
108 lines
4.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 Xilinx, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the
# License is located at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This file was originally a vitis RTL kernel example design.
set path_to_hdl "../design"
set path_to_packaged "./packaged_kernel_${suffix}"
set path_to_tmp_project "./tmp_kernel_pack_${suffix}"
set projPart "xcu250-figd2104-2L-e"
set base_filename "FireSim-generated"
set synth_xdc_path "${path_to_hdl}/${base_filename}.synthesis.xdc"
set impl_xdc_path "${path_to_hdl}/${base_filename}.implementation.xdc"
# Establish reasonable bounds for the input frequency to catch gross errors.
# These numbers are somewhat arbitrary.
set min_frequency 1.0
set max_frequency 300.0
if {$frequency < ${min_frequency} || $frequency > ${max_frequency}} {
puts "Provided simulator frequency must be within \[$min_frequency, $max_frequency\] MHz.\n"
puts "Provided value: $frequency MHz"
exit 1
create_project -force kernel_pack $path_to_tmp_project -part ${projPart}
add_files -norecurse [ list \
$path_to_hdl/defines.vh \
$synth_xdc_path \
$impl_xdc_path \
$path_to_hdl/ \
set_property USED_IN_SYNTHESIS false [get_files $impl_xdc_path]
set_property USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION true [get_files $impl_xdc_path]
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
update_compile_order -fileset sim_1
# Note: The main MMCM generation script expects that frequency variable is defined
set ipgen_scripts [glob $path_to_hdl/FireSim-generated.*.ipgen.tcl]
foreach script $ipgen_scripts {
source $script
# Use RTL models instead of systemC-based ones for Xilinx IP.
# - The AXI clock converter IP does not appear to function correctly when running on
# millennium, which leads to lost transactions. and the RTL models are easier to debug
# - The RTL models are easier to read and debug
set_property SELECTED_SIM_MODEL rtl [get_ips]
generate_target all [get_ips]
ipx::package_project -root_dir $path_to_packaged -vendor -library RTLKernel -taxonomy /KernelIP -import_files -set_current false
ipx::unload_core $path_to_packaged/component.xml
ipx::edit_ip_in_project -upgrade true -name tmp_edit_project -directory $path_to_packaged $path_to_packaged/component.xml
set core [ipx::current_core]
set_property core_revision 2 $core
foreach up [ipx::get_user_parameters] {
ipx::remove_user_parameter [get_property NAME $up] $core
ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -busif s_axi_lite -clock ap_clk $core
ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -busif host_mem_0 -clock ap_clk $core
# set up mem map for axis intf
set mem_map [::ipx::add_memory_map -quiet "s_axi_lite" $core]
set addr_block [::ipx::add_address_block -quiet "reg0" $mem_map]
set host_mem_0_offset [::ipx::add_register -quiet "host_mem_0_offset" $addr_block]
set_property address_offset 0x010 $host_mem_0_offset
set_property size 64 $host_mem_0_offset
set_property slave_memory_map_ref "s_axi_lite" [::ipx::get_bus_interfaces -of $core "s_axi_lite"]
# define association between pointer arguments (SRC_ADDR, DEST_ADDR) and axi masters (axi_rmst, axi_wmst)
ipx::add_register_parameter ASSOCIATED_BUSIF $host_mem_0_offset
set_property value {host_mem_0} [::ipx::get_register_parameters -of_objects $host_mem_0_offset ASSOCIATED_BUSIF]
ipx::add_bus_parameter DATA_WIDTH [ipx::get_bus_interfaces host_mem_0 -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property value {64} [ipx::get_bus_parameters DATA_WIDTH -of_objects [ipx::get_bus_interfaces host_mem_0 -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]]
set_property xpm_libraries {XPM_CDC XPM_MEMORY XPM_FIFO} $core
set_property sdx_kernel true $core
set_property sdx_kernel_type rtl $core
set_property supported_families { } $core
set_property auto_family_support_level level_2 $core
ipx::create_xgui_files $core
ipx::update_checksums $core
ipx::check_integrity -kernel $core
ipx::save_core $core
close_project -delete