adder from Martin

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Daniel Kroening 2014-03-26 09:31:28 +00:00
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commit 1c5e54c07b
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@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
** jasper-adder.c
** Copyright Martin Brain
** 13/02/14
** A relatively naive implementation of a dual-path adder for
** IEEE-754 binary32 (single precision float). This includes packing
** and unpacking, rounding and handling of subnormal numbers.
** To analyse with CBMC run:
** $ cbmc --function addSpecRNE fp_adder.c
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Packed structure for manipulating encoded numbers
typedef struct _packedFloat {
unsigned int significand:23;
unsigned int exponent:8;
unsigned int sign:1;
} packedFloat;
typedef union _mix {
float f;
packedFloat b;
} mix;
// Unpacked structure for actual use
typedef struct _bitpattern {
unsigned int nan:1;
unsigned int inf:1;
unsigned int zero:1;
unsigned int subnormal:1;
unsigned int sign:1;
int exponent:10; // Bias removed
unsigned int significand:24; // Leading 1 added
} unpackedFloat;
// Rounding modes
#define RNE 0
#define RNA 1
#define RTP 2
#define RTN 3
#define RTZ 4
// Note that C's == does not give bitwise equality
int compareFloat (float f, float g) {
#ifdef CUT
// For signed zeros
mix mf;
mix mg;
mf.f = f;
mg.f = g;
return ((mf.b == mg.b) || (isnan(f) && isnan(g)));
return ((f == g) || (isnan(f) && isnan(g)));
// Functions for working with unpacked floats
void initUnpackedFloat (unpackedFloat *uf) {
uf->nan = 1;
uf->inf = 1;
uf->zero = 1;
uf->subnormal = 1;
uf->sign = 1;
uf->exponent = -512;
uf->significand = 0xFFFFFF;
void makeZero (unpackedFloat *uf) {
uf->nan = 0;
uf->inf = 0;
uf->zero = 1;
uf->subnormal = 0;
uf->exponent = 0;
uf->significand = 0;
void makeInf (unpackedFloat *uf) {
uf->nan = 0;
uf->inf = 1;
uf->zero = 0;
uf->subnormal = 0;
uf->exponent = 0xFF;
uf->significand = 0;
void makeMax (unpackedFloat *uf) {
uf->nan = 0;
uf->inf = 0;
uf->zero = 0;
uf->subnormal = 0;
uf->exponent = 127;
uf->significand = 0xFFFFFF;
void makeNaN (unpackedFloat *uf) {
uf->nan = 1;
uf->inf = 0;
uf->zero = 0;
uf->subnormal = 0;
uf->exponent = 0xFF;
uf->significand = 0;
#define BIAS 127
// Invariants for the use of the unpacked float
void check (unpackedFloat uf) {
assert(((unsigned int)uf.nan +
(unsigned int)uf.inf +
(unsigned int) +
(unsigned int)uf.subnormal) <= 1);
if (uf.nan == 1) {
assert(uf.exponent == 0xFF);
assert(uf.significand == 0x0);
} else if (uf.inf == 1) {
assert(uf.exponent == 0xFF);
assert(uf.significand == 0x0);
} else if ( {
assert(uf.exponent == 0x0);
assert(uf.significand == 0x0);
} else if (uf.subnormal) {
assert(uf.exponent < -126);
assert(uf.significand != 0x0);
int biased = (uf.exponent + BIAS) - 1;
assert(biased <= 0);
assert(biased >= -23);
assert((uf.significand & 0x800000) == 0x800000); // Normalised
assert((uf.significand & ((1 << -biased) - 1)) == 0x0); // Correctly rounded
} else {
assert(uf.exponent >= -126);
assert(uf.exponent <= 127);
assert(uf.significand != 0x0);
assert((uf.significand & 0x800000) == 0x800000);
// Normalises a denormal number or deal with catastrophic cancelation
int normaliseUp (unpackedFloat *uf) {
int shift = 0;
if ((0xFFFF00 & uf->significand) == 0) {
uf->significand <<= 16;
shift += 16;
if ((0xFF0000 & uf->significand) == 0) {
uf->significand <<= 8;
shift += 8;
if ((0xF00000 & uf->significand) == 0) {
uf->significand <<= 4;
shift += 4;
if ((0xC00000 & uf->significand) == 0) {
uf->significand <<= 2;
shift += 2;
if ((0x800000 & uf->significand) == 0) {
uf->significand <<= 1;
shift += 1;
uf->exponent -= shift;
return shift;
unpackedFloat unpack (float f) {
unpackedFloat uf;
mix m;
m.f = f;
uf.sign = m.b.sign;
if (m.b.exponent == 0) {
if (m.b.significand == 0) {
} else {
uf.nan = 0;
uf.inf = 0; = 0;
uf.subnormal = 1;
uf.exponent = -126;
uf.significand = m.b.significand;
} else if (m.b.exponent == 0xFF) {
if (m.b.significand == 0) {
} else {
} else {
// Normal
uf.nan = 0;
uf.inf = 0; = 0;
uf.subnormal = 0;
uf.exponent = m.b.exponent - BIAS;
uf.significand = 0x800000 | m.b.significand;
return uf;
float pack (unpackedFloat uf) {
mix m;
m.b.sign = uf.sign;
if (uf.nan == 1) {
m.b.exponent = 0xFF;
m.b.significand = 0x40B2BD; // qNaN
} else if (uf.inf == 1) {
m.b.exponent = 0xFF;
m.b.significand = 0x0;
} else if ( {
m.b.exponent = 0x0;
m.b.significand = 0x0;
} else if (uf.subnormal) {
int biased = (uf.exponent + BIAS) - 1;
m.b.exponent = 0x0;
m.b.significand = (uf.significand >> -biased);
} else {
m.b.exponent = (int)uf.exponent + BIAS;
m.b.significand = 0x7FFFFF & ((unsigned int)uf.significand); // Remove leading 1
return m.f;
// Perform the actual increment caused by rounding and correct the
// exponent if needed.
