
544 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Dump info about linker script symbols that pertain to addresses and sizes.
# Author: Kareem Khazem <karkhaz@amazon.com>
# Copyright Amazon, Inc. 2017
import argparse
import json
import logging
from logging import error, warning, info, debug
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
def epilog():
return textwrap.dedent("""
This script generates a C file containing two kinds of information:
- The values of symbols that are defined in a linker script; these
are printed as C definitions, like
char *bss_start = (char *)4070047185u;
- The extent of ELF sections that are defined in a linker script;
these are printed as CPROVER annotations, like
__CPROVER_allocated_memory(0xe9fda44b, 4096);
A goto-binary of this C file can be linked into the rest of the
codebase that you wish to analyse. This provides CPROVER with
definitions that it otherwise would not have access to, since they
are defined in a linker script rather than C code. This information
can also be printed in JSON rather than as a C file, so that CPROVER
can invoke and use this script without user intervention.
This script needs a list of symbols declared but never defined in C
code. The hacky way of supplying this list is by passing the path to
the codebase with the --dir flag; this script will scan the codebase
for extern-declared variables. A better way is to generate that list
with CPROVER, and pass that list in using --sym-file. The argument
to --sym-file can be a filename, or '-' for stdin.
"""`Running-regex' linker script parser. We don't currently use a full
grammar, as we only need a fraction of the information contained in
linker scripts to give to CBMC. If in the future we need a more
sophisticated parser, we should use an actual grammar from a real
parser. GNU LD uses a YACC/Flex setup and has a very complete grammar,
but we cannot use it (GPL 3). LLD (the LLVM project's linker script
parser) is hand-written (so no explicit grammar), but they do not aim to
support all of GNU LD's syntax, so LLD doesn't work on some real linker
scripts. So in summary: use this regex parser while it's practical;
switch to LLD when needed, and possibly contribute to LLD development to
support parsing your use case."""
def get_linker_script_data(script):
with open(script) as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
except IOError:
error("Linker script '%s' not found", script)
text = " ".join(lines)
text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text)
# In these regexes, we always start by matching a whitespace. This
# is so that we don't match every substring of an identifier. i.e.
# if we have a section definition .text : { ..., then we only want
# to recognise a section called ".text", and not also "text", "ext",
# "xt", and "t".
# Just to be safe, ensure that the first character of the linker
# script is a whitespace.
text = " %s" % text
# Lex out comments
text = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", " ", text)
close_brace = re.compile(r"\s}(\s*>\s*\w+)?")
uwnknown_cmd = re.compile(r"\sPHDRS\s*{") # only this pattern for now, more might follow!
memory_cmd = re.compile(r"\sMEMORY\s*{")
sections_cmd = re.compile(r"\sSECTIONS\s*{")
assign_current = re.compile(r"\s(?P<sym>\w+)\s*=\s*\.\s*;")
sec_def = re.compile(r"\s(?P<sec>([-\.\w]+)|(/DISCARD/))"
assign_size = re.compile(r"\s(?P<sym>\w+)\s*=\s*SIZEOF\("
memory_block = re.compile(r"\s(?P<name>\w+)\s*:\s*ORIGIN\s*=\s*"
exp = r"(ORIGIN\(\w+\)|LENGTH\(\w+\))"
op = r"(\+|\-)"
assign_expr = re.compile(r"\s(?P<sym>\w+)\s*=\s*"
r"\s*;".format(exp=exp, op=op))
