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Compiler & Driver Development
.. _Scala Integration Tests:
Integration Tests
These are ``ScalaTests`` that call out to FireSim's Makefiles. These
constitute the bulk of FireSim's tests for Target, Compiler, and Driver side
features. Each of these tests proceeds as follows:
#. Elaborate a small Chisel target design that exercises a single feature (e.g., printf synthesis)
#. Compile the design with GoldenGate
#. Compile metasimulator using a target-specific driver and the Golden Gate-generated collateral
#. Run metasimulation with provided arguments (possibly multiple times)
#. Post-process metasimulation outputs in Scala
Single tests may be run directly out of :gh-file-ref:`sim/` as follows::
# Run all Chipyard-based tests (uses Rocket + BOOM)
make test
# Run all integration tests (very long running, not recommended)
make test TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples
# Run a specific integration test (desired)
make testOnly TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples SCALA_TEST=firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test
These tests may be run from the SBT console continuously, and SBT will rerun
them on Scala changes (but not driver changes). Out of :gh-file-ref:`sim/`::
# Launch the SBT console into the firesim subproject
# NB: omitting TARGET_PROJECT will put you in the FireChip subproject instead
make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt
# Compile the Scala test sources (optional, to enable tab completion)
sbt:firesim> Test / compile
# Run a specific test once
sbt:firesim> testOnly firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test
# Continuously rerun the test on Scala changes
sbt:firesim> ~testOnly firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test
Key Files & Locations
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/firesim-lib/src/test/scala/TestSuiteCommon.scala`
Base ScalaTest class for all tests that use FireSim's make build system
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/src/test/scala/midasexamples/TutorialSuite.scala`
Extension of TestSuiteCommon for most integration tests + concrete subclasses
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/src/main/cc/midasexamples/`
C++ sources for target-specific drivers
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/src/main/cc/midasexamples/TestHarness.h`
A common driver to extend for simple tests
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/src/main/scala/midasexamples/`
Where top-level Chisel modules (targets) are defined
Defining a New Test
#. Define a new target module (if applicable) under ``sim/src/main/scala/midasexamples``.
#. Define a driver by extending ``simif_t`` or another child class under ``src/main/cc/midasexamples``. Tests
sequenced with the Peek Poke bridge may extend ``simif_peek_poke_t``.
#. Create a test in ``src/main/cc/midasexamples``. Register bridges and add override the ``run`` method.
#. Define a ScalaTest class for your design by extending ``TutorialSuite``. Parameters will
define define the tuple (``DESIGN``, ``TARGET_CONFIG``, ``PLATFORM_CONFIG``), and call
out additional plusArgs to pass to the metasimulator. See the ScalaDoc for
more info. Post-processing of metasimulator outputs (e.g., checking output file contents) can be implemented in
the body of your test class.
Synthesizable Unit Tests
These are derived from Rocket-Chip's synthesizable unit test library and are
used to test smaller, stand-alone Chisel modules.
Synthesizable unit tests may be run out of :gh-file-ref:`sim/` as follows::
# Run default tests without waves
$ make run-midas-unittests
# Run default suite with waves
$ make run-midas-unittests-debug
# Run default suite under Verilator
$ make run-midas-unittests EMUL=verilator
# Run a different suite (registered under class name TimeOutCheck)
$ make run-midas-unittests CONFIG=TimeOutCheck
Setting the make variable ``CONFIG`` to different scala class names will select
between different sets of unittests. All synthesizable unittests registered
under ``WithAllUnitTests`` class are run from ScalaTest and in CI.
Key Files & Locations
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/src/main/scala/midas/SynthUnitTests.scala`
Synthesizable unit test modules are registered here.
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/src/main/cc/unittest/Makefrag`
Make recipes for building and running the tests.
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/firesim-lib/src/test/scala/TestSuiteCommon.scala`
ScalaTest wrappers for running synthesizable unittests
Defining a New Test
#. Define a new Chisel module that extends ``freechips.rocketchip.unittest.UnitTest``
#. Register your modules in a ``Config`` using the ``UnitTests`` key. See ``SynthUnitTests.scala`` for examples.
Scala Unit Testing
We also use ScalaTest to test individual transforms, classes, and target-side Chisel
features (in ``targetutils`` package). These can be found in
``<subproject>/src/test/scala`` as is customary of Scala projects. ScalaTests in ``targetUtils``
generally ensure that target-side annotators behave correctly when deployed in a
generator (they elaborate correctly or they give the desired error message.)
ScalaTests in ``midas`` are mostly tailored to testing FIRRTL transforms, and
have copied FIRRTL testing utilities into the source tree to make that process easier.
``targetUtils`` scala tests can be run out of :gh-file-ref:`sim/` as follows::
# Pull open the SBT console in the firesim subproject
$ make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt
# Switch to the targetutils package
sbt:firesim> project targetutils
# Run all scala tests under the ``targetutils`` subproject
sbt:midas-targetutils> test
Golden Gate (formerly midas) scala tests can be run by setting the scala project
to ``midas``, as in step 2 above.
Key Files & Locations
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/src/test/scala/midas`
Location of GoldenGate ScalaTests
- :gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/targetutils/src/test/scala`
Location of targetutils ScalaTests
Defining A New Test
Extend the appropriate ScalaTest spec or base class, and
place the file under the correct ``src/test/scala`` directory. They will be
automatically enumerated by ScalaTest and will run in CI by default.
C/C++ guidelines
The C++ sources are formatted using ``clang-format`` and all submitted pull-requests
must be formatted prior to being accepted and merged. The sources follow the coding
style defined `here <>`_.
Additionally, ``clang-tidy`` is also run on CI to lint and validate C++ sources.
The tool follows the guidelines and configuration of LLVM.
``git clang-format`` can be used before committing to ensure that files are properly formatted.
``make -C sim clang-tidy`` can be used to run ``clang-tidy``. `make -C sim clang-tidy-fix`
automatically applies most fixes, but some errors and warnings require user intervention.
Scala guidelines
The Scala sources are formatted using both ``Scalafmt`` and ``Scalafix``. All submitted
pull-requests must be formatted prior to being accepted and merged. The configuration files
are found here: `Scalafmt config <>`_,
`Scalafix config <>`_. Run
``make -C sim scala-lint-check`` to check your code for compliance. Run ``make -C sim scala-lint`` to
automatically apply fixes.