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//===--- ClangdServer.cpp - Main clangd server code --------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ClangdServer.h"
#include "Cancellation.h"
#include "CodeComplete.h"
#include "FindSymbols.h"
#include "Headers.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "XRefs.h"
#include "index/Merge.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/RefactoringResultConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <future>
#include <mutex>
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::clangd;
namespace {
void ignoreError(llvm::Error Err) {
handleAllErrors(std::move(Err), [](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &) {});
std::string getStandardResourceDir() {
static int Dummy; // Just an address in this process.
return CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath("clangd", (void *)&Dummy);
class RefactoringResultCollector final
: public tooling::RefactoringResultConsumer {
void handleError(llvm::Error Err) override {
// FIXME: figure out a way to return better message for DiagnosticError.
// clangd uses llvm::toString to convert the Err to string, however, for
// DiagnosticError, only "clang diagnostic" will be generated.
Result = std::move(Err);
// Using the handle(SymbolOccurrences) from parent class.
using tooling::RefactoringResultConsumer::handle;
void handle(tooling::AtomicChanges SourceReplacements) override {
Result = std::move(SourceReplacements);
Optional<Expected<tooling::AtomicChanges>> Result;
} // namespace
/// The dynamic index tracks symbols visible in open files.
/// For boring reasons, it doesn't implement SymbolIndex directly - use index().
class ClangdServer::DynamicIndex {
DynamicIndex(std::vector<std::string> URISchemes)
: PreambleIdx(URISchemes), MainFileIdx(URISchemes),
MergedIndex(mergeIndex(&MainFileIdx, &PreambleIdx)) {}
const SymbolIndex &index() const { return *MergedIndex; }
// Returns callbacks that can be used to update the index with new ASTs.
// Index() presents a merged view of the supplied main-file and preamble ASTs.
std::unique_ptr<ParsingCallbacks> makeUpdateCallbacks() {
struct CB : public ParsingCallbacks {
CB(ClangdServer::DynamicIndex *This) : This(This) {}
DynamicIndex *This;
void onPreambleAST(PathRef Path, ASTContext &Ctx,
std::shared_ptr<clang::Preprocessor> PP) override {
This->PreambleIdx.update(Path, &Ctx, std::move(PP));
void onMainAST(PathRef Path, ParsedAST &AST) override {
This->MainFileIdx.update(Path, &AST.getASTContext(),
return llvm::make_unique<CB>(this);
// Contains information from each file's preamble only.
// These are large, but update fairly infrequently (preambles are stable).
// Missing information:
// - symbol occurrences (these are always "from the main file")
// - definition locations in the main file
// FIXME: Because the preambles for different TUs have large overlap and
// FileIndex doesn't deduplicate, this uses lots of extra RAM.
// The biggest obstacle in fixing this: the obvious approach of partitioning
// by declaring file (rather than main file) fails if headers provide
// different symbols based on preprocessor state.
FileIndex PreambleIdx;
// Contains information from each file's main AST.
// These are updated frequently (on file change), but are relatively small.
// Mostly contains:
// - occurrences of symbols declared in the preamble and referenced from main
// - symbols declared both in the main file and the preamble
// (Note that symbols *only* in the main file are not indexed).
FileIndex MainFileIdx;
std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex> MergedIndex;
ClangdServer::Options ClangdServer::optsForTest() {
ClangdServer::Options Opts;
Opts.UpdateDebounce = std::chrono::steady_clock::duration::zero(); // Faster!
Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory = true;
Opts.AsyncThreadsCount = 4; // Consistent!
return Opts;
ClangdServer::ClangdServer(GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
FileSystemProvider &FSProvider,
DiagnosticsConsumer &DiagConsumer,
const Options &Opts)
: CDB(CDB), DiagConsumer(DiagConsumer), FSProvider(FSProvider),
ResourceDir(Opts.ResourceDir ? Opts.ResourceDir->str()
: getStandardResourceDir()),
? new DynamicIndex(Opts.URISchemes)
: nullptr),
// Pass a callback into `WorkScheduler` to extract symbols from a newly
// parsed file and rebuild the file index synchronously each time an AST
// is parsed.
