
33 lines
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.. |fpga_type| replace:: Xilinx Vitis-enabled U250
.. |deploy_manager| replace:: VitisInstanceDeployManager
.. |deploy_manager_code| replace:: ``VitisInstanceDeployManager``
.. |runner| replace:: Xilinx XRT/Vitis
.. |hwdb_entry_name| replace:: vitis_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic
.. warning::
⚠️ **We highly recommend using the XDMA-based U250 flow instead of this Vitis-based
flow. You can find the XDMA-based flow here:** :ref:`u250-standard-flow`. The
Vitis-based flow does not support DMA-based FireSim bridges (e.g., TracerV,
Synthesizable Printfs, etc.), while the XDMA-based flows support all FireSim
features. If you're unsure, use the XDMA-based U250 flow instead:
.. include:: Running-Single-Node-Simulation-Vitis-Template.rst
.. warning::
In some cases, simulation may fail because you might need to update the |fpga_type|
DRAM offset that is currently hard coded in both the FireSim |runner| driver code
and platform shim. To verify this, run ``xclbinutil --info --input <YOUR_XCL_BIN>``,
obtain the ``bank0`` ``MEM_DDR4`` offset. If it differs from the hardcoded
``0x40000000`` given in driver code (``u250_dram_expected_offset`` variable in
:gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/src/main/cc/`) and platform shim
(``araddr``/``awaddr`` offset in
:gh-file-ref:`sim/midas/src/main/scala/midas/platform/VitisShim.scala`) replace both
areas with the new offset given by ``xclbinutil`` and regenerate the bitstream.