
316 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import yaml
#import json
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import subprocess
import signal
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# args
desc = """Helper script that for a specific HWDB sweeps over frequencies to find the best one.
Requires the '' and 'firesim managerinit' to be run (i.e. ready to do builds without this script)."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument('-bry', '--build_recipe_yaml', type=Path, help='build_recipe.yaml (must have recipe to sweep on)', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-by', '--build_yaml', type=Path, help='build.yaml (must specify all build machines, must have 1 recipe to sweep on)', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-sf', '--start_freq', type=int, help='min. freq. to sweep (inclusive)', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-ef', '--end_freq', type=int, help='max. freq. to sweep (exclusive)', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--max_build_parallelism', type=int, help='max # of build machines to use (must be <= amount specified in build_recipe.yaml)', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
# example usage
# cmdline: SCRIPT -bry bry.yaml -by by.yaml -sf 10 -sf 100 -n 4
# by.yaml:
# # fully specified build farm (can use up to 4 machines in this case)
# build_farm:
# base_recipe: build-farm-recipes/externally_provisioned.yaml
# recipe_arg_overrides:
# default_build_dir: ...
# build_farm_hosts:
# - machine0
# - machine1
# - machine2
# - machine3
# builds_to_run:
# agfis_to_share:
# share_with_accounts:
# ...
# bry.yaml:
# ...
# misc funcs
def read_yaml_to_dict(filename):
"""Reads a YAML file and returns a Python dictionary."""
# Open the file in read mode
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
# Use yaml.safe_load for security reasons (avoid untrusted sources)
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
print(f"Error parsing YAML file: {exc}")
return None
return data
def write_dict_to_yaml(d, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
data = yaml.dump(d)
def replace_item(inobj, key, replace_value):
obj = inobj.copy()
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
obj[k] = replace_item(v, key, replace_value)
if key in obj:
obj[key] = replace_value
return obj
def change_freq(initial_dict, new_freq):
return replace_item(initial_dict, "fpga_frequency", new_freq)
def change_name(initial_dict, old_name, new_name):
d = initial_dict.copy()
d[new_name] = d[old_name]
del d[old_name]
return d
def run_grep_subprocess(directory, scope, pattern):
"""Runs grep on a directory using the subprocess module."""
grep_command = f"find {directory} -type d -path '*{scope}*' -exec grep -rn '{pattern}' {{}} \\+"
print(f"Running {grep_command}")
output = subprocess.check_output(grep_command, shell=True, text=True)
return output.strip() # Remove trailing newlines
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
print(f"Grep command failed: {exc}")
return ""
def find_latest_directory_with_string(directory_path, string):
Finds the latest directory containing a specific string within a directory.
latest_dir = None
latest_ctime = None
for root, directories, _ in os.walk(directory_path):
for dir in directories:
if string in dir:
dir_path = os.path.join(root, dir)
dir_ctime = os.path.getctime(dir_path)
if latest_ctime is None or dir_ctime > latest_ctime:
latest_dir = dir_path
latest_ctime = dir_ctime
return latest_dir
def round_w_base(x, base=10):
return base * round(x/base)
def get_nary_search_range(end, start, n):
freq_to_search = []
freq_range = end - start
if freq_range <= 10:
return freq_to_search
freq_incs = freq_range / (n + 1)
freq_incs = round_w_base(freq_incs)
cur_freq = start
while cur_freq <= end:
cur_freq = cur_freq + freq_incs
if end in freq_to_search:
if start in freq_to_search:
print(f"Range:{freq_range} Inc:{freq_incs}")
return freq_to_search
# core
assert 'RISCV' in os.environ, "Must run before this script"
assert args.end_freq > args.start_freq
assert args.end_freq % 10 == 0, "Only mults of 10"
assert args.start_freq % 10 == 0, "Only mults of 10"
assert args.start_freq > 0
bry = read_yaml_to_dict(args.build_recipe_yaml)
by = read_yaml_to_dict(args.build_yaml)
assert len(bry.keys()) == 1, "Must have only 1 recipe in the build recipe"
br_name_to_sweep = list(bry.items())[0][0]
parallelism = args.max_build_parallelism
assert parallelism >= 1
print(f"Using {parallelism} build machines for sweeping")
