#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from fabric.api import * from common import manager_fsim_dir, manager_hostname, set_fabric_firesim_pem from ci_variables import ci_workflow_run_id def run_sbt_command(target_project, command): """ Runs a command in SBT shell for the default project specified by the target_project makefrag target_project -- The make variable to select the desired target project makefrag command -- the command to run """ with cd(manager_fsim_dir), prefix('source env.sh'): run("make -C sim sbt SBT_COMMAND={} TARGET_PROJECT={}".format(command, target_project)) if __name__ == "__main__": set_fabric_firesim_pem() execute(run_sbt_command, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], hosts=["localhost"])