[CI] Split elaboration into seperate step

This commit is contained in:
David Biancolin 2020-12-08 14:28:44 -08:00
parent bf5735ea3d
commit 3216e6349d
5 changed files with 112 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ executors:
- image: firesim/firesim-ci:v1.0
user: "centos"
JVM_MEMORY: 1800M # Default JVM maximum heap limit
JVM_MEMORY: 3500M # Default JVM maximum heap limit
LANG: en_US.UTF-8 # required by sbt when it sees boost directories
@ -75,16 +75,30 @@ commands:
type: string
default: "firesim.midasexamples"
description: Runs separate elaboration step to avoid multiple invocations of SBT.
type: boolean
default: true
type: string
default: "120m"
- run:
command: |
source env.sh
make -C sim TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt \
SBT_COMMAND="project << parameters.project >>; testOnly << parameters.test-package >>.<< parameters.test-name >>"
no_output_timeout: << parameters.timeout >>
- when:
condition: <<parameters.separate-elaboration>>
- run:
command: |
source env.sh
make -C sim TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt \
SBT_COMMAND="project << parameters.project >>; Test / runMain firesim.EmitCIElaborationScript elaborate.sh << parameters.test-package >>.<< parameters.test-name >>"
bash -x sim/elaborate.sh || true
no_output_timeout: << parameters.timeout >>
- run:
command: |
source env.sh
make -C sim TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt \
SBT_COMMAND="project << parameters.project >>; testOnly << parameters.test-package >>.<< parameters.test-name >> -- -Dci-skip-elaboration=true"
no_output_timeout: << parameters.timeout >>
description: "Runs all baseline setup tasks up to scala compilation."
@ -116,6 +130,7 @@ jobs:
project: "midas"
test-package: "*"
test-name: "*"
separate-elaboration: false
executor: main-env

