[gg] Fix assert pass under no assertions

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David Biancolin 2019-12-16 15:34:45 -08:00
parent 200b0e81c8
commit 6c6c209589
1 changed files with 55 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -180,69 +180,66 @@ private[passes] class AssertPass(
val mods = postorder(c, meta)(wireSynthesizedAssertions(meta, CircuitTarget(c.main)))
val formattedMessages = formatMessages(meta, c.main)
// Step 4: Associate each assertion with a source clock
val mInfo = new ModuleAssertInfo(topModule, meta, topMT)
val postWiredState = state.copy(circuit = c.copy(modules = mods), form = MidForm)
val loweredState = Seq(new ResolveAndCheck, new HighFirrtlToMiddleFirrtl, new MiddleFirrtlToLowFirrtl).foldLeft(postWiredState)((state, xform) => xform.transform(state))
val clockMapping = FindClockSources(loweredState, mInfo.allClocks)
val rootClocks = mInfo.allClocks.map(clockMapping)
// For each clock in clock channel, list associated assert indices
val groupedAsserts = rootClocks.zipWithIndex.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(values => values.map(_._2))
// Step 5: Re-wire the top-level module
val ports = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Port]()
val stmts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Statement]()
val assertAnnos = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Annotation]()
// Step 5a: Connect all assertions to a single wire to match the order of our previous analysis
val allAssertsWire = DefWire(NoInfo, "allAsserts", mInfo.assertUInt)
val allAssertConnect = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(allAssertsWire), cat(mInfo.allAsserts.reverse))
stmts ++= Seq(allAssertsWire, allAssertConnect)
// Step 5b: Generate unique ports for each clock
for ((clockRT, asserts) <- groupedAsserts) {
val portName = namespace.newName(s"midasAsserts_${clockRT.ref}")
val clockPortName = namespace.newName(s"midasAsserts_${clockRT.ref}_clock")
val tpe = UIntType(IntWidth(asserts.size))
val port = Port(NoInfo, portName, Output, tpe)
val clockPort = Port(NoInfo, clockPortName, Output, ClockType)
ports ++= Seq(port, clockPort)
val bitExtracts = asserts.map(idx => DoPrim(PrimOps.Bits, Seq(WRef(allAssertsWire)), Seq(idx, idx), UIntType(IntWidth(1))))
val connectAsserts = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(port), cat(bitExtracts.reverse))
val connectClock = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(clockPort), WRef(clockRT.ref))
stmts ++= Seq(connectClock, connectAsserts)
// Generate the bridge Annotation
val portRT = ModuleTarget(c.main, c.main).ref(portName)
val clockPortRT = ModuleTarget(c.main, c.main).ref(clockPortName)
val fcca = FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation.source(portName, WireChannel, Some(clockPortRT), Seq(portRT))
val assertMessages = asserts.map(formattedMessages(_))
val bridgeAnno = BridgeIOAnnotation(
target = portRT,
widget = Some((p: Parameters) => new AssertBridgeModule(assertMessages)(p)),
channelMapping = Map("" -> portName)
assertAnnos ++= Seq(fcca, bridgeAnno)
val wiredTopModule = topModule.copy(ports = topModule.ports ++ ports,
body = Block(topModule.body +: stmts.toSeq))
println(s"[Golden Gate] total # of assertions synthesized: ${mInfo.assertWidth}")
circuit = c.copy(modules = wiredTopModule +: mods.filterNot(_.name == c.main)),
form = HighForm,
annotations = state.annotations ++ assertAnnos
if (!mInfo.hasAsserts) state else {
// Step 4: Associate each assertion with a source clock
val postWiredState = state.copy(circuit = c.copy(modules = mods), form = MidForm)
val loweredState = Seq(new ResolveAndCheck, new HighFirrtlToMiddleFirrtl, new MiddleFirrtlToLowFirrtl).foldLeft(postWiredState)((state, xform) => xform.transform(state))
val clockMapping = FindClockSources(loweredState, mInfo.allClocks)
val rootClocks = mInfo.allClocks.map(clockMapping)
// For each clock in clock channel, list associated assert indices
val groupedAsserts = rootClocks.zipWithIndex.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(values => values.map(_._2))
// Step 5: Re-wire the top-level module
val ports = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Port]()
val stmts = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Statement]()
val assertAnnos = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Annotation]()
// Step 5a: Connect all assertions to a single wire to match the order of our previous analysis
val allAssertsWire = DefWire(NoInfo, "allAsserts", mInfo.assertUInt)
val allAssertConnect = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(allAssertsWire), cat(mInfo.allAsserts.reverse))
stmts ++= Seq(allAssertsWire, allAssertConnect)
// Step 5b: Generate unique ports for each clock
for ((clockRT, asserts) <- groupedAsserts) {
val portName = namespace.newName(s"midasAsserts_${clockRT.ref}")
val clockPortName = namespace.newName(s"midasAsserts_${clockRT.ref}_clock")
val tpe = UIntType(IntWidth(asserts.size))
val port = Port(NoInfo, portName, Output, tpe)
val clockPort = Port(NoInfo, clockPortName, Output, ClockType)
ports ++= Seq(port, clockPort)
val bitExtracts = asserts.map(idx => DoPrim(PrimOps.Bits, Seq(WRef(allAssertsWire)), Seq(idx, idx), UIntType(IntWidth(1))))
val connectAsserts = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(port), cat(bitExtracts.reverse))
val connectClock = Connect(NoInfo, WRef(clockPort), WRef(clockRT.ref))
stmts ++= Seq(connectClock, connectAsserts)
// Generate the bridge Annotation
val portRT = ModuleTarget(c.main, c.main).ref(portName)
val clockPortRT = ModuleTarget(c.main, c.main).ref(clockPortName)
val fcca = FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation.source(portName, WireChannel, Some(clockPortRT), Seq(portRT))
val assertMessages = asserts.map(formattedMessages(_))
val bridgeAnno = BridgeIOAnnotation(
target = portRT,
widget = Some((p: Parameters) => new AssertBridgeModule(assertMessages)(p)),
channelMapping = Map("" -> portName)
assertAnnos ++= Seq(fcca, bridgeAnno)
val wiredTopModule = topModule.copy(ports = topModule.ports ++ ports,
body = Block(topModule.body +: stmts.toSeq))
circuit = c.copy(modules = wiredTopModule +: mods.filterNot(_.name == c.main)),
form = HighForm,
annotations = state.annotations ++ assertAnnos
def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
if (p(SynthAsserts)) synthesizeAsserts(state) else {
// Still need to touch the file.
val f = new FileWriter(new File(dir, s"${state.circuit.main}.asserts"))
if (p(SynthAsserts)) synthesizeAsserts(state) else state