Add new unit tests for the gdb api

This adds new unit tests for gdb_apit. The tests compile a test file test.c and
then run gdb on it (via gdb_apit).
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Poetzl 2019-01-24 17:49:47 +00:00
parent aece5a5644
commit fcbe7b933b
3 changed files with 190 additions and 210 deletions

View File

@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ Author: Malte Mues <>
defined(__unix__) || \
defined(__CYGWIN__) || \
// clang-format on
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <regex>
@ -27,232 +31,178 @@ Author: Malte Mues <>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory-analyzer/gdb_api.cpp>
#include <string>
"gdb_apit uses regex as expected for memory",
void compile_test_file()
gdb_apit gdb_api("");
GIVEN("The result of a struct pointer")
std::string test_file("memory-analyzer/test.c");
std::string cmd("gcc -g -o test ");
cmd += test_file;
const int r = system(cmd.c_str());
class gdb_api_testt : public gdb_apit
explicit gdb_api_testt(const char *binary) : gdb_apit(binary)
const std::string line = "$2 = (struct cycle_buffer *) 0x601050 <buffer>";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x601050");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x601050");
GIVEN("The result of a typedef pointer")
friend void gdb_api_internals_test();
void gdb_api_internals_test()
SECTION("parse gdb output record")
const std::string line = "$4 = (cycle_buffer_entry_t *) 0x602010";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x602010");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x602010");
gdb_api_testt gdb_api("test");
gdb_api_testt::gdb_output_recordt gor;
gor = gdb_api.parse_gdb_output_record(
"a = \"1\", b = \"2\", c = {1, 2}, d = [3, 4], e=\"0x0\"");
REQUIRE(gor["a"] == "1");
REQUIRE(gor["b"] == "2");
REQUIRE(gor["c"] == "{1, 2}");
REQUIRE(gor["d"] == "[3, 4]");
REQUIRE(gor["e"] == "0x0");
GIVEN("The result of a char pointer")
SECTION("read a line from an input stream")
const std::string line = "$5 = 0x400734 \"snow\"";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x400734");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x400734");
gdb_api_testt gdb_api("test");
FILE *f = fopen("memory-analyzer/input.txt", "r");
gdb_api.input_stream = f;
std::string line;
line = gdb_api.read_next_line();
REQUIRE(line == "abc\n");
line = gdb_api.read_next_line();
REQUIRE(line == std::string(1120, 'a') + "\n");
line = gdb_api.read_next_line();
REQUIRE(line == "xyz");
GIVEN("The result of a null pointer")
SECTION("start and exit gdb")
const std::string line = "$2 = 0x0";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x0");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x0");
gdb_api_testt gdb_api("test");
GIVEN("The result of a char pointer at very low address")
const std::string line = "$34 = 0x007456 \"snow\"";
THEN("the result matches the memory address and not nullpointer")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x007456");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x007456");
GIVEN("The result of a char pointer with some more whitespaces")
const std::string line = "$12 = 0x400752 \"thunder storm\"\n";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x400752");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x400752");
// check input and output streams
GIVEN("The result of an array pointer")
const std::string line = "$5 = (struct a_sub_type_t (*)[4]) 0x602080";
THEN("the result matches the memory address in the output")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x602080");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x602080");
GIVEN("A constant struct pointer pointing to 0x0")
const std::string line = "$3 = (const struct name *) 0x0";
THEN("the returned memory address should be 0x0")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x0");
GIVEN("An enum address")
const std::string line = "$2 = (char *(*)[5]) 0x7e5500 <abc>";
THEN("the returned address is the address of the enum")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x7e5500");
GIVEN("The result of an int pointer")
const std::string line = "$1 = (int *) 0x601088 <e>\n";
THEN("the result is the value of memory address of the int pointer")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory(line) == "0x601088");
THEN("adding '(gdb) ' to the line doesn't have an influence")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_memory("(gdb) " + line) == "0x601088");
GIVEN("Non matching result")
const std::string line = "Something that must not match 0x605940";
THEN("an exception is thrown")
gdb_api.extract_memory(line), gdb_interaction_exceptiont);
"gdb_apit uses regex as expected for value extraction",
gdb_apit gdb_api("");
GIVEN("An integer value")
const std::string line = "$90 = 100";
THEN("the result schould be '100'")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "100");
GIVEN("A string value")
const std::string line = "$5 = 0x602010 \"snow\"";
THEN("the result should be 'snow'")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "snow");
GIVEN("A string with withe spaces")
const std::string line = "$1323 = 0x1243253 \"thunder storm\"\n";
THEN("the result should be 'thunder storm'")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "thunder storm");
GIVEN("A byte value")
const std::string line = "$2 = 243 '\363'";
THEN("the result should be 243")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "243");
GIVEN("A negative int value")
const std::string line = "$8 = -32";
THEN("the result should be -32")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "-32");
GIVEN("An enum value")
const std::string line = "$1 = INFO";
THEN("the result should be INFO")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "INFO");
GIVEN("A void pointer value")
const std::string line = "$6 = (const void *) 0x71";
THEN("the requried result should be 0x71")
REQUIRE(gdb_api.extract_value(line) == "0x71");
GIVEN("A gdb response that contains 'cannot access memory'")
const std::string line = "Cannot access memory at address 0x71";
THEN("a gdb_inaccesible_memoryt excepition must be raised")
gdb_api.extract_value(line), gdb_inaccessible_memory_exceptiont);
GIVEN("A value that must not match")
const std::string line = "$90 = must not match 20";
THEN("an exception is raised")
gdb_api.extract_value(line), gdb_interaction_exceptiont);
TEST_CASE("gdb api internals test", "[core][memory-analyzer]")
TEST_CASE("gdb api test", "[core][memory-analyzer]")
gdb_apit gdb_api("test", true);
const bool r = gdb_api.run_gdb_to_breakpoint("checkpoint");
catch(const gdb_interaction_exceptiont &e)
std::cerr << "warning: cannot fully unit test GDB API as program cannot "
<< "be run with gdb\n";
std::cerr << "warning: this may be due to not having the required "
<< "permissions (e.g., to invoke ptrace() or to disable ASLR)"
<< "\n";
std::cerr << "gdb_interaction_exceptiont:" << '\n';
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
std::ifstream file("gdb.txt");
std::string line;
std::cerr << "=== gdb log begin ===\n";
while(getline(file, line))
std::cerr << line << '\n';
std::cerr << "=== gdb log end ===\n";
gdb_apit gdb_api("test");
SECTION("breakpoint is hit")
const bool r = gdb_api.run_gdb_to_breakpoint("checkpoint");
SECTION("breakpoint is not hit")
const bool r = gdb_api.run_gdb_to_breakpoint("checkpoint2");
SECTION("breakpoint does not exist")
gdb_api.run_gdb_to_breakpoint("checkpoint3"), gdb_interaction_exceptiont);
SECTION("query memory")
const bool r = gdb_api.run_gdb_to_breakpoint("checkpoint");
REQUIRE(gdb_api.get_value("x") == "8");
REQUIRE(gdb_api.get_value("s") == "abc");
const std::regex regex(R"(0x[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)");
std::string address = gdb_api.get_memory("p");
REQUIRE(std::regex_match(address, regex));
std::string address = gdb_api.get_memory("vp");
REQUIRE(std::regex_match(address, regex));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
int x;
char *s = "abc";
int *p;
void *vp;
void checkpoint()
void checkpoint2()
void func()
int main()
x = 8;
p = &x;
vp = (void *)&x;
return 0;