121 lines
2.6 KiB
121 lines
2.6 KiB
- conda-forge
- ucb-bar
- nodefaults
# non-standard key used in conda-lock: https://github.com/conda-incubator/conda-lock#platform-specification
- linux-64
# https://conda-forge.org/feedstock-outputs/
# filterable list of all conda-forge packages
# https://conda-forge.org/#contribute
# instructions on adding a recipe
# https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/concepts/pkg-specs.html#package-match-specifications
# documentation on package_spec syntax for constraining versions
# handy tool for introspecting package relationships and file ownership
# see https://github.com/rvalieris/conda-tree
- conda-tree
# bundle FireSim driver with deps into installer shell-script
- constructor
- gcc<13
- gxx<13
- sysroot_linux-64=2.17 # needed to match pre-built CI XRT glibc version
- conda-gcc-specs
- binutils
- riscv-tools==1.0.3 # from ucb-bar channel - https://github.com/ucb-bar/riscv-tools-feedstock
# firemarshal deps
- qemu # from ucb-bar channel - https://github.com/ucb-bar/qemu-feedstock
- rsync
- psutil
- doit>=0.34.0
- gitpython
- humanfriendly
- ctags
- bison
- flex
- expat
- python>=3.8
- bc
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- unzip
- patch
- which
- sed
- diffutils
- bash
- gzip
- bzip2
- perl
- tar
- file
- wget
- findutils
- lzop
- make
- bash-completion
- sbt
- ca-certificates
- mosh
- gmp
- mpfr
- mpc
- zlib
- vim
- git
- openjdk
- gengetopt
- libffi
- expat
- libusb1
- ncurses
- cmake
- graphviz
- expect
- dtc
- verilator==5.008
- screen
- elfutils
- libdwarf-dev== # from ucb-bar channel - using mainline libdwarf-feedstock
- conda-lock=1.4
- autoconf
# clang-format for driver coding style enforcement.
- clang-format
- clang-tools
# python packages
# While it is possible to install using pip after creating the
# conda environment, pip's dependency resolution can conflict with
# conda and create broken environments. It's best to use the conda
# packages so that the environment is consistent
- colorama
- argcomplete
- python-graphviz
- pyparsing
- numpy
- kiwisolver
- matplotlib-base
- pandas
- awscli
- pytest
- pytest-dependency
- pytest-mock
- moto
- mypy
- s3fs==0.4.2
- aiohttp
- pip
- pip:
- sure
- pylddwrap