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// Rounding modes
`define RNE 0
`define RNA 1
`define RTP 2
`define RTN 3
`define RTZ 4
// Normalises a denormal number or deal with catastrophic cancelation
module normaliseUp(
input signed [9:0] uf_exponent_in,
input [23:0] uf_significand_in,
output reg signed [9:0] uf_exponent,
output reg [23:0] uf_significand);
reg [5:0] shift;
always @(*) begin
shift = 0;
uf_exponent = uf_exponent_in;
uf_significand = uf_significand_in;
if (('hffff00 & uf_significand) == 0) begin
uf_significand = uf_significand << 16;
shift = shift + 16;
if (('hff0000 & uf_significand) == 0) begin
uf_significand = uf_significand << 8;
shift = shift + 8;
if (('hf00000 & uf_significand) == 0) begin
uf_significand = uf_significand << 4;
shift = shift + 4;
if (('hc00000 & uf_significand) == 0) begin
uf_significand = uf_significand << 2;
shift = shift + 2;
if (('h800000 & uf_significand) == 0) begin
uf_significand = uf_significand << 1;
shift = shift + 1;
uf_exponent = uf_exponent - shift;
end // always
`define BIAS 127
module unpack(
input [31:0] f,
output reg uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign,
output reg signed [9:0] uf_exponent,
output reg [23:0] uf_significand);
wire sign;
wire [7:0] exponent;
wire [22:0] significand; // no leading 1
// split up f
assign { sign, exponent, significand } = f;
wire signed [9:0] normaliseUp_exponent;
wire [23:0] normaliseUp_significand;
// this is used for the cae that the number is subnormal
normaliseUp unpack_normaliseUp(
-126, significand, normaliseUp_exponent, normaliseUp_significand);
always @(*) begin
uf_sign = sign;
if (exponent == 0) begin
if (significand == 0) begin
// make zero
uf_nan = 0;
uf_inf = 0;
uf_zero = 1;
uf_subnormal = 0;
uf_exponent = 0;
uf_significand = 0;
end else begin
// subnormal
uf_nan = 0;
uf_inf = 0;
uf_zero = 0;
uf_subnormal = 1;
uf_significand = normaliseUp_significand;
uf_exponent = normaliseUp_exponent;
end else if (exponent == 'hff) begin
if (significand == 0) begin
// make infinity
uf_nan = 0;
uf_inf = 1;
uf_zero = 0;
uf_subnormal = 0;
uf_exponent = 'hff;
uf_significand = 0;
end else begin
// make NaN
uf_nan = 1;
uf_inf = 0;
uf_zero = 0;
uf_subnormal = 0;
uf_exponent = 'hff;
uf_significand = 0;
end else begin
// Normal
uf_nan = 0;
uf_inf = 0;
uf_zero = 0;
uf_subnormal = 0;
uf_exponent = exponent - `BIAS;
uf_significand = 'h800000 | significand; // add leading 1
end // if
end // always
module pack(
input uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign,
input signed [9:0] uf_exponent,
input [23:0] uf_significand,
output [31:0] f);
reg sign;
reg [7:0] exponent;
reg [22:0] significand;
reg [8:0] biased;
always @(*) begin
sign = uf_sign;
if (uf_nan) begin
exponent = 'hff;
significand = 'h40b2bd; // qNaN
end else if (uf_inf) begin
exponent = 'hff;
significand = 'h0;
end else if (uf_zero) begin
exponent = 'h0;
significand = 'h0;
end else if (uf_subnormal) begin
biased = uf_exponent+`BIAS-1;
exponent = 'h0;
significand = uf_significand >> -biased;
end else begin
exponent = uf_exponent + `BIAS;
significand = 'h7fffff & uf_significand; // Remove leading 1
end // always
// staple together
assign f = { sign, exponent, significand };
module dualPathAdder(
input isAdd,
input [2:0] roundingMode,
input uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign,
input [9:0] uf_exponent,
input [23:0] uf_significand,
input ug_nan, ug_inf, ug_zero, ug_subnormal, ug_sign,
input [9:0] ug_exponent,
input [23:0] ug_significand,
output reg result_nan, result_inf, result_zero, result_subnormal, result_sign,
output reg signed [9:0] result_exponent,
output reg [23:0] result_significand);
reg guardBit;
reg stickyBit;
reg [9:0] larger_exponent, smaller_exponent;
reg [23:0] larger_significand, smaller_significand;
reg larger_sign, smaller_sign;
reg larger_subnormal, smaller_subnormal;
reg signed [9:0] exponentDifference;
reg signed [31:0] effectiveSubtract;
reg [31:0] lsig, ssig, sum, diff, iOnes;
integer i;
// for simulating control flow in C
reg do_return, do_goto_extract;
// rounder
reg [63:0] increment;
reg [63:0] incremented;
reg signed [31:0] subnormalAmount;
reg do_increment;
// this is used for the case that the number is subnormal
reg signed [9:0] normaliseUp_exponent_in;
reg [23:0] normaliseUp_significand_in;
wire signed [9:0] normaliseUp_exponent_out;
