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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Glob ":glob";
use File::Temp;
use Cwd;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
use Uname;
use Platform ":vars";
our $VERSION = "0.005";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutines.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub windows {
my ( $arch, $output, @args ) = @_;
my %files;
# TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
foreach my $arg ( @args ) {
foreach my $archive ( bsd_glob( $arg ) ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $bulk;
execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/list", $archive ], -stdout => \$bulk );
my @members = split( "\n", $bulk );
foreach my $member ( @members ) {
my $file = get_file( $member );
my $path = cat_file( $output, $file );
if ( exists( $files{ $file } ) ) {
"Extraction \"$file\" member from \"$archive\" archive failed:",
"\"$file\" member has already been extracted from \"$files{ $file }\" archive"
}; # if
$files{ $file } = $archive;
info( " Writing \"$path\"..." );
execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/extract:" . $member, "/out:" . $path, $archive ] );
}; # foreach $member
}; # foreach $archive
}; # foreach $arg
}; # sub windows
sub linux {
my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
# TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
change_dir( $output );
foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] );
}; # foreach $archive
change_dir( $cwd );
}; # sub linux
my %mac_arch = (
"32" => "i386",
"32e" => "x86_64"
sub darwin {
my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
my $cwd = getcwd();
change_dir( $output );
if ( defined( $arch ) ) {
if ( not defined( $mac_arch{ $arch } ) ) {
runtime_error( "Architecture \"$arch\" is not a valid one for OS X*" );
}; # if
$arch = $mac_arch{ $arch };
}; # if
foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
my $temp;
# Whether archive is a fat or thin?
my $bulk;
execute( [ "file", $path ], -stdout => \$bulk );
if ( $bulk =~ m{Mach-O universal binary} ) {
# Archive is fat, extracy thin archive first.
if ( not defined( $arch ) ) {
"\"$archive\" archive is universal binary, " .
"please specify architecture to work with"
}; # if
( undef, $temp ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
execute( [ "libtool", "-static", "-arch_only", $arch, "-o", $temp, $path ] );
$path = $temp;
}; # if
execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] ); # Extract members.
if ( defined( $temp ) ) { # Delete temp file, if any.
del_file( $temp );
}; # if
}; # foreach $archive
change_dir( $cwd );
}; # sub darwin
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse command line.
my $output = ".";
my @args;
"o|output-directory=s" => \$output,
@args = @ARGV;
if ( not -e $output ) {
runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" does not exist" );
}; # if
if ( not -d $output ) {
runtime_error( "\"$output\" is not a directory" );
}; # if
if ( not -w $output ) {
runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" is not writable" );
}; # if
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
*process = \&windows;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "lin") {
*process = \&linux;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
*process = \&darwin;
} else {
runtime_error( "OS \"$target_os\" not supported" );
}; # if
# Do the work.
process( $target_arch, $output, @args );
exit( 0 );
=head1 NAME
B<extract-objects.pl> -- Extract all object files from static library.
B<extract-objects.pl> I<option>... I<archive>...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
Specify architecture to work with. The option is mandatory on OS X* in case of universal archive.
In other cases the option should not be used. I<arch> may be one of C<32> or C<32e>.
=item B<--os=>I<str>
Specify OS name. By default OS is autodetected.
Depending on OS, B<extract-objects.pl> uses different external tools for handling static
libraries: F<ar> (in case of "lin" and "mac") or F<lib.exe> (in case of "win").
=item B<--output-directory=>I<dir>
Specify directory to write extracted members to. Current directory is used by default.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full documentation and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Do not print information messages.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item I<archive>
A name of archive file (static library). Multiple archives may be specified.
The script extracts all the members (object files) from archive (static library) to specified
directory. Commands to perform this action differ on different OSes. On Linux* OS, simple command
ar xo libfile.a
is enough (in case of extracting files to current directory).
On OS X*, it is a bit compilicated with universal ("fat") binaries -- C<ar> cannot
operate on fat archives, so "thin" archive should be extracted from the universal binary first.
On Windows* OS, library manager (C<lib.exe>) can extract only one object file, so operation should be
repeated for every object file in the library.
B<extract-objects.pl> detects OS automatically. But detection can be overrided with B<--os> option.
It may be helpful in cross-build environments.
B<extract-objects.pl> effectively encapsulates all these details and provides uniform way for
extracting object files from static libraries, which helps to keep makefiles simple and clean.
Extract object files from library F<libirc.lib>, and put them into F<obj/> directory:
$ extract-objects.pl --output=obj libirc.lib
Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>. Use Linux* OS tools (F<ar>), even if run on another OS:
$ extract-objects.pl --os=lin libirc.a
Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>, if it is a OS X* universal binary, use i386
architecture. Be quiet:
$ extract-objects.pl --quiet --arch=i386 libirc.a
# end of file #