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
//See LICENSE for license details.
package firesim
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileWriter
* Instantiates a TestSuite and pulls out all of the required make calls to
* elaborate all tests.
* 1st argument: name of the output script
* 2nd argument: fully qualified suite name
object EmitCIElaborationScript extends App {
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
assert(args.size == 2)
val Array(scriptName, className) = args
val inst = Class.forName(className).getConstructors().head.newInstance()
def recurse(suite: Any): Seq[String] = suite match {
case t: TestSuiteCommon => Seq(t.makeCommand(t.elaborateMakeTarget:_*).mkString(" "))
case t: org.scalatest.Suites => t.nestedSuites.flatMap(recurse)
val makeCommands = recurse(inst)
val writer = new FileWriter(new File(scriptName))
makeCommands.foreach { l => writer.write(l + "\n") }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ package firesim
import java.io.File
import scala.sys.process.{stringSeqToProcess, ProcessLogger}
* NB: not thread-safe
abstract class TestSuiteCommon extends org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec {
def targetTuple: String
@ -24,6 +27,21 @@ abstract class TestSuiteCommon extends org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec {
var ciSkipElaboration: Boolean = false
var transitiveFailure: Boolean = false
override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) = {
// Perform setup
ciSkipElaboration = test.configMap.getOptional[String]("ci-skip-elaboration")
.map { _.toBoolean }
if (transitiveFailure) {
org.scalatest.Canceled("Due to prior failure")
} else {
// These mirror those in the make files; invocation of the MIDAS compiler
// is the one stage of the tests we don't invoke the Makefile for
lazy val genDir = new File(firesimDir, s"generated-src/${platformName}/${targetTuple}")
@ -31,23 +49,53 @@ abstract class TestSuiteCommon extends org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec {
implicit def toStr(f: File): String = f.toString replace (File.separator, "/")
// Defines a make target that will build all prerequistes for downstream
// tests that require a Scala invocation.
def elaborateMakeTarget: Seq[String] = Seq("compile")
def makeCommand(makeArgs: String*): Seq[String] = {
Seq("make", "-C", s"$firesimDir") ++ makeArgs.toSeq ++ commonMakeArgs ++ platformMakeArgs
// Runs make passing default args to specify the right target design, project and platform
def make(makeArgs: String*): Int = {
val cmd = Seq("make", "-C", s"$firesimDir") ++ makeArgs.toSeq ++ commonMakeArgs ++ platformMakeArgs
val cmd = makeCommand(makeArgs:_*)
println("Running: %s".format(cmd mkString " "))
// As above, but if the RC is non-zero, cancels all downstream tests. This
// is used to prevent re-invoking make on a target with a dependency on the
// result of this recipe. Which would lead to a second failure.
def makeCriticalDependency(makeArgs: String*): Int = {
val returnCode = make(makeArgs:_*)
transitiveFailure = returnCode != 0
def clean() { make("clean") }
def mkdirs() { genDir.mkdirs; outDir.mkdirs }
def isCmdAvailable(cmd: String) =
Seq("which", cmd) ! ProcessLogger(_ => {}) == 0
// Running all scala-invocations required to take the design to verilog.
// Generally elaboration + GG compilation.
def elaborateAndCompile(behaviorDescription: String = "elaborate and compile through GG sucessfully") {
it should behaviorDescription in {
// Under CI, if make failed during elaboration we catch it here without
// attempting to rebuild
val target = (if (ciSkipElaboration) Seq("-q") else Seq()) ++ elaborateMakeTarget
assert(makeCriticalDependency(target:_*) == 0)
// Compiles a MIDAS-level RTL simulator of the target
def compileMlSimulator(b: String, debug: Boolean = false) {
if (isCmdAvailable(b)) {
assert(make(s"$b%s".format(if (debug) "-debug" else "")) == 0)
it should s"compile sucessfully to ${b}" + { if (debug) " with waves enabled" else "" } in {
assert(makeCriticalDependency(s"$b%s".format(if (debug) "-debug" else "")) == 0)
@ -60,12 +108,14 @@ abstract class MidasUnitTestSuite(unitTestConfig: String, shouldFail: Boolean =
// Use the default recipe which also will compile verilator since there's no
// separate target for just elaboration
override def elaborateMakeTarget = Seq("compile-midas-unittests")
override lazy val genDir = new File(s"generated-src/unittests/${targetTuple}")
override lazy val outDir = new File(s"output/unittests/${targetTuple}")
def runUnitTestSuite(backend: String, debug: Boolean = false) {
behavior of s"MIDAS unittest: ${unitTestConfig} running on ${backend}"
val testSpecString = if (shouldFail) "fail" else "pass"
val testSpecString = if (shouldFail) "fail" else "pass" + s" when running under ${backend}"
if (isCmdAvailable(backend)) {
lazy val result = make("run-midas-unittests%s".format(if (debug) "-debug" else ""),
@ -78,8 +128,9 @@ abstract class MidasUnitTestSuite(unitTestConfig: String, shouldFail: Boolean =
behavior of s"MIDAS unittest: ${unitTestConfig}"
elaborateAndCompile("elaborate sucessfully")

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ abstract class FASEDTest(
//runTest("vcs", true)
behavior of s"FASED Instance configured with ${platformConfigs} driven by target: ${topModuleClass}"
runTest("verilator", false)

View File

@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ abstract class TutorialSuite(
def runTest(b: String, debug: Boolean = false) {
behavior of s"$targetName in $b"
compileMlSimulator(b, debug)
val testEnv = "MIDAS-level simulation" + { if (debug) " with waves enabled" else "" }
val testEnv = s"${b} MIDAS-level simulation" + { if (debug) " with waves enabled" else "" }
if (isCmdAvailable(b)) {
it should s"pass in ${testEnv}" in {
assert(run(b, debug, args = simulationArgs) == 0)
@ -87,7 +86,9 @@ abstract class TutorialSuite(
behavior of s"$targetName"