# If we match a regex, call the right function to update the state
# with the info gleaned from the matched string.
jump_table = {
close_brace : close_brace_fun,
uwnknown_cmd : unknown_cmd_fun,
memory_cmd : memory_cmd_fun,
sections_cmd : sections_cmd_fun,
assign_current : assign_current_fun,
memory_block : memory_block_fun,
sec_def : sec_def_fun,
assign_size : assign_size_fun,
assign_expr : assign_expr_fun,
# Whenever we match an interesting regex, we'll update the state
# with whatever information we want to rip from that bit of text.
state = {}
# The section definition that we were last in.
state["cur-sec"] = None
# If we know what section *start* the current address (.) points to,
# then this will not be None. It's used to match an assignment to
# the start of a section.
state["start-valid"] = None
# If we have just seen an assignment, then this will not be None.
# It's used to match up an assignment with the end of a section.
state["end-valid"] = None
# Each entry here maps a section name to a map. That map maps "size"
# to the symbol pointing to the size of the section, and "start"
# to the symbol pointing to the start address of the section. One of
# "start" or "size" may be absent, if we couldn't get that bit of
# information from the linker script.
state["sections"] = {}
# We can use the list of valid addresses to sanity-check that the
# start addresses of sections are genuinely addresses.
state["valid-addresses"] = []
# Symbols that get some expression assigned to them, either inside
# or outside a section definition. We'll match them up later.
state["expr-assigns"] = []
# These are to sanity-check the parsing.
state["MEM"] = False
state["SEC"] = False
state["DEF"] = False
state["UNKNOWN"] = False
i = 0
while i < len(text):
buf = text[i:]
i += 1
asrt(not (state["MEM"] and state["SEC"]),
"memory & sections", buf)
asrt(not state["DEF"] or state["SEC"],
"def outside SECTION", buf)
jump_fun = None
matched_str = None
matched_re = None
match = None
for regex, fun in jump_table.items():
m = regex.match(buf)
if m:
if jump_fun is not None:
error("matched multiple regexes\n%s", buf)
jump_fun = fun
match = m
matched_str = buf[m.span()[0]:m.span()[1]]
for s, v in locals().items():
if v is regex and s is not "regex":
matched_re = s
if jump_fun is not None:
info("regex '%s' matched '%s'", matched_re, matched_str)
jump_fun(state, match, buf)
i = i + match.span()[1] - 1
debug("Clobbering due to '%s'...", buf[:20])
# There may have been some intermediate command between the
# start of a section definition and where we are. So we have
# no idea what address the current address pointer refers to
state["start-valid"] = None
# There may have been an intermediate command between the
# last assignment and the end of the section.
state["end-valid"] = None
return state
def assign_expr_fun(state, match, _):
# Do NOT invalidate 'start-valid' here. Assignments from expressions
# do not actually advance the current address pointer.
sym, expr = match.group("sym"), match.group("expr")
origin_pat = r"ORIGIN\((?P<block>\w+?)\)"
origins = re.findall(origin_pat, expr)
if len(origins) != 1:
info("assign with %d origins, skipping: %s", len(origins),
ret = {"origin": origins[0], "sym": sym}
for block_name, data in state["blocks"].items():
for op in ["ORIGIN", "LENGTH"]:
old_expr = str(expr)
expr = re.sub(r"%s\(%s\)" % (op, block_name), str(data[op]),
if expr != old_expr:
info("Subbed %s(%s) with %d", op, block_name, data[op])
info("Final expression is '%s'. Evaluating; "
"may the angels have mercy on my soul.", expr)
ret["addr"] = eval(expr)
except RuntimeError:
warning("Unable to evaluate '%s'" , expr)
info("Evaluated '%s' to %d", expr, ret["addr"])
def sec_def_fun(state, match, buf):
asrt(not state["DEF"], "nested sec def", buf)
state["DEF"] = True
sec = match.group("sec")
info("Current section is now '%s'", sec)
state["cur-sec"] = sec
state["start-valid"] = True
def assign_size_fun(state, match, buf):
asrt(state["SEC"], "assignment outside SECTIONS", buf)
sec = match.group("sec")
if sec not in state["sections"]:
state["sections"][sec] = {}
sym = match.group("sym")
info("'%s' marks the size of section '%s'", sym, sec)
state["sections"][sec]["size"] = sym
def assign_current_fun(state, match, buf):
asrt(state["SEC"], "assignment outside SECTIONS", buf)
sec = state["cur-sec"]
state["end-valid"] = match
if state["start-valid"]:
if sec not in state["sections"]:
state["sections"][sec] = {}
sym = match.group("sym")
info("'%s' marks the start of section '%s'", sym, sec)
state["sections"][sec]["start"] = sym
info("Don't know where we are.")
