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Setting up your Manager Instance
Launching a "Manager Instance"
.. warning::
These instructions refer to fields in EC2's new launch instance wizard. Refer to
`version 1.13.4 <>`__ of the documentation for
references to the old wizard, being wary that specifics, such as the AMI ID
selection, may be out of date.
Now, we need to launch a "Manager Instance" that acts as a "head" node that we will
``ssh`` or ``mosh`` into to work from. Since we will deploy the heavy lifting to
separate ``z1d.2xlarge`` and ``f1`` instances later, the Manager Instance can be a
relatively cheap instance. In this guide, however, we will use a ``c5.4xlarge``, running
the AWS FPGA Developer AMI. (Be sure to subscribe to the AMI if you have not done so.
See :ref:`ami-subscription`. Note that it might take a few minutes after subscribing to
the AMI to be able to launch instances using it.)
Head to the `EC2 Management Console <>`__. In
the top right corner, ensure that the correct region is selected.
To launch a manager instance, follow these steps:
1. From the main page of the EC2 Management Console, click *Launch Instance ▼* button
and click *Launch Instance* in the dropdown that appears. We use an on-demand
instance here, so that your data is preserved when you stop/start the instance, and
your data is not lost when pricing spikes on the spot market.
2. In the *Name* field, give the instance a recognizable name, for example
``firesim-manager-1``. This is purely for your own convenience and can also be left
3. In the *Application and OS Images* search box, search for ``FPGA Developer AMI -
1.12.2-40257ab5-6688-4c95-97d1-e251a40fd1fc`` and select the AMI that appears under
the **Community AMIs** tab (there should be only one).
- If you find that there are no results for this search, you can try incrementing the
last part of the **version number** (``Z`` in ``X.Y.Z``) in the search string,
e.g., ``1.12.2 -> 1.12.3``. Other parts of the search string should be unchanged.
- **Do not** use `FPGA Developer AMI` from the *AWS Marketplace AMIs* tab, as you
will likely get an incorrect version of the AMI.
4. In the *Instance Type* drop-down, select the instance type of your choosing. A good
choice is a ``c5.4xlarge`` (16 cores, 32 GiB DRAM) or a ``z1d.2xlarge`` (8 cores, 64
5. In the *Key pair (login)* drop-down, select the ``firesim`` key pair we set up
6. In the *Network settings* drop-down click *edit* and modify the following settings:
1. Under *VPC - required*, select the ``firesim`` VPC. Any subnet within the
``firesim`` VPC is fine.
2. Under *Firewall (security groups)*, click *Select existing security group* and in
the *Common security groups* dropdown that appears, select the ``firesim``
security group that was automatically created for you earlier. Do **NOT** select
the ``for-farms-only-firesim`` security group that might also be in the list (it
is also fine if this group does not appear in your list).
7. In the *Configure storage* section, increase the size of the root volume to at least
300GB. The default of 120GB can quickly become too small as you accumulate large
Vivado reports/outputs, large waveforms, XSim outputs, and large root filesystems for
simulations. You should remove the small (5-8GB) secondary volume that is added by
8. In the *Advanced details* drop-down, change the following:
1. Under *Termination protection*, select Enable. This adds a layer of protection to
prevent your manager instance from being terminated by accident. You will need to
disable this setting before being able to terminate the instance using usual
2. Under *User data*, paste the following into the provided textbox:
.. include:: /../scripts/
:code: bash
When your instance boots, this will install a compatible set of all the dependencies
needed to run FireSim on your instance using Conda.
9. Double check your configuration. The most common misconfigurations that may require
repeating this process include:
1. Not selecting the ``firesim`` vpc.
2. Not selecting the ``firesim`` security group.
3. Not selecting the ``firesim`` key pair.
4. Selecting the wrong AMI.
10. Click the orange *Launch Instance* button.
.. warning::
Recently, some AWS users been having issues with the launch process (after you click
``Launch Instance``) getting stuck trying to "Subscribe" to the AMI even when the
account is already subscribed. We have been able to bypass this issue by going to
the FPGA Developer AMI page on AWS Marketplace, clicking subscribe (even if already
subscribed), then clicking "Continue to Configuration", then verify the correct AMI
version and region are selected and click "Continue to Launch". Finally, change the
dropdown that says "Launch from Website" to "Launch through EC2" and click "Launch".
At this point, you will be brought back to the usual launch instance page, but the
AMI will be pre-selected and you will be able to successfully launch at the end,
after updating the rest of the options as noted above.
Access your instance
We **HIGHLY** recommend using `mosh <>`__ instead of ``ssh`` or using
``ssh`` with a screen/tmux session running on your manager instance to ensure that
long-running jobs are not killed by a bad network connection to your manager instance.
On this instance, the ``mosh`` server is installed as part of the setup script we pasted
before, so we need to first ssh into the instance and make sure the setup is complete.
In either case, ``ssh`` into your instance (e.g. ``ssh -i firesim.pem
centos@YOUR_INSTANCE_IP``) and wait until the ``/tmp/machine-launchstatus`` file
contains all the following text:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cat /tmp/machine-launchstatus
machine launch script started
machine launch script completed
You can also view the live output of the installation process by running ``tail -f
Once ``machine launch script completed`` appears in ``/tmp/machine-launchstatus``, exit
and re-``ssh`` into the system. If you want to use ``mosh``, ``mosh`` back into the
Key Setup, Part 2
Now that our manager instance is started, copy the private key that you downloaded from
AWS earlier (``firesim.pem``) to ``~/firesim.pem`` on your manager instance. This step
is required to give the manager access to the instances it launches for you.