
67 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from fabric.api import prefix, settings, run, execute # type: ignore
from common import manager_fsim_dir, set_fabric_firesim_pem
from ci_variables import ci_env
def run_parallel_metasim():
""" Runs parallel baremetal metasimulations """
with prefix(f"cd {manager_fsim_dir} && source"):
# build hello world baremetal test
with prefix('cd sw/firesim-software'):
with settings(warn_only=True):
rc = run("./marshal -v build test/bare.yaml &> bare.full.log").return_code
if rc != 0:
run("cat bare.full.log")
raise Exception("Building test/bare.yaml failed to run")
run("./marshal -v install test/bare.yaml")
def run_w_timeout(workload: str, timeout: str):
""" Run workload with a specific timeout
:arg: workload (str) - workload yaml (abs path)
:arg: timeout (str) - timeout amount for the workload to run
log_tail_length = 300
# unique tag based on the ci workflow and filename is needed to ensure
# run farm is unique to each linux-poweroff test
script_name = Path(__file__).stem
with prefix(f"export FIRESIM_RUNFARM_PREFIX={ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}-{script_name}"):
rc = 0
with settings(warn_only=True):
# avoid logging excessive amounts to prevent GH-A masking secrets (which slows down log output)
# pty=False needed to avoid issues with screen -ls stalling in fabric
rc = run(f"timeout {timeout} ./deploy/workloads/ {workload} --withlaunch &> {workload}.log", pty=False).return_code
print(f"Printing log. See {workload}.log for full info.")
run(f"cat {workload}.log")
# This is a janky solution to the fact the manager does not
# return a non-zero exit code or some sort of result summary.
# The expectation here is that the PR author will manually
# check these output files for correctness until it can be
# done programmatically..
print(f"Printing last {log_tail_length} lines of all output files. See results-workload for more info.")
run(f"""cd deploy/results-workload/ && LAST_DIR=$(ls | tail -n1) && if [ -d "$LAST_DIR" ]; then tail -n{log_tail_length} $LAST_DIR/*/*; fi""")
if rc != 0:
# need to confirm that instance is off
print(f"Workload {workload} failed. Terminating runfarm.")
run(f"firesim terminaterunfarm -q -c {workload}")
print(f"Workload {workload} successful.")
run_w_timeout(f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/workloads/ci/hello-world-localhost-verilator-metasim.yaml", "15m")
run_w_timeout(f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/workloads/ci/hello-world-awsec2-verilator-metasim.yaml", "15m")
if __name__ == "__main__":
execute(run_parallel_metasim, hosts=["localhost"])