Overview ======================== When you source ``sourceme-manager.sh`` in your copy of the FireSim repo, you get access to a new command, ``firesim``, which is the FireSim simulation manager. If you've used tools like Vagrant or Docker, the ``firesim`` program is to FireSim what ``vagrant`` and ``docker`` are to Vagrant and Docker respectively. In essence, ``firesim`` lets us manage the entire lifecycle of FPGA simulations, just like ``vagrant`` and ``docker`` do for VMs and containers respectively. "Inputs" to the Manager ------------------------- The manager gets configuration information from several places: - Command Line Arguments, consisting of: - Paths to configuration files to use - A task to run - Arguments to the task - Configuration Files - Environment Variables - Topology definitions for networked simulations (``user_topology.py``) The following sections detail these inputs. Hit Next to continue. Logging --------------- The manager produces detailed logs when you run any command, which is useful to share with the FireSim developers for debugging purposes in case you encounter issues. The logs contain more detailed output than the manager sends to stdout/stderr during normal operation, so it's also useful if you want to take a peek at the detailed commands manager is running to facilitate builds and simulations. Logs are stored in ``firesim/deploy/logs/``.