
461 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

use subs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Cwd;
my $has_thread_pool = eval
# "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JW/JWU/Thread-Pool-Simple/Thread-Pool-Simple-0.25.tar.gz"
# Debian/Ubuntu: libthread-pool-simple-perl
require Thread::Pool::Simple;
# test.pl
# runs a test and check its output
sub run($$$$$) {
my ($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output) = @_;
my $cmdline = "$cmd $options '$input' >'$output' 2>&1";
print LOG "Running $cmdline\n";
system("bash", "-c", "cd '$name' ; $cmdline");
my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
my $signal_num = $? & 127;
my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
my $failed = 0;
print LOG " Exit: $exit_value\n";
print LOG " Signal: $signal_num\n";
print LOG " Core: $dumped_core\n";
if($signal_num != 0) {
print "Killed by signal $signal_num";
if($dumped_core) {
print " (code dumped)";
open my $FH, ">>$name/$output";
print $FH "EXIT=$exit_value\n";
print $FH "SIGNAL=$signal_num\n";
close $FH;
if($signal_num == 2) {
print "\nProgram under test interrupted; stopping\n";
exit 1;
return $failed;
sub load($) {
my ($fname) = @_;
open FILE, "<$fname";
my @data = grep { !/^\/\// } <FILE>;
close FILE;
chomp @data;
return @data;
sub test($$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($name, $test, $t_level, $cmd, $ign, $dry_run, $defines, $include_tags, $exclude_tags, $output_suffix) = @_;
my ($level_and_tags, $input, $options, $grep_options, @results) = load("$test");
my @keys = keys %{$defines};
foreach my $key (@keys) {
my $value = $defines->{$key};
$options =~ s/(\$$key$|\$$key )/$value /g;
if (scalar @keys) {
foreach my $word (split(/\s/, $options)) {
if ((substr($word, 0, 1) cmp '$') == 0) {
print "$name: variable \"$word\" not replaced; consider passing \"-D$word\"=...";
my @tags = split(/\s/, $level_and_tags);
my $level = shift @tags;
my %tags_set = map { $_ => 1 } @tags;
# If the user has passes -I (include-tag) or -X (exclude-tag) options, then
# run the test only if it matches no exclude-tags and either include-tags is
# not given (implying run all tests) or it matches at least one include-tag.
my $include_tags_length = @$include_tags;
my $passes_tag_tests = ($include_tags_length == 0);
foreach my $include_tag (@$include_tags) {
if(exists($tags_set{$include_tag})) {
$passes_tag_tests = 1;
foreach my $exclude_tag (@$exclude_tags) {
if(exists($tags_set{$exclude_tag})) {
$passes_tag_tests = 0;
# If the 4th line is activate-multi-line-match we enable multi-line checks
if($grep_options ne "activate-multi-line-match") {
# No such flag, so we add it back in
unshift @results, $grep_options;
$grep_options = "";
$options =~ s/$ign//g if(defined($ign));
my $descriptor = basename($test);
my $output = $descriptor;
$output =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
if($output_suffix) {
$output .= "-";
$output .= $output_suffix;
$output .= ".out";
if($output eq $input) {
print("Error in test file -- $test\n");
return 1;
print LOG "Test '$name'\n";
print LOG " Level: $level\n";
print LOG " Input: $input\n";
print LOG " Descriptor: $descriptor\n";
print LOG " Output: $output\n";
print LOG " Options: $options\n";
print LOG " Results:\n";
foreach my $result (@results) {
print LOG " $result\n";
if($level eq "CORE") {
$level = 1;
} elsif($level eq "THOROUGH") {
$level = 2;
} elsif($level eq "FUTURE") {
$level = 4;
} elsif($level eq "KNOWNBUG") {
$level = 8;
} else {
die "Level must be one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG\n";
my $failed = 2;
if(($level & $t_level) && $passes_tag_tests) {
if ($dry_run) {
return 0;
$failed = run($name, $input, $cmd, $options, $output);
if(!$failed) {
print LOG "Execution [OK]\n";
my $included = 1;
foreach my $result (@results) {
