This commit is contained in:
Abraham Gonzalez 2022-04-24 01:36:55 +00:00
parent 6bcfa35163
commit 07d84a3f9e
10 changed files with 710 additions and 775 deletions

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@ -4,13 +4,28 @@ topology. """
from runtools.firesim_topology_elements import *
from runtools.user_topology import UserTopologies
from typing import List, Callable
class FireSimTopology(UserTopologies):
""" A FireSim Topology consists of a list of root FireSimNodes, which
connect to other FireSimNodes.
This is designed to model tree-like topologies."""
custom_mapper: Callable
def get_dfs_order(self):
def __init__(self, user_topology_name: str, no_net_num_nodes: int) -> None:
# This just constructs the user topology. an upper level pass manager
# will apply passes to it.
# a topology can specify a custom target -> host mapping. if left as None,
# the default mapper is used, which handles no network and simple networked cases.
self.custom_mapper = None
config_func = getattr(self, user_topology_name)
def get_dfs_order(self) -> List[FireSimNode]:
""" Return all nodes in the topology in dfs order, as a list. """
stack = list(self.roots)
retlist = []
@ -27,26 +42,16 @@ class FireSimTopology(UserTopologies):
stack = list(map(lambda x: x.get_downlink_side(), nextup.downlinks)) + stack
return retlist
def get_dfs_order_switches(self):
def get_dfs_order_switches(self) -> List[FireSimSwitchNode]:
""" Utility function that returns only switches, in dfs order. """
return [x for x in self.get_dfs_order() if isinstance(x, FireSimSwitchNode)]
def get_dfs_order_servers(self):
def get_dfs_order_servers(self) -> List[FireSimServerNode]:
""" Utility function that returns only servers, in dfs order. """
return [x for x in self.get_dfs_order() if isinstance(x, FireSimServerNode)]
def get_bfs_order(self):
def get_bfs_order(self) -> None:
""" return the nodes in the topology in bfs order """
# don't forget to eliminate dups
assert False, "TODO"
def __init__(self, user_topology_name, no_net_num_nodes):
# This just constructs the user topology. an upper level pass manager
# will apply passes to it.
# a topology can specify a custom target -> host mapping. if left as None,
# the default mapper is used, which handles no network and simple networked cases.
self.custom_mapper = None
self.no_net_num_nodes = no_net_num_nodes
config_func = getattr(self, user_topology_name)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
""" Node types necessary to construct a FireSimTopology. """
import logging
import abc
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project # type: ignore
from fabric.api import run, local, warn_only, get # type: ignore
from runtools.switch_model_config import AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig
from runtools.utils import get_local_shared_libraries
from runtools.run_farm_instances import Inst
from util.streamlogger import StreamLogger
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project # type: ignore
from runtools.workload import WorkloadConfig, JobConfig
from runtools.runtime_config import RuntimeHWConfig
from runtools.utils import MacAddress
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Sequence
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
class FireSimLink(object):
class FireSimLink:
""" This represents a link that connects different FireSimNodes.
@ -28,12 +35,16 @@ class FireSimLink(object):
RootSwitch has a downlink to Sim X.
# links have a globally unique identifier, currently used for naming
# shmem regions for Shmem Links
next_unique_link_identifier = 0
next_unique_link_identifier: int = 0
id: int
id_as_str: str
uplink_side: Optional[FireSimNode]
downlink_side: Optional[FireSimNode]
port: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, uplink_side, downlink_side):
def __init__(self, uplink_side: FireSimNode, downlink_side: FireSimNode) -> None: = FireSimLink.next_unique_link_identifier
FireSimLink.next_unique_link_identifier += 1
# format as 100 char hex string padded with zeroes
@ -44,45 +55,52 @@ class FireSimLink(object):
def set_uplink_side(self, fsimnode):
def set_uplink_side(self, fsimnode: FireSimNode) -> None:
self.uplink_side = fsimnode
def set_downlink_side(self, fsimnode):
def set_downlink_side(self, fsimnode: FireSimNode) -> None:
self.downlink_side = fsimnode
def get_uplink_side(self):
def get_uplink_side(self) -> Optional[FireSimNode]:
return self.uplink_side
def get_downlink_side(self):
def get_downlink_side(self) -> Optional[FireSimNode]:
return self.downlink_side
def link_hostserver_port(self):
def link_hostserver_port(self) -> int:
""" Get the port used for this Link. This should only be called for
links implemented with SocketPorts. """
if self.port is None:
self.port = self.get_uplink_side().host_instance.allocate_host_port()
uplink_side = self.get_uplink_side()
assert uplink_side is not None
assert uplink_side.host_instance is not None
self.port = uplink_side.host_instance.allocate_host_port()
return self.port
def link_hostserver_ip(self):
def link_hostserver_ip(self) -> str:
""" Get the IP address used for this Link. This should only be called for
links implemented with SocketPorts. """
assert self.get_uplink_side().host_instance.is_bound_to_real_instance(), "Instances must be bound to private IP to emit switches with uplinks. i.e. you must have a running Run Farm."
return self.get_uplink_side().host_instance.get_private_ip()
uplink_side = self.get_uplink_side()
assert uplink_side is not None
assert uplink_side.host_instance is not None
return uplink_side.host_instance.get_ip()
def link_crosses_hosts(self):
def link_crosses_hosts(self) -> bool:
""" Return True if the user has mapped the two endpoints of this link to
separate hosts. This implies a SocketServerPort / SocketClientPort will be used
to implement the Link. If False, use a sharedmem port to implement the link. """
if type(self.get_downlink_side()) == FireSimDummyServerNode:
return False
assert self.get_uplink_side() is not None
assert self.get_downlink_side() is not None
return self.get_uplink_side().host_instance != self.get_downlink_side().host_instance
def get_global_link_id(self):
def get_global_link_id(self) -> str:
""" Return the globally unique link id, used for naming shmem ports. """
return self.id_as_str
class FireSimNode(object):
class FireSimNode(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
""" This represents a node in the high-level FireSim Simulation Topology
Graph. These nodes are either
@ -99,15 +117,18 @@ class FireSimNode(object):
3) Assigning workloads to run to simulators
downlinks: List[FireSimLink]
uplinks: List[FireSimLink]
host_instance: Optional[Inst]
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.downlinks = []
# used when there are multiple links between switches to disambiguate
#self.downlinks_consumed = []
self.uplinks = []
self.host_instance = None
def add_downlink(self, firesimnode):
def add_downlink(self, firesimnode: FireSimNode) -> None:
""" A "downlink" is a link that will take you further from the root
of the tree. Users define a tree topology by specifying "downlinks".
Uplinks are automatically inferred. """
@ -116,12 +137,13 @@ class FireSimNode(object):
def add_downlinks(self, firesimnodes):
def add_downlinks(self, firesimnodes: Sequence[FireSimNode]) -> None:
""" Just a convenience function to add multiple downlinks at once.
Assumes downlinks in the supplied list are ordered. """
[self.add_downlink(node) for node in firesimnodes]
for node in firesimnodes:
def add_uplink(self, firesimlink):
def add_uplink(self, firesimlink: FireSimLink) -> None:
""" This is only for internal use - uplinks are automatically populated
when a node is specified as the downlink of another.
