cleanup firesim basics

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Sagar Karandikar 2018-05-19 23:40:32 +00:00
parent 00fcf1f7ea
commit 4f4db56681
1 changed files with 56 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -68,28 +68,41 @@ Background/Terminology
FireSim Infrastructure Diagram
- **FireSim Manager**: This program (located in ``firesim/deploy/``,
called ``firesim``) automates the work required to launch FPGA builds
and run simulations. Most users will only have to interact with the
manager most of the time.
- **Manager Instance**: This is the machine on AWS that you will
**FireSim Manager** (``firesim``)
This program (available on your path as ``firesim``
once we source necessary scripts) automates the work required to launch FPGA
builds and run simulations. Most users will only have to interact with the
manager most of the time. If you're familiar with tools like Vagrant or Docker, the ``firesim``
command is just like the ``vagrant`` and ``docker`` commands, but for FPGA simulators
instead of VMs/containers.
**Manager Instance**
This is the machine on AWS that you will
SSH-into. It only needs to be powerful enough to run Chisel
builds/target software builds.
- **Build Farm**: These are instances that are elastically
**Build Farm**
These are instances that are elastically
started/terminated by the FireSim manager when you run FPGA builds.
The manager will automatically ship builds to these instances and run
the Verilog -> FPGA Image process on them.
- **Run Farm**: These are F1 (and M4) instances that the manager
The manager will automatically ship source for builds to these instances and
run the Verilog -> FPGA Image process on them.
**Run Farm**
These are F1 (and M4) instances that the manager
automatically launches and deploys simulations onto.
To disambiguate between the computers being simulated and the computers doing the simulating, we define:
To disambiguate between the computers being simulated and the computers doing
the simulating, we define:
- **Target**: The design and environment under simulation. Generally, a
network of one or more multi-core RISC-V microprocessors.
- **Host**: The computers executing the FireSim simulation -- the Run Farm.
The design and environment under simulation. Generally, a
group of one or more multi-core RISC-V microprocessors with or without a network between them.
The computers executing the FireSim simulation -- the **Run Farm** from above.
We frequently prefix words with these terms. For example, software can run
on the simulated RISCV system (*target*-software) or on a host x86 machine (*host*-software).
on the simulated RISC-V system (*target*-software) or on a host x86 machine (*host*-software).
Using FireSim/The FireSim Workflow
@ -105,35 +118,37 @@ will show you how to build your own FPGA images with customized hardware.
Here's a high-level outline of what we'll be doing:
1. Initial Setup/Installation
#. **Initial Setup/Installation**
a. First-time AWS User Setup
You can skip this if you already have an AWS account/payment method
set up.
b. Configuring required AWS resources in your account:
This sets up the appropriate VPCs/subnets/security groups required to
run FireSim.
c. Setting up a "Manager Instance" from which you will coordinate
building and deploying simulations.
a. First-time AWS User Setup: You can skip this if you already have an AWS
account/payment method set up.
2. Single-node simulation tutorial: This tutorial guides you through the process of running one simulation on a single ``f1.2xlarge``, using our pre-built public FireSim AGFIs.
#. Configuring required AWS resources in your account: This sets up the
appropriate VPCs/subnets/security groups required to run FireSim.
a. Launching instances for an FPGA "Run Farm" consisting of ``f1.2xlarge`` instances.
b. Deploying simulations on your "Run Farm" once you have an AFI/AGFI.
#. Setting up a "Manager Instance" from which you will coordinate building
and deploying simulations.
3. Cluster simulation tutorial: This tutorial guides you through the process of running 16 networked simulations on 2 ``f1.16xlarge``\s and one ``m4.16xlarge``, using our pre-built public FireSim AGFIs.
#. **Single-node simulation tutorial**: This tutorial guides you through the process of running one simulation on a single ``f1.2xlarge``, using our pre-built public FireSim AGFIs.
a. Launching instances for an FPGA "Run Farm" consisting of
``f1.16xlarge`` and ``m4.16xlarge`` instances.
b. Deploying simulations on your "Run Farm" once you have an AFI/AGFI.
a. Launching an FPGA "Run Farm" consisting of one ``f1.2xlarge`` instance
and deploying a simulation on your "Run Farm" using a pre-built FPGA-image
that we provide.
4. Building your own hardware designs tutorial (Chisel -> FPGA Image)
#. **Cluster simulation tutorial**: This tutorial guides you through the process of running 8 networked simulations on 1 ``f1.16xlarge``, using our pre-built public FireSim AGFIs.
a. Building a FireSim AFI: Running a build process that goes from Chisel -> Verilog and then
Verilog -> AFI/AGFI (Amazon's FPGA Image). This process automatically creates "Build Farm" instances,
runs builds on them, and terminates them once the AGFIs has been generated.
All Vivado reports/outputs are copied onto your Manager
Instance before Build Farm instances are terminated.
a. Launching an FPGA "Run Farm" consisting of one ``f1.16xlarge`` instance
and deploying a simulation on your "Run Farm" using a pre-built FPGA-image
that we provide.
#. **Building your own hardware designs tutorial (Chisel to FPGA Image)**
a. Running a build process that goes from Chisel to
Verilog and then Verilog to AFI/AGFI (Amazon FPGA Image). This process
automatically creates "Build Farm" instances, runs builds on them, and
terminates them once the AGFIs has been generated. All Vivado
reports/outputs are copied onto your Manager Instance before Build Farm
instances are terminated.
Generally speaking, you only need to follow step 4 if you're modifying
Chisel RTL or changing non-runtime configurable hardware parameters.