303 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
303 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from fabric.api import prefix, run, settings, execute # type: ignore
import os
from github import Github
import base64
import time
import argparse
from ci_variables import ci_env
from typing import List, Tuple
GH_REPO = 'firesim-public-bitstreams'
GH_ORG = 'firesim'
URL_PREFIX = f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{GH_ORG}/{GH_REPO}"
shared_build_dir = "/scratch/buildbot/FIRESIM_BUILD_DIR"
# taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63427607/python-upload-files-directly-to-github-using-pygithub
# IMPORTANT: only works for binary files! (i.e. tar.gz files)
def upload_binary_file(local_file_path, gh_file_path):
print(f":DEBUG: Attempting to upload {local_file_path} to {gh_file_path}")
g = Github(ci_env['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'])
repo = g.get_repo(f'{GH_ORG}/{GH_REPO}')
all_files = []
contents = repo.get_contents("")
while contents:
file_content = contents.pop(0)
if file_content.type == "dir":
file = file_content
with open(local_file_path, 'rb') as file:
content = file.read()
tries = 10
delay = 15
msg = f"Committing files from {ci_env['GITHUB_SHA']}"
upload_branch = 'main'
r = None
# Upload to github
git_file = gh_file_path
if git_file in all_files:
contents = repo.get_contents(git_file)
for n in range(tries):
r = repo.update_file(contents.path, msg, content, contents.sha, branch=upload_branch)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Got exception: {e}")
assert r is not None, f"Unable to poll 'update_file' API {tries} times"
print(f"Updated: {git_file}")
for n in range(tries):
r = repo.create_file(git_file, msg, content, branch=upload_branch)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Got exception: {e}")
assert r is not None, f"Unable to poll 'create_file' API {tries} times"
print(f"Created: {git_file}")
return r['commit'].sha
def run_local_buildbitstreams():
""" Runs local buildbitstreams"""
# assumptions:
# - machine-launch-script requirements are already installed
# - XILINX_VITIS, XILINX_XRT, XILINX_VIVADO are setup (in env / LD_LIBRARY_PATH / path / etc)
# repo should already be checked out
manager_fsim_dir = ci_env['REMOTE_WORK_DIR']
with prefix(f"cd {manager_fsim_dir}"):
with prefix('source sourceme-manager.sh --skip-ssh-setup'):
# return a copy of config_build.yaml w/ hwdb entry(s) uncommented + new build dir
def modify_config_build(hwdb_entries_to_gen: List[str]) -> str:
build_yaml = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/config_build.yaml"
copy_build_yaml = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/config_build_{hash(tuple(hwdb_entries_to_gen))}.yaml"
# comment out old lines
build_yaml_lines = open(build_yaml).read().split("\n")
with open(copy_build_yaml, "w") as byf:
for line in build_yaml_lines:
if "- firesim" in line:
# comment out AWS specific lines
byf.write("# " + line + '\n')
elif 'default_build_dir:' in line:
byf.write(line.replace('null', shared_build_dir) + '\n')
byf.write(line + '\n')
# add new builds to run
build_yaml_lines = open(copy_build_yaml).read().split("\n")
with open(copy_build_yaml, "w") as byf:
for line in build_yaml_lines:
if "builds_to_run:" in line and not "#" in line:
byf.write(line + '\n')
start_space_idx = line.index('b')
for hwdb_to_gen in hwdb_entries_to_gen:
byf.write((' ' * (start_space_idx + 4)) + f"- {hwdb_to_gen}" + '\n')
byf.write(line + '\n')
return copy_build_yaml
def add_host_list(build_yaml: str, hostlist: List[Tuple[str, bool, str]]) -> str:
copy_build_yaml = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/config_build_{hash(tuple(hostlist))}.yaml"
build_yaml_lines = open(build_yaml).read().split("\n")
with open(copy_build_yaml, "w") as byf:
for line in build_yaml_lines:
if "build_farm_hosts:" in line and not "#" in line:
byf.write(line + '\n')
start_space_idx = line.index('b')
for host, use_unique, unique_build_dir in hostlist:
if use_unique:
byf.write((' ' * (start_space_idx + 4)) + f"- {host}:" + '\n')
byf.write((' ' * (start_space_idx + 8)) + f"override_build_dir: {unique_build_dir}" + '\n')
byf.write((' ' * (start_space_idx + 4)) + f"- {host}" + '\n')
elif '- localhost' in line and not '#' in line:
byf.write("# " + line + '\n')
byf.write(line + '\n')
return copy_build_yaml
def build_upload(build_yaml: str, hwdb_entries: List[str], platforms: List[str]) -> List[str]:
print(f"Printing {build_yaml}...")