wire [23:0] normaliseUp_significand_out;
normaliseUp dualPathAdder_normaliseUp(normaliseUp_exponent_in, normaliseUp_significand_in, normaliseUp_exponent_out, normaliseUp_significand_out);
always @(*) begin
// these simulate gotos and return
do_return = 0;
do_goto_extract = 0;
guardBit = 0;
stickyBit = 0;
// Flags -- result will be normal unless otherwise marked
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
// Compute the difference between exponents
exponentDifference = uf_exponent - ug_exponent;
// Order by exponent
if ((exponentDifference > 0) ||
((exponentDifference == 0) && (uf_significand > ug_significand))) begin
larger_exponent = uf_exponent;
larger_significand = uf_significand;
larger_sign = uf_sign;
larger_subnormal = uf_subnormal;
smaller_exponent = ug_exponent;
smaller_significand = ug_significand;
smaller_sign = ug_sign;
smaller_subnormal = ug_subnormal;
result_sign = larger_sign;
end else begin
larger_exponent = ug_exponent;
larger_significand = ug_significand;
larger_sign = ug_sign;
larger_subnormal = ug_subnormal;
smaller_exponent = uf_exponent;
smaller_significand = uf_significand;
smaller_sign = uf_sign;
smaller_subnormal = uf_subnormal;
exponentDifference = -exponentDifference;
result_sign = isAdd ? larger_sign : !larger_sign;
result_exponent = larger_exponent;
// Work out if it is an effective subtract
effectiveSubtract = larger_sign ^ (isAdd ? 0 : 1) ^ smaller_sign;
// 'decimal point' after the 26th bit, LSB 2 bits are 0
// 26 so that we can cancel one and still have 24 + guard bits
lsig = larger_significand << 2;
ssig = smaller_significand << 2;
sum = 'hffffffff;
// Split the two paths
if (exponentDifference <= 1) begin
/* Near path */
// Align
ssig = ssig >> exponentDifference;
if (effectiveSubtract) begin
// May have catestrophic cancelation
diff = lsig - ssig;
if (diff == 0) begin // Fully cancelled
// make zero
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 1;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 0;
result_significand = 0;
/* IEEE-754 2008 says:
* When the sum of two operands with opposite signs (or the
* difference of two operands with like signs) is exactly
* zero, the sign of that sum (or difference) shall be +0 in
* all rounding-direction attributes except
* roundTowardNegative; under that attribute, the sign of an
* exact zero sum (or difference) shall be 0. However, x + x
* = x (x) retains the same sign as x even when x is zero.
result_sign = (roundingMode == `RTN) ? 1 : 0;
// we are done, do nothing else
do_return = 1;
end else if (diff & 'h02000000) begin // 26 bit result
sum = diff << 1;
// simulate goto extract
do_goto_extract = 1;
end else begin // Some cancelation
normaliseUp_exponent_in = result_exponent-1;
normaliseUp_significand_in = diff >> 1;
guardBit = 0;
stickyBit = 0;
// we use the output form normaliseUp
result_exponent = normaliseUp_exponent_out;
result_significand = normaliseUp_significand_out;
result_subnormal = (result_exponent < -126) ? 1 : 0;
// done, do return
do_return = 1;
end else begin
// Near addition is the same as far addition
// except without the need to align first.
// Thus fall through...
end else begin
/* Far path */
if (exponentDifference > 26) begin
result_significand = larger_significand;
result_subnormal = larger_subnormal;
do_return = 1;
end else begin
if (effectiveSubtract)
ssig = (~ssig) + 1;
// Align the smaller one
// do for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
for (i = 1; i <= 26; i = i << 1) begin
if (exponentDifference & i) begin
iOnes = ((1<<i) - 1);
stickyBit = stickyBit | ((ssig & iOnes) ? 1 : 0);
// Sign extending shift
if (effectiveSubtract)
ssig = (ssig >> i) | (iOnes << (32 - i));
ssig = (ssig >> i);
if (!do_return) begin
if(!do_goto_extract) begin
// Decimal point is after 26th bit
sum = lsig + ssig;
if (effectiveSubtract) begin
if (sum & 'h02000000)
sum = sum << 1;
else begin
result_exponent = result_exponent-1;
sum = sum << 2;
end else begin
if (sum & 'h04000000)
result_exponent = result_exponent+1;
sum = sum << 1;
end // !do_goto_extract
// "extract" target is here
// Decimal point is now after the 27th bit
result_significand = sum >> 3;
guardBit = (sum >> 2) & 'h1;
stickyBit = stickyBit | (((sum >> 1) & 'h1) | (sum & 'h1));
// now round
increment = 1;
if (result_exponent < -150) begin
// Even rounding up will not make this representable; make zero.
