131 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
131 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script runs a RISC-V assembly test in RTL simulation at the three
# supported abstraction levels and captures the necessary portions of the log
# to calculate simulation rates
# Abstraction levels:
# Target -> Just the target RTL
# MIDAS -> The target post-transformations, fpga-hosted models & widgets
# FPGA -> The whole RTL design pre-synthesis
# This requires a VCS license.
# Berkeley users: If running on millenium machines, source scripts/setup_vcsmx_env.sh
# The ISA test to run
# The file into which we dump all the relevant pieces of simulation log. Some
# post-processing is still required.
cd $(dirname $0)/..
echo -e "FireSim RTL Simulation Execution Rates\n" > $REPORT_FILE
# TARGET level
export DESIGN=FireSimNoNIC
export TARGET_CONFIG=FireSimRocketChipConfig
export PLATFORM_CONFIG=BaseF1Config
export SIM_ARGS=+verbose
export TIME="%C %E real, %U user, %S sys"
for optlevel in 0 1 2
echo -e "\nVerilator TARGET-level Simulation, -O${optlevel}\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
## Verilator
cd $firesim_root/target-design/chipyard/verisim
# Hack...
sed -i "s/-O[0-3]/-O${optlevel}/" Makefile
make clean
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make debug
echo -e "\nNo Waves\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE ./$sim $SIM_ARGS $test_path &> nowaves.log
tail nowaves.log >> $REPORT_FILE
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE ./$sim-debug $SIM_ARGS -vtest.vcd $test_path &> waves.log
echo -e "\nWaves Enabled\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
tail waves.log >> $REPORT_FILE
echo -e "\nTarget-level VCS\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
cd $firesim_root/target-design/chipyard/vsim/
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS debug
echo -e "\nNo Waves\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE ./$sim $SIM_ARGS $test_path &> nowaves.log
tail nowaves.log >> $REPORT_FILE
echo -e "\nWaves Enabled\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE ./$sim-debug $SIM_ARGS $test_path &> waves.log
tail waves.log >> $REPORT_FILE
## MIDAS level
for optlevel in 0 1 2
echo -e "\nMIDAS-level Simulation, -O${optlevel}\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
cd $firesim_root/sim
make clean
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS VERILATOR_CXXOPTS=-O${optlevel} verilator
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS VERILATOR_CXXOPTS=-O${optlevel} verilator-debug
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS VCS_CXXOPTS=-O${optlevel} vcs
/usr/bin/time -a -o $REPORT_FILE make -j$MAKE_THREADS VCS_CXXOPTS=-O${optlevel} vcs-debug
mkdir -p $ml_output_dir
# Symlink it twice so we have unique targets for vcs and verilator
ln -sf $test_path $ml_output_dir/$TEST
ln -sf $test_path $ml_output_dir/$TEST-vcs
echo -e "\nWaves Off, -O${optlevel}\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
make EMUL=vcs ${test_symlink}-vcs.out
make ${test_symlink}.out
grep -Eo "simulation speed = .*" $ml_output_dir/*out >> $REPORT_FILE
echo -e "\nWaves On, -O${optlevel}\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
make EMUL=vcs ${test_symlink}-vcs.vpd
make ${test_symlink}.vpd
grep -Eo "simulation speed = .*" $ml_output_dir/*out >> $REPORT_FILE
# FPGA level
# Unlike the other levels, the driver and dut communicate through pipes
cd $firesim_root/sim
echo -e "\nFPGA-level XSIM - Waves On\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
make xsim
make xsim-dut | tee dut.out &
# Wait for the dut to come up; Compilation time is long.
while [[ $(grep driver_to_xsim dut.out) == '' ]]; do sleep 1; done
make run-xsim SIM_BINARY=$test_path &> driver.out
# These are too slow for the reported simulation rate to be non-zero; so tail
tail driver.out >> $REPORT_FILE
echo -e "\nFPGA-level VCS - Waves On\n" >> $REPORT_FILE
make xsim
make xsim-dut VCS=1 | tee vcs-dut.out &
# Wait for the dut to come up; Compilation time is long.
while [[ $(grep driver_to_xsim vcs-dut.out) == '' ]]; do sleep 1; done
make run-xsim SIM_BINARY=$test_path &> vcs-driver.out
# These are too slow for the reported simulation rate to be non-zero; so tail
tail vcs-driver.out >> $REPORT_FILE