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""" Post process SWIG Bridge wrapper code Python script for Windows/LINUX/OSX platform
File: finishSwigWrapperClasses.py
Overview: Python script(s) to finish off the SWIG Python C++ Script
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform.
The Python scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh)
We use SWIG to create a C++ file containing the appropriate
wrapper classes and functions for each scripting language,
before liblldb is built (thus the C++ file can be compiled
into liblldb. In some cases, additional work may need to be
done after liblldb has been compiled, to make the scripting
language stuff fully functional. Any such post-processing
is handled through the Python scripts called here.
Environment: OS: Windows Vista or newer,LINUX,OSX.
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6/2.7.5 x64
Other: None.
Gotchas: None.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import sys # Provide argument parsing
import os # Provide directory and file handling
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsArgsParse # Parse and validate this script's input arguments
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
import utilsDebug # Debug Python scripts
# Instantiations:
gbDbgVerbose = False; # True = Turn on script function tracing, False = off.
gbDbgFlag = False; # Global debug mode flag, set by input parameter
# --dbgFlag. True = operate in debug mode.
gbMakeFileFlag = False; # True = yes called from makefile system, False = not.
# User facing text:
strMsgErrorNoMain = "Program called by another Python script not allowed";
strExitMsgSuccess = "Program successful";
strExitMsgError = "Program error: ";
strParameter = "Parameter: ";
strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown = "Unable to determine OS type"
strScriptDirNotFound = "Unable to locate the script directory \'/script\'";
strScriptLangsFound = "Found the following script languages:";
strPostProcessError = "Executing \'%s\' post process script failed: ";
strScriptNotFound = "Unable to locate the post process script file \'%s\' in \'%s\'";
strScriptLangFound = "Found \'%s\' build script.";
strScriptLangsFound = "Found the following script languages:";
strExecuteMsg = "Executing \'%s\' build script...";
strExecuteError = "Executing \'%s\' build script failed: ";
strHelpInfo = "\
Python script(s) to finish off the SWIG Python C++ Script \n\
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform. The Python \n\
scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh) files \n\
run on others platforms.\n\
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.\n\
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script\n\
outputs additional information when running.\n\
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system.\n\
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.\n\
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.\n\
--cfgBldDir= (optional) Where the build-swig-Python-LLDB.py program \n\
will put the lldb.py file it generated from running\n\
--prefix= (optional) Is the root directory used to determine where\n\
third-party modules for scripting languages should\n\
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put\n\
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them\n\
automatically. Python install directory.\n\
--cmakeBuildConfiguration= (optional) Is the build configuration(Debug, Release, RelWithDebugInfo)\n\
used to determine where the bin and lib directories are \n\
created for a Windows build.\n\
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the\n\
command line. Other command line args are ignored.\n\
finishSwigWrapperClasses.py --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath\n\
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d\n\
# Details: Exit the program on success. Called on program successfully done
# its work. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) 0 or greater indicating success.
# vMsg - (R) Success message if any to show success to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg ):
strMsg = "";
if vMsg.__len__() == 0:
strMsg = "%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vnResult);
strMsg = "%s: %s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vMsg, vnResult);
print strMsg;
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program with error. Called on exit program failed its
# task. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A negative number indicating error condition.
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg ):
print "%s%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgError, vMsg, vnResult);
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program return a exit result number and print a message.
# Positive numbers and zero are returned for success other error
# occurred.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A -ve (an error), 0 or +ve number (ok or status).
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit( vnResult, vMsg ):
if vnResult >= 0:
program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg );
program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg );
# Details: Dump input parameters.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Map of input args to value.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def print_out_input_parameters( vDictArgs ):
for arg, val in vDictArgs.iteritems():
strEqs = "";
strQ = "";
if val.__len__() != 0:
strEqs = " =";
strQ = "\"";
print "%s%s%s %s%s%s\n" % (strParameter, arg, strEqs, strQ, val, strQ);
# Details: Validate the arguments passed to the program. This function exits
# the program should error with the arguments be found.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: Int - 0 = success, -ve = some failure.
# Dict - Map of arguments names to argument values
# Throws: None.
def validate_arguments( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "validate_arguments()" );
strMsg = "";
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strListArgs = "hdm"; # Format "hiox:" = -h -i -o -x <arg>
listLongArgs = ["srcRoot=", "targetDir=", "cfgBldDir=", "prefix=", "cmakeBuildConfiguration=",
"argsFile", "buildConfig="];
dictArgReq = { "-h": "o", # o = optional, m = mandatory
"-d": "o",
"-m": "o",
"--srcRoot": "m",
"--targetDir": "m",
"--cfgBldDir": "o",
"--buildConfig": "m",
"--prefix": "o",
"--cmakeBuildConfiguration": "o",
"--argsFile": "o" };
# Check for mandatory parameters
nResult, dictArgs, strMsg = utilsArgsParse.parse( vArgv, strListArgs,
strHelpInfo );
if nResult < 0:
program_exit_on_failure( nResult, strMsg );
# User input -h for help
if nResult == 1:
program_exit_success( 0, strMsg );
return (nResult, dictArgs);
