
285 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File

use subs;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $has_thread_pool = eval
# "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JW/JWU/Thread-Pool-Simple/Thread-Pool-Simple-0.25.tar.gz"
# Debian/Ubuntu: libthread-pool-simple-perl
require Thread::Pool::Simple;
# test.pl
# runs a test and check its output
sub run($$$$$) {
my ($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output) = @_;
my $cmdline = "$cmd $options $input >$output 2>&1";
print LOG "Running $cmdline\n";
system("bash", "-c", "cd $name ; $cmdline");
my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
my $signal_num = $? & 127;
my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
my $failed = 0;
print LOG " Exit: $exit_value\n";
print LOG " Signal: $signal_num\n";
print LOG " Core: $dumped_core\n";
if($signal_num != 0) {
$failed = 1;
print "Killed by signal $signal_num";
if($dumped_core) {
print " (code dumped)";
system "echo EXIT=$exit_value >>$name/$output";
system "echo SIGNAL=$signal_num >>$name/$output";
return $failed;
sub load($) {
my ($fname) = @_;
open FILE, "<$fname";
my @data = grep { !/^\/\// } <FILE>;
close FILE;
chomp @data;
return @data;
sub test($$$$$) {
my ($name, $test, $t_level, $cmd, $ign) = @_;
my ($level, $input, $options, @results) = load("$name/$test");
$options =~ s/$ign//g if(defined($ign));
my $output = $input;
$output =~ s/\.(c|i|cpp|ii|xml|class)$/.out/;
if($output eq $input) {
print("Error in test file -- $test\n");
return 1;
print LOG "Test '$name'\n";
print LOG " Level: $level\n";
print LOG " Input: $input\n";
print LOG " Output: $output\n";
print LOG " Options: $options\n";
print LOG " Results:\n";
foreach my $result (@results) {
print LOG " $result\n";
if($level eq "CORE") {
$level = 1;
} elsif($level eq "THOROUGH") {
$level = 2;
} elsif($level eq "FUTURE") {
$level = 4;
} elsif($level eq "KNOWNBUG") {
$level = 8;
} else {
die "Level must be one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG\n";
my $failed = 2;
if($level & $t_level) {
$failed = run($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output);
if(!$failed) {
print LOG "Execution [OK]\n";
my $included = 1;
foreach my $result (@results) {
last if($included == -1);
if($result eq "--") {
} else {
my $r;
$result =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$result =~ s/([^\\])\$/$1\\r\\\\?\$/;
system("bash", "-c", "grep \$'$result' '$name/$output' >/dev/null");
$r = ($included ? $? != 0 : $? == 0);
if($r) {
print LOG "$result [FAILED]\n";
$failed = 1;
} else {
print LOG "$result [OK]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [FAILED]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [SKIPPED]\n";
print LOG "\n";
return $failed;
sub dirs() {
my @list;
opendir CWD, ".";
@list = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$_" && !/CVS/ && -s "$_/test.desc" } readdir CWD;
closedir CWD;
@list = sort @list;
return @list;
sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
test.pl version $vers -- run a series of regression tests
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
Usage: test.pl -c CMD [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORIES ...]
where OPTIONS are one or more options as listed below; one or more directories
may be passed as arguments to test only those. Otherwise all directories in
the current location will be used.
-c CMD run tests on CMD - required option
-i <regex> options in test.desc matching the specified perl regex are ignored
-j <num> run <num> tests in parallel (requires Thread::Pool::Simple)
-h show this help and exit
-C core: run all essential tests (default if none of C/T/F/K are given)
-T thorough: run expensive tests
-F future: run checks for future features
-K known: run tests associated with known bugs
test.pl expects a test.desc file in each subdirectory. The file test.desc
follows the format specified below. Any line starting with // will be ignored.
<main source>
<required patterns>
<disallowed patterns>
<comment text>
<level> is one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG
<main source> is a file with extension .c/.i/.cpp/.ii/.xml/.class
<options> additional options to be passed to CMD
<required patterns> one or more lines of regualar expressions that must occur in the output
<disallowed patterns> one or more lines of expressions that must not occur in output
<comment text> free form text
exit 1;
use Getopt::Std;
$main::VERSION = 0.1;
our ($opt_c, $opt_i, $opt_j, $opt_h, $opt_C, $opt_T, $opt_F, $opt_K); # the variables for getopt
$opt_j = 0;
getopts('c:i:j:hCTFK') or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_c or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
(!$opt_j || $has_thread_pool) or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_h and &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
my $t_level = 0;
$t_level += 2 if($opt_T);
$t_level += 4 if($opt_F);
$t_level += 8 if($opt_K);
$t_level += 1 if($opt_C || 0 == $t_level);
open LOG,">tests.log";
print "Loading\n";
my @tests = @ARGV != 0 ? @ARGV : dirs();
my $count = @tests;
print " $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " found\n\n";
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $failures :shared = 0;
my $skips :shared = 0;
my $pool :shared = undef;
sub do_test($)
my ($test) = @_;
my $failed_skipped = 0;
defined($pool) or print " Running $test";
$failed_skipped = test($test, "test.desc", $t_level, $opt_c, $opt_i);
defined($pool) and print " Running $test";
if(2 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [SKIPPED]\n";
} elsif(0 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [OK]\n";
} else {
print " [FAILED]\n";
if($opt_j>1 && $has_thread_pool && $count>1)
$pool = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
min => 2,
max => $opt_j,
load => 3,
do => [\&do_test]
print "Running tests\n";
foreach my $test (@tests) {
defined($pool) and $pool->join();
print "\n";
if($failures == 0) {
print "All tests were successful";
} else {
print "Tests failed\n";
print " $failures of $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " failed";
print ", $skips " . (1==$skips?"test":"tests") . " skipped" if($skips > 0);
print "\n";
close LOG;
exit $failures;