
79 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from fabric.api import cd, shell_env, run, execute # type: ignore
import argparse
import time
import os
from common import manager_ci_dir, set_fabric_firesim_pem
from platform_lib import Platform, get_platform_enum
from github_common import get_issue_number
from ci_variables import RUN_LOCAL, ci_env
def setup_workflow_monitor(platform: Platform, max_runtime: int) -> None:
""" Performs the prerequisite tasks for all CI jobs that will run on the manager instance
max_runtime (hours): The maximum uptime this manager and its associated
instances should have before it is stopped. This serves as a redundant check
in case the workflow-monitor is brought down for some reason.
platform: Enum that indicates either 'aws' or 'azure' currently. Describes the current platform
from which CI is being run from.
with cd(manager_ci_dir):
# This generates a file that can be sourced to get all the right keys / ids to run any of the
# Azure jobs. On testing, the environment variables did not correctly pass themselves to the
# screen job on
assert not RUN_LOCAL, "Workflow monitor setup only works running under GH-A"
workflow_log = f"{manager_ci_dir}/workflow-monitor-screen.log"
#run("echo 'zombie kr' >> ~/.screenrc") # for testing purposes, keep the screen on even after it dies
with shell_env(**ci_env):
# Put a baseline time-to-live bound on the manager.
# Instances will be terminated (since they are spot requests) or will cleaned up in a nightly job.
# Setting pty=False is required to stop the screen from being
# culled when the SSH session associated with the run command ends.
run((f"screen -S ttl -dm bash -c \'sleep {int(max_runtime) * 3600};"
f"./ {platform} {ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']} terminate {ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN']}\'")
, pty=False)
run((f"screen -S workflow-monitor -L -Logfile {workflow_log} -dm bash -c \'./ {platform} {get_issue_number()}\'")
, pty=False)
# verify the screen sessions are running
ls_out = run("screen -ls")
if not ("ttl" in ls_out and "workflow-monitor" in ls_out):
print("Error: Unable to find 'ttl' or 'workflow-monitor' screen sessions in 'screen -ls' after spawn.")
print("'screen -ls' output:")
# verify the workflow monitor started correctly
log_out = run(f"cat {workflow_log}")
if not "Workflow monitor started" in log_out:
print("Error: Workflow monitor not started properly.")
print("Workflow monitor log output:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Remove the all option, since we only perform setup a single platform at a time
platform_choices = [str(p) for p in Platform]
choices = platform_choices,
help = "The platform CI is being run on")
help="""The maximum uptime this manager and its associated
instances should have before it is stopped. This serves as a redundant check
in case the workflow-monitor is brought down for some reason.""")
args = parser.parse_args()
platform = get_platform_enum(args.platform)
execute(setup_workflow_monitor, platform, args.max_runtime, hosts=["localhost"])