
515 lines
23 KiB

import abc
import sys
import boto3
import os
import pytz
import datetime
from enum import Enum
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient # type: ignore
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential # type: ignore
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient # type: ignore
import azure.mgmt.resourcegraph as arg # type: ignore
from ci_variables import ci_env
from github_common import issue_post, get_issue_number
from mypy_boto3_ec2.client import EC2Client
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Iterable, Tuple
# Reuse manager utilities
# Note: GITHUB_WORKSPACE must not be used here because the persistent clone my not be initialized yet.
sys.path.append(ci_env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] + "/deploy")
from awstools.awstools import get_instances_with_filter
# This tag is common to all instances launched as part of a given workflow
workflow_tag_key = 'ci_workflow_id'
# Managers additionally have this empty tag defined
manager_filter = {'Name': 'tag:ci_manager', 'Values' : ['']}
# The following is an enum used to represent the different platforms
class Platform(Enum):
ALL = 'all'
AWS = 'aws'
AZURE = 'azure'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __iter__(self):
return iter([self.ALL, self.AWS, self.AZURE])
def get_platform_enum(platform_string: str) -> Platform:
if platform_string == 'aws':
return Platform.AWS
elif platform_string == 'azure':
return Platform.AZURE
elif platform_string == 'all':
return Platform.ALL
raise Exception(f"Invalid platform string: '{platform_string}'")
def find_timed_out_resources(min_timeout: int, current_time: datetime.datetime, resource_list: Iterable[Tuple]) -> list:
Because of the differences in how AWS and Azure store time tags, the resource_list
in this case is a list of tuples with the 0 index being the instance/vm and the 1 index
a datetime object corresponding to the time
timed_out = []
for resource_tuple in resource_list:
lifetime_secs = (current_time - resource_tuple[1]).total_seconds()
if lifetime_secs > (min_timeout * 60):
return timed_out
class PlatformLib(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
This is a class hierarchy to support multiple platforms in FireSim CI
Note that there are 2 terms used to refer to machines running CI: Managers and Instances
Managers - refer to a manager instance, this only really matters for AWS, but it's the main machine
running CI
Instances - a more general term, but can refer to runfarm / buildfarm instances run by CI as well
def get_filter(self, workflow_tag: str) -> Dict:
""" Returns a filter that returns all instances associated with workflow """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_manager_tag_dict(self, sha: str, workflow_tag: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
""" Returns the tag dictionary for launching the manager """
raise NotImplementedError
def check_manager_exists(self, workflow_tag: str) -> bool:
""" Returns whether workflow manager already exists """
raise NotImplementedError
def find_all_workflow_instances(self, workflow_tag: str) -> List:
""" Returns all manager instances in this workflow """
raise NotImplementedError
def find_all_ci_instances(self) -> List:
""" Returns all manager instances across all CI workflows """
raise NotImplementedError
def find_run_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
Returns all run farm instance types (normally FPGA instances) that have the
`workflow_tag` in the cluster name.
raise NotImplementedError
def find_build_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
Returns all build farm instance types that have the
`workflow_tag` in the cluster name.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_manager_ip(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
""" Returns ip of the manager specified by the tag """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_manager_workflow_id(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
""" Returns the workflow id of the manager specified by the tag """
raise NotImplementedError
def change_workflow_instance_states(self, gh_token: str, workflow_tag: str, state_change: str, dryrun: bool=False) -> None:
""" Changes the state of the instances specified by 'workflow_tag' to 'state_change' """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_platform_enum(self) -> Platform:
""" Returns the enum associated with the platform implemented by the PlatformLib """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_manager_metadata_string(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
""" Get metadata string for the manager of the workflow """
raise NotImplementedError
def stop_instances(self, gh_token: str, workflow_tag: str) -> None:
""" Stops the instances specified by 'workflow_tag' """
self.change_workflow_instance_states(gh_token, workflow_tag, 'stop')
def terminate_instances(self, gh_token: str, workflow_tag: str) -> None:
""" Stops the instances specified by 'workflow_tag' """
self.change_workflow_instance_states(gh_token, workflow_tag, 'terminate')
def platform_terminate_instances(self, platform_list: List[Any]) -> None:
""" Terminates the instances given the platform list """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_manager_hostname(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
""" Returns the hostname of the ci manager specified """
return f"centos@{self.get_manager_ip(workflow_tag)}"
def check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
""" Check if run farm instances are running past a `timeout` minutes designated time. If so, then terminate them. """
raise NotImplementedError
def check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
""" Check if build farm instances are running past a `timeout` minutes designated time. If so, then terminate them. """
raise NotImplementedError
class AWSPlatformLib(PlatformLib):
client: Optional[EC2Client]
def __init__(self, deregister_runners: Callable[[str, str], None]):
if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.aws/config')): # only set client if this exists
self.client = boto3.client('ec2')
self.client = None
self.manager_filter = {'Name': 'tag:ci_manager', 'Values' : ['']}
self.deregister_runners = deregister_runners
def get_filter(self, workflow_tag: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {'Name': 'tag:' + workflow_tag_key, 'Values' : [workflow_tag]}
def get_manager_tag_dict(self, sha, workflow_tag):
""" Populates a set of tags for the manager of our CI run """