void roundInc (unpackedFloat *result, uint64_t increment) {
assert((increment & (increment - 1)) == 0x0); // Is a single bit
assert(((increment - 1) & result->significand) == 0x0); // Increment affects least bit
uint32_t incremented = result->significand + increment;
if (incremented == (1<<24)) {
assert((incremented & 0x1) == 0x0);
incremented >>= 1;
// Note that carrying into the exponent would be possible with
// packed representations
assert(incremented < (1<<24));
result->significand = incremented;
// Make the decision of whether to round or not.
void rounder (int roundingMode, unpackedFloat *result, uint8_t guardBit, uint8_t stickyBit) {
uint64_t increment = 1;
if (result->exponent < -150) {
// Even rounding up will not make this representable
} else if (result->exponent < -126) {
// For subnormals, correct the guard and sticky bits
int subnormalAmount = -(result->exponent + 126);
increment = 1 << subnormalAmount;
stickyBit = stickyBit | guardBit |
((((1 << (subnormalAmount - 1)) - 1) & result->significand) ? 1 : 0);
guardBit = ((1 << (subnormalAmount - 1)) & result->significand) ? 1 : 0;
result->significand &= ~(increment - 1);
/* Round to fixed significand length */
switch (roundingMode) {
case RNE :
if (guardBit) {
if (stickyBit || (result->significand & increment)) {
roundInc(result, increment);
case RNA :
if (guardBit) {
roundInc(result, increment);
case RTP :
if ((result->sign == 0) && (guardBit || stickyBit)) {
roundInc(result, increment);
case RTN :
if ((result->sign == 1) && (guardBit || stickyBit)) {
roundInc(result, increment);
case RTZ :
// No rounding needed
/* Round to fixed exponent length */
switch (roundingMode) {
case RNE :
case RNA :
if (result->exponent > 127) {
case RTP :
if (result->exponent > 127) {
if (result->sign == 0) {
} else {
case RTN :
if (result->exponent > 127) {
if (result->sign == 1) {
} else {
case RTZ :
if (result->exponent > 127) {
if (result->exponent < -126) {
result->subnormal = 1;
void dualPathAdder(int isAdd, int roundingMode, unpackedFloat *uf, unpackedFloat *ug, unpackedFloat *result) {
unpackedFloat larger;
unpackedFloat smaller;
uint8_t guardBit = 0;
uint8_t stickyBit = 0;
/* Flags -- result will be normal unless otherwise marked */
result->nan = 0;
result->inf = 0;
result->zero = 0;
result->subnormal = 0;
/* Compute the difference between exponents */
int exponentDifference = uf->exponent - ug->exponent;
/* Order by exponent */
if ((exponentDifference > 0) ||
((exponentDifference == 0) && (uf->significand > ug->significand))) {
larger = *uf;
smaller = *ug;
result->sign = larger.sign;
} else {
larger = *ug;
smaller = *uf;
exponentDifference = -exponentDifference;
result->sign = isAdd ? larger.sign : ~larger.sign;
result->exponent = larger.exponent;
/* Work out if it is an effective subtract */
if (larger.sign == 0) {
negateResult = 0;
effectiveSubtract = ~isAdd ^ smaller.sign;
} else {
negateResult = 1;
effectiveSubtract = isAdd ^ smaller.sign
// Simplifies to ...
