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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -Wc++98-compat -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 %s
2011-10-15 04:41:13 +08:00
template<typename ...T> // expected-warning {{variadic templates are incompatible with C++98}}
class Variadic1 {};
template<template<typename> class ...T> // expected-warning {{variadic templates are incompatible with C++98}}
class Variadic2 {};
template<int ...I> // expected-warning {{variadic templates are incompatible with C++98}}
class Variadic3 {};
int alignas(8) with_alignas; // expected-warning {{'alignas' is incompatible with C++98}}
int with_attribute [[ ]]; // expected-warning {{attributes are incompatible with C++98}}
void Literals() {
(void)u8"str"; // expected-warning {{unicode literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)u"str"; // expected-warning {{unicode literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)U"str"; // expected-warning {{unicode literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)u'x'; // expected-warning {{unicode literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)U'x'; // expected-warning {{unicode literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)u8R"X(str)X"; // expected-warning {{raw string literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)uR"X(str)X"; // expected-warning {{raw string literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)UR"X(str)X"; // expected-warning {{raw string literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)R"X(str)X"; // expected-warning {{raw string literals are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)LR"X(str)X"; // expected-warning {{raw string literals are incompatible with C++98}}
template<typename T> struct S {};
namespace TemplateParsing {
S<::S<void> > s; // expected-warning {{'<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '[') followed by ':' in C++98}}
S< ::S<void>> t; // expected-warning {{consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >')}}
void Lambda() {
[]{}; // expected-warning {{lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98}}
int InitList() {
(void)new int {}; // expected-warning {{generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98}}
(void)int{}; // expected-warning {{generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98}}
int x { 0 }; // expected-warning {{generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98}}
return { 0 }; // expected-warning {{generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98}}
int operator""_hello(const char *); // expected-warning {{literal operators are incompatible with C++98}}
enum EnumFixed : int { // expected-warning {{enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98}}
enum class EnumScoped { // expected-warning {{scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98}}
void Deleted() = delete; // expected-warning {{deleted function definitions are incompatible with C++98}}
struct Defaulted {
Defaulted() = default; // expected-warning {{defaulted function definitions are incompatible with C++98}}
int &&RvalueReference = 0; // expected-warning {{rvalue references are incompatible with C++98}}
struct RefQualifier {
void f() &; // expected-warning {{reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98}}
auto f() -> int; // expected-warning {{trailing return types are incompatible with C++98}}
void RangeFor() {
int xs[] = {1, 2, 3};
for (int &a : xs) { // expected-warning {{range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98}}
struct InClassInit {
int n = 0; // expected-warning {{in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98}}
struct OverrideControlBase {
virtual void f();
virtual void g();
struct OverrideControl final : OverrideControlBase { // expected-warning {{'final' keyword is incompatible with C++98}}
virtual void f() override; // expected-warning {{'override' keyword is incompatible with C++98}}
virtual void g() final; // expected-warning {{'final' keyword is incompatible with C++98}}
using AliasDecl = int; // expected-warning {{alias declarations are incompatible with C++98}}
template<typename T> using AliasTemplate = T; // expected-warning {{alias declarations are incompatible with C++98}}
inline namespace InlineNS { // expected-warning {{inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98}}
auto auto_deduction = 0; // expected-warning {{'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
int *p = new auto(0); // expected-warning {{'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
const int align_of = alignof(int); // expected-warning {{alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98}}
char16_t c16 = 0; // expected-warning {{'char16_t' type specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
char32_t c32 = 0; // expected-warning {{'char32_t' type specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
constexpr int const_expr = 0; // expected-warning {{'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
decltype(const_expr) decl_type = 0; // expected-warning {{'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
void no_except() noexcept; // expected-warning {{noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98}}
bool no_except_expr = noexcept(1 + 1); // expected-warning {{noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98}}
void *null = nullptr; // expected-warning {{'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98}}
static_assert(true, "!"); // expected-warning {{static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98}}
struct InhCtorBase {
struct InhCtorDerived : InhCtorBase {
using InhCtorBase::InhCtorBase; // expected-warning {{inherited constructors are incompatible with C++98}}
struct FriendMember {
static void MemberFn();
friend void FriendMember::MemberFn(); // expected-warning {{friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98}}
