
137 lines
4.7 KiB

# See LICENSE for license details.
# This file can be used to synthesize the `FPGATop` module of a design. It
# emulates the strategy & frequency that the AWS flows might use.
# Command-line Arguments
set strategy [lindex $argv 0]
set desired_host_frequency [lindex $argv 1]
set output [lindex $argv 2]
set synth_xdc [lindex $argv 3]
set firesim_xdc [lindex $argv 4]
set firesim_sv [lindex $argv 5]
set device_type "xcvu9p-flgb2104-2-i"
set uram_option 2
# Read design files
if {$uram_option != 2} {
set_param synth.elaboration.rodinMoreOptions {rt::set_parameter disableOregPackingUram true}
set_param physynth.ultraRAMOptOutput false
# Maintain DONT TOUCH functionality for 2020.2 onwards
if {[string match *2020.2* [version -short]] || [string match *2021.* [version -short]]} {
set_param project.replaceDontTouchWithKeepHierarchySoft false
switch $uram_option {
"2" {
set synth_uram_option "-max_uram_cascade_height 2"
set uramHeight 2
"3" {
set synth_uram_option "-max_uram_cascade_height 3"
set uramHeight 3
"4" {
set synth_uram_option "-max_uram_cascade_height 1"
set uramHeight 4
default {
set synth_uram_option "-max_uram_cascade_height 1"
set uramHeight 4
switch $strategy {
puts "BASIC strategy."
set synth_options "-keep_equivalent_registers $synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "default"
"AREA" {
puts "AREA strategy."
set synth_options "$synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "AreaOptimized_high"
puts "EXPLORE strategy."
set synth_options "-keep_equivalent_registers -flatten_hierarchy rebuilt $synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "default"
puts "NORETIMING strategy."
set synth_options "-no_lc -shreg_min_size 5 -fsm_extraction one_hot -resource_sharing auto $synth_uram_option"
set synth_directive "default"
puts "TIMING strategy."
set synth_options "-no_lc -shreg_min_size 5 -fsm_extraction one_hot -resource_sharing auto $synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "default"
puts "CONGESTION strategy."
set synth_options "-no_lc -shreg_min_size 10 -control_set_opt_threshold 16 $synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "AlternateRoutability"
puts "DEFAULT strategy."
set synth_options "-keep_equivalent_registers -flatten_hierarchy rebuilt $synth_uram_option -retiming"
set synth_directive "default"
puts "QUICK strategy."
set synth_options "$synth_uram_option"
set synth_directive "runtimeoptimized"
default {
puts "$strategy is NOT a valid strategy."
exit 1
# Read design files
read_verilog -sv [list $firesim_sv]
read_xdc [list $firesim_xdc $synth_xdc]
# Ignore start/end module synthesis
set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-6155} -suppress
set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-6157} -suppress
# Ignore assertions
set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-2898} -suppress
# Upgrade XDC 'Critical Warnings' to 'Errors'
set_msg_config -id {Common 17-55} -new_severity {ERROR}
# CL Synthesis
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
set_param general.maxThreads 1
eval [concat synth_design -top FPGATop -verilog_define XSDB_SLV_DIS -part $device_type -mode out_of_context $synth_options -directive $synth_directive]
set failval [catch {exec grep "FAIL" failfast.csv}]
if { $failval==0 } {
puts "Synthesis failed"
exit 1
write_checkpoint -force $output.dcp
write_verilog -force -mode funcsim $output
report_utilization -hierarchical -hierarchical_percentages -file $output.rpt