int effectiveSubtract = larger.sign ^ (isAdd ? 0 : 1) ^ smaller.sign;
// 'decimal point' after the 26th bit, LSB 2 bits are 0
// 26 so that we can cancel one and still have 24 + guard bits
uint32_t lsig = larger.significand << 2;
uint32_t ssig = smaller.significand << 2;
uint32_t sum = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/* Split the two paths */
if (exponentDifference <= 1) {
/* Near path */
// Align
ssig >>= exponentDifference;
if (effectiveSubtract) {
/* May have catestrophic cancelation */
uint32_t diff = lsig - ssig;
assert((diff & 0xFC000000) == 0); // result is up to 26 bit
if (diff == 0) { // Fully cancelled
/* IEEE-754 2008 says:
* When the sum of two operands with opposite signs (or the
* difference of two operands with like signs) is exactly
* zero, the sign of that sum (or difference) shall be +0 in
* all rounding-direction attributes except
* roundTowardNegative; under that attribute, the sign of an
* exact zero sum (or difference) shall be 0. However, x + x
* = x (x) retains the same sign as x even when x is zero.
result->sign = (roundingMode == RTN) ? 1 : 0;
return; // No need to round
} else if (diff & 0x02000000) { // 26 bit result
sum = diff << 1;
// Sticky bits are 0
assert((sum & 0x3) == 0);
goto extract;
} else { // Some cancelation
result->significand = diff >> 1;
guardBit = 0;
stickyBit = 0;
// Won't underflow due to an exciting property of subnormal
// numbers. Also, clearly, won't overflow. Furthermore,
// won't increment. Thus don't need to call the rounder -- as
// long as the subnormal flag is correctly set.
// goto rounder;
result->subnormal = (result->exponent < -126) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
// Near addition is the same as far addition
// except without the need to align first.
// Thus fall through...
} else {
/* Far path */
if (exponentDifference > 26) {
result->significand = larger.significand;
result->subnormal = larger.subnormal;
} else {
if (effectiveSubtract) {
ssig = (~ssig) + 1;
// Align
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 26; i <<= 1) {
if (exponentDifference & i) {
uint32_t iOnes = ((1<<i) - 1);
stickyBit |= ((ssig & iOnes) ? 1 : 0);
// Sign extending shift
if (effectiveSubtract) {
ssig = (ssig >> i) | (iOnes << (32 - i));
} else {
ssig = (ssig >> i);
// Decimal point is after 26th bit
sum = lsig + ssig;
if (effectiveSubtract) {
// Due to exponent difference, sum is either 25 or 26 bit
assert((0xFC000000ul & sum) == 0x0);
assert((0x03000000ul & sum) != 0x0);
if (sum & 0x02000000ul) { // 26 bit
sum <<= 1;
} else { // 25 bit
sum <<= 2;
// Decimal point is now after the 27th bit
} else {
// sum is either 26 or 27 bits
assert((0xF8000000ul & sum) == 0x0);
assert((0x06000000ul & sum) != 0x0);
if (sum & 0x04000000ul) { // 27 bit
} else { // 26 bit
sum <<= 1;
// Decimal point is now after the 27th bit
result->significand = sum >> 3;
guardBit = (sum >> 2) & 0x1;
stickyBit |= (((sum >> 1) & 0x1) | (sum & 0x1));
// Can be simplified as the subnormal case implies no rounding
rounder :
rounder(roundingMode, result, guardBit, stickyBit);
void addUnit (int isAdd, int roundingMode, unpackedFloat *uf, unpackedFloat *ug, unpackedFloat *result) {
// Handle the special cases
if (uf->nan || ug->nan) {
} else if (uf->inf) {
if ((ug->inf) &&
((isAdd) ? uf->sign != ug->sign : uf->sign == ug->sign)) {
} else {
result->sign = uf->sign;
} else if (ug->inf) {
result->sign = (isAdd) ? ug->sign : ~ug->sign;
} else if (uf->zero) {
if (ug->zero) {
unsigned int flip = (isAdd) ? 0 : 1;
if (roundingMode == RTN) {
result->sign = uf->sign & (flip ^ ug->sign);
} else {
result->sign = uf->sign | (flip ^ ug->sign);
} else {
*result = *ug;
result->sign = (isAdd) ? result->sign : ~result->sign;
} else if (ug->zero) {
*result = *uf;
} else {
// Should be unreachable
float add(int roundingMode, float f, float g) {
unpackedFloat uf = unpack(f);
unpackedFloat ug = unpack(g);
unpackedFloat result;
float res = pack(result);
return res;
float sub(int roundingMode, float f, float g) {
unpackedFloat uf = unpack(f);
unpackedFloat ug = unpack(g);
unpackedFloat result;
float res = pack(result);
return res;
/********************** SPECS! **************************/
void packerSpec (float f) {
unpackedFloat uf;
float result;
uf = unpack(f);
result = pack(uf);
f = f;
void addSpecRNE (float f, float g) {
float real = f + g;
float actual = add(RNE,f,g);
void subSpecRNE (float f, float g) {
float real = f - g;
float actual = sub(RNE,f,g);