
479 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

use subs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Cwd;
my $has_thread_pool = eval
# "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JW/JWU/Thread-Pool-Simple/Thread-Pool-Simple-0.25.tar.gz"
# Debian/Ubuntu: libthread-pool-simple-perl
require Thread::Pool::Simple;
# test.pl
# runs a test and check its output
sub run($$$$$) {
my ($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output) = @_;
my $cmdline = "$cmd $options '$input' >'$output' 2>&1";
print LOG "Running $cmdline\n";
system("bash", "-c", "cd '$name' ; $cmdline");
my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
my $signal_num = $? & 127;
my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
my $failed = 0;
print LOG " Exit: $exit_value\n";
print LOG " Signal: $signal_num\n";
print LOG " Core: $dumped_core\n";
if($signal_num != 0) {
print "Killed by signal $signal_num";
if($dumped_core) {
print " (code dumped)";
open my $FH, ">>$name/$output";
print $FH "EXIT=$exit_value\n";
print $FH "SIGNAL=$signal_num\n";
close $FH;
if($signal_num == 2) {
print "\nProgram under test interrupted; stopping\n";
exit 1;
return $failed;
sub load($$) {
my ($fname, $exit_signal_checks) = @_;
open FILE, "<$fname";
my @data = grep { !/^\/\// } <FILE>;
close FILE;
chomp @data;
if($exit_signal_checks) {
grep { /^\^EXIT=[\(\|\d]*\d+\)?\$$/ } @data or die "$fname: Missing EXIT test\n";
grep { /^\^SIGNAL=\d+\$$/ } @data or die "$fname: Missing SIGNAL test\n";
return @data;
sub test($$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($name, $test, $t_level, $cmd, $ign, $dry_run, $defines, $include_tags, $exclude_tags, $output_suffix, $exit_signal_checks) = @_;
my ($level_and_tags, $input, $options, $grep_options, @results) = load("$test", $exit_signal_checks);
my @keys = keys %{$defines};
foreach my $key (@keys) {
my $value = $defines->{$key};
$options =~ s/(\$$key$|\$$key )/$value /g;
$options =~ s/\$$key([:;])/$value$1/g; # Variables in --classpath are separated by (semi)colons
if (scalar @keys) {
foreach my $word (split(/\s/, $options)) {
if ((substr($word, 0, 1) cmp '$') == 0) {
print "$name: variable \"$word\" not replaced; consider passing \"-D$word\"=...";
my @tags = split(/\s/, $level_and_tags);
my $level = shift @tags;
my %tags_set = map { $_ => 1 } @tags;
# If the user has passes -I (include-tag) or -X (exclude-tag) options, then
# run the test only if it matches no exclude-tags and either include-tags is
# not given (implying run all tests) or it matches at least one include-tag.
my $include_tags_length = @$include_tags;
my $passes_tag_tests = ($include_tags_length == 0);
foreach my $include_tag (@$include_tags) {
if(exists($tags_set{$include_tag})) {
$passes_tag_tests = 1;
foreach my $exclude_tag (@$exclude_tags) {
if(exists($tags_set{$exclude_tag})) {
$passes_tag_tests = 0;
# If the 4th line is activate-multi-line-match we enable multi-line checks
if($grep_options ne "activate-multi-line-match") {
# No such flag, so we add it back in
unshift @results, $grep_options;
$grep_options = "";
$options =~ s/$ign//g if(defined($ign));
my $descriptor = basename($test);
my $output = $descriptor;
$output =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
if($output_suffix) {
$output .= "-";
$output .= $output_suffix;
if(our $opt_f) {
substr($options, 0, 0) = "$output "
$output .= ".out";
if($output eq $input) {
print("Error in test file -- $test\n");
return 1;
print LOG "Test '$name'\n";
print LOG " Level: $level\n";
print LOG " Input: $input\n";
print LOG " Descriptor: $descriptor\n";
print LOG " Output: $output\n";
print LOG " Options: $options\n";
print LOG " Results:\n";
foreach my $result (@results) {
print LOG " $result\n";
if($level eq "CORE") {
$level = 1;
} elsif($level eq "THOROUGH") {
$level = 2;
} elsif($level eq "FUTURE") {
$level = 4;
} elsif($level eq "KNOWNBUG") {
$level = 8;
} else {
die "Level must be one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG\n";
my $failed = 2;
if(($level & $t_level) && $passes_tag_tests) {
if ($dry_run) {
