Remove some VCS deprecation warnings

This commit is contained in:
abejgonzalez 2021-10-06 14:49:52 -07:00
parent 28825f04c1
commit 8ed52fb137
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# -include of the generated header.
VCS ?= vcs -full64
override VCS_FLAGS := -quiet -timescale=1ns/1ps +v2k +rad +vcs+initreg+random +vcs+lic+wait \
-notice -line +lint=all,noVCDE,noONGS,noUI -quiet -debug_pp +no_notifier -cpp $(CXX) \
-notice -line +lint=all,noVCDE,noONGS,noUI -quiet -debug_acc+pp+dmptf -debug_region+cell+encrypt +no_notifier -cpp $(CXX) \
-top $(TB) \
-Mdir=$(GEN_DIR)/$(DRIVER_NAME)-debug.csrc \
+vc+list \

View File

@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ module emul;
always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2.0) clock = ~clock;
reg [2047:0] vcdplusfile = 0;
reg [63:0] dump_start = 0;
reg [2047:0] vcdplusfile = '0;
reg [63:0] dump_start = '0;
reg [63:0] dump_end = {64{1'b1}};
reg [63:0] dump_cycles = 0;
reg [63:0] trace_count = 0;
reg [63:0] dump_cycles = '0;
reg [63:0] trace_count = '0;
initial begin
`ifdef DEBUG