "$0"`/update.py < "$name" > "$name.tmp" && mv "$name.tmp" "$name" rm -f "$name.tmp" done The actual commands: From llvm/src: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh From llvm/src/tools/clang: find test/ -name *.mm -o -name *.m -o -name *.cpp -o -name *.c | xargs -I '{}' ../../apply.sh "{}" From llvm/src/tools/polly: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh After that, check-all (with llvm, clang, clang-tools-extra, lld, compiler-rt, and polly all checked out). The extra 'rm' in the apply.sh script is due to a few files in clang's test suite using interesting unicode stuff that my python script was throwing exceptions on. None of those files needed to be migrated, so it seemed sufficient to ignore those cases. Reviewers: rafael, dexonsmith, grosser Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D7636 llvm-svn: 230786
2015-02-28 03:29:02 +08:00
%arrayidx.i = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %a, i64 5
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
%1 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !7
[opaque pointer type] Add textual IR support for explicit type parameter to getelementptr instruction One of several parallel first steps to remove the target type of pointers, replacing them with a single opaque pointer type. This adds an explicit type parameter to the gep instruction so that when the first parameter becomes an opaque pointer type, the type to gep through is still available to the instructions. * This doesn't modify gep operators, only instructions (operators will be handled separately) * Textual IR changes only. Bitcode (including upgrade) and changing the in-memory representation will be in separate changes. * geps of vectors are transformed as: getelementptr <4 x float*> %x, ... ->getelementptr float, <4 x float*> %x, ... Then, once the opaque pointer type is introduced, this will ultimately look like: getelementptr float, <4 x ptr> %x with the unambiguous interpretation that it is a vector of pointers to float. * address spaces remain on the pointer, not the type: getelementptr float addrspace(1)* %x ->getelementptr float, float addrspace(1)* %x Then, eventually: getelementptr float, ptr addrspace(1) %x Importantly, the massive amount of test case churn has been automated by same crappy python code. I had to manually update a few test cases that wouldn't fit the script's model (r228970,r229196,r229197,r229198). The python script just massages stdin and writes the result to stdout, I then wrapped that in a shell script to handle replacing files, then using the usual find+xargs to migrate all the files. update.py: import fileinput import sys import re ibrep = re.compile(r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr inbounds )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") normrep = re.compile( r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") def conv(match, line): if not match: return line line = match.groups()[0] if len(match.groups()[5]) == 0: line += match.groups()[2] line += match.groups()[3] line += ", " line += match.groups()[1] line += "\n" return line for line in sys.stdin: if line.find("getelementptr ") == line.find("getelementptr inbounds"): if line.find("getelementptr inbounds") != line.find("getelementptr inbounds ("): line = conv(re.match(ibrep, line), line) elif line.find("getelementptr ") != line.find("getelementptr ("): line = conv(re.match(normrep, line), line) sys.stdout.write(line) apply.sh: for name in "$@" do python3 `dirname "$0"`/update.py < "$name" > "$name.tmp" && mv "$name.tmp" "$name" rm -f "$name.tmp" done The actual commands: From llvm/src: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh From llvm/src/tools/clang: find test/ -name *.mm -o -name *.m -o -name *.cpp -o -name *.c | xargs -I '{}' ../../apply.sh "{}" From llvm/src/tools/polly: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh After that, check-all (with llvm, clang, clang-tools-extra, lld, compiler-rt, and polly all checked out). The extra 'rm' in the apply.sh script is due to a few files in clang's test suite using interesting unicode stuff that my python script was throwing exceptions on. None of those files needed to be migrated, so it seemed sufficient to ignore those cases. Reviewers: rafael, dexonsmith, grosser Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D7636 llvm-svn: 230786
2015-02-28 03:29:02 +08:00
%arrayidx.i2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %a, i64 15
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
%2 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !6
[opaque pointer type] Add textual IR support for explicit type parameter to getelementptr instruction One of several parallel first steps to remove the target type of pointers, replacing them with a single opaque pointer type. This adds an explicit type parameter to the gep instruction so that when the first parameter becomes an opaque pointer type, the type to gep through is still available to the instructions. * This doesn't modify gep operators, only instructions (operators will be handled separately) * Textual IR changes only. Bitcode (including upgrade) and changing the in-memory representation will be in separate changes. * geps of vectors are transformed as: getelementptr <4 x float*> %x, ... ->getelementptr float, <4 x float*> %x, ... Then, once the opaque pointer type is introduced, this will ultimately look like: getelementptr float, <4 x ptr> %x with the unambiguous interpretation that it is a vector of pointers to float. * address spaces remain on the pointer, not the type: getelementptr float addrspace(1)* %x ->getelementptr float, float addrspace(1)* %x Then, eventually: getelementptr float, ptr addrspace(1) %x Importantly, the massive amount of test case churn has been automated by same crappy python code. I had to manually update a few test cases that wouldn't fit the script's model (r228970,r229196,r229197,r229198). The python script just massages stdin and writes the result to stdout, I then wrapped that in a shell script to handle replacing files, then using the usual find+xargs to migrate all the files. update.py: import fileinput import sys import re ibrep = re.compile(r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr inbounds )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") normrep = re.compile( r"(^.