
105 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import traceback
import requests
import sys
import argparse
from fabric.api import settings, run, cd, execute, local, put # type: ignore
import fabric # type: ignore
from platform_lib import Platform, PlatformLib, get_platform_enum
from common import manager_home_dir, get_platform_lib
from github_common import deregister_runners, gha_runners_api_url, get_header
# This is expected to be launch from the ci container
from ci_variables import ci_env
def wait_machine_launch_complete():
# Catch any exception that occurs so that we can gracefully teardown
with settings(warn_only=True):
rc = run("timeout 20m grep -q '.*machine launch script complete.*' <(tail -f /tmp/machine-launchstatus)").return_code
if rc != 0:
run("cat /tmp/machine-launchstatus.log")
raise Exception(" failed to run")
def setup_self_hosted_runners(platform_lib: PlatformLib):
""" Installs GHA self-hosted runner machinery on the manager. """
# Catch any exception that occurs so that we can gracefully teardown
# get the runner version based off the latest tag on the github runner repo
RUNNER_VERSION = local("git ls-remote --refs --tags | cut --delimiter='/' --fields=3 | tr '-' '~' | sort --version-sort | tail --lines=1", capture=True)
print("Using Github Actions Runner v{}".format(RUNNER_VERSION))
# create NUM_RUNNER self-hosted runners on the manager that run in parallel
# verify no existing runners are running and remove unused runners
with settings(warn_only=True):
for runner_idx in range(NUM_RUNNERS):
run(f"screen -XS gh-a-runner-{runner_idx} quit")
deregister_runners(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], f"{platform}-{ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}")
# spawn runners
for runner_idx in range(NUM_RUNNERS):
actions_dir = "{}/actions-runner-{}".format(manager_home_dir, runner_idx)
run("rm -rf {}".format(actions_dir))
run("mkdir -p {}".format(actions_dir))
with cd(actions_dir):
run("curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-{}.tar.gz -L{}/actions-runner-linux-x64-{}.tar.gz".format(RUNNER_VERSION, RUNNER_VERSION, RUNNER_VERSION))
run("tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-{}.tar.gz".format(RUNNER_VERSION))
# install deps
run("sudo ./bin/")
# get registration token from API
r ="{gha_runners_api_url}/registration-token", headers=get_header(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN']))
if r.status_code != 201:
raise Exception("HTTPS error: {} {}".format(r.status_code, r.json()))
res_dict = r.json()
reg_token = res_dict["token"]
# config runner
put(".github/scripts/gh-a-runner.expect", actions_dir)
run("chmod +x gh-a-runner.expect")
runner_name = f"{platform_lib.get_platform_enum()}-{ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}-{runner_idx}" # used to teardown runner
unique_label = f"{platform_lib.get_platform_enum()}-{ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}" # used within the yaml to choose a runner
run(f"./gh-a-runner.expect {reg_token} {runner_name} {unique_label} {ci_env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY']}")
# start runner
# Setting pty=False is required to stop the screen from being
# culled when the SSH session associated with the run command ends.
run("screen -S gh-a-runner-{} -L -dm ./".format(runner_idx), pty=False)
# double check that screen is setup properly
with settings(warn_only=True):
rc = run("screen -ls | grep \"gh-a-runner-{}\"".format(runner_idx)).return_code
if rc != 0:
run("cat screenlog.*")
raise Exception("There was an issue with setting up Github Actions runner {}".format(runner_idx))
except BaseException as e:
platform_lib.terminate_instances(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'], ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Remove the all option, since we only perform setup a single platform at a time
platform_choices = [str(p) for p in Platform]
choices = platform_choices,
help = "The platform CI is being run on")
args = parser.parse_args()
platform = get_platform_enum(args.platform)
platform_lib = get_platform_lib(platform)
execute(wait_machine_launch_complete, hosts=[platform_lib.get_manager_hostname(ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])])
# after we know is done, we need to logout and log back in
execute(setup_self_hosted_runners, platform_lib, hosts=[platform_lib.get_manager_hostname(ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'])])