// FIXME(ioeric): this can be slow and we may be able to index on less
// critical paths.
WorkScheduler(Opts.AsyncThreadsCount, Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory,
DynamicIdx ? DynamicIdx->makeUpdateCallbacks() : nullptr,
Opts.UpdateDebounce, Opts.RetentionPolicy) {
if (DynamicIdx && Opts.StaticIndex) {
MergedIndex = mergeIndex(&DynamicIdx->index(), Opts.StaticIndex);
Index = MergedIndex.get();
} else if (DynamicIdx)
Index = &DynamicIdx->index();
else if (Opts.StaticIndex)
Index = Opts.StaticIndex;
Index = nullptr;
// Destructor has to be in .cpp file to see the definition of
// ClangdServer::DynamicIndex.
ClangdServer::~ClangdServer() = default;
const SymbolIndex *ClangdServer::dynamicIndex() const {
return DynamicIdx ? &DynamicIdx->index() : nullptr;
void ClangdServer::setRootPath(PathRef RootPath) {
auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
auto Status = FS->status(RootPath);
if (!Status)
elog("Failed to get status for RootPath {0}: {1}", RootPath,
else if (Status->isDirectory())
this->RootPath = RootPath;
elog("The provided RootPath {0} is not a directory.", RootPath);
void ClangdServer::addDocument(PathRef File, StringRef Contents,
WantDiagnostics WantDiags) {
DocVersion Version = ++InternalVersion[File];
ParseInputs Inputs = {getCompileCommand(File), FSProvider.getFileSystem(),
Path FileStr = File.str();
WorkScheduler.update(File, std::move(Inputs), WantDiags,
[this, FileStr, Version](std::vector<Diag> Diags) {
consumeDiagnostics(FileStr, Version, std::move(Diags));
void ClangdServer::removeDocument(PathRef File) {
TaskHandle ClangdServer::codeComplete(PathRef File, Position Pos,
const clangd::CodeCompleteOptions &Opts,
Callback<CodeCompleteResult> CB) {
// Copy completion options for passing them to async task handler.
auto CodeCompleteOpts = Opts;
if (!CodeCompleteOpts.Index) // Respect overridden index.
CodeCompleteOpts.Index = Index;
TaskHandle TH = Task::createHandle();
WithContext ContextWithCancellation(setCurrentTask(TH));
// Copy PCHs to avoid accessing this->PCHs concurrently
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs = this->PCHs;
auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
auto Task = [PCHs, Pos, FS, CodeCompleteOpts,
this](Path File, Callback<CodeCompleteResult> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndPreamble> IP) {
if (!IP)
return CB(IP.takeError());
if (isCancelled())
return CB(llvm::make_error<CancelledError>());
auto PreambleData = IP->Preamble;
llvm::Optional<SpeculativeFuzzyFind> SpecFuzzyFind;
if (CodeCompleteOpts.Index && CodeCompleteOpts.SpeculativeIndexRequest) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex);
SpecFuzzyFind->CachedReq = CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestByFile[File];
// FIXME(ibiryukov): even if Preamble is non-null, we may want to check
// both the old and the new version in case only one of them matches.
CodeCompleteResult Result = clangd::codeComplete(
File, IP->Command, PreambleData ? &PreambleData->Preamble : nullptr,
PreambleData ? PreambleData->Includes : IncludeStructure(),
IP->Contents, Pos, FS, PCHs, CodeCompleteOpts,
SpecFuzzyFind ? SpecFuzzyFind.getPointer() : nullptr);
clang::clangd::trace::Span Tracer("Completion results callback");
if (SpecFuzzyFind && SpecFuzzyFind->NewReq.hasValue()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex);
CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestByFile[File] =
// SpecFuzzyFind is only destroyed after speculative fuzzy find finishes.