@ -129,40 +151,54 @@ class FireSimNode(object):
def num_links(self):
def num_links(self) -> int:
""" Return the total number of nodes. """
return len(self.downlinks) + len(self.uplinks)
def run_node_simulation(self):
""" Override this to provide the ability to launch your simulation. """
def terminate_node_simulation(self):
""" Override this to provide the ability to terminate your simulation. """
def has_assigned_host_instance(self):
def has_assigned_host_instance(self) -> bool:
if self.host_instance is None:
return False
return True
def assign_host_instance(self, host_instance_run_farm_object):
def assign_host_instance(self, host_instance_run_farm_object: Inst) -> None:
self.host_instance = host_instance_run_farm_object
def get_host_instance(self):
def get_host_instance(self) -> Optional[Inst]:
return self.host_instance
def diagramstr(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
""" This is a simulated server instance in FireSim. """
server_hardware_config: Optional[RuntimeHWConfig]
server_link_latency: Optional[int]
server_bw_max: Optional[int]
server_profile_interval: Optional[int]
trace_enable: Optional[bool]
trace_select: Optional[str]
trace_start: Optional[str]
trace_end: Optional[str]
trace_output_format: Optional[str]
autocounter_readrate: Optional[int]
zerooutdram: Optional[bool]
disable_asserts: Optional[bool]
print_start: Optional[str]
print_end: Optional[str]
print_cycle_prefix: Optional[bool]
job: Optional[JobConfig]
server_id_internal: int
mac_address: Optional[MacAddress]
def __init__(self, server_hardware_config=None, server_link_latency=None,
server_bw_max=None, server_profile_interval=None,
trace_enable=None, trace_select=None, trace_start=None, trace_end=None, trace_output_format=None, autocounter_readrate=None,
zerooutdram=None, disable_asserts=None,
print_start=None, print_end=None, print_cycle_prefix=None):
super(FireSimServerNode, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, server_hardware_config: Optional[RuntimeHWConfig] = None, server_link_latency: Optional[int] = None,
server_bw_max: Optional[int] = None, server_profile_interval: Optional[int] = None,
trace_enable: Optional[bool] = None, trace_select: Optional[str] = None, trace_start: Optional[str] = None, trace_end: Optional[str] = None, trace_output_format: Optional[str] = None, autocounter_readrate: Optional[int] = None,
zerooutdram: Optional[bool] = None, disable_asserts: Optional[bool] = None,
print_start: Optional[str] = None, print_end: Optional[str] = None, print_cycle_prefix: Optional[int] = None):
self.server_hardware_config = server_hardware_config
self.server_link_latency = server_link_latency
self.server_bw_max = server_bw_max
@ -180,21 +216,22 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
self.print_cycle_prefix = print_cycle_prefix
self.job = None
self.server_id_internal = FireSimServerNode.SERVERS_CREATED
self.mac_address = None
FireSimServerNode.SERVERS_CREATED += 1
def set_server_hardware_config(self, server_hardware_config):
def set_server_hardware_config(self, server_hardware_config: RuntimeHWConfig) -> None:
self.server_hardware_config = server_hardware_config
def get_server_hardware_config(self):
def get_server_hardware_config(self) -> Optional[RuntimeHWConfig]:
return self.server_hardware_config
def assign_mac_address(self, macaddr):
def assign_mac_address(self, macaddr: MacAddress) -> None:
self.mac_address = macaddr
def get_mac_address(self):
def get_mac_address(self) -> MacAddress:
return self.mac_address
def process_qcow2_rootfses(self, rootfses_list):
def process_qcow2_rootfses(self, rootfses_list: List[str]) -> Sequence[str]:
""" Take in list of all rootfses on this node. For the qcow2 ones, find
the allocated devices, attach the device to the qcow2 image on the
remote node, and replace it in the list with that nbd device. Return
@ -207,7 +244,10 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
result_list = []
for rootfsname in rootfses_list:
if rootfsname and rootfsname.endswith(".qcow2"):
allocd_device = self.get_host_instance().nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
host_inst = self.host_instance
assert host_inst is not None
assert isinstance(host_inst, EC2Inst)
allocd_device = host_inst.nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
# connect the /dev/nbdX device to the rootfs
run("""sudo qemu-nbd -c {devname} {rootfs}""".format(devname=allocd_device, rootfs=rootfsname))
@ -215,16 +255,18 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
return result_list
def allocate_nbds(self):
def allocate_nbds(self) -> None:
""" called by the allocate nbds pass to assign an nbd to a qcow2 image.
rootfses_list = [self.get_rootfs_name()]
for rootfsname in rootfses_list:
if rootfsname and rootfsname.endswith(".qcow2"):
allocd_device = self.get_host_instance().nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
assert host_inst is not None
assert isinstance(host_inst, EC2Inst)
allocd_device = host_inst.nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
def diagramstr(self):
def diagramstr(self) -> str:
msg = """{}:{}\n----------\nMAC: {}\n{}\n{}""".format("FireSimServerNode",
@ -232,7 +274,7 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
return msg
def run_sim_start_command(self, slotno):
def run_sim_start_command(self, slotno: int) -> None:
""" get/run the command to run a simulation. assumes it will be
called in a directory where its required_files are already located.
@ -247,6 +289,12 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
all_bootbins = [self.get_bootbin_name()]
all_shmemportnames = [shmemportname]
assert self.server_hardware_config is not None
assert (self.server_profile_interval is not None and all_bootbins is not None and self.trace_enable is not None and
self.trace_select is not None and self.trace_start is not None and self.trace_end is not None and self.trace_output_format is not None and
self.autocounter_readrate is not None and all_shmemportnames is not None and self.zerooutdram is not None and self.disable_asserts is not None and
self.print_start is not None and self.print_end is not None and self.print_cycle_prefix)
runcommand = self.server_hardware_config.get_boot_simulation_command(
slotno, all_macs, all_rootfses, all_linklatencies, all_maxbws,
self.server_profile_interval, all_bootbins, self.trace_enable,
@ -256,7 +304,7 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
def copy_back_job_results_from_run(self, slotno):
def copy_back_job_results_from_run(self, slotno: int) -> None:
1) Make the local directory for this job's output
2) Copy back UART log
@ -280,6 +328,7 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
rootLogger.debug("[localhost] " + str(localcap))
rootLogger.debug("[localhost] " + str(localcap.stderr))
assert self.host_instance is not None
dest_sim_dir = self.host_instance.dest_simulation_dir
# mount rootfs, copy files from it back to local system
@ -291,7 +340,7 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
run("""sudo mkdir -p {}""".format(mountpoint))
if is_qcow2:
rfsname = self.get_host_instance().nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rfsname)
rfsname = self.host_instance.nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rfsname)
rfsname = """{}/sim_slot_{}/{}""".format(dest_sim_dir, simserverindex, rfsname)
@ -337,25 +386,29 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
def get_sim_kill_command(self, slotno):
def get_sim_kill_command(self, slotno: int) -> str:
""" return the command to kill the simulation. assumes it will be
called in a directory where its required_files are already located.
assert self.server_hardware_config is not None
return self.server_hardware_config.get_kill_simulation_command()
def get_required_files_local_paths(self):
def get_required_files_local_paths(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
""" Return local paths of all stuff needed to run this simulation as
an array. """
all_paths = []
if self.get_job().rootfs_path() is not None:
all_paths.append([self.get_job().rootfs_path(), self.get_rootfs_name()])
all_paths.append((self.get_job().rootfs_path(), self.get_rootfs_name()))
all_paths.append([self.get_job().bootbinary_path(), self.get_bootbin_name()])
all_paths.append((self.get_job().bootbinary_path(), self.get_bootbin_name()))
assert self.server_hardware_config is not None
driver_path = self.server_hardware_config.get_local_driver_path()
all_paths.append([driver_path, ''])
all_paths.append([self.server_hardware_config.get_local_runtime_conf_path(), ''])
all_paths.append((driver_path, ''))
all_paths.append((self.server_hardware_config.get_local_runtime_conf_path(), ''))
# shared libraries
all_paths += get_local_shared_libraries(driver_path)
@ -363,29 +416,30 @@ class FireSimServerNode(FireSimNode):
all_paths += self.get_job().get_siminputs()
return all_paths
def get_agfi(self):
def get_agfi(self) -> str:
""" Return the AGFI that should be flashed. """
assert self.server_hardware_config is not None
return self.server_hardware_config.agfi
def assign_job(self, job):
def assign_job(self, job: JobConfig) -> None:
""" Assign a job to this node. """
self.job = job
def get_job(self):
def get_job(self) -> JobConfig:
""" Get the job assigned to this node. """
return self.job
def get_job_name(self):
def get_job_name(self) -> str:
return self.job.jobname
def get_rootfs_name(self):
def get_rootfs_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.get_job().rootfs_path() is None:
return None
# prefix rootfs name with the job name to disambiguate in supernode
# cases
return self.get_job_name() + "-" + self.get_job().rootfs_path().split("/")[-1]
def get_bootbin_name(self):
def get_bootbin_name(self) -> str:
# prefix bootbin name with the job name to disambiguate in supernode
# cases
return self.get_job_name() + "-" + self.get_job().bootbinary_path().split("/")[-1]
@ -396,10 +450,10 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
call out to dummy server nodes to get all the info to launch the one
command line to run the FPGA sim that has N > 1 sims on one fpga."""
def copy_back_job_results_from_run(self, slotno):
def copy_back_job_results_from_run(self, slotno: int) -> None:
""" This override is to call copy back job results for all the dummy nodes too. """
# first call the original
super(FireSimSuperNodeServerNode, self).copy_back_job_results_from_run(slotno)
# call on all siblings
num_siblings = self.supernode_get_num_siblings_plus_one()
@ -407,27 +461,30 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
# TODO: for now, just hackishly give the siblings a host node.
# fixing this properly is going to probably require a larger revamp
# of supernode handling
super_server_host = self.get_host_instance()
super_server_host = self.host_instance
for sibindex in range(1, num_siblings):
sib = self.supernode_get_sibling(sibindex)
def allocate_nbds(self):
def allocate_nbds(self) -> None:
""" called by the allocate nbds pass to assign an nbd to a qcow2 image.