# Note: At one point these tags had hyphens instead of underscores.
# Since hyphens are interpreted as a subtraction operation in
# Kusto Query Langauge (KQL) used by Azure Resource Graphs,
# these have been chnaged to underscores as a result.
return {
'ci_commit_sha1': sha,
'ci_manager': '',
workflow_tag_key: workflow_tag}
def check_manager_exists(self, workflow_tag: str) -> bool:
inst = self.find_manager(workflow_tag)
return not (inst is None)
def find_manager(self, workflow_tag: str):
instances = get_instances_with_filter([self.get_filter(workflow_tag), manager_filter], allowed_states = ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
if instances:
assert len(instances) == 1 # this must be called before any new instances are launched by workflow
return instances[0]
return None
def find_all_workflow_instances(self, workflow_tag: str) -> List:
""" Grabs a list of all instance dicts sharing the CI workflow run's unique tag """
return get_instances_with_filter([self.get_filter(workflow_tag)], allowed_states = ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
def find_all_ci_instances(self) -> List:
""" Grabs a list of all instances across all CI using the CI unique tag key"""
all_ci_instances_filter = self.get_filter('*')
all_ci_instances = get_instances_with_filter([all_ci_instances_filter], allowed_states = ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
return all_ci_instances
def find_run_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
# on AWS run farm instances are marked with 'fsimcluster'
instances_filter = [
{'Name': 'tag:fsimcluster', 'Values': [f'*{workflow_tag}*']},
{'Name': 'instance-type', 'Values': ['f1.2xlarge', 'f1.4xlarge', 'f1.16xlarge']},
ci_instances = get_instances_with_filter(instances_filter, allowed_states = ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
return ci_instances
def find_build_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
# on AWS build farm instances are marked with 'fsimbuildcluster'
instances_filter = [
{'Name': 'tag:fsimbuildcluster', 'Values': [f'*{workflow_tag}*']},
ci_instances = get_instances_with_filter(instances_filter, allowed_states = ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped'])
return ci_instances
def get_manager_ip(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
Looks up the AWS manager IP using the CI workflow run's unique tag
aws_manager = self.find_manager(workflow_tag)
if aws_manager is None:
raise Exception("No AWS manager instance running with tag matching the assigned workflow id\n")
return aws_manager['PublicIpAddress']
def get_manager_workflow_id(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
return f"aws-{workflow_tag}"
def change_workflow_instance_states(self, gh_token: str, workflow_tag: str, state_change: str, dryrun: bool = False) -> None:
""" Change the state of all instances sharing the same CI workflow run's tag. """
# We need this in case terminate is called in setup-self-hosted-workflow before aws-configure is run
if self.client is None:
self.client = boto3.client('ec2')
all_instances = self.find_all_workflow_instances(workflow_tag)
manager_instance = self.find_manager(workflow_tag)
# Ensure we do the manager last, as this function may be invoked there
sorted_instances = [inst for inst in all_instances if inst != manager_instance]
if manager_instance is not None:
instance_ids = [inst['InstanceId'] for inst in sorted_instances]
if state_change == 'stop':
print(f"Stopping instances: {', '.join(instance_ids)}")
self.deregister_runners(gh_token, f"aws-{workflow_tag}")
self.client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids, DryRun=dryrun)
elif state_change == 'start':
print(f"Starting instances: {', '.join(instance_ids)}")
self.client.start_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids, DryRun=dryrun)
# If we have a manager (typical), wait for it to come up and report its IP address
if manager_instance is not None:
print("Waiting on manager instance.")
manager_id = manager_instance['InstanceId']
#wait_on_instance(manager_id) # TODO: this is not defined anywhere, even in the OG
print("Manager ready.")
