Bump Chipyard

This commit is contained in:
abejgonzalez 2023-09-01 11:40:36 -07:00
parent 16e962f591
commit a021b16f7a
19 changed files with 422 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export SBT_OPTS ?= -Dsbt.ivy.home=$(base_dir)/.ivy2 -Dsbt.global.base=$(base_dir
sbt_sources = $(shell find -L $(base_dir) -name target -prune -o -iname "*.sbt" -print 2> /dev/null)
SCALA_BUILDTOOL_DEPS ?= $(sbt_sources)
SBT ?= java -jar $(rocketchip_dir)/sbt-launch.jar $(SBT_OPTS)
SBT ?= java -jar $(chipyard_dir)/scripts/sbt-launch.jar $(SBT_OPTS)
# (1) - classpath of the fat jar
# (2) - main class

View File

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ simif_dir = $(firesim_base_dir)/midas/src/main/cc
midas_h = $(shell find $(simif_dir) -name "*.h")
midas_cc = $(shell find $(simif_dir) -name "*.cc")
common_cxx_flags := $(TARGET_CXX_FLAGS) -Wno-unused-variable
common_cxx_flags := $(TARGET_CXX_FLAGS) -Wno-unused-variable -DFIRESIM
common_ld_flags := $(TARGET_LD_FLAGS) -lrt