run(f"cat {build_yaml}")
rc = 0
with settings(warn_only=True):
# pty=False needed to avoid issues with screen -ls stalling in fabric
build_result = run(f"timeout 10h firesim buildbitstream -b {build_yaml} --forceterminate", pty=False)
rc = build_result.return_code
if rc != 0:
log_lines = 200
print(f"Buildbitstream failed. Printing {log_lines} of last log file:")
run(f"""LAST_LOG=$(ls | tail -n1) && if [ -f "$LAST_LOG" ]; then tail -n{log_lines} $LAST_LOG; fi""")
hwdb_entry_dir = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/built-hwdb-entries"
links = []
for hwdb_entry_name, platform in zip(hwdb_entries, platforms):
hwdb_entry = f"{hwdb_entry_dir}/{hwdb_entry_name}"
print(f"Printing {hwdb_entry}...")
run(f"cat {hwdb_entry}")
with open(hwdb_entry, 'r') as hwdbef:
lines = hwdbef.readlines()
for line in lines:
if "bitstream_tar:" in line:
file_path = Path(line.strip().split(' ')[1].replace('file://', '')) # 2nd element (i.e. the path) (no URI)
file_name = f"{platform}/{hwdb_entry_name}.tar.gz"
run(f"shasum -a 256 {file_path}")
sha = upload_binary_file(file_path, file_name)
link = f"{URL_PREFIX}/{sha}/{file_name}"
print(f"Uploaded bitstream_tar for {hwdb_entry_name} to {link}")
return links
relative_hwdb_path = "deploy/sample-backup-configs/sample_config_hwdb.yaml"
sample_hwdb_filename = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/{relative_hwdb_path}"
def replace_in_hwdb(hwdb_entry_name: str, link: str) -> None:
# replace the sample hwdb's bit line only
sample_hwdb_lines = open(sample_hwdb_filename).read().split('\n')
with open(sample_hwdb_filename, "w") as sample_hwdb_file:
match_bit = False
for line in sample_hwdb_lines:
if hwdb_entry_name in line.strip().split(' ')[0].replace(':', ''):
# hwdb entry matches key name
match_bit = True
sample_hwdb_file.write(line + '\n')
elif match_bit == True:
if ("bitstream_tar:" in line.strip().split(' ')[0]):
# only replace this bit
match_bit = False
new_bit_line = f" bitstream_tar: {link}"
print(f"Replacing {line.strip()} with {new_bit_line}")
# print out the bit line
sample_hwdb_file.write(new_bit_line + '\n')
sys.exit("::ERROR:: Something went wrong")
# if no match print other lines
sample_hwdb_file.write(line + '\n')
if match_bit == True:
sys.exit(f"::ERROR:: Unable to replace URL for {hwdb_entry_name} in {sample_hwdb_filename}")
# strip newlines from end of file
with open(sample_hwdb_filename, "r+") as sample_hwdb_file:
content = sample_hwdb_file.read()
content = content.rstrip('\n')
# priority == roughly the more powerful and available
# ipaddr, buildtool:version, use unique build dir, unique build dir path, priority (0 is highest)(unused by code but used to track which machine has most resources)
hosts = [
("buildbot1@a17", "vitis:2022.1", True, "/scratch/buildbot1/FIRESIM_BUILD_DIR", 0),
( "harp", "vitis:2022.1", False, "", 2),
("buildbot2@a17", "vitis:2021.1", True, "/scratch/buildbot2/FIRESIM_BUILD_DIR", 0),
("buildbot3@a17", "vitis:2021.1", True, "/scratch/buildbot3/FIRESIM_BUILD_DIR", 0),