def close_brace_fun(state, _, buf):
# We might have seen an assignment immediately before this.
if state["end-valid"]:
asrt(state["DEF"], "end-valid outside sec-def", buf)
sec = state["cur-sec"]
if sec in state["sections"]:
sym = state["end-valid"].group("sym")
info("'%s' marks the end of section '%s'", sym, sec)
state["sections"][sec]["end"] = sym
state["end-valid"] = None
# Linker script assigned end-of-section to a symbol, but not
# the start. this is useless to us.
if state["DEF"]:
info("Closing sec-def")
state["DEF"] = False
elif state["SEC"]:
info("Closing sections")
state["SEC"] = False
elif state["MEM"]:
info("Closing memory command")
state["MEM"] = False
elif state["UNKNOWN"]:
info("Closing unknown command")
state["UNKNOWN"] = False
error("Not in block\n%s", buf)
def memory_block_fun(state, m, buf):
asrt(state["MEM"], "memory block outside MEMORY", buf)
start, length, unit = m.group("orig"), m.group("len"), m.group("unit")
length = int(length)
dec_start = int(start, 16)
mul = {"K": 1000, "M": 1000000, "G": 1000000000}
length = length * mul[unit]
end = dec_start + length
info("mem block %s from %d to %d (%d%s long)", start, dec_start, end,
length, unit)
state["valid-addresses"].append({"from": dec_start, "to": end})
name = m.group("name")
if "blocks" not in state:
state["blocks"] = {}
state["blocks"][name] = {"ORIGIN": int(start, 16), "LENGTH": length}
def sections_cmd_fun(state, _, buf):
asrt(not state["SEC"], "encountered SECTIONS twice", buf)
state["SEC"] = True
def memory_cmd_fun(state, _, buf):
asrt(not state["MEM"], "encountered MEMORY twice", buf)
state["MEM"] = True
def unknown_cmd_fun(state, _, buf):
asrt(not state["MEM"], "encountered UNKNOWN twice", buf)
state["UNKNOWN"] = True
def match_up_expr_assigns(state):
blocks = set([data["origin"] for data in state["expr-assigns"]])
for block in blocks:
assigns = [a for a in state["expr-assigns"]
if a["origin"] == block]
assigns = sorted(assigns, key=(lambda a: a["addr"]))
if len(assigns) < 2:
warning("Only 1 assignment to expr involving %s", block)
start_addr, end_addr = assigns[0]["addr"], assigns[-1]["addr"]
start_sym, end_sym = assigns[0]["sym"], assigns[-1]["sym"]
info("Valid memory from %s (%d) to %s (%s) [%s block]",
start_sym, start_addr, end_sym, end_addr, block)
tmp = {"start": start_sym, "end": end_sym}
sec_name = "BLOCK_%s_%s-%s" % (block, start_sym, end_sym)
state["sections"][sec_name] = tmp
def asrt(cond, msg, buf):
if not cond:
error("%s\n%s", msg, buf)
def needed_definitions(all_symbols, root_dir):
ret = []
pat = re.compile(r"extern\s+char\s+(?P<var>\w+)\[\];")
allowed = [".c", ".cpp", ".h"]
for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir):
for file in files:
file = os.path.join(root, file)
_, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if ext not in allowed:
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
bad = [v for v in ret if v not in all_symbols]
if bad:
logging.error("These symbols need definitions but are not "
"in the object file: %s", ", ".join(bad))
logging.info("need symbols:\n%s", "\n".join(ret))
return ret
def symbols_from(object_file):
cmd = ["objdump", "--syms", object_file]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, universal_newlines=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if proc.wait():
logging.error("`%s` failed. Output:\n%s", " ".join(cmd),
pat = re.compile(r"(?P<addr>[^\s]+)\s+"
r"(?P<flags>[lgu! ][w ][C ][W ][Ii ][Dd ][FfO ])\s+"
r"(?P<name>[^\s]*)" # Can be empty!