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ subst_prefix=,midas.unittest.
$(GEN_DIR)/$(DESIGN).fir $(GEN_DIR)/$(DESIGN).behav_srams.v: $(scala_srcs)
mkdir -p $(@D)
cd $(BASE_DIR) && $(SBT) "project $(SBT_PROJECT); runMain freechips.rocketchip.system.Generator \
cd $(BASE_DIR) && $(SBT) "project $(SBT_PROJECT); runMain midas.chiselstage.Generator \
--target-dir $(GEN_DIR) \
--name $(DESIGN) \
--top-module freechips.rocketchip.unittest.TestHarness \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package midas.chiselstage
import firrtl.options.StageMain
object Generator extends StageMain(new midas.chiselstage.stage.MidasStage)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
// Based on Rocket Chip's stage implementation
package midas.chiselstage.stage
import chisel3.experimental.BaseModule
import firrtl.annotations.{Annotation, NoTargetAnnotation}
import firrtl.options.{HasShellOptions, ShellOption, Unserializable}
trait MidasOption extends Unserializable { this: Annotation => }
/** This hijacks the existing ConfigAnnotation to accept the legacy _-delimited format */
private[stage] object UnderscoreDelimitedConfigsAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
override val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "legacy-configs",
toAnnotationSeq = a => {
val split = a.split(':')
assert(split.length == 2, s"'${a}' split by ':' doesn't yield two things")
val packageName = split.head
val configs = split.last.split("_")
Seq(new ConfigsAnnotation(configs.map { config =>
if (config contains ".") s"${config}" else s"${packageName}.${config}"
helpText = "A string of underscore-delimited configs (configs have decreasing precendence from left to right).",
shortOption = Some("LC"),
/** Paths to config classes */
case class ConfigsAnnotation(configNames: Seq[String]) extends NoTargetAnnotation with MidasOption
private[stage] object ConfigsAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
override val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[Seq[String]](
longOption = "configs",
toAnnotationSeq = a => Seq(ConfigsAnnotation(a)),
helpText = "<comma-delimited configs>",
shortOption = Some("C"),
case class TopModuleAnnotation(clazz: Class[_ <: Any]) extends NoTargetAnnotation with MidasOption
private[stage] object TopModuleAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
override val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "top-module",
toAnnotationSeq = a => Seq(TopModuleAnnotation(Class.forName(a).asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: BaseModule]])),
helpText = "<top module>",
shortOption = Some("T"),
/** Optional base name for generated files' filenames */
case class OutputBaseNameAnnotation(outputBaseName: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation with MidasOption
private[stage] object OutputBaseNameAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
override val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "name",
toAnnotationSeq = a => Seq(OutputBaseNameAnnotation(a)),
helpText = "<base name of output files>",
shortOption = Some("n"),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
// Based on Rocket Chip's stage implementation
package midas.chiselstage.stage
import firrtl.options.Shell
trait MidasCli { this: Shell =>
parser.note("Midas Generator Options")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage
class MidasOptions private[stage] (
val topModule: Option[Class[_ <: Any]] = None,
val configNames: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
val outputBaseName: Option[String] = None,
) {
private[stage] def copy(
topModule: Option[Class[_ <: Any]] = topModule,
configNames: Option[Seq[String]] = configNames,
outputBaseName: Option[String] = outputBaseName,
): MidasOptions = {
new MidasOptions(
topModule = topModule,
configNames = configNames,
outputBaseName = outputBaseName,
lazy val topPackage: Option[String] = topModule match {
case Some(a) => Some(a.getPackage.getName)
case _ => None
lazy val configClass: Option[String] = configNames match {
case Some(names) =>
val classNames = names.map { n => n.split('.').last }
case _ => None
lazy val longName: Option[String] = outputBaseName match {
case Some(name) => Some(name)
case _ =>
if (!topPackage.isEmpty && !configClass.isEmpty) Some(s"${topPackage.get}.${configClass.get}") else None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
// Based on Rocket Chip's stage implementation
package midas.chiselstage.stage
import chisel3.stage.{ChiselCli, ChiselStage}
import firrtl.options.PhaseManager.PhaseDependency
import firrtl.stage.FirrtlCli
import firrtl.options.{Dependency, Phase, Shell}
final class MidasChiselStage extends ChiselStage {
override val targets = Seq(
class MidasStage extends ChiselStage {
override val shell = new Shell("midas") with MidasCli with ChiselCli with FirrtlCli
override val targets: Seq[PhaseDependency] = Seq(
override final def invalidates(a: Phase): Boolean = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage
import java.io.{File, FileWriter}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Config, Parameters}
import chisel3.internal.firrtl.Circuit
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BlackBoxedROM, ROMGenerator}
trait HasMidasStageUtils {
def getConfig(fullConfigClassNames: Seq[String]): Config = {
new Config(fullConfigClassNames.foldRight(Parameters.empty) { case (currentName, config) =>
val currentConfig =
try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException =>
throw new Exception(
s"""Unable to find part "$currentName" from "$fullConfigClassNames", did you misspell it or specify the wrong package path?""",
currentConfig ++ config
def enumerateROMs(circuit: Circuit): String = {
val res = new StringBuilder
val configs =
circuit.components.flatMap { m =>
m.id match {
case rom: BlackBoxedROM => Some((rom.name, ROMGenerator.lookup(rom)))
case _ => None
configs.foreach { case (name, c) =>
res.append(s"name ${name} depth ${c.depth} width ${c.width}\n")
def writeOutputFile(targetDir: String, fname: String, contents: String): File = {
val f = new File(targetDir, fname)
val fw = new FileWriter(f)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package midas.chiselstage
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.options.OptionsView
package object stage {
implicit object MidasOptionsView extends OptionsView[MidasOptions] {
def view(annotations: AnnotationSeq): MidasOptions = annotations
.collect { case a: MidasOption => a }
.foldLeft(new MidasOptions()) { (c, x) =>
x match {
case TopModuleAnnotation(a) => c.copy(topModule = Some(a))
case ConfigsAnnotation(a) => c.copy(configNames = Some(a))
case OutputBaseNameAnnotation(a) => c.copy(outputBaseName = Some(a))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage.phases
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.annotations.Annotation
import firrtl.options.{OptionsException, Phase, PreservesAll, TargetDirAnnotation}
import midas.chiselstage.stage._
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Checks for the correct type and number of command line arguments */
class Checks extends Phase with PreservesAll[Phase] {
override def transform(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = {
val targetDir, topModule, configNames, outputBaseName = mutable.ListBuffer[Annotation]()
annotations.foreach {
case a: TargetDirAnnotation => a +=: targetDir
case a: TopModuleAnnotation => a +=: topModule
case a: ConfigsAnnotation => a +=: configNames
case a: OutputBaseNameAnnotation => a +=: outputBaseName
case _ =>
def required(annoList: mutable.ListBuffer[Annotation], option: String): Unit = {
if (annoList.size != 1) {
throw new OptionsException(s"Exactly one $option required")
def optional(annoList: mutable.ListBuffer[Annotation], option: String): Unit = {
if (annoList.size > 1) {
throw new OptionsException(s"Too many $option options have been specified")
required(targetDir, "target directory")
required(topModule, "top module")
required(configNames, "configs string (','-delimited)")
optional(outputBaseName, "output base name")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage.phases
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.options.{Dependency, Phase, PreservesAll, StageOptions}
import firrtl.options.Viewer.view
import midas.chiselstage.stage._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.ElaborationArtefacts
/** Writes [[ElaborationArtefacts]] into files */
class GenerateArtefacts extends Phase with PreservesAll[Phase] with HasMidasStageUtils {
override val prerequisites = Seq(Dependency[midas.chiselstage.stage.MidasChiselStage])
override def transform(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = {
val targetDir = view[StageOptions](annotations).targetDir
ElaborationArtefacts.files.foreach { case (extension, contents) =>
writeOutputFile(targetDir, s"${view[MidasOptions](annotations).longName.get}.${extension}", contents())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage.phases
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.annotations.{DeletedAnnotation, JsonProtocol}
import firrtl.options.Viewer.view
import firrtl.options._
import midas.chiselstage.stage._
/** Writes FIRRTL annotations into a file */
class GenerateFirrtlAnnos extends Phase with PreservesAll[Phase] with HasMidasStageUtils {
override val prerequisites = Seq(Dependency[midas.chiselstage.stage.MidasChiselStage])
override def transform(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = {
val targetDir = view[StageOptions](annotations).targetDir
val fileName = s"${view[MidasOptions](annotations).longName.get}.anno.json"
val annos = annotations.view.flatMap {
// Remove TargetDirAnnotation so that we can pass as argument to FIRRTL
// Remove CustomFileEmission, those are serialized automatically by Stages
case (_: Unserializable | _: TargetDirAnnotation | _: CustomFileEmission) =>
case DeletedAnnotation(_, (_: Unserializable | _: CustomFileEmission)) =>
case a =>
writeOutputFile(targetDir, fileName, JsonProtocol.serialize(annos.toSeq))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage.phases
import chisel3.RawModule
import chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.options.Viewer.view
import firrtl.options.{Dependency, Phase, PreservesAll, StageOptions}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import midas.chiselstage.stage._
case object TargetDirKey extends Field[String](".")
/** Constructs a generator function that returns a top module with given config parameters */
class PreElaboration extends Phase with PreservesAll[Phase] with HasMidasStageUtils {
override val prerequisites = Seq(Dependency[Checks])
override val dependents = Seq(Dependency[chisel3.stage.phases.Elaborate])
override def transform(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = {
val stageOpts = view[StageOptions](annotations)
val rOpts = view[MidasOptions](annotations)
val topMod = rOpts.topModule.get
val config = getConfig(rOpts.configNames.get).alterPartial { case TargetDirKey =>
val gen = () =>
.newInstance(config) match {
case a: RawModule => a
case a: LazyModule => LazyModule(a).module
ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(gen) +: annotations