("buildbot4@a17", "vitis:2021.1", True, "/scratch/buildbot4/FIRESIM_BUILD_DIR", 0),
( "firesim1", "vitis:2021.1", False, "", 1),
( "jktgz", "vivado:2023.1", False, "", 3),
( "jktqos", "vivado:2023.1", False, "", 3),
def do_builds(batch_hwdbs):
assert len(hosts) >= len(batch_hwdbs), f"Need at least {len(batch_hwdbs)} hosts to run builds"
# map hwdb tuple to hosts
hwdb_2_host = {}
for hwdb, platform, buildtool_version in batch_hwdbs:
for host_name, host_buildtool_version, host_use_unique, host_unique_build_dir, host_prio in hosts:
if host_buildtool_version == buildtool_version:
if not host_name in [h[0] for h in hwdb_2_host.values()]:
hwdb_2_host[hwdb] = (host_name, host_use_unique, host_unique_build_dir)
assert len(hwdb_2_host) == len(batch_hwdbs), "Unable to map hosts to hwdb build"
hwdbs_ordered = [hwdb[0] for hwdb in batch_hwdbs]
platforms_ordered = [hwdb[1] for hwdb in batch_hwdbs]
hosts_ordered = hwdb_2_host.values()
print(f"HWDBS: {hwdbs_ordered}")
print(f"Platforms: {platforms_ordered}")
print(f"Hosts: {hosts_ordered}")
copy_build_yaml = modify_config_build(hwdbs_ordered)
copy_build_yaml_2 = add_host_list(copy_build_yaml, hosts_ordered)
links = build_upload(copy_build_yaml_2, hwdbs_ordered, platforms_ordered)
for hwdb, link in zip(hwdbs_ordered, links):
replace_in_hwdb(hwdb, link)
# wipe old data
for host_name, host_use_unique, host_unique_build_dir in hosts_ordered:
if host_use_unique:
run(f"ssh {host_name} rm -rf {host_unique_build_dir}")
run(f"ssh {host_name} rm -rf {shared_build_dir}")
# note: next two statements can be duplicated to run different builds in phases
# i.e. run 4 agfis in 1st phase, then 6 in next
# order of following list roughly corresponds to build host to use.
# i.e. if 1st hwdb in list wants a host with V0 of tools, it will get the 1st host with V0 of tools
# in the hosts list
# hwdb_entry_name, platform_name, buildtool:version
batch_hwdbs_in = [
("vitis_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "vitis", "vitis:2022.1"),
("nitefury_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "rhsresearch_nitefury_ii", "vitis:2022.1"),
("alveo_u250_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "xilinx_alveo_u250", "vitis:2021.1"),
("alveo_u250_firesim_gemmini_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "xilinx_alveo_u250", "vitis:2021.1"),
("alveo_u200_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "xilinx_alveo_u200", "vitis:2021.1"),
("alveo_u280_firesim_rocket_singlecore_no_nic", "xilinx_alveo_u280", "vitis:2021.1"),
("xilinx_vcu118_firesim_rocket_singlecore_4GB_no_nic", "xilinx_vcu118", "vivado:2023.1"),
print(f"Printing {sample_hwdb_filename}...")
run(f"cat {sample_hwdb_filename}")
# copy back to workspace area so you can PR it
run(f"cp -f {sample_hwdb_filename} {ci_env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']}/{relative_hwdb_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
execute(run_local_buildbitstreams, hosts=["localhost"])