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 1;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 0;
result_significand = 0;
end else begin
if (result_exponent < -126) begin
// For subnormals, correct the guard and sticky bits
subnormalAmount = -(result_exponent + 126);
increment = 1 << subnormalAmount;
stickyBit = stickyBit | guardBit |
((((1 << (subnormalAmount - 1)) - 1) & result_significand) ? 1 : 0);
guardBit = ((1 << (subnormalAmount - 1)) & result_significand) ? 1 : 0;
result_significand = result_significand & ~(increment - 1);
// Round to fixed significand length
case (roundingMode)
`RNE: do_increment = guardBit & (stickyBit || (result_significand & increment));
`RNA: do_increment = guardBit;
`RTP: do_increment = !result_sign && (guardBit || stickyBit);
`RTN: do_increment = result_sign && (guardBit || stickyBit);
`RTZ: do_increment = 0; // No rounding needed
default: do_increment = 0;
// the following case corresponds to calling roundInc
if (do_increment) begin
incremented = result_significand + increment;
if (incremented == (1<<24)) begin
incremented = incremented >> 1;
result_exponent = result_exponent + 1;
// Note that carrying into the exponent would be possible with
// packed representations
result_significand = incremented;
// Round to fixed exponent length
case (roundingMode)
if (result_exponent > 127) begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
if (result_exponent > 127) begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
if (result_exponent > 127) begin
if (result_sign == 0) begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
end else begin
// make max
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 127;
result_significand = 'hffffff;
if (result_exponent > 127) begin
if (result_sign == 1) begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
end else begin
// make max
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 127;
result_significand = 'hffffff;
if (result_exponent > 127) begin
// make max
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 127;
result_significand = 'hffffff;
if (result_exponent < -126)
result_subnormal = 1;
end // if
end // !do_return
end // always
endmodule // dualPathAdder
module fp_add_sub(
input isAdd,
input [2:0] roundingMode,
input [31:0] f,
input [31:0] g,
output [31:0] result);
// unpack f
wire uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign;
wire signed [9:0] uf_exponent;
wire [23:0] uf_significand;
unpack unpack_f(f, uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign, uf_exponent, uf_significand);
// unpack g
wire ug_nan, ug_inf, ug_zero, ug_subnormal, ug_sign;
wire signed [9:0] ug_exponent;
wire [23:0] ug_significand;
unpack unpack_g(g, ug_nan, ug_inf, ug_zero, ug_subnormal, ug_sign, ug_exponent, ug_significand);
// instantiate the dual-path adder
wire dp_nan, dp_inf, dp_zero, dp_subnormal, dp_sign;
wire signed [9:0] dp_exponent;
wire [23:0] dp_significand;
dualPathAdder dualPathadder(
isAdd, roundingMode,
uf_nan, uf_inf, uf_zero, uf_subnormal, uf_sign, uf_exponent, uf_significand,
ug_nan, ug_inf, ug_zero, ug_subnormal, ug_sign, ug_exponent, ug_significand,
dp_nan, dp_inf, dp_zero, dp_subnormal, dp_sign, dp_exponent, dp_significand);
// set up unpacked result
reg result_nan, result_inf, result_zero, result_subnormal, result_sign;
reg signed [9:0] result_exponent;
reg [23:0] result_significand;
// internal variable
reg flip;
always @(*) begin
// Handle all the special cases
if (uf_nan || ug_nan) begin
// make NaN
result_nan = 1;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
end else if (uf_inf) begin
if (ug_inf &&
((isAdd) ? uf_sign != ug_sign : uf_sign == ug_sign)) begin
// make NaN
result_nan = 1;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
end else begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
result_sign = uf_sign;
end else if (ug_inf) begin
// make infinity
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 1;
result_zero = 0;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 'hff;
result_significand = 0;
result_sign = (isAdd) ? ug_sign : !ug_sign;
end else if (uf_zero) begin
if (ug_zero) begin
// make zero
result_nan = 0;
result_inf = 0;
result_zero = 1;
result_subnormal = 0;
result_exponent = 0;
result_significand = 0;
flip = (isAdd) ? 0 : 1;
if (roundingMode == `RTN)
result_sign = uf_sign & (flip ^ ug_sign);
result_sign = uf_sign | (flip ^ ug_sign);
end else begin // !ug_zero
// copy ug
// adjust sign
result_sign = isAdd ? result_sign : !result_sign;
end else if (ug_zero) begin
// copy uf
end else begin
// use output from dual-path adder
end // always
// now pack the result
pack pack_result(result_nan, result_inf, result_zero, result_subnormal,
result_sign, result_exponent, result_significand, result);