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<p><a href="./">CPROVER Manual TOC</a></p>
<h2>Build Systems and Libraries</h2>
<h3>Example: Extracting Models from the Rockbox</h3>
<p class="justified">
The <a href="http://www.rockbox.org/">Rockbox</a> is an open-source software
package for common MP3 players, with about 1 million lines of code in total.
<li><p class="justified">
First of all, you will need to install one of the cross-compilers. Follow
the instructions <a href="http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CrossCompiler">here</a>.
You will then need to check out the Rockbox sources with GIT, and
configure and compile the code. Follow <a href="http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/HowToCompile">
these instructions</a>. The build must succeed.
We will assume that one of the ARM-based targets
is used, and that the ARM cross-compiler is installed
at /usr/local/bin/arm-elf-eabi-gcc.
<li><p class="justified">Now download
<a href="gcc-wrap.c">gcc-wrap.c</a>:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>lwp-download http://www.cprover.org/cprover-manual/gcc-wrap.c</code><br>
<li><p class="justified">Open gcc-wrap.c in your favorite editor,
and adjust the path to gcc (in the first line) to
/usr/local/bin/arm-elf-eabi-gcc (it is important that the
full path is given).
<li><p class="justified">Now compile gcc-wrap:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>gcc gcc-wrap.c -o gcc-wrap-arm-elf-eabi-gcc</code><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>cp gcc-wrap-arm-elf-eabi-gcc ~/bin/</code><br>
<p class="justified">This assumes that the directory <code>~/bin</code>
exists and is in your PATH variable.</p>
<li><p class="justified">Now re-compile the Rockbox code as follows:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>make clean</code><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>make CC=gcc-wrap-arm-elf-eabi-gcc</code></p>
<p class="justified">
This will re-compile the Rockbox, but this time retaining the
preprocessed source files.
<li><p class="justified">You can now compile the preprocessed
source files with goto-cc as follows:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>find ./ -name \*.i > source-file-list</code><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>for a in `cat source-file-list` ; do</code><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;goto-cc -std=gnu99 -m32 -c $a -o $a.gb</code><br>
<p class="justified">Note that it is important that the
word-size of the target platform matches that of goto-cc.
For a 32-bit target, pass the option
<nobr>-m32</nobr> to goto-cc.</p>
<p class="justified">
The resulting <code>.gb</code> files can be passed to any
of the CPROVER tools.
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