*?[^%\w]getelementptr )(((?:<\d* x )?)(.*?)(| addrspace\(\d\)) *\*(|>)(?:$| *(?:%|@|null|undef|blockaddress|getelementptr|addrspacecast|bitcast|inttoptr|\[\[[a-zA-Z]|\{\{).*$))") def conv(match, line): if not match: return line line = match.groups()[0] if len(match.groups()[5]) == 0: line += match.groups()[2] line += match.groups()[3] line += ", " line += match.groups()[1] line += "\n" return line for line in sys.stdin: if line.find("getelementptr ") == line.find("getelementptr inbounds"): if line.find("getelementptr inbounds") != line.find("getelementptr inbounds ("): line = conv(re.match(ibrep, line), line) elif line.find("getelementptr ") != line.find("getelementptr ("): line = conv(re.match(normrep, line), line) sys.stdout.write(line) apply.sh: for name in "$@" do python3 `dirname "$0"`/update.py < "$name" > "$name.tmp" && mv "$name.tmp" "$name" rm -f "$name.tmp" done The actual commands: From llvm/src: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh From llvm/src/tools/clang: find test/ -name *.mm -o -name *.m -o -name *.cpp -o -name *.c | xargs -I '{}' ../../apply.sh "{}" From llvm/src/tools/polly: find test/ -name *.ll | xargs ./apply.sh After that, check-all (with llvm, clang, clang-tools-extra, lld, compiler-rt, and polly all checked out). The extra 'rm' in the apply.sh script is due to a few files in clang's test suite using interesting unicode stuff that my python script was throwing exceptions on. None of those files needed to be migrated, so it seemed sufficient to ignore those cases. Reviewers: rafael, dexonsmith, grosser Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D7636 llvm-svn: 230786
2015-02-28 03:29:02 +08:00
%arrayidx.i3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %a, i64 16
store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
ret void
attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable }
!2 = !{!2, !"some domain"}
!5 = !{!5, !"some other domain"}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; Two scopes (which must be self-referential to avoid being "uniqued"):
!1 = !{!1, !2, !"a scope in dom0"}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
!3 = !{!3, !2, !"another scope in dom0"}
!7 = !{!3}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; A list of the two scopes.
!6 = !{!1, !3}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; Another scope in the second domain
!4 = !{!4, !5, !"another scope in dom1"}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; A list of scopes from both domains.
!0 = !{!1, !3, !4}
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; CHECK: NoAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: MayAlias: %0 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0 <-> store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7
; CHECK: NoAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !7 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !7 <-> store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: %1 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !7 <-> store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7
; CHECK: NoAlias: %2 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !6 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: %2 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !6 <-> store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: MayAlias: %2 = load float, float* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !6 <-> store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7
Simplify and improve scoped-noalias metadata semantics In the process of fixing the noalias parameter -> metadata conversion process that will take place during inlining (which will be committed soon, but not turned on by default), I have come to realize that the semantics provided by yesterday's commit are not really what we want. Here's why: void foo(noalias a, noalias b, noalias c, bool x) { *q = x ? a : b; *c = *q; } Generically, we know that *c does not alias with *a and with *b (so there is an 'and' in what we know we're not), and we know that *q might be derived from *a or from *b (so there is an 'or' in what we know that we are). So we do not want the semantics currently, where any noalias scope matching any alias.scope causes a NoAlias return. What we want to know is that the noalias scopes form a superset of the alias.scope list (meaning that all the things we know we're not is a superset of all of things the other instruction might be). Making that change, however, introduces a composibility problem. If we inline once, adding the noalias metadata, and then inline again adding more, and we append new scopes onto the noalias and alias.scope lists each time. But, this means that we could change what was a NoAlias result previously into a MayAlias result because we appended an additional scope onto one of the alias.scope lists. So, instead of giving scopes the ability to have parents (which I had borrowed from the TBAA implementation, but seems increasingly unlikely to be useful in practice), I've given them domains. The subset/superset condition now applies within each domain independently, and we only need it to hold in one domain. Each time we inline, we add the new scopes in a new scope domain, and everything now composes nicely. In addition, this simplifies the implementation. llvm-svn: 213948
2014-07-25 23:50:02 +08:00
; CHECK: NoAlias: store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7 <-> store float %0, float* %arrayidx.i, align 4, !noalias !6
; CHECK: NoAlias: store float %2, float* %arrayidx.i3, align 4, !noalias !7 <-> store float %1, float* %arrayidx.i2, align 4, !noalias !6