return 0;
$failed = run($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output);
if(!$failed) {
print LOG "Execution [OK]\n";
my $included = 1;
foreach my $result (@results) {
last if($included == -1);
if($result eq "--") {
} else {
my $r;
my $dir = getcwd();
my $abs_path = "$dir/$name/$output";
open(my $fh => $abs_path) || die "Cannot open '$name/$output': $!";
# Multi line therefore we run each check across the whole output
if($grep_options eq "activate-multi-line-match") {
local $/ = undef;
binmode $fh;
my $whole_file = <$fh>;
$whole_file =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
my $is_match = $whole_file =~ /$result/m;
$r = ($included ? !$is_match : $is_match);
my $found_line = 0;
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/\r$//;
if($line =~ /$result/) {
# We've found the line, therefore if it is included we set
# the result to 0 (OK) If it is excluded, we set the result
# to 1 (FAILED)
$r = !$included;
$found_line = 1;
if($found_line == 0) {
# None of the lines matched, therefore the result is set to
# 0 (OK) if and only if the line was not meant to be included
$r = $included;
if($r) {
print LOG "$result [FAILED]\n";
$failed = 1;
} else {
print LOG "$result [OK]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [FAILED]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [SKIPPED]\n";
return 2;
print LOG "\n";
# if the test is a KNOWNBUG then the test should fail
my $should_fail = $level eq 8;
return ($should_fail != $failed);
sub dirs() {
my @list;
opendir CWD, ".";
@list = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$_" && !/CVS/ } readdir CWD;
closedir CWD;
@list = sort @list;
return @list;
sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
test.pl version $vers -- run a series of regression tests
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
Usage: test.pl -c CMD [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORIES ...]
where OPTIONS are one or more options as listed below; one or more directories
may be passed as arguments to test only those. Otherwise all directories in
the current location will be used.
-c CMD run tests on CMD - required option
-e require EXIT and SIGNAL patterns in test specifications
-i <regex> options in test.desc matching the specified perl regex are ignored
-j <num> run <num> tests in parallel (requires Thread::Pool::Simple)
if present, the environment variable TESTPL_JOBS is used as the default
-n dry-run: print the tests that would be run, but don't actually run them
-p print logs of each failed test (if any)
-h show this help and exit
-C core: run all essential tests (default if none of C/T/F/K are given)
-T thorough: run expensive tests
-F future: run checks for future features
-K known: run tests associated with known bugs
-D <key=value> Define - replace \$key string with "value" string in
test descriptors
-I <tag> run only tests that have the given secondary tag. Can be repeated.
-X <tag> exclude tests that have the given secondary tag. Can be repeated.
-s <suffix> append <suffix> to all output and log files. Enables concurrent
testing of the same desc file with different commands or options,
as runs with different suffixes will operate independently and keep
independent logs.
-f forward the test name to CMD
test.pl expects a test.desc file in each subdirectory. The file test.desc
follows the format specified below. Any line starting with // will be ignored.
<level> [<tag1> [<tag2>...]]
<main source>
<required patterns>
<disallowed patterns>
<comment text>
<level> is one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG
<tag1>, <tag2> ... <tagn> are zero or more space-separated secondary tags, for use with the -I and -X parameters
<main source> is a file with extension .c/.i/.gb/.cpp/.ii/.xml/.class/.jar
<options> additional options to be passed to CMD
<activate-multi-line-match> The fourth line can optionally be activate-multi-line-match, if this is the
case then each of the rules will be matched over multiple lines (so can contain)
the new line symbol (\\n) inside them.