// We don't want `codeComplete` to wait for the async call if it doesn't use
// the result (e.g. non-index completion, speculation fails), so that `CB`
// is called as soon as results are available.
// We use a potentially-stale preamble because latency is critical here.
WorkScheduler.runWithPreamble("CodeComplete", File, TUScheduler::Stale,
Bind(Task, File.str(), std::move(CB)));
return TH;
void ClangdServer::signatureHelp(PathRef File, Position Pos,
Callback<SignatureHelp> CB) {
auto PCHs = this->PCHs;
auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
auto *Index = this->Index;
auto Action = [Pos, FS, PCHs, Index](Path File, Callback<SignatureHelp> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndPreamble> IP) {
if (!IP)
return CB(IP.takeError());
auto PreambleData = IP->Preamble;
CB(clangd::signatureHelp(File, IP->Command,
PreambleData ? &PreambleData->Preamble : nullptr,
IP->Contents, Pos, FS, PCHs, Index));
// Unlike code completion, we wait for an up-to-date preamble here.
// Signature help is often triggered after code completion. If the code
// completion inserted a header to make the symbol available, then using
// the old preamble would yield useless results.
WorkScheduler.runWithPreamble("SignatureHelp", File, TUScheduler::Consistent,
Bind(Action, File.str(), std::move(CB)));
ClangdServer::formatRange(StringRef Code, PathRef File, Range Rng) {
llvm::Expected<size_t> Begin = positionToOffset(Code, Rng.start);
if (!Begin)
return Begin.takeError();
llvm::Expected<size_t> End = positionToOffset(Code, Rng.end);
if (!End)
return End.takeError();
return formatCode(Code, File, {tooling::Range(*Begin, *End - *Begin)});
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements> ClangdServer::formatFile(StringRef Code,
PathRef File) {
// Format everything.
return formatCode(Code, File, {tooling::Range(0, Code.size())});
ClangdServer::formatOnType(StringRef Code, PathRef File, Position Pos) {
// Look for the previous opening brace from the character position and
// format starting from there.
llvm::Expected<size_t> CursorPos = positionToOffset(Code, Pos);
if (!CursorPos)
return CursorPos.takeError();
size_t PreviousLBracePos = StringRef(Code).find_last_of('{', *CursorPos);
if (PreviousLBracePos == StringRef::npos)
PreviousLBracePos = *CursorPos;
size_t Len = *CursorPos - PreviousLBracePos;
return formatCode(Code, File, {tooling::Range(PreviousLBracePos, Len)});
void ClangdServer::rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
Callback<std::vector<tooling::Replacement>> CB) {
auto Action = [Pos](Path File, std::string NewName,
Callback<std::vector<tooling::Replacement>> CB,
Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST)
return CB(InpAST.takeError());
auto &AST = InpAST->AST;
RefactoringResultCollector ResultCollector;
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg =
[clangd] Fix unicode handling, using UTF-16 where LSP requires it. Summary: The Language Server Protocol unfortunately mandates that locations in files be represented by line/column pairs, where the "column" is actually an index into the UTF-16-encoded text of the line. (This is because VSCode is written in JavaScript, which is UTF-16-native). Internally clangd treats source files at UTF-8, the One True Encoding, and generally deals with byte offsets (though there are exceptions). Before this patch, conversions between offsets and LSP Position pretended that Position.character was UTF-8 bytes, which is only true for ASCII lines. Now we examine the text to convert correctly (but don't actually need to transcode it, due to some nice details of the encodings). The updated functions in SourceCode are the blessed way to interact with the Position.character field, and anything else is likely to be wrong. So I also updated the other accesses: - CodeComplete needs a "clang-style" line/column, with column in utf-8 bytes. This is now converted via Position -> offset -> clang line/column (a new function is added to SourceCode.h for the second conversion). - getBeginningOfIdentifier skipped backwards in UTF-16 space, which is will behave badly when it splits a surrogate pair. Skipping backwards in UTF-8 coordinates gives the lexer a fighting chance of getting this right. While here, I clarified(?) the logic comments, fixed a bug with identifiers containing digits, simplified the signature slightly and added a test. This seems likely to cause problems with editors that have the same bug, and treat the protocol as if columns are UTF-8 bytes. But we can find and fix those. Reviewers: hokein Subscribers: klimek, ilya-biryukov, ioeric, MaskRay, jkorous, cfe-commits Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D46035 llvm-svn: 331029
2018-04-27 19:59:28 +08:00
clangd::getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SourceMgr.getMainFileID());
tooling::RefactoringRuleContext Context(
auto Rename = clang::tooling::RenameOccurrences::initiate(
Context, SourceRange(SourceLocationBeg), NewName);
if (!Rename)
return CB(Rename.takeError());
Rename->invoke(ResultCollector, Context);
if (!ResultCollector.Result.getValue())
return CB(ResultCollector.Result->takeError());
std::vector<tooling::Replacement> Replacements;
for (const tooling::AtomicChange &Change : ResultCollector.Result->get()) {
tooling::Replacements ChangeReps = Change.getReplacements();
for (const auto &Rep : ChangeReps) {
// FIXME: Right now we only support renaming the main file, so we
// drop replacements not for the main file. In the future, we might
// consider to support:
// * rename in any included header
// * rename only in the "main" header
// * provide an error if there are symbols we won't rename (e.g.
// std::vector)
// * rename globally in project
// * rename in open files
if (Rep.getFilePath() == File)
return CB(std::move(Replacements));
"Rename", File, Bind(Action, File.str(), NewName.str(), std::move(CB)));
void ClangdServer::dumpAST(PathRef File,
llvm::unique_function<void(std::string)> Callback) {
auto Action = [](decltype(Callback) Callback,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST) {
return Callback("<no-ast>");
std::string Result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ResultOS(Result);
clangd::dumpAST(InpAST->AST, ResultOS);
WorkScheduler.runWithAST("DumpAST", File, Bind(Action, std::move(Callback)));
void ClangdServer::findDefinitions(PathRef File, Position Pos,
Callback<std::vector<Location>> CB) {
auto Action = [Pos, this](Callback<std::vector<Location>> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST)
return CB(InpAST.takeError());
CB(clangd::findDefinitions(InpAST->AST, Pos, Index));
WorkScheduler.runWithAST("Definitions", File, Bind(Action, std::move(CB)));
llvm::Optional<Path> ClangdServer::switchSourceHeader(PathRef Path) {
StringRef SourceExtensions[] = {".cpp", ".c", ".cc", ".cxx",
".c++", ".m", ".mm"};
StringRef HeaderExtensions[] = {".h", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".inc"};
StringRef PathExt = llvm::sys::path::extension(Path);
// Lookup in a list of known extensions.
auto SourceIter =
std::find_if(std::begin(SourceExtensions), std::end(SourceExtensions),
[&PathExt](PathRef SourceExt) {
return SourceExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
bool IsSource = SourceIter != std::end(SourceExtensions);
auto HeaderIter =
std::find_if(std::begin(HeaderExtensions), std::end(HeaderExtensions),
[&PathExt](PathRef HeaderExt) {
return HeaderExt.equals_lower(PathExt);
bool IsHeader = HeaderIter != std::end(HeaderExtensions);
// We can only switch between the known extensions.
if (!IsSource && !IsHeader)
return llvm::None;
// Array to lookup extensions for the switch. An opposite of where original
// extension was found.
ArrayRef<StringRef> NewExts;
if (IsSource)
NewExts = HeaderExtensions;
NewExts = SourceExtensions;
// Storage for the new path.