last if($included == -1);
if($result eq "--") {
} else {
my $r;
my $dir = getcwd();
my $abs_path = "$dir/$name/$output";
open(my $fh => $abs_path) || die "Cannot open '$name/$output': $!";
# Multi line therefore we run each check across the whole output
if($grep_options eq "activate-multi-line-match") {
local $/ = undef;
binmode $fh;
my $whole_file = <$fh>;
$whole_file =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
my $is_match = $whole_file =~ /$result/m;
$r = ($included ? !$is_match : $is_match);
my $found_line = 0;
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/\r$//;
if($line =~ /$result/) {
# We've found the line, therefore if it is included we set
# the result to 0 (OK) If it is excluded, we set the result
# to 1 (FAILED)
$r = !$included;
$found_line = 1;
if($found_line == 0) {
# None of the lines matched, therefore the result is set to
# 0 (OK) if and only if the line was not meant to be included
$r = $included;
if($r) {
print LOG "$result [FAILED]\n";
$failed = 1;
} else {
print LOG "$result [OK]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [FAILED]\n";
} else {
print LOG "Execution [SKIPPED]\n";
return 2;
print LOG "\n";
# if the test is a KNOWNBUG then the test should fail
my $should_fail = $level eq 8;
return ($should_fail != $failed);
sub dirs() {
my @list;
opendir CWD, ".";
@list = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$_" && !/CVS/ } readdir CWD;
closedir CWD;
@list = sort @list;
return @list;
sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
test.pl version $vers -- run a series of regression tests
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE($$$$) {
my ($fh, $getopt, $vers, $opts) = @_;
print {$fh} << "EOF";
Usage: test.pl -c CMD [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORIES ...]
where OPTIONS are one or more options as listed below; one or more directories
may be passed as arguments to test only those. Otherwise all directories in
the current location will be used.
-c CMD run tests on CMD - required option
-i <regex> options in test.desc matching the specified perl regex are ignored
-j <num> run <num> tests in parallel (requires Thread::Pool::Simple)
if present, the environment variable TESTPL_JOBS is used as the default
-n dry-run: print the tests that would be run, but don't actually run them
-p print logs of each failed test (if any)
-h show this help and exit
-C core: run all essential tests (default if none of C/T/F/K are given)
-T thorough: run expensive tests
-F future: run checks for future features
-K known: run tests associated with known bugs
-D <key=value> Define - replace \$key string with "value" string in
test descriptors
-I <tag> run only tests that have the given secondary tag. Can be repeated.
-X <tag> exclude tests that have the given secondary tag. Can be repeated.
-s <suffix> append <suffix> to all output and log files. Enables concurrent
testing of the same desc file with different commands or options,
as runs with different suffixes will operate independently and keep
independent logs.
test.pl expects a test.desc file in each subdirectory. The file test.desc
follows the format specified below. Any line starting with // will be ignored.
<level> [<tag1> [<tag2>...]]
<main source>
<required patterns>
<disallowed patterns>
<comment text>
<level> is one of CORE, THOROUGH, FUTURE or KNOWNBUG
<tag1>, <tag2> ... <tagn> are zero or more space-separated secondary tags, for use with the -I and -X parameters
<main source> is a file with extension .c/.i/.gb/.cpp/.ii/.xml/.class/.jar
<options> additional options to be passed to CMD
<activate-multi-line-match> The fourth line can optionally be activate-multi-line-match, if this is the
case then each of the rules will be matched over multiple lines (so can contain)
the new line symbol (\\n) inside them.