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package midas.chiselstage.stage.phases
import chisel3.stage.ChiselOutputFileAnnotation
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.options.Viewer.view
import firrtl.options.{Dependency, Phase, PreservesAll}
import midas.chiselstage.stage._
/** Transforms RocketChipAnnotations into those used by other stages */
class TransformAnnotations extends Phase with PreservesAll[Phase] with HasMidasStageUtils {
override val prerequisites = Seq(Dependency[Checks])
override val dependents = Seq(Dependency[chisel3.stage.phases.AddImplicitOutputFile])
override def transform(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = {
/** Construct output file annotation for emission */
new ChiselOutputFileAnnotation(view[MidasOptions](annotations).longName.get) +: annotations

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ vcs_args = +vcs+initreg+0 +vcs+initmem+0
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),freechips.rocketchip.system.Generator,\
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),midas.chiselstage.Generator,\
--target-dir $(GENERATED_DIR) \
--name $(long_name) \
--top-module $(DESIGN_PACKAGE).$(DESIGN) \

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),freechips.rocketchip.system.Generator,\
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),midas.chiselstage.Generator,\
--target-dir $(GENERATED_DIR) \
--name $(long_name) \
--top-module $(DESIGN_PACKAGE).$(DESIGN) \

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),freechips.rocketchip.system.Generator,\
$(call run_jar_scala_main,$(TARGET_CP),midas.chiselstage.Generator,\
--target-dir $(GENERATED_DIR) \
--name $(long_name) \
--top-module $(DESIGN_PACKAGE).$(DESIGN) \

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 65ed3c162cc3d57c19d19621803a830a5f867e97
Subproject commit 074c995a31ec04e1a920d4e8c353de8e84f34f4e