num_siblings = self.supernode_get_num_siblings_plus_one()
assert self.get_rootfs_name() is not None
rootfses_list = [self.get_rootfs_name()] + [self.supernode_get_sibling_rootfs(x) for x in range(1, num_siblings)]
for rootfsname in rootfses_list:
if rootfsname.endswith(".qcow2"):
allocd_device = self.get_host_instance().nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
assert self.host_instance is not None
allocd_device = self.host_instance.nbd_tracker.get_nbd_for_imagename(rootfsname)
def supernode_get_num_siblings_plus_one(self):
def supernode_get_num_siblings_plus_one(self) -> int:
""" This returns the number of siblings the supernodeservernode has,
plus one (because in most places, we use siblings + 1, not just siblings)
@ -443,44 +500,46 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
count = True
return siblings
def supernode_get_sibling(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling(self, siblingindex: int) -> FireSimNode:
""" return the sibling for supernode mode.
siblingindex = 1 -> next sibling, 2 = second, 3 = last one."""
for index, servernode in enumerate(map( lambda x : x.get_downlink_side(), self.uplinks[0].get_uplink_side().downlinks)):
if self == servernode:
return self.uplinks[0].get_uplink_side().downlinks[index+siblingindex].get_downlink_side()
assert False, "Should return supernode sibling"
def supernode_get_sibling_mac_address(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_mac_address(self, siblingindex: int) -> str:
""" return the sibling's mac address for supernode mode.
siblingindex = 1 -> next sibling, 2 = second, 3 = last one."""
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_mac_address()
def supernode_get_sibling_rootfs(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_rootfs(self, siblingindex: int) -> str:
""" return the sibling's rootfs for supernode mode.
siblingindex = 1 -> next sibling, 2 = second, 3 = last one."""
assert self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_rootfs_name() is not None
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_rootfs_name()
def supernode_get_sibling_bootbin(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_bootbin(self, siblingindex: int) -> str:
""" return the sibling's rootfs for supernode mode.
siblingindex = 1 -> next sibling, 2 = second, 3 = last one."""
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_bootbin_name()
def supernode_get_sibling_rootfs_path(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_rootfs_path(self, siblingindex: int) -> str:
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_job().rootfs_path()
def supernode_get_sibling_bootbinary_path(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_bootbinary_path(self, siblingindex: int) -> str:
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).get_job().bootbinary_path()
def supernode_get_sibling_link_latency(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_link_latency(self, siblingindex: int) -> int:
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).server_link_latency
def supernode_get_sibling_bw_max(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_bw_max(self, siblingindex: int) -> int:
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).server_bw_max
def supernode_get_sibling_shmemportname(self, siblingindex):
def supernode_get_sibling_shmemportname(self, siblingindex: int) -> int:
return self.supernode_get_sibling(siblingindex).uplinks[0].get_global_link_id()
def run_sim_start_command(self, slotno):
def run_sim_start_command(self, slotno: int) -> None:
""" get/run the command to run a simulation. assumes it will be
called in a directory where its required_files are already located."""
@ -504,7 +563,7 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
def get_required_files_local_paths(self):
def get_required_files_local_paths(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
""" Return local paths of all stuff needed to run this simulation as
an array. """
@ -513,6 +572,8 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
def local_and_remote(filepath, index):
return [filepath, get_path_trailing(filepath) + str(index)]
assert self.get_rootfs_name() is not None
all_paths = []
if self.get_job().rootfs_path() is not None:
@ -544,13 +605,11 @@ class FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
class FireSimDummyServerNode(FireSimServerNode):
""" This is a dummy server node for supernode mode. """
def __init__(self, server_hardware_config=None, server_link_latency=None,
super(FireSimDummyServerNode, self).__init__(server_hardware_config,
def __init__(self, server_hardware_config: Optional[RuntimeHWConfig] = None, server_link_latency: Optional[int] = None,
server_bw_max: Optional[int] = None):
super().__init__(server_hardware_config, server_link_latency, server_bw_max)
def allocate_nbds(self):
def allocate_nbds(self) -> None:
""" this is handled by the non-dummy node. override so it does nothing
when called"""
@ -563,10 +622,16 @@ class FireSimSwitchNode(FireSimNode):
much special configuration."""
# used to give switches a global ID
switch_id_internal: int
switch_table: Optional[List[int]]
switch_link_latency: Optional[int]
switch_switching_latency: Optional[int]
switch_bandwidth: Optional[int]
switch_builder: AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig
def __init__(self, switching_latency=None, link_latency=None, bandwidth=None):
super(FireSimSwitchNode, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, switching_latency: Optional[int] = None, link_latency: Optional[int] = None, bandwidth: Optional[int] = None):
self.switch_id_internal = FireSimSwitchNode.SWITCHES_CREATED
FireSimSwitchNode.SWITCHES_CREATED += 1
self.switch_table = None
@ -580,12 +645,12 @@ class FireSimSwitchNode(FireSimNode):
#self.switch_builder = None
self.switch_builder = AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig(self)
def build_switch_sim_binary(self):
def build_switch_sim_binary(self) -> None:
""" This actually emits a config and builds the switch binary that
can be used to do the simulation. """
def get_required_files_local_paths(self):
def get_required_files_local_paths(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
""" Return local paths of all stuff needed to run this simulation as
array. """
all_paths = []
@ -594,13 +659,13 @@ class FireSimSwitchNode(FireSimNode):
all_paths += get_local_shared_libraries(bin)
return all_paths
def get_switch_start_command(self):
def get_switch_start_command(self) -> str:
return self.switch_builder.run_switch_simulation_command()
def get_switch_kill_command(self):
def get_switch_kill_command(self) -> str:
return self.switch_builder.kill_switch_simulation_command()
def copy_back_switchlog_from_run(self, job_results_dir, switch_slot_no):
def copy_back_switchlog_from_run(self, job_results_dir: str, switch_slot_no: int) -> None:
Copy back the switch log for this switch
@ -623,7 +688,7 @@ class FireSimSwitchNode(FireSimNode):
get(remote_path=remote_sim_run_dir + simoutputfile, local_path=job_dir)
def diagramstr(self):
def diagramstr(self) -> str:
msg = """{}:{}\n---------\ndownlinks: {}\nswitchingtable: {}""".format(
"FireSimSwitchNode", str(self.switch_id_internal), ", ".join(map(str, self.downlinkmacs)),
", ".join(map(str, self.switch_table)))

View File

@ -8,17 +8,23 @@ from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
import types
from colorama import Fore, Style # type: ignore
from fabric.api import parallel, execute # type: ignore
from runtools.switch_model_config import *
from runtools.firesim_topology_core import *
from runtools.utils import MacAddress
from runtools.run_farm import *
from runtools.runtime_config import RuntimeHWDB
from runtools.workload import WorkloadConfig
from util.streamlogger import StreamLogger
from typing import cast
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
@parallel # type: ignore
def instance_liveness():
def instance_liveness() -> None:
""" Confirm that all instances are accessible (are running and can be ssh'ed into) first so that we don't run any
actual firesim-related commands on only some of the run farm machines.""""""[{}] Checking if host instance is up...""".format(env.host_string))
@ -31,15 +37,39 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
>>> tconf = FireSimTargetConfiguration("example_16config")
passes_used: List[str]
user_topology_name: str
no_net_num_nodes: int
run_farm: RunFarm
hwdb: RuntimeHWDB
workload: WorkloadConfig
firesimtopol: FireSimTopology
defaulthwconfig: str
defaultlinklatency: int
defaultswitchinglatency: int
defaultnetbandwidth: int
defaultprofileinterval: int
defaulttraceenable: bool
defaulttraceselect: str
defaulttracestart: str
defaulttraceend: str
defaulttraceoutputformat: str
defaultautocounterreadrate: int
defaultzerooutdram: bool
defaultdisableasserts: bool
defaultprintstart: str
defaultprintend: str
defaultprintcycleprefix: int
terminateoncompletion: bool
def __init__(self, user_topology_name, no_net_num_nodes, run_farm, hwdb,
defaulthwconfig, workload, defaultlinklatency, defaultswitchinglatency,
defaultnetbandwidth, defaultprofileinterval,
defaulttraceenable, defaulttraceselect, defaulttracestart, defaulttraceend,
defaultautocounterreadrate, terminateoncompletion,
defaultzerooutdram, defaultdisableasserts,
defaultprintstart, defaultprintend, defaultprintcycleprefix):
def __init__(self, user_topology_name: str, no_net_num_nodes: int, run_farm: RunFarm, hwdb: RuntimeHWDB,
defaulthwconfig: str, workload: WorkloadConfig, defaultlinklatency: int, defaultswitchinglatency: int,
defaultnetbandwidth: int, defaultprofileinterval: int,
defaulttraceenable: bool, defaulttraceselect: str, defaulttracestart: str, defaulttraceend: str,
defaulttraceoutputformat: str,
defaultautocounterreadrate: int, terminateoncompletion: bool,
defaultzerooutdram: bool, defaultdisableasserts: bool,
defaultprintstart: str, defaultprintend: str, defaultprintcycleprefix: int):
self.passes_used = []
self.user_topology_name = user_topology_name
self.no_net_num_nodes = no_net_num_nodes
@ -67,12 +97,11 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def pass_return_dfs(self):
def pass_return_dfs(self) -> List[FireSimNode]:
""" Just return the nodes in DFS order """
return self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order()
def pass_assign_mac_addresses(self):
def pass_assign_mac_addresses(self) -> None:
""" DFS through the topology to assign mac addresses """
@ -82,8 +111,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
if isinstance(node, FireSimServerNode):
def pass_compute_switching_tables(self):
def pass_compute_switching_tables(self) -> None:
""" This creates the MAC addr -> port lists for switch nodes.