matching = False
ret = {}
for line in proc.stdout.read().splitlines():
if not line:
if not matching and re.match("SYMBOL TABLE:", line):
matching = True
if not matching:
m = pat.match(line)
if not m:
logging.error("Unexpected line from `%s`:\n%s",
" ".join(cmd), line)
ret[m.group("name")] = m.group("addr")
logging.info("found symbols:\n%s", "\n".join(
["0x%-16s %s" % (v, k) for k, v in ret.items()]))
return ret
def match_up_addresses(script_data, symbol_table):
ret = []
for name, data in script_data["sections"].items():
ok = False
if "size" in data and "start" in data:
ok = True
if "end" in data and "start" in data:
ok = True
if not ok:
region = {}
for sym, value in symbol_table.items():
if "size" in data and sym == data["size"]:
region["size"] = {"sym": sym, "val": value}
if "start" in data and sym == data["start"]:
region["start"] = {"sym": sym, "val": value}
if "end" in data and sym == data["end"]:
region["end"] = {"sym": sym, "val": value}
region["section"] = name
append = False
if "size" in region and "start" in region:
append = True
if "end" in region and "start" in region:
append = True
if append:
return ret
def get_region_range(region):
ret = {}
if "end" in region:
start = int(region["start"]["val"], 16)
end = int(region["end"]["val"], 16)
size = end - start
s_var = region["start"]["sym"]
e_var = region["end"]["sym"]
ret["start"] = start
ret["size"] = size
ret["start-symbol"] = s_var
ret["end-symbol"] = e_var
ret["has-end-symbol"] = True
ret["annot"] = "__CPROVER_allocated_memory(%s, %d);" % (hex(start), size)
ret["commt"] = "from %s to %s" % (s_var, e_var)
elif "size" in region:
start = int(region["start"]["val"], 16)
size = int(region["size"]["val"], 16)
s_var = region["start"]["sym"]
z_var = region["size"]["sym"]
ret["start"] = start
ret["size"] = size
ret["start-symbol"] = s_var
ret["size-symbol"] = z_var
ret["has-end-symbol"] = False
ret["annot"] = "__CPROVER_allocated_memory(%s, %d);" % (hex(start), size)
ret["commt"] = "from %s for %s bytes" % (s_var, z_var)
raise "Malformatted region\n%s" % str(region)
ret["section"] = region["section"]
return ret
def final_json_output(regions, symbol_table):
ret = {"regions": [], "addresses": []}
for s, v in symbol_table.items():
ret["addresses"].append({"sym": s, "val": int(v, 16)})
for region in regions:
return ret
def symbols_from_file(sym_file):
if sym_file == "-":
return [s.strip() for s in sys.stdin.readlines()]
with open(sym_file) as f:
return [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
def main():
pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate info about linker-defined symbols and regions.",
pars.add_argument("-s", "--script", metavar="S", required=True,
help="path to linker script")
pars.add_argument("-o", "--object", metavar="O", required=True,
help="path to fully-linked binary")
sym_source = pars.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
sym_source.add_argument("-d", "--dir", metavar="D",
help="path to top-level of codebase")
sym_source.add_argument("-i", "--sym-file",
metavar="F", help="file of names of linker symbols")
pars.add_argument("-t", "--out-file", metavar="F",
help="default: stdout", default=None)
verbs = pars.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
verbs.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
verbs.add_argument("-w", "--very-verbose", action="store_true")
args = pars.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
lvl = logging.INFO
elif args.very_verbose:
lvl = logging.DEBUG
lvl = logging.WARNING
form = "linkerscript parse %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=form, level=lvl)
script_data = get_linker_script_data(args.script)
symbol_table = symbols_from(args.object)
if args.dir:
needed = needed_definitions(symbol_table.keys(), args.dir)
needed = symbols_from_file(args.sym_file)
symbol_table = {k:v for k, v in symbol_table.items() if k in needed}
regions = match_up_addresses(script_data, symbol_table)
info("symbol table %s" % json.dumps(symbol_table, indent=2))
info("script data %s" % json.dumps(script_data, indent=2))
info("regions %s" % json.dumps(regions, indent=2))
final = json.dumps(final_json_output(regions, symbol_table),
if args.out_file:
with open(args.out_file, "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":