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# RUNTIME configuration for the FireSim Simulation Manager
# See https://docs.fires.im/en/stable/Advanced-Usage/Manager/Manager-Configuration-Files.html for documentation of all of these params.
base_recipe: run-farm-recipes/aws_ec2.yaml
# tag to apply to run farm hosts
run_farm_tag: mainrunfarm
# enable expanding run farm by run_farm_hosts given
always_expand_run_farm: true
# minutes to retry attempting to request instances
launch_instances_timeout_minutes: 60
# run farm host market to use (ondemand, spot)
run_instance_market: ondemand
# if using spot instances, determine the interrupt behavior (terminate, stop, hibernate)
spot_interruption_behavior: terminate
# if using spot instances, determine the max price
spot_max_price: ondemand
# default location of the simulation directory on the run farm host
default_simulation_dir: /home/centos
# run farm hosts to spawn: a mapping from a spec below (which is an EC2
# instance type) to the number of instances of the given type that you
# want in your runfarm.
- f1.16xlarge: 0
- f1.4xlarge: 0
- f1.2xlarge: 1
- m4.16xlarge: 0
- z1d.3xlarge: 0
- z1d.6xlarge: 0
- z1d.12xlarge: 0
metasimulation_enabled: false
# vcs or verilator. use vcs-debug or verilator-debug for waveform generation
metasimulation_host_simulator: verilator
# plusargs passed to the simulator for all metasimulations
metasimulation_only_plusargs: "+fesvr-step-size=128 +max-cycles=100000000"
# plusargs passed to the simulator ONLY FOR vcs metasimulations
metasimulation_only_vcs_plusargs: "+vcs+initreg+0 +vcs+initmem+0"
topology: no_net_config
no_net_num_nodes: 1
link_latency: 6405
switching_latency: 10
net_bandwidth: 200
profile_interval: -1
# This references a section from config_hwdb.yaml for fpga-accelerated simulation
# or from config_build_recipes.yaml for metasimulation
# In homogeneous configurations, use this to set the hardware config deployed
# for all simulators
default_hw_config: midasexamples_gcd
# Advanced: Specify any extra plusargs you would like to provide when
# booting the simulator (in both FPGA-sim and metasim modes). This is
# a string, with the contents formatted as if you were passing the plusargs
# at command line, e.g. "+a=1 +b=2"
plusarg_passthrough: ""
enable: no
# Trace output formats. Only enabled if "enable" is set to "yes" above
# 0 = human readable; 1 = binary (compressed raw data); 2 = flamegraph (stack
# unwinding -> Flame Graph)
output_format: 0
# Trigger selector.
# 0 = no trigger; 1 = cycle count trigger; 2 = program counter trigger; 3 =
# instruction trigger
selector: 1
start: 0
end: -1
read_rate: 0
workload_name: null.json
terminate_on_completion: no
suffix_tag: null
# When enabled (=yes), Zeros-out FPGA-attached DRAM before simulations
# begin (takes 2-5 minutes).
# In general, this is not required to produce deterministic simulations on
# target machines running linux. Enable if you observe simulation non-determinism.
zero_out_dram: no
# If disable_synth_asserts: no, simulation will print assertion message and
# terminate simulation if synthesized assertion fires.
# If disable_synth_asserts: yes, simulation ignores assertion firing and
# continues simulation.
disable_synth_asserts: no
# DOCREF START: Synthesized Prints
# Start and end cycles for outputting synthesized prints.
# They are given in terms of the base clock and will be converted
# for each clock domain.
start: 0
end: -1
# When enabled (=yes), prefix print output with the target cycle at which the print was triggered
cycle_prefix: yes
# DOCREF END: Synthesized Prints