[MIDAS] elaborate daisy chain checking in tester

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Donggyu Kim 2014-10-16 19:27:46 -07:00
parent 2f32fd0451
commit a73e6837d6
2 changed files with 60 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class DaisyShim[+T <: Module](c: =>T) extends Module with DaisyShimParams with D
val outputBufs = Vec.fill(outputs.length) { Reg(UInt()) }
// Step counters for simulation run or stall
val debug_IDLE :: debug_STEP :: debug_SNAP1 :: debug_SNAP2 :: debug_POKE :: debug_PEEK :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 6)
val debug_IDLE :: debug_STEP :: debug_SNAP0 :: debug_SNAP1 :: debug_SNAP2 :: debug_POKE :: debug_PEEK :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 7)
val debugState = Reg(init=debug_IDLE)
val snap_IDLE :: snap_READ :: snap_MEM_CMD :: snap_MEM_WR :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val snapState = Reg(init=snap_IDLE)
@ -163,9 +163,7 @@ class DaisyShim[+T <: Module](c: =>T) extends Module with DaisyShimParams with D
peekCounter := UInt(outputs.length)
debugState := debug_PEEK
}.elsewhen(op === SNAP) {
val addr = io.host.in.bits(hostwidth-1, opwidth)
snapMemAddr := addr
isSnap := Bool(true)
debugState := debug_SNAP0;
@ -186,6 +184,15 @@ class DaisyShim[+T <: Module](c: =>T) extends Module with DaisyShimParams with D
// Snapshotting initialization (set mem addr)
is(debug_SNAP0) {
io.host.in.ready := Bool(true)
when (io.host.in.fire()) {
snapMemAddr := io.host.in.bits
debugState := debug_IDLE
isSnap := Bool(true)
// Snapshotring inputs and registers
is(debug_SNAP1) {
switch(snapState) {

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@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
val peekMap = HashMap[BigInt, BigInt]()
val chainNames = ArrayBuffer[String]()
val chainWidths = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
val snaps = new StringBuilder
val replay = new StringBuilder
val snapPaddr = BigInt(Integer.parseInt("40000000", 16))
var snapData = BigInt(0)
var snapDataSize = 0
var snapLength = 0
lazy val targetPath = c.target.getPathName(".")
lazy val targetPrefix = Driver.backend.extractClassName(c.target)
lazy val basedir = ensureDir(Driver.targetDir)
override def poke(data: Bits, x: BigInt) {
if (inputMap contains dumpName(data)) {
if (isTrace) println("* POKE " + dumpName(data) + " <- " + x + " *")
@ -51,6 +54,26 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
val clk = emulatorCmd("step %d".format(n))
def pokeSnap(addr: BigInt) {
if (isTrace) println("Poke Snap(addr : %d)".format(addr))
val snapOp = c.SNAP.getNode.asInstanceOf[Literal].value
// Send POKE command
while (peek(dumpName(c.io.host.in.ready)) == 0) {
poke(c.io.host.in.bits, snapOp)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 1)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 0)
while (peek(dumpName(c.io.host.in.ready)) == 0) {
poke(c.io.host.in.bits, addr)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 1)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 0)
if (isTrace) println("==========")
def pokeAll {
val pokeOp = c.POKE.getNode.asInstanceOf[Literal].value
@ -118,33 +141,15 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
if (isTrace) println("==========")
def pokeSnap(addr: Int) {
if (isTrace) println("Poke Snap(addr : %d)".format(addr))
val snapOp = c.SNAP.getNode.asInstanceOf[Literal].value
// Send POKE command
while (peek(dumpName(c.io.host.in.ready)) == 0) {
poke(c.io.host.in.bits, (addr << c.opwidth) | snapOp)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 1)
poke(c.io.host.in.valid, 0)
if (isTrace) println("==========")
def readDaisyChain(addr: Int) = {
if (isTrace) println("Read State Daisy Chain")
// Read daisy chain
val res = new StringBuilder
var start = false
def readDaisyChain {
if (isTrace) println("Read Daisy Chain")
var offset = 0
while (peek(dumpName(c.io.host.in.ready)) == 0) {
// Mem request command
if (peek(dumpName(c.io.mem.req_cmd.valid)) == 1) {
poke(c.io.mem.req_cmd.ready, 1)
expect(c.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr, addr + offset)
expect(c.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr, snapPaddr + offset)
expect(c.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw, 1)
expect(c.io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag, 0)
@ -154,23 +159,18 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
// Mem request data
if (peek(dumpName(c.io.mem.req_data.valid)) == 1) {
poke(c.io.mem.req_data.ready, 1)
val value = peek(c.io.mem.req_data.bits.data)
val fromChain = value.toString(2).reverse.padTo(c.memwidth, '0').reverse
res append fromChain
snapData = snapData << c.memwidth | peek(c.io.mem.req_data.bits.data)
poke(c.io.mem.req_data.ready, 0)
poke(c.io.mem.req_cmd.ready, 0)
poke(c.io.mem.req_data.ready, 0)
if (isTrace) println("Chain: " + res.result)
if (isTrace) println("Chain: " + snapData.toString(2))
def verifyDaisyChain(chain: String) {
def verifyDaisyChain {
val MemRegex = """([\w\.]+)\[(\d+)\]""".r
var value = BigInt(0)
var start = 0
for ((chainName, i) <- chainNames.zipWithIndex) {
val width = chainWidths(i)
if (chainName != "null") {
@ -180,37 +180,35 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
peek(name, idx.toInt)
case _ =>
val end = math.min(start + width, chain.length)
val fromChain = chain.substring(start, end)
val fromSignal = value.toString(2).reverse.padTo(width, '0').reverse
expect(fromChain == fromSignal, "Snapshot %s(%s?=%s)".format(chainName, fromChain, fromSignal))
snaps append "POKE %s %d\n".format(chainName, value)
val mask = snapData & ((BigInt(1) << width) - 1)
expect(mask == value, "Snapshot %s(%d?=%d)".format(chainName, mask, value))
replay append "POKE %s %d\n".format(chainName, value)
start += width
snapData = snapData >> width
def addExpected {
for (out <- c.outputs) {
val name = targetPrefix + (dumpName(out) stripPrefix targetPath)
snaps append "EXPECT %s %d\n".format(name, peek(out))
replay append "EXPECT %s %d\n".format(name, peek(out))
override def step(n: Int = 1) {
val target = t + n
var addr = 0
for (i <- 0 until (c.addrwidth >> 1)) {
addr = (addr << 1) | rnd.nextInt(2)
if (t > 0) {
if (t > 0) pokeSnap(addr)
if (t > 0) verifyDaisyChain(readDaisyChain(addr))
snaps append "STEP %d\n".format(n)
if (t > 0) {
replay append "STEP %d\n".format(n)
if (isTrace) println("STEP " + n + " -> " + target)
@ -244,16 +242,16 @@ abstract class DaisyTester[+T <: DaisyShim[Module]](c: T, isTrace: Boolean = tru
val lines = scala.io.Source.fromFile(basedir + "/" + filename).getLines
for (line <- lines) {
val tokens = line split " "
chainNames += tokens.head
chainWidths += tokens.last.toInt
chainNames prepend tokens.head
chainWidths prepend tokens.last.toInt
override def finish = {
val filename = targetPrefix + ".snaps"
val filename = targetPrefix + ".replay"
val snapfile = createOutputFile(filename)
try {
snapfile write snaps.result
snapfile write replay.result
} finally {