<required patterns> one or more lines of regualar expressions that must occur in the output
<disallowed patterns> one or more lines of expressions that must not occur in output
<comment text> free form text
exit 1;
use Getopt::Std;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through bundling);
$main::VERSION = 0.1;
our ($opt_c, $opt_i, $opt_j, $opt_n, $opt_p, $opt_h, $opt_C, $opt_T, $opt_F, $opt_K, $opt_s, %defines, @include_tags, @exclude_tags); # the variables for getopt
GetOptions("D=s" => \%defines, "X=s" => \@exclude_tags, "I=s" => \@include_tags);
getopts('c:i:j:nphCTFKs:') or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_c or &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
$opt_j = $opt_j || $ENV{'TESTPL_JOBS'} || 0;
if($opt_j && $opt_j != 1 && !$has_thread_pool) {
warn "Jobs set but thread pool module not found,\n"
. "install with 'cpan -i Thread::Pool::Simple'\n"
. "Or avoid setting the -j parameter or the TESTPL_JOBS variable\n";
$opt_h and &main::HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDOUT, "", $main::VERSION, "");
my $t_level = 0;
$t_level += 2 if($opt_T);
$t_level += 4 if($opt_F);
$t_level += 8 if($opt_K);
$t_level += 1 if($opt_C || 0 == $t_level);
my $dry_run = $opt_n;
my $log_suffix = $opt_s;
my $logfile_name = "tests";
if($log_suffix) {
$logfile_name .= "-";
$logfile_name .= $log_suffix;
$logfile_name .= ".log";
open LOG, (">" . $logfile_name);
print "Loading\n";
my @tests = @ARGV != 0 ? @ARGV : dirs();
my $count = 0;
for (@tests){
my @testfiles = glob "$_/*desc";
$count += $#testfiles+1;
print " $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " found\n\n";
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $failures :shared = 0;
my $skips :shared = 0;
my $pool :shared = undef;
sub do_test($)
my ($test) = @_;
my $failed_skipped = 0;
my @files = glob "$test/*.desc";
for (0..$#files){
defined($pool) or print " Running $files[$_]";
my $start_time = time();
$failed_skipped = test(
$test, $files[$_], $t_level, $opt_c, $opt_i, $dry_run, \%defines, \@include_tags, \@exclude_tags, $log_suffix);
my $runtime = time() - $start_time;
defined($pool) and print " Running $test $files[$_]";
if(2 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [SKIPPED]\n";
} elsif(0 == $failed_skipped) {
print " [" . colored("OK", "green") . "] in $runtime seconds\n";
} else {
print " [" . colored("FAILED", "red") . "]\n";
if($opt_j>1 && $has_thread_pool && $count>1)
$pool = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
min => 2,
max => $opt_j,
load => 3,
do => [\&do_test]
print "Running tests\n";
foreach my $test (@tests) {
defined($pool) and $pool->join();
print "\n";
if($failures == 0) {
print colored("All tests were successful", "green");
} else {
print colored("Tests failed", "red") . "\n";
print " $failures of $count " . (1==$count?"test":"tests") . " failed";
print ", $skips " . (1==$skips?"test":"tests") . " skipped" if($skips > 0);
print "\n";
close LOG;
if($opt_p && $failures != 0) {
open LOG,"<$logfile_name" or die "Failed to open $logfile_name\n";
my $printed_this_test = 1;
my $current_test = "";
my $output_file = "";
my $descriptor_file = "";
while (my $line = <LOG>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^Test '(.+)'/) {
$current_test = $1;
$printed_this_test = 0;
} elsif ($line =~ /Descriptor:\s+([^\s]+)/) {
$descriptor_file = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /Output:\s+([^\s]+)/) {
$output_file = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /\[FAILED\]\s*$/) {
# print a descriptive header before dumping the test.desc lines that
# actually weren't matched (and print this header just once)
if(0 == $printed_this_test) {
$printed_this_test = 1;
print "\n\n";
print "Failed test: $current_test\n";
open FH, "<$current_test/$output_file";
while (my $f = <FH>) {
print $f;
close FH;
print "\n\nFailed $descriptor_file lines:\n";
print "$line\n";
exit $failures;