struct DelegCtor {
DelegCtor(int) : DelegCtor() {} // expected-warning {{delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98}}
template<int n = 0> void DefaultFuncTemplateArg(); // expected-warning {{default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98}}
template<typename T> int TemplateFn(T) { return 0; }
void LocalTemplateArg() {
struct S {};
TemplateFn(S()); // expected-warning {{local type 'S' as template argument is incompatible with C++98}}
struct {} obj_of_unnamed_type; // expected-note {{here}}
int UnnamedTemplateArg = TemplateFn(obj_of_unnamed_type); // expected-warning {{unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98}}
namespace RedundantParensInAddressTemplateParam {
int n;
template<int*p> struct S {};
S<(&n)> s; // expected-warning {{redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98}}
S<(((&n)))> t; // expected-warning {{redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98}}
namespace TemplateSpecOutOfScopeNs {
template<typename T> struct S {}; // expected-note {{here}}
template<> struct TemplateSpecOutOfScopeNs::S<char> {}; // expected-warning {{class template specialization of 'S' outside namespace 'TemplateSpecOutOfScopeNs' is incompatible with C++98}}
struct Typename {
template<typename T> struct Inner {};
typename ::Typename TypenameOutsideTemplate(); // expected-warning {{use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98}}
Typename::template Inner<int> TemplateOutsideTemplate(); // expected-warning {{use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98}}
struct TrivialButNonPOD {
int f(int);
int k;
void Ellipsis(int n, ...);
void TrivialButNonPODThroughEllipsis() {
Ellipsis(1, TrivialButNonPOD()); // expected-warning {{passing object of trivial but non-POD type 'TrivialButNonPOD' through variadic function is incompatible with C++98}}
struct HasExplicitConversion {
explicit operator bool(); // expected-warning {{explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98}}
struct Struct {};
enum Enum { enum_val = 0 };
struct BadFriends {
friend enum ::Enum; // expected-warning {{befriending enumeration type 'enum ::Enum' is incompatible with C++98}}
friend int; // expected-warning {{non-class friend type 'int' is incompatible with C++98}}
friend Struct; // expected-warning {{befriending 'Struct' without 'struct' keyword is incompatible with C++98}}
int n = {}; // expected-warning {{scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98}}
class PrivateMember {
struct ImPrivate {};
template<typename T> typename T::ImPrivate SFINAEAccessControl(T t) { // expected-warning {{substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98}} expected-note {{while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'SFINAEAccessControl' [with T = PrivateMember]}}
return typename T::ImPrivate();
int SFINAEAccessControl(...) { return 0; }
int CheckSFINAEAccessControl = SFINAEAccessControl(PrivateMember());
template<typename T>
struct FriendRedefinition {
friend void Friend() {} // expected-warning {{friend function 'Friend' would be implicitly redefined in C++98}} expected-note {{previous}}
FriendRedefinition<int> FriendRedef1;
FriendRedefinition<char> FriendRedef2; // expected-note {{requested here}}
namespace CopyCtorIssues {
struct Private {
Private(const Private&); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
struct NoViable {
NoViable(NoViable&); // expected-note {{not viable}}
struct Ambiguous {
Ambiguous(const Ambiguous &, int = 0); // expected-note {{candidate}}
Ambiguous(const Ambiguous &, double = 0); // expected-note {{candidate}}
struct Deleted { // expected-note {{here}}
// Copy ctor implicitly defined as deleted because Private's copy ctor is
// inaccessible.
Private p;
const Private &a = Private(); // expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Private' when binding a reference to a temporary would invoke an inaccessible constructor in C++98}}
const NoViable &b = NoViable(); // expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::NoViable' when binding a reference to a temporary would find no viable constructor in C++98}}
const Ambiguous &c = Ambiguous(); // expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Ambiguous' when binding a reference to a temporary would find ambiguous constructors in C++98}}
const Deleted &d = Deleted(); // expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Deleted' when binding a reference to a temporary would invoke a deleted constructor in C++98}}
namespace UnionOrAnonStructMembers {
struct NonTrivCtor {
NonTrivCtor(); // expected-note 2{{user-declared constructor}}
struct NonTrivCopy {
NonTrivCopy(const NonTrivCopy&); // expected-note 2{{user-declared copy constructor}}
struct NonTrivDtor {
~NonTrivDtor(); // expected-note 2{{user-declared destructor}}
union BadUnion {
NonTrivCtor ntc; // expected-warning {{union member 'ntc' with a non-trivial constructor is incompatible with C++98}}
NonTrivCopy ntcp; // expected-warning {{union member 'ntcp' with a non-trivial copy constructor is incompatible with C++98}}
NonTrivDtor ntd; // expected-warning {{union member 'ntd' with a non-trivial destructor is incompatible with C++98}}
struct Wrap {
struct {
NonTrivCtor ntc; // expected-warning {{anonymous struct member 'ntc' with a non-trivial constructor is incompatible with C++98}}
NonTrivCopy ntcp; // expected-warning {{anonymous struct member 'ntcp' with a non-trivial copy constructor is incompatible with C++98}}
NonTrivDtor ntd; // expected-warning {{anonymous struct member 'ntd' with a non-trivial destructor is incompatible with C++98}}
int EnumNNS = Enum::enum_val; // expected-warning {{enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
template<typename T> void EnumNNSFn() {
int k = T::enum_val; // expected-warning {{enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98}}
template void EnumNNSFn<Enum>(); // expected-note {{in instantiation}}