
76 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# IMPORTANT! availability zone placement MATTERS for simulation performance.
# Usually, you will not be able to get 32 nodes in one availability zone,
# but frequently you will be able to get 16. The way the manager currently
# terminates nodes is based on their sorted ip address, which may means you
# end up killing some from different avail zones, even though it would be
# ideal to completely remove nodes from "extra" availability zones.
# Until this is fixed in the manager, you should run this script separately to:
# 1) get the 256 node result by commenting out the rest of the calls to loopfunc
# 2) terminate your run farm, then launch a new one (where all 16 hosts +
# switches will likely be in the same availability zone) that supports only 128
# nodes and below, then run from there, decreasing scale.
# run the simperf SCALE poweroff test using the manager. optionally passing "withlaunch" will also
# automatically launch the appropriate runfarm
# the runfarm WILL NOT be terminated upon completion
trap "exit" INT
set -e
set -o pipefail
if [ "$1" == "withlaunch" ]; then
firesim launchrunfarm -c workloads/simperf-test-scale-supernode-config.yaml
cd ../results-workload
# create the aggregate results directory
resultsdir=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S")-simperf-test-scale-supernode-aggregate
mkdir $resultsdir
# make sure we don't get the same name as one of the manager produced results
# directories
sleep 2
loopfunc () {
echo "RUNNING supernode_example_$1config"
# arg 1 is num nodes
# arg 2 is num f116xlarges to kill AFTERWARDS
# arg 3 is num m416xlarges to kill AFTERWARDS
firesim infrasetup -c workloads/simperf-test-scale-supernode-config.yaml --overrideconfigdata "target_config topology supernode_example_$1config"
firesim runworkload -c workloads/simperf-test-scale-supernode-config.yaml --overrideconfigdata "target_config topology supernode_example_$1config"
# rename the output directory with the ping latency
mv $originalfilename $resultsdir/$1
firesim terminaterunfarm -c workloads/simperf-test-scale-supernode-config.yaml --terminatesomef116 $2 --terminatesomem416 $3 --forceterminate
loopfunc 1024 16 2
loopfunc 512 8 2
loopfunc 256 4 0
loopfunc 128 2 0
loopfunc 64 1 1
loopfunc 32 0 0
loopfunc 16 0 0
loopfunc 8 0 0
loopfunc 4 1 0
python3 $ORIGDIR/simperf-test-scale/ $(pwd)/$resultsdir