#!/usr/bin/env bash # FireSim initial setup script. # exit script if any command fails set -e set -o pipefail unamestr=$(uname) RDIR=$(pwd) FASTINSTALL=false IS_LIBRARY=false SKIP_TOOLCHAIN=false SKIP_VALIDATE=false TOOLCHAIN=riscv-tools USE_PINNED_DEPS=true function usage { echo "usage: build-setup.sh [OPTIONS]" echo "options:" echo " --skip-toolchain-extra: if set, skips building extra RISC-V toolchain collateral i.e Spike," echo " PK, RISC-V tests, libgloss and installing it to $RISCV (including cloning or building)." echo " --library: if set, initializes submodules assuming FireSim is being used" echo " as a library submodule. Implies --skip-toolchain-extra" echo " --skip-validate: if set, skips checking if user is on release tagged branch" echo " --unpinned-deps: if set, use unpinned conda package dependencies" } if [ "$1" == "--help" -o "$1" == "-h" -o "$1" == "-H" ]; then usage exit 3 fi while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in --library) IS_LIBRARY=true; SKIP_TOOLCHAIN=true; ;; --skip-toolchain-extra) SKIP_TOOLCHAIN=true; ;; --skip-validate) SKIP_VALIDATE=true; ;; --unpinned-deps) USE_PINNED_DEPS=false; ;; -h | -H | --help) usage exit ;; --*) echo "ERROR: bad option $1" usage exit 1 ;; *) echo "ERROR: bad argument $1" usage exit 2 ;; esac shift done # before doing anything verify that you are on a release branch/tag set +e tag=$(git describe --exact-match --tags) tag_ret_code="$?" set -e if [ "$tag_ret_code" -ne 0 ]; then if [ "$SKIP_VALIDATE" = false ]; then printf '\033[2J' # clear screen read -p "WARNING: You are not on an official release of FireSim."$'\n'"Type \"y\" to continue if this is intended, otherwise see the FireSim Docs for pointers to the latest official release: " validate [[ "$validate" == [yY] ]] || exit 5 echo "Setting up non-official FireSim release" fi else echo "Setting up official FireSim release: $tag" fi if [ "$IS_LIBRARY" = true ]; then if [ -z "$RISCV" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set the RISCV environment variable before running." exit 4 else echo "Using existing RISCV toolchain at $RISCV" fi fi # Remove and backup the existing env.sh if it exists # The existing of env.sh implies this script completely correctly if [ -f env.sh ]; then mv -f env.sh env.sh.backup fi # This will be flushed out into a complete env.sh which will be written out # upon completion. env_string="# This file was generated by $0" function env_append { env_string+=$(printf "\n$1") } # Initially, create a env.sh that suggests build.sh did not run correctly. bad_env="${env_string} echo \"ERROR: build-setup.sh did not execute correctly or was terminated prematurely.\" echo \"Please review build-setup-log for more information.\" return 1" echo "$bad_env" > env.sh env_append "export FIRESIM_ENV_SOURCED=1" # Conda Setup # Provide a sourceable snippet that can be used in subshells that may not have # inhereted conda functions that would be brought in under a login shell that # has run conda init (e.g., VSCode, CI) read -r -d '\0' CONDA_ACTIVATE_PREAMBLE <<'END_CONDA_ACTIVATE' if ! type conda >& /dev/null; then echo "::ERROR:: you must have conda in your environment first" return 1 # don't want to exit here because this file is sourced fi # if we're sourcing this in a sub process that has conda in the PATH but not as a function, init it again conda activate --help >& /dev/null || source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/conda.sh \0 END_CONDA_ACTIVATE if [ "$IS_LIBRARY" = true ]; then # the chipyard conda environment should be installed already and be sufficient if [ -z "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV+x}" ]; then echo "ERROR: No conda environment detected. If using Chipyard, did you source 'env.sh'." exit 5 fi else # note: lock file must end in .conda-lock.yml - see https://github.com/conda-incubator/conda-lock/issues/154 if [ "$USE_PINNED_DEPS" = false ]; then # auto-gen the lockfile ./scripts/generate-conda-lockfile.sh fi LOCKFILE="$(find $RDIR/conda-reqs/*.conda-lock.yml)" conda-lock install -p $RDIR/.conda-env $LOCKFILE source $RDIR/.conda-env/etc/profile.d/conda.sh conda activate $RDIR/.conda-env env_append "$CONDA_ACTIVATE_PREAMBLE" env_append "conda activate $RDIR/.conda-env" fi git config submodule.target-design/chipyard.update none git submodule update --init --recursive #--jobs 8 # Chipyard setup if [ "$IS_LIBRARY" = false ]; then # This checks if firemarshal has already been configured by someone. If # not, we will provide our own config. This must be checked before calling # init-submodules-no-riscv-tools.sh because that will configure # firemarshal. marshal_cfg="$RDIR/target-design/chipyard/software/firemarshal/marshal-config.yaml" if [ ! -f "$marshal_cfg" ]; then first_init=true else first_init=false fi git config --unset submodule.target-design/chipyard.update git submodule update --init target-design/chipyard cd $RDIR/target-design/chipyard SKIP_TOOLCHAIN_ARG="" if [ "$SKIP_TOOLCHAIN" = true ]; then SKIP_TOOLCHAIN_ARG="-s 3" fi # default to normal riscv-tools toolchain ./build-setup.sh --force $SKIP_TOOLCHAIN_ARG -s 1 -s 4 -s 5 -s 6 -s 7 -s 8 -s 9 # Deinitialize Chipyard's FireSim submodule so that fuzzy finders, IDEs, # etc., don't get confused by source duplication. git submodule deinit sims/firesim cd $RDIR # Configure firemarshal to know where our firesim installation is. # If this is a fresh init of chipyard, we can safely overwrite the marshal # config, otherwise we have to assume the user might have changed it if [ $first_init = true ]; then echo "firesim-dir: '../../../../'" > $marshal_cfg fi env_append "export FIRESIM_STANDALONE=1" # FireMarshal setup target_chipyard_dir="$RDIR/target-design/chipyard" # setup marshal symlink ln -sf ../target-design/chipyard/software/firemarshal $RDIR/sw/firesim-software env_append "export PATH=$RDIR/sw/firesim-software:\$PATH" env_append "source $RDIR/scripts/fix-open-files.sh" else # FireMarshal setup target_chipyard_dir="$RDIR/../.." # setup marshal symlink ln -sf ../../../software/firemarshal $RDIR/sw/firesim-software # Source CY env.sh in library-mode env_append "source $target_chipyard_dir/env.sh" fi cd "$RDIR" # commands to run only on EC2 # see if the instance info page exists. if not, we are not on ec2. # this is one of the few methods that works without sudo if wget -T 1 -t 3 -O /dev/null; then ( # ensure that we're using the system toolchain to build the kernel modules # newer gcc has --enable-default-pie and older kernels think the compiler # is broken unless you pass -fno-pie but then I was encountering a weird # error about string.h not being found export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH cd "$RDIR/platforms/f1/aws-fpga/sdk/linux_kernel_drivers/xdma" make # the only ones missing are libguestfs-tools sudo yum install -y libguestfs-tools bc # Setup for using qcow2 images cd "$RDIR" ./scripts/install-nbd-kmod.sh ) ( if [[ "${CPPFLAGS:-zzz}" != "zzz" ]]; then # don't set it if it isn't already set but strip out -DNDEBUG because # the sdk software has assertion-only variable usage that will end up erroring # under NDEBUG with -Wall and -Werror export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS/-DNDEBUG/}" fi # Source {sdk,hdk}_setup.sh once on this machine to build aws libraries and # pull down some IP, so we don't have to waste time doing it each time on # worker instances AWSFPGA="$RDIR/platforms/f1/aws-fpga" cd "$AWSFPGA" bash -c "source ./sdk_setup.sh" bash -c "source ./hdk_setup.sh" ) fi cd "$RDIR" set +e ./gen-tags.sh set -e read -r -d '\0' NDEBUG_CHECK <<'END_NDEBUG' # Ensure that we don't have -DNDEBUG anywhere in our environment # check and fixup the known place where conda will put it if [[ "$CPPFLAGS" == *"-DNDEBUG"* ]]; then echo "::INFO:: removing '-DNDEBUG' from CPPFLAGS as we prefer to leave assertions in place" export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS/-DNDEBUG/}" fi # check for any other occurances and warn the user env | grep -v 'CONDA_.*_BACKUP' | grep -- -DNDEBUG && echo "::WARNING:: you still seem to have -DNDEBUG in your environment. This is known to cause problems." true # ensure env.sh exits 0 \0 END_NDEBUG env_append "$NDEBUG_CHECK" # Write out the generated env.sh indicating successful completion. echo "$env_string" > env.sh echo "Setup complete!" echo "To get started, source sourceme-manager.sh to setup your environment." echo "For more information, see docs at https://docs.fires.im/."