a) First, a pass that computes "downlinkmacs" for each node, which
@ -126,7 +154,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
switch.switch_table = switchtab
def pass_create_topology_diagram(self):
def pass_create_topology_diagram(self) -> None:
""" Produce a PDF that shows a diagram of the network.
Useful for debugging passes to see what has been done to particular
nodes. """
@ -154,14 +182,14 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def pass_no_net_host_mapping(self):
def pass_no_net_host_mapping(self) -> None:
# only if we have no networks - pack simulations
# assumes the user has provided enough or more slots
servers = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_servers()
serverind = 0
run_farm_nodes = self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()
fpga_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = cast(List[FPGAInst], list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes)))
fpga_nodes.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get_num_fpga_slots_max()) # largest fpga nodes 1st
# find unused fpga (starting from largest)
@ -173,13 +201,13 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
assert serverind == len(servers), "ERR: all servers were not assigned to a host."
def pass_simple_networked_host_node_mapping(self):
def pass_simple_networked_host_node_mapping(self) -> None:
""" A very simple host mapping strategy. """
switches = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_switches()
run_farm_nodes = self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()
switch_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: not x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = cast(List[FPGAInst], list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes)))
fpga_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_num_fpga_slots_max()) # smallest fpga nodes 1st
for switch in switches:
@ -198,29 +226,31 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
if node.get_num_fpga_slots_consumed() == 0 and node.get_num_fpga_slots_max() >= len(downlinknodes):
for server in downlinknodes:
assert isinstance(server, FireSimServerNode)
assert False, "Mixed downlinks currently not supported."""
def mapping_use_one_fpga_node(self):
def mapping_use_one_fpga_node(self) -> None:
""" Just put everything on one fpga node """
switches = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_switches()
fpga_nodes_used = 0
run_farm_nodes = self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()
fpga_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = cast(List[FPGAInst], list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes)))
for switch in switches:
downlinknodes = map(lambda x: x.get_downlink_side(), switch.downlinks)
if all([isinstance(x, FireSimServerNode) for x in downlinknodes]):
for server in downlinknodes:
assert isinstance(server, FireSimServerNode)
elif any([isinstance(x, FireSimServerNode) for x in downlinknodes]):
fpga_nodes_used += 1
def pass_perform_host_node_mapping(self):
def pass_perform_host_node_mapping(self) -> None:
""" This pass assigns host nodes to nodes in the abstract FireSim
configuration tree.
@ -230,7 +260,8 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
networked config, """
# enforce that this is only no net in all other non-EC2 cases
if isinstance(self.run_farm, EC2RunFarm):
assert isinstance(self.run_farm, AWSEC2F1)
if isinstance(self.run_farm, AWSEC2F1):
if self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper is None:
""" Use default mapping strategy. The topol has not specified a
special one. """
@ -244,27 +275,18 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
# now, we're handling the cycle-accurate networked simulation case
# currently, we only handle the case where
elif type(self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper) == types.FunctionType:
elif isinstance(self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper, types.FunctionType):
""" call the mapper fn defined in the topology itself. """
elif type(self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper) == str:
elif isinstance(self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper, str):
""" assume that the mapping strategy is a custom pre-defined strategy
given in this class, supplied as a string in the topology """
mapperfunc = getattr(self, self.firesimtopol.custom_mapper)
# if your roots are servers, just pack as tightly as possible, since
# you have no_net_config
if all([isinstance(x, FireSimServerNode) for x in self.firesimtopol.roots]):
# all roots are servers, so we're in no_net_config
# if the user has specified any 16xlarges, we assign to them first
assert False, "Only supports no net configs"
def pass_apply_default_hwconfig(self):
def pass_apply_default_hwconfig(self) -> None:
""" This is the default mapping pass for hardware configurations - it
does 3 things:
1) If a node has a hardware config assigned (as a string), replace
@ -288,7 +310,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
# 3)
def pass_apply_default_network_params(self):
def pass_apply_default_network_params(self) -> None:
""" If the user has not set per-node network parameters in the topology,
apply the defaults. """
allnodes = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order()
@ -334,7 +356,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
node.print_cycle_prefix = self.defaultprintcycleprefix
def pass_allocate_nbd_devices(self):
def pass_allocate_nbd_devices(self) -> None:
""" allocate NBD devices. this must be done here to preserve the
data structure for use in runworkload teardown. """
servers = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_servers()
@ -342,13 +364,14 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def pass_assign_jobs(self):
def pass_assign_jobs(self) -> None:
""" assign jobs to simulations. """
servers = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_servers()
[servers[i].assign_job(self.workload.get_job(i)) for i in range(len(servers))]
for i in range(len(servers)):
def phase_one_passes(self):
def phase_one_passes(self) -> None:
""" These are passes that can run without requiring host-node binding.
i.e. can be run before you have run launchrunfarm. They're run
automatically when creating this object. """
@ -362,7 +385,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def pass_build_required_drivers(self):
def pass_build_required_drivers(self) -> None:
""" Build all FPGA drivers. The method we're calling here won't actually
repeat the build process more than once per run of the manager. """
servers = self.firesimtopol.get_dfs_order_servers()
@ -370,7 +393,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
for server in servers:
def pass_build_required_switches(self):
def pass_build_required_switches(self) -> None:
""" Build all the switches required for this simulation. """
# the way the switch models are designed, this requires hosts to be
# bound to instances.
@ -379,7 +402,7 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def infrasetup_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing):
def infrasetup_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing: bool) -> None:
""" extra passes needed to do infrasetup """
@ -387,15 +410,17 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def infrasetup_node_wrapper(runfarm):
def infrasetup_node_wrapper(runfarm: RunFarm) -> None:
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node is not None
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
all_runfarm_ips = [x.get_ip() for x in self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()]
execute(instance_liveness, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
execute(infrasetup_node_wrapper, self.run_farm, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
def boot_simulation_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing, skip_instance_binding=False):
def boot_simulation_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing: bool, skip_instance_binding: bool = False) -> None:
""" Passes that setup for boot and boot the simulation.
skip instance binding lets users not call the binding pass on the run_farm
again, e.g. if this was called by runworkload (because runworkload calls
@ -408,8 +433,10 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
def boot_switch_wrapper(runfarm):
def boot_switch_wrapper(runfarm: RunFarm) -> None:
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node is not None
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
all_runfarm_ips = [x.get_ip() for x in self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()]
@ -417,32 +444,38 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
execute(boot_switch_wrapper, self.run_farm, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
def boot_simulation_wrapper(runfarm):
def boot_simulation_wrapper(runfarm: RunFarm) -> None:
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node is not None
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
execute(boot_simulation_wrapper, self.run_farm, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
def kill_simulation_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing, disconnect_all_nbds=True):
def kill_simulation_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing: bool, disconnect_all_nbds: bool = True) -> None:
""" Passes that kill the simulator. """
all_runfarm_ips = [x.get_ip() for x in self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()]
def kill_switch_wrapper(runfarm):
def kill_switch_wrapper(runfarm: RunFarm) -> None:
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node is not None
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
def kill_simulation_wrapper(runfarm):
def kill_simulation_wrapper(runfarm: RunFarm) -> None:
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node is not None
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
execute(kill_switch_wrapper, self.run_farm, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
execute(kill_simulation_wrapper, self.run_farm, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
def screens():
def screens() -> None:
""" poll on screens to make sure kill succeeded. """
with warn_only():"Confirming exit...")