# Details: Locate post process script language directory and the script within
# and execute.
# Args: vStrScriptLang - (R) Name of the script language to build.
# vstrFinishFileName - (R) Prefix file name to build full name.
# vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_post_process( vStrScriptLang, vstrFinishFileName, vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_post_process()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strScriptFile = vstrFinishFileName % vStrScriptLang;
strScriptFileDir = "%s%s/%s" % (vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ], "/scripts",
strScriptFilePath = "%s/%s" % (strScriptFileDir, strScriptFile);
# Check for the existence of the script file
strPath = os.path.normcase( strScriptFilePath );
bOk = os.path.exists( strPath );
if bOk == False:
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
strStatusMsg = strScriptNotFound % (strScriptFile, strDir);
return (-9, strStatusMsg);
if gbDbgFlag:
print strScriptLangFound % vStrScriptLang;
print strExecuteMsg % vStrScriptLang;
# Change where Python looks for our modules
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
sys.path.append( strDir );
# Execute the specific language script
dictArgs = vDictArgs; # Remove any args not required before passing on
strModuleName = strScriptFile[ : strScriptFile.__len__() - 3 ];
module = __import__( strModuleName );
nResult, strStatusMsg = module.main( dictArgs );
# Revert sys path
sys.path.remove( strDir );
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Step through each script language sub directory supported
# and execute post processing script for each scripting language,
# make sure the build script for that language exists.
# For now the only language we support is Python, but we expect this
# to change.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_post_process_for_each_script_supported( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_post_process_for_each_script_supported()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strScriptDir = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ] + "/scripts";
strFinishFileName = "finishSwig%sLLDB.py";
# Check for the existence of the scripts folder
strScriptsDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptDir );
bOk = os.path.exists( strScriptsDir );
if bOk == False:
return (-8, strScriptDirNotFound);
# Look for any script language directories to build for
listDirs = [];
nDepth = 1;
for strPath, listDirs, listFiles in os.walk( strScriptDir ):
nDepth = nDepth - 1;
if nDepth == 0:
if gbDbgFlag:
print strScriptLangsFound,
for dir in listDirs:
print dir,
print "\n";
# Iterate script directory find any script language directories
for scriptLang in listDirs:
dbg.dump_text( "Executing language script for \'%s\'" % scriptLang );
nResult, strStatusMsg = run_post_process( scriptLang, strFinishFileName,
vDictArgs );
if nResult < 0:
if nResult < 0:
strTmp = strPostProcessError % scriptLang;
strTmp += strStatusMsg;
strStatusMsg = strTmp;
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Program's main() with arguments passed in from the command line.
# Program either exits normally or with error from this function -
# top most level function.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: None
# Throws: None.
def main( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "main()" );
bOk = False;
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strMsg = "";
# The validate arguments fn will exit the program if tests fail
nResult, dictArgs = validate_arguments( vArgv );
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
program_exit( -4, strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown );
global gbDbgFlag;
gbDbgFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
if gbDbgFlag:
print_out_input_parameters( dictArgs );
# Check to see if we were called from the Makefile system. If we were, check
# if the caller wants SWIG to generate a dependency file.
# Not used in this program, but passed through to the language script file
# called by this program
global gbMakeFileFlag;
gbMakeFileFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
nResult, strMsg = run_post_process_for_each_script_supported( dictArgs );
program_exit( nResult, strMsg );
""" Details: Program main entry point.
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script
outputs additional information when running.
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
else in the --targetDir folder.
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
--cfgBldDir= Where the buildSwigPythonLLDB.py program will
(optional) put the lldb.py file it generated from running
--prefix= Is the root directory used to determine where
(optional) third-party modules for scripting languages should
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
automatically. Python install directory.
--cmakeBuildConfiguration= (optional) Is the build configuration(Debug, Release, RelWithDebugInfo)\n\
used to determine where the bin and lib directories are \n\
created for a Windows build.\n\
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the
command line. Other command line args are ignored.
finishSwigWrapperClasses.py --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d
Results: 0 Success
-1 Error - invalid parameters passed.
-2 Error - incorrect number of mandatory parameters passed.
-4 Error - unable to determine OS type.
-5 Error - program not run with name of "__main__".
-8 Error - unable to locate the scripts folder.
-9 Error - unable to locate the post process language script
-100+ - Error messages from the child language script file.
# Called using "__main__" when not imported i.e. from the command line
if __name__ == "__main__":
utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn = gbDbgVerbose;
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "__main__" );
main( sys.argv[ 1: ] );
program_exit( -5, strMsgErrorNoMain );