# Re-query the instance to get an updated IP address
elif state_change == 'terminate':
print(f"Terminating instances: {', '.join(instance_ids)}")
self.deregister_runners(gh_token, f"aws-{workflow_tag}")
self.platform_terminate_instances(instance_ids, dryrun)
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized transition type: {state_change}")
def platform_terminate_instances(self, platform_list: List[Any], dryrun: bool = False) -> None:
# We need this in case terminate is called in setup-self-hosted-workflow before aws-configure is run
if self.client is None:
self.client = boto3.client('ec2')
self.client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=platform_list, DryRun=dryrun)
def get_platform_enum(self) -> Platform:
return Platform.AWS
def get_manager_metadata_string(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
return self.instance_metadata_str(self.find_manager(workflow_tag))
def instance_metadata_str(self, instance) -> str:
""" Pretty prints instance info, including ID, state, and public IP """
static_md = f""" Instance ID: {instance['InstanceId']}
Instance State: {instance['State']['Name']}"""
dynamic_md = ""
if instance.get('PublicIpAddress') is not None:
dynamic_md = f"""
Instance IP: {instance['PublicIpAddress']}"""
return static_md + dynamic_md
def check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
# We need this in case terminate is called in setup-self-hosted-workflow before aws-configure is run
if self.client is None:
self.client = boto3.client('ec2')
instances = self.find_run_farm_ci_instances(workflow_tag)
instances_to_terminate = find_timed_out_resources(
map(lambda x: (x, x['LaunchTime']), instances))
for inst in instances_to_terminate:
print(f"Uncaught run farm instance shutdown detected for inst: {inst}")
print(f"Terminated run farm instance {inst['InstanceId']}")
# post comment after instances are terminated just in case there is an issue with posting
if len(instances_to_terminate) > 0:
issue_post(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], issue_id,
f"Uncaught {len(instances_to_terminate)} FPGA instance shutdown(s) detected for CI run: {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}. Verify CI state before submitting PR.")
def check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
# We need this in case terminate is called in setup-self-hosted-workflow before aws-configure is run
if self.client is None:
self.client = boto3.client('ec2')
instances = self.find_build_farm_ci_instances(workflow_tag)
instances_to_terminate = find_timed_out_resources(
map(lambda x: (x, x['LaunchTime']), instances))
for inst in instances_to_terminate:
print(f"Uncaught build farm instance shutdown detected for inst: {inst}")
print(f"Terminated build farm instance {inst['InstanceId']}")
# post comment after instances are terminated just in case there is an issue with posting
if len(instances_to_terminate) > 0:
issue_post(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], issue_id,
f"Uncaught {len(instances_to_terminate)} build instance shutdown(s) detected for CI run: {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}. Verify CI state before submitting PR.")
class AzurePlatformLib(PlatformLib):
def __init__(self, deregister_runners: Callable[[str, str], None]):
self.credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
self.resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(self.credential, ci_env['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'])
self.arg_client = arg.ResourceGraphClient(self.credential)
self.compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(self.credential, ci_env['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'])
self.deregister_runners = deregister_runners
# This is a dictionary that's used to translate between simpler terms and
# those useful to search for Azure resources
self.azure_translation_dict = {
'vm' : 'virtualMachines',
'ip' : 'publicIPAddresses',
'nsg' : 'networkSecurityGroups',
'nic' : 'networkInterfaces',
'disk' : 'disks',
'vnet' : 'virtualNetworks'
def get_filter(self, workflow_tag: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {workflow_tag_key: workflow_tag}
def get_manager_tag_dict(self, sha, workflow_tag):
""" Populates a set of tags for the manager of our CI run """