@ -460,14 +493,16 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
execute(screens, hosts=all_runfarm_ips)
def run_workload_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing):
def run_workload_passes(self, use_mock_instances_for_testing: bool) -> None:
""" extra passes needed to do runworkload. """
if use_mock_instances_for_testing:
all_runfarm_ips = [x.get_private_ip() for x in self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()]
if isinstance(self.run_farm, AWSEC2F1):
if use_mock_instances_for_testing:
all_runfarm_ips = [x.get_ip() for x in self.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()]"""Creating the directory: {}""".format(self.workload.job_results_dir))
with StreamLogger('stdout'), StreamLogger('stderr'):
@ -479,14 +514,15 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
self.boot_simulation_passes(False, skip_instance_binding=True)
def monitor_jobs_wrapper(runfarm, completed_jobs, teardown, terminateoncompletion, job_results_dir):
def monitor_jobs_wrapper(runfarm, completed_jobs: List[str], teardown: bool, terminateoncompletion: bool, job_results_dir: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]]:
""" on each instance, check over its switches and simulations
to copy results off. """
my_node = runfarm.lookup_by_ip_addr(env.host_string)
assert my_node.instance_deploy_manager is not None
return my_node.instance_deploy_manager.monitor_jobs_instance(completed_jobs, teardown, terminateoncompletion, job_results_dir)
def loop_logger(instancestates, terminateoncompletion):
def loop_logger(instancestates: Dict[str, Any], terminateoncompletion: bool) -> None:
""" Print the simulation status nicely. """
instancestate_map = dict()
@ -526,10 +562,10 @@ class FireSimTopologyWithPasses:
# clear the screen'\033[2J')"""FireSim Simulation Status @ {}""".format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())))"""FireSim Simulation Status @ {}""".format(str(datetime.utcnow())))"-"*80)"""This workload's output is located in:\n{}""".format(self.workload.job_results_dir))"""This run's log is located in:\n{}""".format(rootLogger.handlers[0].baseFilename))"""This run's log is located in:\n{}""".format(rootLogger.handlers[0].filename))"""This status will update every 10s.""")"-"*80)"Instances")

View File

@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ from datetime import timedelta
import abc
import pprint
from util.streamlogger import StreamLogger
from awstools.awstools import *
from runtools.run_farm_instances import *
from util.inheritors import inheritors
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Sequence
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
@ -97,8 +96,7 @@ class AWSEC2F1(RunFarm):
self.f1_2s = [F1Inst(1) for x in range(num_f1_2)]
self.m4_16s = [M4_16() for x in range(num_m4_16)]
allinsts = self.f1_16s + self.f1_2s + self.f1_4s + self.m4_16s
for node in allinsts:
for node in [*self.f1_16s, *self.f1_2s, *self.f1_4s, *self.m4_16s]:
def bind_mock_instances_to_objects(self) -> None:
@ -115,13 +113,8 @@ class AWSEC2F1(RunFarm):
for index in range(len(self.m4_16s)):
def post_launch_binding(self, mock: bool = False) -> None:
def bind_real_instances_to_objects(self) -> None:
""" Attach running instances to the Run Farm. """
if mock:
# fetch instances based on tag,
# populate IP addr list for use in the rest of our tasks.
# we always sort by private IP when handling instances
@ -286,7 +279,7 @@ class AWSEC2F1(RunFarm):
def get_all_host_nodes(self) -> List[Inst]:
""" Get inst objects for all host nodes in the run farm that are bound to
a real instance. """
allinsts = self.f1_16s + self.f1_2s + self.f1_4s + self.m4_16s
allinsts = [*self.f1_16s, *self.f1_2s, *self.f1_4s, *self.m4_16s]
return [inst for inst in allinsts if inst.boto3_instance_object is not None]
def lookup_by_ip_addr(self, ipaddr) -> Optional[Inst]:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ simulation tasks. """
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from datetime import timedelta
from time import strftime, gmtime
import pprint
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import logging
import yaml
import os
import sys
from fabric.api import prefix, local # type: ignore
from awstools.awstools import *
from awstools.afitools import *
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ from runtools.run_farm import RunFarm
from util.streamlogger import StreamLogger
from util.inheritors import inheritors
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional
import argparse
LOCAL_DRIVERS_BASE = "../sim/output/"
LOCAL_SYSROOT_LIB = "../sim/lib-install/lib/"
CUSTOM_RUNTIMECONFS_BASE = "../sim/custom-runtime-configs/"
@ -28,8 +31,14 @@ rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
class RuntimeHWConfig:
""" A pythonic version of the entires in config_hwdb.ini """
name: str
platform: str
agfi: str
deploytriplet: Optional[str]
customruntimeconfig: str
driver_built: bool
def __init__(self, name, hwconfig_dict):
def __init__(self, name: str, hwconfig_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: = name
# TODO: this will change based on the "what-to-build" PR
@ -50,7 +59,7 @@ class RuntimeHWConfig:
# note whether we've built a copy of the simulation driver for this hwconf
self.driver_built = False
def get_deploytriplet_for_config(self):
def get_deploytriplet_for_config(self) -> str:
""" Get the deploytriplet for this configuration. This memoizes the request
to the AWS AGFI API."""
if self.deploytriplet is not None:
@ -58,28 +67,30 @@ class RuntimeHWConfig:
rootLogger.debug("Setting deploytriplet by querying the AGFI's description.")
self.deploytriplet = get_firesim_tagval_for_agfi(self.agfi,
def get_design_name(self):
return self.deploytriplet
def get_design_name(self) -> str:
""" Returns the name used to prefix MIDAS-emitted files. (The DESIGN make var) """
my_deploytriplet = self.get_deploytriplet_for_config()
my_design = my_deploytriplet.split("-")[0]
return my_design
def get_local_driver_binaryname(self):
def get_local_driver_binaryname(self) -> str:
""" Get the name of the driver binary. """
return self.get_design_name() + "-" + self.platform
def get_local_driver_path(self):
def get_local_driver_path(self) -> str:
""" return relative local path of the driver used to run this sim. """
my_deploytriplet = self.get_deploytriplet_for_config()
drivers_software_base = LOCAL_DRIVERS_BASE + "/" + self.platform + "/" + my_deploytriplet + "/"
fpga_driver_local = drivers_software_base + self.get_local_driver_binaryname()
return fpga_driver_local
def get_local_runtimeconf_binaryname(self):
def get_local_runtimeconf_binaryname(self) -> str:
""" Get the name of the runtimeconf file. """
return "runtime.conf" if self.customruntimeconfig is None else os.path.basename(self.customruntimeconfig)
def get_local_runtime_conf_path(self):
def get_local_runtime_conf_path(self) -> str:
""" return relative local path of the runtime conf used to run this sim. """
my_deploytriplet = self.get_deploytriplet_for_config()
drivers_software_base = LOCAL_DRIVERS_BASE + "/" + self.platform + "/" + my_deploytriplet + "/"
@ -90,16 +101,16 @@ class RuntimeHWConfig:
runtime_conf_local = CUSTOM_RUNTIMECONFS_BASE + my_runtimeconfig
return runtime_conf_local
def get_boot_simulation_command(self, slotid, all_macs,
all_rootfses, all_linklatencies,
all_netbws, profile_interval,
all_bootbinaries, trace_enable,
trace_select, trace_start, trace_end,
autocounter_readrate, all_shmemportnames,
enable_zerooutdram, disable_asserts_arg,
print_start, print_end,
def get_boot_simulation_command(self, slotid: int, all_macs: List[Optional[MacAddress]],
all_rootfses: List[Optional[str]], all_linklatencies: List[Optional[str]],
all_netbws: List[Optional[str]], profile_interval: str,
all_bootbinaries: List[str], trace_enable: str,
trace_select: str, trace_start: str, trace_end: str,
trace_output_format: str,
autocounter_readrate: str, all_shmemportnames: str,
enable_zerooutdram: bool, disable_asserts_arg: bool,
print_start: str, print_end: str,
enable_print_cycle_prefix: bool) -> str:
""" return the command used to boot the simulation. this has to have
some external params passed to it, because not everything is contained
in a runtimehwconfig. TODO: maybe runtimehwconfig should be renamed to
@ -155,14 +166,12 @@ class RuntimeHWConfig:
return basecommand
def get_kill_simulation_command(self):
def get_kill_simulation_command(self) -> str:
driver = self.get_local_driver_binaryname()
# Note that pkill only works for names <=15 characters
return """pkill -SIGKILL {driver}""".format(driver=driver[:15])
def build_fpga_driver(self):
def build_fpga_driver(self) -> None:
""" Build FPGA driver for running simulation """
if self.driver_built:
# we already built the driver at some point
@ -195,15 +204,16 @@ class RuntimeHWConfig:
self.driver_built = True
def __str__(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return """RuntimeHWConfig: {}\nDeployTriplet: {}\nAGFI: {}\nCustomRuntimeConf: {}""".format(, self.deploytriplet, self.agfi, str(self.customruntimeconfig))
class RuntimeHWDB:
""" This class manages the hardware configurations that are available
as endpoints on the simulation. """
hwconf_dict: Dict[str, RuntimeHWConfig]
def __init__(self, hardwaredbconfigfile):
def __init__(self, hardwaredbconfigfile: str) -> None:
agfidb_configfile = None
with open(hardwaredbconfigfile, "r") as yaml_file:
@ -213,17 +223,41 @@ class RuntimeHWDB:
self.hwconf_dict = {s: RuntimeHWConfig(s, v) for s, v in agfidb_dict.items()}
def get_runtimehwconfig_from_name(self, name):
def get_runtimehwconfig_from_name(self, name: str) -> RuntimeHWConfig:
return self.hwconf_dict[name]
def __str__(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return pprint.pformat(vars(self))
class InnerRuntimeConfiguration:
""" Pythonic version of config_runtime.yaml """
run_farm_requested_name: str
run_farm_dispatcher: RunFarm
topology: str
no_net_num_nodes: int
linklatency: int
switchinglatency: int
netbandwidth: int
profileinterval: int
launch_timeout: timedelta
always_expand: bool
trace_enable: bool
trace_select: str
trace_start: str
trace_end: str
trace_output_format: str
autocounter_readrate: int
zerooutdram: bool
disable_asserts: bool
print_start: str
print_end: str
print_cycle_prefix: int
workload_name: str
suffixtag: str
terminateoncompletion: bool
def __init__(self, runtimeconfigfile, runfarmconfigfile, configoverridedata):
def __init__(self, runtimeconfigfile: str, runfarmconfigfile: str, configoverridedata: str) -> None:
runtime_configfile = None
with open(runtimeconfigfile, "r") as yaml_file:
@ -232,10 +266,9 @@ class InnerRuntimeConfiguration:
runtime_dict = runtime_configfile
# override parts of the runtime conf if specified
configoverrideval = configoverridedata
if configoverrideval != "":
if configoverridedata != "":
## handle overriding part of the runtime conf
configoverrideval = configoverrideval.split()
configoverrideval = configoverridedata.split()
overridesection = configoverrideval[0]
overridefield = configoverrideval[1]
overridevalue = configoverrideval[2]
@ -307,14 +340,21 @@ class InnerRuntimeConfiguration:
self.suffixtag = runtime_dict['workload']['suffix_tag'] if 'suffix_tag' in runtime_dict['workload'] else None
self.terminateoncompletion = runtime_dict['workload']['terminate_on_completion'] == "yes"
def __str__(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return pprint.pformat(vars(self))
class RuntimeConfig:
""" This class manages the overall configuration of the manager for running
simulation tasks. """
launch_time: str
args: argparse.Namespace
runtimehwdb: RuntimeHWDB
innerconf: InnerRuntimeConfiguration
run_farm: RunFarm
workload: WorkloadConfig
firesim_topology_with_passes: FireSimTopologyWithPasses
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
""" This reads runtime configuration files, massages them into formats that
the rest of the manager expects, and keeps track of other info. """
self.launch_time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S", gmtime())
@ -356,35 +396,32 @@ class RuntimeConfig:
self.innerconf.print_start, self.innerconf.print_end,
def launch_run_farm(self):
def launch_run_farm(self) -> None:
""" directly called by top-level launchrunfarm command. """
def terminate_run_farm(self):
def terminate_run_farm(self) -> None:
""" directly called by top-level terminaterunfarm command. """
args = self.args
self.run_farm.terminate_run_farm(args.terminatesomef116, args.terminatesomef14, args.terminatesomef12,
args.terminatesomem416, args.forceterminate)
def infrasetup(self):
def infrasetup(self) -> None:
""" directly called by top-level infrasetup command. """
# set this to True if you want to use mock boto3 instances for testing
# the manager.
use_mock_instances_for_testing = False
def boot(self):
def boot(self) -> None:
""" directly called by top-level boot command. """
use_mock_instances_for_testing = False
def kill(self):
def kill(self) -> None:
use_mock_instances_for_testing = False
def run_workload(self):
def run_workload(self) -> None:
use_mock_instances_for_testing = False

View File

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ import subprocess
import random
import string
import logging
from fabric.api import local # type: ignore
from util.streamlogger import StreamLogger
from runtools.firesim_topology_elements import FireSimSwitchNode
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
@ -17,15 +18,17 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
that behaves as defined in the FireSimSwitchNode.
This assumes that the switch has already been assigned to a host."""
fsimswitchnode: FireSimSwitchNode
build_disambiguate: str
def __init__(self, fsimswitchnode):
def __init__(self, fsimswitchnode: FireSimSwitchNode) -> None:
""" Construct the switch's config file """
self.fsimswitchnode = fsimswitchnode
# this lets us run many builds in parallel without conflict across
# parallel experiments which may have overlapping switch ids
self.build_disambiguate = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(64))
def emit_init_for_uplink(self, uplinkno):
def emit_init_for_uplink(self, uplinkno: int) -> str:
""" Emit an init for a switch to talk to it's uplink."""
linkobj = self.fsimswitchnode.uplinks[uplinkno]
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
linkbasename = linkobj.get_global_link_id()
return "new ShmemPort(" + str(target_local_portno) + ', "' + linkbasename + '", true);\n'
def emit_init_for_downlink(self, downlinkno):
def emit_init_for_downlink(self, downlinkno: int) -> str:
""" emit an init for the specified downlink. """
downlinkobj = self.fsimswitchnode.downlinks[downlinkno]
downlink = downlinkobj.get_downlink_side()
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
linkbasename = downlinkobj.get_global_link_id()
return "new ShmemPort(" + str(downlinkno) + ', "' + linkbasename + '", false);\n'
def emit_switch_configfile(self):
def emit_switch_configfile(self) -> str:
""" Produce a config file for the switch generator for this switch """
constructedstring = ""
constructedstring += self.get_header()
@ -66,11 +69,12 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
return constructedstring
# produce mac2port array portion of config
def get_mac2port(self):
def get_mac2port(self) -> str:
""" This takes a python array that represents the mac to port mapping,
and converts it to a C++ array """
mac2port_pythonarray = self.fsimswitchnode.switch_table
assert mac2port_pythonarray is not None
commaseparated = ""
for elem in mac2port_pythonarray:
@ -87,13 +91,13 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
""".format(len(mac2port_pythonarray), commaseparated)
return retstr
def get_header(self):
def get_header(self) -> str:
""" Produce file header. """
retstr = """// THIS FILE IS MACHINE GENERATED. SEE deploy/buildtools/
return retstr
def get_numclientsconfig(self):
def get_numclientsconfig(self) -> str:
""" Emit constants for num ports. """
numdownlinks = len(self.fsimswitchnode.downlinks)
numuplinks = len(self.fsimswitchnode.uplinks)
@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
#endif""".format(totalports, numdownlinks, numuplinks)
return retstr
def get_portsetup(self):
def get_portsetup(self) -> str:
""" emit port intialisations. """
initstring = ""
for downlinkno in range(len(self.fsimswitchnode.downlinks)):
@ -125,10 +129,10 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
return retstr
def switch_binary_name(self):
def switch_binary_name(self) -> str:
return "switch" + str(self.fsimswitchnode.switch_id_internal)
def buildswitch(self):
def buildswitch(self) -> None:
""" Generate the config file, build the switch."""
configfile = self.emit_switch_configfile()
@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
def local_logged(command):
def local_logged(command: str) -> None:
""" Run local command with logging. """
with StreamLogger('stdout'), StreamLogger('stderr'):
localcap = local(command, capture=True)
@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
local_logged("cd " + switchbuilddir + " && make")
local_logged("mv " + switchbuilddir + "switch " + switchbuilddir + binaryname)
def run_switch_simulation_command(self):
def run_switch_simulation_command(self) -> str:
""" Return the command to boot the switch."""
