
82 lines
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from __future__ import print_function
from pprint import pprint
# Do NOT import any firesim code being tested that might open connections to AWS here.
# Import the firesim code to be tested inside the test functions so that the moto
# mocks are registered before any possible boto connections are created
import boto3
from botocore.stub import Stubber
from moto import mock_sns
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from pytest import raises
# In case you put any package-level tests, make sure they use the test credentials too
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures("aws_test_credentials")
class TestSNS(object):
"""Test functions in awstools that work with SNS"""
# When we're testing awstools.get_snsname_arn(), we don't also want to be
# testing awstools.aws_resource_names(). mainly because we're subjugating
# the boto3.client factory (in the second test below) and also because we want to be able to run these
# tests while not on a AWS EC2 host and aws_resource_names() assumes that it
# can lookup the AWS instance-id via API
@patch('awstools.awstools.aws_resource_names', return_value={'snsname': 'Testing'})
# register the moto backend for sns
def test_get_snsname_arn_sanity(self, aws_res_mock):
"""Simple call returns properly formed ARN"""
# local imports of code-under-test ensure moto has mocks
# registered before any possible calls out to AWS
from awstools.awstools import get_snsname_arn
arn = get_snsname_arn()
client = boto3.client('sns')
response = client.get_topic_attributes(TopicArn=arn)
# output will normally be captured and suppressed but printed
# iff the test fails. So, leaving in something that dumps the response
# can be useful. See
assert response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200
assert response['Attributes']['TopicArn'] == arn
# check that our mock of aws_resource_names was used
@patch('awstools.awstools.aws_resource_names', return_value={'snsname': 'Testing'})
def test_get_snsname_arn_auth_exception_handling(self, aws_res_mock):
"""AuthorizationError is intercepted and re-raised as AssertionError"""
# local imports of code-under-test ensure moto has mocks
# registered before any possible calls out to AWS
from awstools.awstools import get_snsname_arn
# create a mock SNS client that returns what we tell it to
client = boto3.client('sns')
stub = Stubber(client)
stub.add_client_error('create_topic', service_error_code='AuthorizationError')
# since firesim manager code doesn't take clients as method parameters
# now we mock boto3.client to return our stubbed client
with patch.object(boto3._get_default_session(), 'client', return_value=client) as mock_session:
topic_arn = get_snsname_arn()
assert topic_arn == None
# TODO we could mock rootLogger.critical to capture it's calls and args and validate that we're seeing the correct "nice" message
# make sure get_snsname_arn() actually called out to get a sns
# client, otherwise we aren't testing what we think we are