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.. _deprecated-defining-custom-workloads:
[DEPRECATED] Defining Custom Workloads
.. danger::
This version of the Defining Custom Workloads page is kept here to document some of
the legacy workload configurations still present in ``deploy/workloads/``. New
workloads should NOT be generated using these instructions.
This page documents the ``JSON`` input format that FireSim uses to understand your
software workloads that run on the target design. Most of the time, you should not be
writing these files from scratch. Instead, use :ref:`firemarshal` to build a workload
(including Linux kernel images and root filesystems) and use ``firemarshal``'s
``install`` command to generate an initial ``.json`` file for FireSim. Once you generate
a base ``.json`` with FireMarshal, you can add some of the options noted on this page to
control additional files used as inputs/outputs to/from simulations.
**Workloads** in FireSim consist of a series of **Jobs** that are assigned to be run on
individual simulations. Currently, we require that a Workload defines either:
- A single type of job, that is run on as many simulations as specfied by the user.
These workloads are usually suffixed with ``-uniform``, which indicates that all nodes
in the workload run the same job. An example of such a workload is
- Several different jobs, in which case there must be exactly as many jobs as there are
running simulated nodes. An example of such a workload is
FireSim can take these workload definitions and deploy them using the manager.
In the following subsections, we will go through the two aforementioned example workload
configurations, describing how these two functions use each part of the JSON file
**ERRATA**: You will notice in the following JSON files the field "workloads" this
should really be named "jobs" -- we will fix this in a future release.
Uniform Workload JSON
:gh-file-ref:`deploy/workloads/br-base-uniform.json` is an example of a "uniform" style
workload, where each simulated node runs the same software configuration.
Let's take a look at this file:
.. include:: /../deploy/workloads/br-base-uniform.json
:code: json
There is also a corresponding directory named after this workload/file:
``deploy/workloads/br-base-uniform``. We will elaborate on this later.
Looking at the JSON file, you'll notice that this is a relatively simple workload
In this "uniform" case, the manager will name simulations after the ``benchmark_name``
field, appending a number for each simulation using the workload (e.g.
``br-base-uniform0``, ``br-base-uniform1``, and so on). It is standard pratice to keep
``benchmark_name``, the JSON filename, and the above directory name the same. In this
case, we have set all of them to ``br-base-uniform``.
Next, the ``common_bootbinary`` field represents the binary that the simulations in this
workload are expected to boot from. The manager will copy this binary for each of the
nodes in the simulation (each gets its own copy). The ``common_bootbinary`` path is
relative to the workload's directory, in this case
Similarly, the ``common_rootfs`` field represents the disk image that the simulations in
this workload are expected to boot from. The manager will copy this root filesystem
image for each of the nodes in the simulation (each gets its own copy). The
``common_rootfs`` path is relative to the workload's directory, in this case
The ``common_outputs`` field is a list of outputs that the manager will copy out of the
root filesystem image AFTER a simulation completes. You can add multiple paths here.
The ``common_simulation_outputs`` field is a list of outputs that the manager will copy
off of the simulation host machine AFTER a simulation completes. In this example, when a
workload running on a simulated cluster with ``firesim runworkload`` completes, the
``uartlog`` (an automatically generated file that contains the full console output of
the simulated system) and ``memory_stats.csv`` files will be copied out of the
simulation's base directory on the host instance and placed in the job's output
directory within the workload's output directory (see the :ref:`firesim-runworkload`
section). You can add multiple paths here.
**ERRATA**: "Uniform" style workloads currently do not support being automatically built
-- you can currently hack around this by building the rootfs as a single-node
non-uniform workload, then deleting the ``workloads`` field of the JSON to make the
manager treat it as a uniform workload. This will be fixed in a future release.
Non-uniform Workload JSON (explicit job per simulated node)
Now, we'll look at the ``br-base-non-uniform`` workload, which explicitly defines a job
per simulated node.
.. include:: /../deploy/workloads/br-base-non-uniform.json
:code: json
Additionally, let's take a look at the state of the required ``br-base-non-uniform``
.. code-block:: bash
centos@ip-172-30-2-111.us-west-2.compute.internal:~/firesim-new/deploy/workloads/br-base-non-uniform$ ls -la
drwxrwxr-x 3 centos centos 16 May 17 21:58 overlay
Let's look at the ``overlay`` subdirectory:
.. code-block:: bash
centos@ip-172-30-2-111.us-west-2.compute.internal:~/firesim-new/deploy/workloads/br-base-non-uniform/overlay$ ls -la */*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 centos centos 249 May 17 21:58 bin/echome.sh
This is a file that's actually committed to the repo, that in theory would run the
benchmark we want to run on one of our simulated systems. In this case, it's a simple
Now, let's take a look at how we got here. First, let's review some of the new fields
present in this JSON file:
- ``common_files``: This is an array of files that will be included in ALL of the job
rootfses when they're built. This is relative to a path that we'll pass to the script
that generates rootfses.
- ``workloads``: This time, you'll notice that we have this array, which is populated by
objects that represent individual jobs. Each job has some additional fields:
- ``name``: In this case, jobs are each assigned a name manually. These names MUST
BE UNIQUE within a particular workload.
- ``files``: Just like ``common_files``, but specific to this job.
- ``command``: This is the command that will be run automatically immediately when
the simulation running this job boots up. This is usually the command that
starts the workload we want.
- ``simulation_outputs``: Just like ``common_simulation_outputs``, but specific to
this job.
- ``outputs``: Just like ``common_outputs``, but specific to this job.
In this example, we specify one node that boots up and runs ``echome.sh && poweroff -f``
while the other just runs ``poweroff -f``.
You can run works like this with the manager by setting ``workload_name:
br-base-non-uniform.json`` in ``config_runtime.yaml``. The manager will automatically
look for the generated rootfses (based on workload and job names that it reads from the
json) and distribute work appropriately.
Just like in the uniform case, it will copy back the results that we specify in the JSON
file. We'll end up with a directory in ``firesim/deploy/results-workload/`` named after
the workload name, with a subdirectory named after each job in the workload, which will
contain the output files we want.