# Note: At one point these tags had hyphens instead of underscores.
# Since hyphens are interpreted as a subtraction operation in
# Kusto Query Langauge (KQL) used by Azure Resource Graphs,
# these have been chnaged to underscores as a result.
return {
'ci_commit_sha1': sha,
'ci_manager': '',
workflow_tag_key: workflow_tag,
'FireSimCI': 'True',
'LaunchTime': datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)}
def check_manager_exists(self, workflow_tag: str):
# Note: Right now, Azure workflow does not spawn new instances
return len(self.find_all_workflow_instances(workflow_tag)) == 1
def find_all_workflow_instances(self, workflow_tag : str) -> List:
tag_filter = self.get_filter(workflow_tag)
all_ci_resources = self.get_azure_resources_with_tags(tag_filter)
return self.get_type_from_resource_list(all_ci_resources, 'vm')
def find_all_ci_instances(self) -> List:
tag_filter = {'FireSimCI' : "True"}
all_ci_resources = self.get_azure_resources_with_tags(tag_filter)
return self.get_type_from_resource_list(all_ci_resources, 'vm')
def get_manager_ip(self, workflow_tag : str) -> str:
Looks up the Azure manager IP using the CI workflow run's unique tag
azure_manager_resources = self.get_azure_resources_with_tags(self.get_filter(workflow_tag))
azure_ip = self.get_type_from_resource_list(azure_manager_resources, 'ip')
if not azure_ip: #if an empty list is returned
raise Exception("No Azure IP found associated with tag matching the assigned workflow id\n")
azure_ip = azure_ip[0] #assume only 1 ip in list
return azure_ip['properties']['ipAddress']
def get_manager_workflow_id(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
return f"azure-{workflow_tag}"
def change_workflow_instance_states(self, gh_token: str, workflow_tag: str, state_change: str, dryrun: bool=False) -> None:
Now that terminate / stop look a bit more similar, we can condense them into a single function
Dryrun is just a dummy variable to match abstract class signature
instances = self.find_all_workflow_instances(workflow_tag)
if not instances: #if an empty list is returned
raise Exception(f"Couldn't find an active vm associated with tags {self.get_filter(workflow_tag)}")
if state_change == 'stop':
self.deregister_runners(gh_token, self.get_manager_workflow_id(workflow_tag))
for inst in instances:
print(f"Flagged VM {inst['name']} for shutdown")
poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.begin_power_off(inst['resourceGroup'], inst['name'])
print(f"Successfully stopped VM {inst['name']}")
elif state_change == 'terminate':
self.deregister_runners(gh_token, self.get_manager_workflow_id(workflow_tag))
elif state_change == 'start':
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized transition type: {state_change}")
def get_platform_enum(self) -> Platform:
return Platform.AZURE
def get_manager_metadata_string(self, workflow_tag: str) -> str:
inst_list = self.find_all_workflow_instances(workflow_tag)
assert len(inst_list) == 1
manager = inst_list[0]
return str(manager)
def get_azure_type_key(self, type_name: str) -> str:
return self.azure_translation_dict[type_name]
def get_type_from_resource_list(self, resource_list: List, type_name: str):
Gets specific type of resource from a resource list obtained from one of the query
type_key = self.get_azure_type_key(type_name)
return_list = []
for resource in resource_list:
if type_key.casefold() in resource['type'].casefold():
return return_list
def get_azure_resources_with_tags(self, tag_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> List:
arg_query_options = arg.models.QueryRequestOptions(result_format="objectArray")
query = "Resources | where "
for key in tag_dict.keys():
query += f"tags.{key}=~'{tag_dict[key]}' and "
query = query[:-4]
arg_query = arg.models.QueryRequest(subscriptions=[ci_env['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']], query=query, options=arg_query_options)
return self.arg_client.resources(arg_query).data
def platform_terminate_instances(self, platform_list: List[Any], dryrun: bool = False) -> None:
def terminate_azure_vms(self, resource_list: List) -> None:
vms_to_delete = []
for resource in resource_list:
if 'virtualMachines'.casefold() in resource['type'].casefold():
vm_pollers = []
for vm in vms_to_delete:
poller = self.resource_client.resources.begin_delete_by_id(vm['id'], self.resource_client.DEFAULT_API_VERSION)
print(f"VM {vm['name']} flagged for deletion")
vm_pollers.append((vm, poller))
for vm, poller in vm_pollers:
deletion_result = poller.result()
if deletion_result:
print(f"Failed to delete VM {vm['name']}, expected 'None' and got result {deletion_result}")
print(f"Succeeded in deleting VM {vm['name']}")
def check_and_terminate_run_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def check_and_terminate_build_farm_instances(self, timeout: int, workflow_tag: str, issue_id: int) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def find_run_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
raise NotImplementedError
def find_build_farm_ci_instances(self, workflow_tag: str = '*') -> List:
raise NotImplementedError