switchlatency = self.fsimswitchnode.switch_switching_latency
linklatency = self.fsimswitchnode.switch_link_latency
@ -168,15 +172,15 @@ class AbstractSwitchToSwitchConfig:
# insert gdb -ex run --args between sudo and ./ below to start switches in gdb
return """screen -S {} -d -m bash -c "script -f -c 'sudo ./{} {} {} {}' switchlog"; sleep 1""".format(self.switch_binary_name(), self.switch_binary_name(), linklatency, switchlatency, bandwidth)
def kill_switch_simulation_command(self):
def kill_switch_simulation_command(self) -> str:
""" Return the command to kill the switch. """
return """sudo pkill {}""".format(self.switch_binary_name())
def switch_build_local_dir(self):
def switch_build_local_dir(self) -> str:
""" get local build dir of the switch. """
return "../target-design/switch/"
def switch_binary_local_path(self):
def switch_binary_local_path(self) -> str:
""" return the full local path where the switch binary lives. """
binaryname = self.switch_binary_name()
switchorigdir = self.switch_build_local_dir()

View File

@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
""" Define your additional topologies here. The FireSimTopology class inherits
from UserToplogies and thus can instantiate your topology. """
import types
from runtools.firesim_topology_elements import *
from runtools.firesim_topology_with_passes import FireSimTopologyWithPasses
from runtools.run_farm_instances import FPGAInst
from typing import Callable, List, Any, Union, Sequence, cast
class UserTopologies(object):
class UserTopologies:
""" A class that just separates out user-defined/configurable topologies
from the rest of the boilerplate in FireSimTopology() """
custom_mapper: Optional[Union[types.FunctionType, str]]
def clos_m_n_r(self, m, n, r):
roots: Sequence[Union[FireSimSwitchNode, FireSimServerNode]]
no_net_num_nodes: int
def __init__(self, no_net_num_nodes: int) -> None:
self.no_net_num_nodes = no_net_num_nodes
def clos_m_n_r(self, m: int, n: int, r: int) -> None:
""" Clos topol where:
m = number of root switches
@ -35,10 +47,10 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for leafswitch, servergroup in zip(leafswitches, servers):
def custom_mapper(fsim_topol_with_passes):
def custom_mapper(fsim_topol_with_passes: FireSimTopologyWithPasses) -> None:
run_farm_nodes = fsim_topol_with_passes.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()
switch_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: not x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = cast(List[FPGAInst], list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes)))
for i, rswitch in enumerate(rootswitches):
@ -48,23 +60,23 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for sim in servers[j]:
self.custom_mapper = custom_mapper
self.custom_mapper = custom_mapper # type: ignore
def clos_2_8_2(self):
def clos_2_8_2(self) -> None:
""" clos topol with:
2 roots
8 nodes/leaf
2 leaves. """
self.clos_m_n_r(2, 8, 2)
def clos_8_8_16(self):
def clos_8_8_16(self) -> None:
""" clos topol with:
8 roots
8 nodes/leaf
16 leaves. = 128 nodes."""
self.clos_m_n_r(8, 8, 16)
def fat_tree_4ary(self):
def fat_tree_4ary(self) -> None:
# 4-ary fat tree as described in
coreswitches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
@ -75,8 +87,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for switchno in range(len(coreswitches)):
core = coreswitches[switchno]
base = 0 if switchno < 2 else 1
dls = range(base, 8, 2)
dls = map(lambda x: aggrswitches[x], dls)
dls = list(map(lambda x: aggrswitches[x], range(base, 8, 2)))
for switchbaseno in range(0, len(aggrswitches), 2):
switchno = switchbaseno + 0
@ -89,7 +100,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
edgeswitches[edgeno].add_downlinks([servers[edgeno*2], servers[edgeno*2+1]])
def custom_mapper(fsim_topol_with_passes):
def custom_mapper(fsim_topol_with_passes: FireSimTopologyWithPasses) -> None:
""" In a custom mapper, you have access to the firesim topology with passes,
where you can access the run_farm nodes:
@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
run_farm_nodes = fsim_topol_with_passes.run_farm.get_all_host_nodes()
switch_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: not x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes))
fpga_nodes = cast(List[FPGAInst], list(filter(lambda x: x.is_fpga_node(), run_farm_nodes)))
# map the fat tree onto one switch node (i.e m4.16xlarge) (for core switches)
# and two fpga nodes with 8 fpgas (i.e. f1.16xlarges) (two pods of aggr/edge/4sims per fpga node)
@ -126,9 +137,9 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for sim in servers[8:]:
self.custom_mapper = custom_mapper
self.custom_mapper = custom_mapper # type: ignore
def example_multilink(self):
def example_multilink(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
midswitch = FireSimSwitchNode()
lowerlayer = [midswitch for x in range(16)]
@ -136,7 +147,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
servers = [FireSimServerNode()]
def example_multilink_32(self):
def example_multilink_32(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
midswitch = FireSimSwitchNode()
lowerlayer = [midswitch for x in range(32)]
@ -144,7 +155,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
servers = [FireSimServerNode()]
def example_multilink_64(self):
def example_multilink_64(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
midswitch = FireSimSwitchNode()
lowerlayer = [midswitch for x in range(64)]
@ -152,7 +163,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
servers = [FireSimServerNode()]
def example_cross_links(self):
def example_cross_links(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
midswitches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
@ -161,8 +172,8 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
def small_hierarchy_8sims(self):
self.custom_mapper = 'mapping_use_one_fpga_node'
def small_hierarchy_8sims(self) -> None:
self.custom_mapper = 'mapping_use_one_fpga_node' # type: ignore
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
midlevel = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
servers = [[FireSimServerNode() for x in range(2)] for x in range(4)]
@ -170,8 +181,8 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for swno in range(len(midlevel)):
def small_hierarchy_2sims(self):
self.custom_mapper = 'mapping_use_one_fpga_node'
def small_hierarchy_2sims(self) -> None:
self.custom_mapper = 'mapping_use_one_fpga_node' # type: ignore
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
midlevel = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(1)]
servers = [[FireSimServerNode() for x in range(2)] for x in range(1)]
@ -179,27 +190,27 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for swno in range(len(midlevel)):
def example_1config(self):
def example_1config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(1)]
def example_2config(self):
def example_2config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(2)]
def example_4config(self):
def example_4config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(4)]
def example_8config(self):
def example_8config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
def example_16config(self):
def example_16config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
servers = [[FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)] for x in range(2)]
@ -210,7 +221,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def example_32config(self):
def example_32config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
servers = [[FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)] for x in range(4)]
@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def example_64config(self):
def example_64config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)]
servers = [[FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)] for x in range(8)]
@ -232,7 +243,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def example_128config(self):
def example_128config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level1switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
level2switches = [[FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)] for x in range(2)]
@ -247,7 +258,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for switchno in range(len(level2switches[switchgroupno])):
def example_256config(self):
def example_256config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level1switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
level2switches = [[FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)] for x in range(4)]
@ -263,35 +274,38 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
def supernode_flatten(arr):
res = []
def supernode_flatten(arr: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
res: List[Any] = []
for x in arr:
res = res + x
return res
def supernode_example_6config(self):
def supernode_example_6config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimSuperNodeServerNode()] + [FireSimDummyServerNode() for x in range(5)]
def supernode_example_4config(self):
def supernode_example_4config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = [FireSimSuperNodeServerNode()] + [FireSimDummyServerNode() for x in range(3)]
def supernode_example_8config(self):
def supernode_example_8config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(2)])
def supernode_example_16config(self):
def supernode_example_16config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(4)])
def supernode_example_32config(self):
def supernode_example_32config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
servers = UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(8)])
def supernode_example_64config(self):
def supernode_example_64config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
servers = [UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(8)]) for x in range(2)]
@ -300,7 +314,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def supernode_example_128config(self):
def supernode_example_128config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
servers = [UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(8)]) for x in range(4)]
@ -309,7 +323,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def supernode_example_256config(self):
def supernode_example_256config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level2switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)]
servers = [UserTopologies.supernode_flatten([[FireSimSuperNodeServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode(), FireSimDummyServerNode()] for y in range(8)]) for x in range(8)]
