
122 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Runs in the background on a manager instance to determine when it can be torn
# down by polling the workflow's state using GitHub Actions's RESTful api.
# Site:
# Terminate instances if:
# - the workflow is successful (all jobs complete successfully)
# - the workflow is cancelled
# Stop instances if:
# - the workflow has failed (all jobs have completed, but at least one has failed)
# Other states to consider: not_run, on_hold, unauthorized
import time
import argparse
import requests
import traceback
from common import get_platform_lib
from github_common import gha_runs_api_url, issue_post, get_header, gha_workflow_api_url
from platform_lib import Platform, get_platform_enum
from ci_variables import ci_env
from typing import List
# Time between HTTPS requests to github
# Number of failed requests before stopping the instances
TERMINATE_STATES: List[str] = ["cancelled", "success", "skipped", "stale", "failure", "timed_out"]
# In the past we'd stop instances on failure or time-out conditions so that
# they could be restarted and debugged in-situ. This was mostly useful for CI dev.
# See discussion in:
STOP_STATES: List[str] = []
NOP_STATES: List[str] = ["action_required"] # TODO: unsure when this happens
def wrap_in_code(wrap: str) -> str:
return f"\n```\n{wrap}\n```"
def main(platform: Platform, issue_id: int):
consecutive_failures = 0
print("Workflow monitor started")
platform_lib = get_platform_lib(platform)
print("Beginning polling loop")
while True:
res = requests.get(gha_workflow_api_url, headers=get_header(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN']))
if res.status_code == 200:
consecutive_failures = 0
res_dict = res.json()
state_status = res_dict["status"]
state_concl = res_dict["conclusion"]
print(f"Workflow {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']} status: {state_status} {state_concl}")
# check that select instances are terminated on time (45m for run farm insts, 12h for build farm insts)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(45, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(12*60, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
if state_status in ['completed']:
if state_concl in TERMINATE_STATES:
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.terminate_instances(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])
elif state_concl in STOP_STATES:
# if we stop then we should terminate the run/build farm instances
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.stop_instances(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])
elif state_concl not in NOP_STATES:
raise Exception(f"Unexpected Workflow State On Completed: {state_concl}")
elif state_status not in ['in_progress', 'queued', 'waiting', 'requested']:
raise Exception(f"Unexpected Workflow State: {state_status}")
print(f"HTTP GET error: {res.json()}. Retrying.")
consecutive_failures = consecutive_failures + 1
if consecutive_failures == QUERY_FAILURE_THRESHOLD:
platform_lib.terminate_instances(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])
raise Exception("Consecutive HTTP GET errors. Terminating and exiting.")
except BaseException as e:
post_str = f"Something went wrong in the workflow monitor for CI run {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}. Verify CI instances are terminated properly. Must be checked before submitting the PR.\n\n"
post_str += f"**Exception Message:**{wrap_in_code(str(e))}\n"
post_str += f"**Traceback Message:**{wrap_in_code(traceback.format_exc())}"
issue_post(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], issue_id, post_str)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(0, ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'], issue_id)
platform_lib.terminate_instances(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])
post_str = f"Instances for CI run {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']} were supposedly terminated. Verify termination manually.\n"
issue_post(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], issue_id, post_str)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
platform_choices = [str(p) for p in Platform]
choices = platform_choices,
help = "The platform CI is being run on")
help="Issue ID that is used for posting messages")
args = parser.parse_args()
platform = get_platform_enum(args.platform)
main(platform, args.issue_id)