SmallString<128> NewPath = StringRef(Path);
// Instance of vfs::FileSystem, used for file existence checks.
auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
// Loop through switched extension candidates.
for (StringRef NewExt : NewExts) {
llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(NewPath, NewExt);
if (FS->exists(NewPath))
return NewPath.str().str(); // First str() to convert from SmallString to
// StringRef, second to convert from StringRef
// to std::string
// Also check NewExt in upper-case, just in case.
llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(NewPath, NewExt.upper());
if (FS->exists(NewPath))
return NewPath.str().str();
return llvm::None;
ClangdServer::formatCode(llvm::StringRef Code, PathRef File,
ArrayRef<tooling::Range> Ranges) {
// Call clang-format.
auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
auto Style = format::getStyle(format::DefaultFormatStyle, File,
format::DefaultFallbackStyle, Code, FS.get());
if (!Style)
return Style.takeError();
tooling::Replacements IncludeReplaces =
format::sortIncludes(*Style, Code, Ranges, File);
auto Changed = tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code, IncludeReplaces);
if (!Changed)
return Changed.takeError();
return IncludeReplaces.merge(format::reformat(
Style.get(), *Changed,
tooling::calculateRangesAfterReplacements(IncludeReplaces, Ranges),
void ClangdServer::findDocumentHighlights(
PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback<std::vector<DocumentHighlight>> CB) {
auto Action = [Pos](Callback<std::vector<DocumentHighlight>> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST)
return CB(InpAST.takeError());
CB(clangd::findDocumentHighlights(InpAST->AST, Pos));
WorkScheduler.runWithAST("Highlights", File, Bind(Action, std::move(CB)));
void ClangdServer::findHover(PathRef File, Position Pos,
Callback<llvm::Optional<Hover>> CB) {
auto Action = [Pos](Callback<llvm::Optional<Hover>> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST)
return CB(InpAST.takeError());
CB(clangd::getHover(InpAST->AST, Pos));
WorkScheduler.runWithAST("Hover", File, Bind(Action, std::move(CB)));
void ClangdServer::consumeDiagnostics(PathRef File, DocVersion Version,
std::vector<Diag> Diags) {
// We need to serialize access to resulting diagnostics to avoid calling
// `onDiagnosticsReady` in the wrong order.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> DiagsLock(DiagnosticsMutex);
DocVersion &LastReportedDiagsVersion = ReportedDiagnosticVersions[File];
// FIXME(ibiryukov): get rid of '<' comparison here. In the current
// implementation diagnostics will not be reported after version counters'
// overflow. This should not happen in practice, since DocVersion is a
// 64-bit unsigned integer.
if (Version < LastReportedDiagsVersion)
LastReportedDiagsVersion = Version;
DiagConsumer.onDiagnosticsReady(File, std::move(Diags));
tooling::CompileCommand ClangdServer::getCompileCommand(PathRef File) {
trace::Span Span("GetCompileCommand");
llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand> C = CDB.getCompileCommand(File);
if (!C) // FIXME: Suppress diagnostics? Let the user know?
C = CDB.getFallbackCommand(File);
// Inject the resource dir.
// FIXME: Don't overwrite it if it's already there.
C->CommandLine.push_back("-resource-dir=" + ResourceDir);
return std::move(*C);
void ClangdServer::onFileEvent(const DidChangeWatchedFilesParams &Params) {
// FIXME: Do nothing for now. This will be used for indexing and potentially
// invalidating other caches.
void ClangdServer::workspaceSymbols(
StringRef Query, int Limit, Callback<std::vector<SymbolInformation>> CB) {
CB(clangd::getWorkspaceSymbols(Query, Limit, Index,
RootPath ? *RootPath : ""));
void ClangdServer::documentSymbols(
StringRef File, Callback<std::vector<SymbolInformation>> CB) {
auto Action = [](Callback<std::vector<SymbolInformation>> CB,
llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) {
if (!InpAST)
return CB(InpAST.takeError());
WorkScheduler.runWithAST("documentSymbols", File,
Bind(Action, std::move(CB)));
std::vector<std::pair<Path, std::size_t>>
ClangdServer::getUsedBytesPerFile() const {
return WorkScheduler.getUsedBytesPerFile();
ClangdServer::blockUntilIdleForTest(llvm::Optional<double> TimeoutSeconds) {
return WorkScheduler.blockUntilIdle(timeoutSeconds(TimeoutSeconds));