
105 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path
from fabric.api import prefix, settings, run, execute # type: ignore
from common import manager_fsim_dir, set_fabric_firesim_pem
from ci_variables import ci_env
def run_agfi_buildbitstream():
""" Runs AGFI buildbitstream"""
relative_hwdb_path = f"deploy/sample-backup-configs/sample_config_hwdb.yaml"
relative_build_path = f"deploy/sample-backup-configs/sample_config_build.yaml"
with prefix(f'cd {manager_fsim_dir} && source'):
rc = 0
# unique tag based on the ci workflow and filename is needed to ensure
# run farm is unique to each linux-poweroff test
with prefix(f"export FIRESIM_BUILDFARM_PREFIX={ci_env['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}-{Path(__file__).stem}"):
with settings(warn_only=True):
# pty=False needed to avoid issues with screen -ls stalling in fabric
build_result = run("timeout 10h firesim buildbitstream --forceterminate", pty=False)
rc = build_result.return_code
if rc != 0:
log_lines = 200
print(f"Buildbitstream failed. Printing {log_lines} of last log file:")
run(f"""LAST_LOG=$(ls | tail -n1) && if [ -f "$LAST_LOG" ]; then tail -n{log_lines} $LAST_LOG; fi""")
# parse the output yamls, replace the sample hwdb's agfi line only
sample_hwdb_filename = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/{relative_hwdb_path}"
hwdb_entry_dir = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/deploy/built-hwdb-entries"
built_hwdb_entries = [x for x in os.listdir(hwdb_entry_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(hwdb_entry_dir, x))]
for hwdb in built_hwdb_entries:
print(f"Printing {hwdb}")
run(f"cat {hwdb_entry_dir}/{hwdb}")
sample_hwdb_lines = open(sample_hwdb_filename).read().split('\n')
with open(sample_hwdb_filename, "w") as sample_hwdb_file:
match_agfi = False
for line in sample_hwdb_lines:
if hwdb in line.strip().split(' ')[0].replace(':', ''):
# hwdb entry matches key name
match_agfi = True
sample_hwdb_file.write(line + '\n')
elif match_agfi == True and ("agfi:" in line.strip().split(' ')[0]):
# only replace this agfi
match_agfi = False
new_agfi_line = open(f"{hwdb_entry_dir}/{hwdb}").read().split("\n")[1]
print(f"Replacing {line.strip()} with {new_agfi_line}")
# print out the agfi line
sample_hwdb_file.write(new_agfi_line + '\n')
# if no match print other lines
sample_hwdb_file.write(line + '\n')
if match_agfi == True:
sys.exit("::ERROR:: Unable to find matching AGFI key for HWDB entry")
# strip newlines from end of file
with open(sample_hwdb_filename, "r+") as sample_hwdb_file:
content =
content = content.rstrip('\n')
print(f"Printing {sample_hwdb_filename}...")
run(f"cat {sample_hwdb_filename}")
# share agfis
sample_build_filename = f"{manager_fsim_dir}/{relative_build_path}"
sample_build_lines = open(sample_build_filename).read().split('\n')
with open(sample_build_filename, "w") as sample_build_file:
for line in sample_build_lines:
if "somebodysname:" in line:
sample_build_file.write("#" + line + "\n")
elif "public:" in line:
# get rid of the comment
sample_build_file.write(line.replace('#', '') + "\n")
sample_build_file.write(line + "\n")
print(f"Printing {sample_build_filename}...")
run(f"cat {sample_build_filename}")
run(f"firesim shareagfi -a {sample_hwdb_filename} -b {sample_build_filename}")
# copy back to workspace area so you can PR it
run(f"cp -f {sample_hwdb_filename} {ci_env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']}/{relative_hwdb_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
execute(run_agfi_buildbitstream, hosts=["localhost"])