# TODO: make this more programmatic?
# find path to grep for violated in depending on platform (string must exist in the path of the file to be grepped)
platform = bry[br_name_to_sweep]['PLATFORM']
if 'xilinx_alveo' in platform:
report_path = 'vivado_proj/reports'
elif 'xilinx_vcu118' in platform:
report_path = 'build/reports'
elif 'vitis' in platform:
report_path = '' # TODO: get actual path of reports (low-pri since vitis shouldn't be used)
elif 'rhsresearch_nitefury_ii' in platform:
report_path = '' # TODO: no reports dumped for this (search everything)
elif 'f1' in platform:
report_path = 'build/reports'
# this is where the recursion happens
def do_builds(freq_to_search):
# create a new temp build recipe file that has new names with freqs attached
brds = [ change_freq(change_name(bry, br_name_to_sweep, f"{br_name_to_sweep}_{e}"), e) for e in freq_to_search ]
new_bry = {}
for e in brds:
#print(json.dumps(new_bry, indent=4))
# create a new temp build file that has names with freqs attached
br_names = [ f"{br_name_to_sweep}_{e}" for e in freq_to_search ]
new_by = by.copy()
new_by['builds_to_run'] = br_names
#print(json.dumps(new_by, indent=4))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# print both to files
write_dict_to_yaml(new_bry, f"{temp_dir}/tmp_bry.yaml")
write_dict_to_yaml(new_by, f"{temp_dir}/tmp_by.yaml")
def execute(cmd):
# NOTE: if shell=True then the cmd needs to be a single string, else a list of words
popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=os.environ, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""):
yield stdout_line
return_code = popen.wait()
if return_code:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM)
# build bitstream w/ those files
print("Executing FireSim builds")
for l in execute([f'firesim buildbitstream -r {temp_dir}/tmp_bry.yaml -b {temp_dir}/tmp_by.yaml']):
print(l, end="")
print("Done executing FireSim builds")
# check to see if hwdb entry exists for files (if does, then double check by grepping violated in most recent build results)
# if doesn't then it failed
#fp_d = {} - key=name, value=bool:passed or not
print("Checking FireSim build output")
fp_d = {}
for br_name in br_names:
if os.path.exists(f"{script_dir}/../deploy/built-hwdb-entries/{br_name}"):
print(f"{br_name} exists... checking for VIOLATED in logs...")
# get most recent run that has br_name in it
latest_dir = find_latest_directory_with_string(f"{script_dir}/../deploy/results-build", br_name)
results = run_grep_subprocess(latest_dir, report_path, "VIOLATED")
if results == "":
fp_d[br_name] = True
fp_d[br_name] = False
fp_d[br_name] = False
return fp_d
print(f"Starting sweep...")
# basically want to do a n-ary search where n is parallelism+1.
# i.e. binary search is where parallelism is 1
# i.e. 3-ary search is where parallelism is 2
# adapted from:
def nary_search(low, high, lst, n):
best_pass_idx = -1
while high > low:
inc = max((high - low) // (n + 1), 1)
print(f"HighIdx: {high} LowIdx:{low} Inc:{inc}")
check_idxs = sorted(list(set(range(low, high, inc)) | set({low, high})))
print(f"CheckIdxsPreTrim: {check_idxs}")
if len(check_idxs) > n:
trim_end_idx = (len(check_idxs) - n) // 2
# take the middle idxs
check_idxs = check_idxs[trim_end_idx:]
check_idxs = check_idxs[:n]
print(f"CheckIdxs: {check_idxs}")
search_freqs = [ lst[e] for e in check_idxs ]
freq_2_idx = {}
for e in check_idxs:
freq_2_idx[lst[e]] = e
print(f"SearchFreqs: {search_freqs}")
# build bitstreams for selected stuff
results = do_builds(set(search_freqs))
# testing
#results = {}
#for f in search_freqs:
# results[f"name_{f}"] = True if f < 35 else False
print(f"Build results: {results}")
# know the failures and passes (determine next start/end)
# between the highest pass and lowest failure is the new low/high, respectively
highest_pass_idx = low
lowest_fail_idx = high
for k, v in results.items():
freq = int(k.split('_')[-1])
idx = freq_2_idx[freq]
passed = v
if passed:
if idx > highest_pass_idx:
low = idx + 1
highest_pass_idx = idx
best_pass_idx = idx
if idx < lowest_fail_idx:
high = idx - 1
lowest_fail_idx = idx
return best_pass_idx
rang = list(range(args.start_freq, args.end_freq, 10))
print(f"All frequencies to search: {rang}")
best_freq_idx = nary_search(0, len(rang)-1, rang, parallelism)
if best_freq_idx == -1:
print(">>> No freq. passed <<<")
best_freq = rang[best_freq_idx]
print(f">>> Highest freq. that passed was: {best_freq} <<<")