@ -318,7 +332,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for l2switchNo in range(len(level2switches)):
def supernode_example_512config(self):
def supernode_example_512config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level1switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
level2switches = [[FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)] for x in range(2)]
@ -330,7 +344,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for switchno in range(len(level2switches[switchgroupno])):
def supernode_example_1024config(self):
def supernode_example_1024config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level1switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(4)]
level2switches = [[FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(8)] for x in range(4)]
@ -342,7 +356,7 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for switchno in range(len(level2switches[switchgroupno])):
def supernode_example_deep64config(self):
def supernode_example_deep64config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()]
level1switches = [FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(2)]
level2switches = [[FireSimSwitchNode() for x in range(1)] for x in range(2)]
@ -354,17 +368,17 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
for switchno in range(len(level2switches[switchgroupno])):
def dual_example_8config(self):
def dual_example_8config(self) -> None:
""" two separate 8-node clusters for experiments, e.g. memcached mutilate. """
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode(), FireSimSwitchNode()]
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()] * 2
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
servers2 = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
def triple_example_8config(self):
def triple_example_8config(self) -> None:
""" three separate 8-node clusters for experiments, e.g. memcached mutilate. """
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode(), FireSimSwitchNode(), FireSimSwitchNode()]
self.roots = [FireSimSwitchNode()] * 3
servers = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
servers2 = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
servers3 = [FireSimServerNode() for y in range(8)]
@ -372,17 +386,18 @@ class UserTopologies(object):
def no_net_config(self):
def no_net_config(self) -> None:
self.roots = [FireSimServerNode() for x in range(self.no_net_num_nodes)]
# Spins up all of the precompiled, unnetworked targets
def all_no_net_targets_config(self):
hwdb_entries = [
assert len(hwdb_entries) == self.no_net_num_nodes
self.roots = [FireSimServerNode(hwdb_entries[x]) for x in range(self.no_net_num_nodes)]
# TODO: busted since FireSimServerNode needs a RuntimeHWConfig to work (not a str)
## Spins up all of the precompiled, unnetworked targets
#def all_no_net_targets_config(self) -> None:
# hwdb_entries = [
# "firesim_boom_singlecore_no_nic_l2_llc4mb_ddr3",
# "firesim_rocket_quadcore_no_nic_l2_llc4mb_ddr3",
# ]
# assert len(hwdb_entries) == self.no_net_num_nodes
# self.roots = [FireSimServerNode(hwdb_entries[x]) for x in range(self.no_net_num_nodes)]
# ######Used only for tutorial purposes####################

View File

@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ from os import fspath
from os.path import realpath
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Type
rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
def get_local_shared_libraries(elf):
def get_local_shared_libraries(elf: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
""" Given path to executable `exe`, returns a list of path tuples, (A, B), where:
A is the local file path on the manager instance to the library
B is the destination file path on the runfarm instance relative to the driver
@ -360,10 +362,11 @@ def get_local_shared_libraries(elf):
libs = list()
rootLogger.debug(f"Identifying ldd dependencies for:{elf}")
rootLogger.debug(f"Identifying ldd dependencies for: {elf}")
for dso in lddwrap.list_dependencies(Path(elf)):
if dso.soname is None:
assert '/ld-linux' in fspath(dso.path), f"dynamic linker is only allowed no soname, not: {dso}"
if dso.path is not None:
assert '/ld-linux' in fspath(dso.path), f"dynamic linker is only allowed no soname, not: {dso}"
if '' in dso.soname:
@ -399,10 +402,12 @@ class MacAddress():
>>> mac.as_int_no_prefix()
next_mac_alloc = 2
eecs_mac_prefix = 0x00126d000000
next_mac_alloc: int = 2
eecs_mac_prefix: int = 0x00126d000000
mac_without_prefix_as_int: int
mac_as_int: int
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self) -> None:
""" Allocate a new mac address, store it, then increment nextmacalloc."""
assert MacAddress.next_mac_alloc < 2**24, "Too many MAC addresses allocated"
self.mac_without_prefix_as_int = MacAddress.next_mac_alloc
@ -411,12 +416,12 @@ class MacAddress():
# increment for next call
MacAddress.next_mac_alloc += 1
def as_int_no_prefix(self):
def as_int_no_prefix(self) -> int:
""" Return the MAC address as an int. WITHOUT THE PREFIX!
Used by the MAC tables in switch models."""
return self.mac_without_prefix_as_int
def __str__(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return the MAC address in the "regular format": colon separated,
show all leading zeroes."""
# format as 12 char hex with leading zeroes
@ -428,12 +433,12 @@ class MacAddress():
return ":".join(split_str_ver)
def reset_allocator(cls):
def reset_allocator(cls: Type[MacAddress]) -> None:
""" Reset allocator back to default value. """
cls.next_mac_alloc = 2
def next_mac_to_allocate(cls):
def next_mac_to_allocate(cls: Type[MacAddress]) -> int:
""" Return the next mac that will be allocated. This basically tells you
how many entries you need in your switching tables. """
return cls.next_mac_alloc

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import json
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Tuple
class JobConfig:
""" A single job that runs on a simulation.
E.g. one spec benchmark, one of the risc-v tests, etc.
@ -13,24 +15,31 @@ class JobConfig:
This essentially describes the local pieces that need to be fed to
simulations and the remote outputs that need to be copied back. """
filesystemsuffix = ".ext2"
filesystemsuffix: str = ".ext2"
parent_workload: WorkloadConfig
jobname: str
outputs: List[str]
simoutputs: List[str]
siminputs: List[str]
bootbinary: str
rootfs: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, singlejob_dict, parent_workload, index=0):
def __init__(self, singlejob_dict: Dict[str, Any], parent_workload: WorkloadConfig, index: int = 0) -> None:
self.parent_workload = parent_workload
self.jobname = singlejob_dict.get("name", self.parent_workload.workload_name + str(index))
# ignore files, command, we assume they are used only to build rootfses
# eventually this functionality will be merged into the manager too
joboutputs = singlejob_dict.get("outputs", [])
self.outputs = joboutputs + parent_workload.common_outputs
self.outputs = joboutputs + self.parent_workload.common_outputs
simoutputs = singlejob_dict.get("simulation_outputs", [])
self.simoutputs = simoutputs + parent_workload.common_simulation_outputs
self.simoutputs = simoutputs + self.parent_workload.common_simulation_outputs
siminputs = singlejob_dict.get("simulation_inputs", [])
self.siminputs = siminputs + parent_workload.common_simulation_inputs
self.siminputs = siminputs + self.parent_workload.common_simulation_inputs
if singlejob_dict.get("bootbinary") is not None:
self.bootbinary = singlejob_dict.get("bootbinary")
self.bootbinary = singlejob_dict["bootbinary"]
self.bootbinary = parent_workload.common_bootbinary
self.bootbinary = self.parent_workload.common_bootbinary
if 'rootfs' in singlejob_dict:
if singlejob_dict['rootfs'] is None:
@ -38,30 +47,30 @@ class JobConfig:
self.rootfs = None
# Explicit per-job rootfs
self.rootfs = parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + singlejob_dict['rootfs']
self.rootfs = self.parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + singlejob_dict['rootfs']
# No explicit per-job rootfs, inherit from workload
if parent_workload.derive_rootfs:
if self.parent_workload.derive_rootfs:
# No explicit workload rootfs, derive path from job name
self.rootfs = self.parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + self.jobname + self.filesystemsuffix
elif parent_workload.common_rootfs is None:
elif self.parent_workload.common_rootfs is None:
# Don't include a rootfs
self.rootfs = None
# Explicit rootfs path from workload
self.rootfs = self.parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + self.parent_workload.common_rootfs
def bootbinary_path(self):
def bootbinary_path(self) -> str:
return self.parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + self.bootbinary
def get_siminputs(self):
def get_siminputs(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
# remote filename for a siminput gets prefixed with the job's name
return list(map(lambda x: (self.parent_workload.workload_input_base_dir + "/" + x, self.jobname + "-" + x), self.siminputs))
def rootfs_path(self):
def rootfs_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.rootfs
def __str__(self):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.jobname
class WorkloadConfig:
@ -72,10 +81,23 @@ class WorkloadConfig:
2) there is one "job" - a binary/rootfs combo to be run on all sims
workloadinputs = 'workloads/'
workloadoutputs = 'results-workloads/'
workloadinputs: str = 'workloads/'
workloadoutputs: str = 'results-workloads/'
workloadfilename: str
common_rootfs: Optional[str]
derive_rootfs: bool
common_bootbinary: str
workload_name: str
common_outputs: str
common_simulation_outputs: List[str]
common_simulation_inputs: List[str]
workload_input_base_dir: str
uniform_mode: bool
jobs: List[JobConfig]
post_run_hook: str
job_results_dir: str
def __init__(self, workloadfilename, launch_time, suffixtag):
def __init__(self, workloadfilename: str, launch_time: str, suffixtag: str) -> None:
self.workloadfilename = self.workloadinputs + workloadfilename
workloadjson = None
with open(self.workloadfilename) as json_data:
@ -120,13 +142,13 @@ class WorkloadConfig:
#import code
def get_job(self, index):
def get_job(self, index: int) -> JobConfig:
if not self.uniform_mode:
return JobConfig(dict(), self, index)
def are_all_jobs_assigned(self, numjobsassigned):
def are_all_jobs_assigned(self, numjobsassigned: int) -> bool:
""" Return True if each job is assigned to at least one simulation.
In the uniform case, always return True """
if not self.uniform_mode: