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.. _firesim-basics:
FireSim Basics
2023-06-28 23:54:25 +08:00
FireSim is an open-source
FPGA-accelerated full-system hardware simulation platform that makes
it easy to validate, profile, and debug RTL hardware implementations
at 10s to 100s of MHz. FireSim simplifies co-simulating
ASIC RTL with cycle-accurate hardware and software models for other system components (e.g. I/Os). FireSim can productively
scale from individual SoC simulations hosted on on-prem FPGAs (e.g., a single Xilinx Alveo board attached to a desktop)
to massive datacenter-scale simulations harnessing hundreds of cloud FPGAs (e.g., on Amazon EC2 F1).
FireSim users across academia and industry (at 20+ institutions) have published
over 40 papers using FireSim in many areas, including computer architecture,
systems, networking, security, scientific computing, circuits, design
automation, and more (see the `Publications page <>`__ on
the FireSim website to learn more). FireSim
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has also been used in the development of commercially-available silicon. FireSim
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was originally developed in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Department at the University of California, Berkeley, but
now has industrial and academic contributors from all over the world.
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This documentation will walk you through getting started with using FireSim on
your platform and also serves as a reference for more advanced FireSim features. For higher-level
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technical discussion about FireSim, see the `FireSim website <>`__.
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Common FireSim usage models
2023-06-28 23:54:25 +08:00
Below are three common usage models for FireSim. The first two are the most common, while the
third model is primarily for those interested in warehouse-scale computer research. The getting
started guides on this documentation site will cover all three models.
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1. Single-Node Simulations Using One or More On-Premises FPGAs
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In this usage model, FireSim allows for simulation of targets consisting of
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individual SoC designs (e.g., those produced by `Chipyard <>`__)
at 150+ MHz running on on-premises
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FPGAs, such as those attached to your local desktop, laptop, or cluster. Just
like on the cloud, the FireSim manager can automatically distribute and manage
jobs on one or more on-premises FPGAs, including running complex workloads like
SPECInt2017 with full reference inputs.
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2. Single-Node Simulations Using Cloud FPGAs
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This usage model is similar to the previous on-premises case, but instead
deploys simulations on FPGAs attached to cloud instances, rather than requiring
users to obtain and set-up on-premises FPGAs. This allows for dynamically
scaling the number of FPGAs in-use to match workload requirements. For example,
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on AWS EC2 F1, it is just as cost effective to run the 10 workloads in SPECInt2017 in parallel
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on 10 cloud FPGAs vs. running them serially on one cloud FPGA.
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All automation in FireSim works in both the on-premises and cloud
usage models, which enables a **hybrid usage model** where early development happens
on one (or a small cluster of) on-premises FPGA(s), while bursting to a large
number of cloud FPGAs when a high-degree of parallelism is necessary.
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3. Datacenter/Cluster Simulations on On-Premises or Cloud FPGAs
In this mode, FireSim also models a cycle-accurate network with
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parameterizeable bandwidth, link latency, and configurable
topology to accurately model current and future datacenter-scale
systems. For example, FireSim has been used to simulate 1024 quad-core
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RISC-V Rocket Chip-based nodes, interconnected by a 200 Gbps, 2us Ethernet network. To learn
2018-05-19 02:12:48 +08:00
more about this use case, see our `ISCA 2018 paper
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Other Use Cases
2023-06-28 23:54:25 +08:00
If you have other use-cases that we haven't covered or don't fit into the above
buckets, feel free to contact us!
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Choose your platform to get started
2018-05-18 06:24:30 +08:00
2023-06-28 23:54:25 +08:00
FireSim supports many types of FPGAs and FPGA platforms! Click one of the following links to work through the getting started guide for your particular platform.
2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/AWS-EC2-F1-Getting-Started/index`
* Status: ✅ All FireSim Features Supported.
2018-05-17 04:10:31 +08:00
2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/Xilinx-Alveo-U250-FPGAs`
* Status: ✅ All FireSim Features Supported.
2018-05-17 04:10:31 +08:00
2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/Xilinx-Alveo-U280-FPGAs`
* Status: ✅ All FireSim Features Supported.
2018-05-17 04:10:31 +08:00
2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/Xilinx-VCU118-FPGAs`
* Status: ✅ All FireSim Features Supported.
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2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/RHS-Research-Nitefury-II-FPGAs`
* Status: ✅ All FireSim Features Supported.
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2023-06-30 05:30:30 +08:00
* :doc:`Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/Xilinx-Vitis-FPGAs`
* Status: ⚠️ DMA-based Bridges Not Supported. The Vitis-based U250 flow is **not recommended** unless you have specific constraints that require using Vitis. Notably, the Vitis-based flow does not support DMA-based FireSim bridges (e.g., TracerV, Synthesizable Printfs, etc.), while the XDMA-based flows support all FireSim features, as shown above. If you're unsure, use the XDMA-based U250 flow instead: :doc:`/Getting-Started-Guides/On-Premises-FPGA-Getting-Started/Xilinx-Alveo-U250-FPGAs`.
2023-06-28 23:54:25 +08:00