<required patterns> one or more lines of regualar expressions that must occur in the output
if -e is set, the patterns ^EXIT=...\$ and ^SIGNAL=...\$ are mandatory
<disallowed patterns> one or more lines of expressions that must not occur in output
<comment text> free form text
exit 1;
use Getopt::Std;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through bundling);
$main::VERSION = 0.1;
our ($opt_c, $opt_e, $opt_f, $opt_i, $opt_j, $opt_n, $opt_p, $opt_h, $opt_C, $opt_T, $opt_F, $opt_K, $opt_s, %defines, @include_tags, @exclude_tags); # the variables for getopt
GetOptions("D=s" => \%defines, "X=s" => \@exclude_tags, "I=s" => \@include_tags);
getopts('c:efi:j:nphCTFKs:') or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_c or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_j = $opt_j || $ENV{'TESTPL_JOBS'} || 0;
if($opt_j && $opt_j != 1 && !$has_thread_pool) {
warn "Jobs set but thread pool module not found,\n"
. "install with 'cpan -i Thread::Pool::Simple'\n"
. "Or avoid setting the -j parameter or the TESTPL_JOBS variable\n";
$opt_h and &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
my $t_level = 0;
$t_level += 2 if($opt_T);
$t_level += 4 if($opt_F);
$t_level += 8 if($opt_K);
$t_level += 1 if($opt_C || 0 == $t_level);
my $dry_run = $opt_n;
my $log_suffix = $opt_s;
my $exit_signal_checks = defined($opt_e);
my $logfile_name = "tests";
if($log_suffix) {
$logfile_name .= "-";
$logfile_name .= $log_suffix;
$logfile_name .= ".log";
open LOG, (">" . $logfile_name);
print "Loading\n";
my @tests = @ARGV != 0 ? @ARGV : dirs();
my $count = 0;
for (@tests){
my @testfiles = glob "$_/*desc";
$count += $#testfiles+1;
print " $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " found\n\n";
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $failures :shared = 0;
my $skips :shared = 0;
my $pool :shared = undef;
sub do_test($)
my ($test) = @_;
my $failed_skipped = 0;
my @files = glob "$test/*.desc";
for (0..$#files){
defined($pool) or print " Running $files[$_]";
my $start_time = time();
$failed_skipped = test(
$test, $files[$_], $t_level, $opt_c, $opt_i, $dry_run, \%defines, \@include_tags, \@exclude_tags, $log_suffix, $exit_signal_checks);
my $runtime = time() - $start_time;
defined($pool) and print " Running $test $files[$_]";
if(2 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [SKIPPED]\n";
} elsif(0 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [" . colored("OK", "green") . "] in $runtime seconds\n";
} else {
print " [" . colored("FAILED", "red") . "]\n";
if($opt_j>1 && $has_thread_pool && $count>1)
$pool = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
min => 2,
max => $opt_j,
load => 3,
do => [\&do_test]
if ($log_suffix) {
print "Running tests with log suffix: $log_suffix\n";
print "Running tests\n";
foreach my $test (@tests) {
defined($pool) and $pool->join();
print "\n";
if($failures == 0) {
print colored("All tests were successful", "green");
} else {
print colored("Tests failed", "red") . "\n";
print " $failures of $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " failed";
print ", $skips " . (1==$skips?"test":"tests") . " skipped" if($skips > 0);
print "\n";
close LOG;
if($opt_p && $failures != 0) {
open LOG,"<$logfile_name" or die "Failed to open $logfile_name\n";
my $printed_this_test = 1;
my $current_test = "";
my $output_file = "";
my $descriptor_file = "";
while (my $line = <LOG>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^Test '(.+)'/) {
$current_test = $1;
$printed_this_test = 0;
} elsif ($line =~ /Descriptor:\s+([^\s]+)/) {
$descriptor_file = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /Output:\s+([^\s]+)/) {
$output_file = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\[FAILED\]\s*$/) {
# print a descriptive header before dumping the test.desc lines that
# actually weren't matched (and print this header just once)
if(0 == $printed_this_test) {
$printed_this_test = 1;
print "\n\n";
print "Failed test: $current_test\n";
open FH, "<$current_test/$output_file";
while (my $f = <FH>) {
print $f;
close FH;
print "\n\nFailed $descriptor_file lines:\n";
print "$line\n";
exit $failures;