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.. index:: clang-modernize
Clang C++ Modernizer User's Manual
.. toctree::
:program:`clang-modernize` is a standalone tool used to automatically convert
C++ code written against old standards to use features of the newest C++
standard where appropriate.
Getting Started
To build from source:
1. Read `Getting Started with the LLVM System`_ and `Clang Tools
Documentation`_ for information on getting sources for LLVM, Clang, and
Clang Extra Tools.
2. `Getting Started with the LLVM System`_ and `Building LLVM with CMake`_ give
directions for how to build. With sources all checked out into the
right place the LLVM build will build Clang Extra Tools and their
dependencies automatically.
* If using CMake, you can also use the ``clang-modernize`` target to build
just the Modernizer and its dependencies.
Before continuing, take a look at :doc:`ModernizerUsage` to see how to invoke
the Modernizer.
Before running the Modernizer on code you'll need the arguments you'd normally
pass to the compiler. If you're migrating a single file with few compiler
arguments, it might be easier to pass the compiler args on the command line
after ``--``. If you don't have any compiler arguments then ``--`` is not needed.
If you're working with multiple files or even a single file with many compiler
args, it's probably best to use a *compilation database*.
A `compilation database`_ contains the command-line arguments for multiple
files. If the code you want to transform can be built with CMake, you can
generate this database easily by running CMake with the
``-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS`` option. The Ninja_ build system, since
v1.2, can create this file too using the *compdb* tool: ``ninja -t compdb``. If
you're not already using either of these tools or cannot easily make use of
them you might consider looking into Bear_.
In addition to the compiler arguments you usually build your code with, you must
provide the option for enabling C++11 features. For clang and versions of gcc
≥ v4.8 this is ``-std=c++11``.
With compiler arguments in hand, the modernizer can be applied to sources. Each
transform is applied to all sources before the next transform. All the changes
generated by each transform pass are serialized to disk and applied using
``clang-apply-replacements``. This executable must be located on the ``PATH``
or be present in the same directory as the ``clang-modernizer`` executable. If
any changes fail to apply, the modernizer will **not** proceed to the next
transform and will halt.
There's a small chance that changes made by a transform will produce code that
doesn't compile, also causing the modernizer to halt. This can happen with
bugs in the transforms or use of the pre-processor to make the same code behave
differently between translation units. Before logging a bug, be sure which
situation you are dealing with.
.. _Ninja: http://martine.github.io/ninja/
.. _Bear: https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear
.. _compilation database: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html
.. _Getting Started with the LLVM System: http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html
.. _Building LLVM with CMake: http://llvm.org/docs/CMake.html
.. _Clang Tools Documentation: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangTools.html
Getting Involved
If you find a bug
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Bugs and feature development of the Modernizer are tracked at
http://cpp11-migrate.atlassian.net. If you want to get involved the front page
shows a list of outstanding issues or you can browse around the project to get
familiar. To take on issues or contribute feature requests and/or bug reports
you need to sign up for an account from the `log in page`_. An account also
lets you sign up for notifications on issues or vote for unassigned issues to
be completed.
.. _log in page: https://cpp11-migrate.atlassian.net/login
.. _transforms:
The Modernizer is a collection of independent transforms which can be
independently enabled. The transforms currently implemented are:
* :doc:`LoopConvertTransform`
* :doc:`UseNullptrTransform`
* :doc:`UseAutoTransform`
* :doc:`AddOverrideTransform`
* :doc:`PassByValueTransform`
* :doc:`ReplaceAutoPtrTransform`