Switch gdb_apit to using the gdb machine interface

This changes gdb_apit to use the gdb machine interface (mi) instead of the gdb
command line user interface to communicate with gdb.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Poetzl 2019-01-27 19:19:50 +00:00
parent 0b9480bb40
commit fa3c78f9fb
2 changed files with 308 additions and 153 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ Author: Malte Mues <mail.mues@gmail.com>
/// \file
/// Low-level interface to gdb
#ifdef __linux__
#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
@ -19,12 +22,23 @@ Author: Malte Mues <mail.mues@gmail.com>
#include <util/string_utils.h>
gdb_apit::gdb_apit(const char *arg) : binary_name(arg)
/// Create a gdb_apit object
/// \param binary the binary to run with gdb
/// \param log boolean indicating whether gdb input and output should be logged
gdb_apit::gdb_apit(const char *binary, const bool log)
: binary(binary), log(log), gdb_state(gdb_statet::NOT_CREATED)
int gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
/// Create a new gdb process for analysing the binary indicated by the member
/// variable `binary`
void gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
PRECONDITION(gdb_state == gdb_statet::NOT_CREATED);
pid_t gdb_process;
int pipe_input[2];
@ -32,17 +46,17 @@ int gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
if(pipe(pipe_input) == -1)
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create pipe for stdin!");
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create pipe for stdin");
if(pipe(pipe_output) == -1)
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create pipe for stdout!");
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create pipe for stdout");
gdb_process = fork();
if(gdb_process == -1)
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create gdb process.");
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not create gdb process");
if(gdb_process == 0)
@ -52,9 +66,11 @@ int gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
dup2(pipe_input[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(pipe_output[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2(pipe_output[1], STDERR_FILENO);
dprintf(pipe_output[1], "binary name: %s\n", binary_name);
char *arg[] = {
const_cast<char *>("gdb"), const_cast<char *>(binary_name), NULL};
dprintf(pipe_output[1], "binary name: %s\n", binary);
char *arg[] = {const_cast<char *>("gdb"),
const_cast<char *>("--interpreter=mi"),
const_cast<char *>(binary),
dprintf(pipe_output[1], "Loading gdb...\n");
execvp("gdb", arg);
@ -66,6 +82,8 @@ int gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
// parent process
gdb_state = gdb_statet::CREATED;
@ -75,23 +93,66 @@ int gdb_apit::create_gdb_process()
// get stream for writing to gdb
output_stream = fdopen(pipe_input[1], "w");
write_to_gdb("set max-value-size unlimited\n");
// logs output to `gdb.txt` in the current directory, input is not logged
// hence we log it to `command_log`
write_to_gdb("-gdb-set logging on");
write_to_gdb("-gdb-set max-value-size unlimited");
return 0;
/// Terminate the gdb process and close open streams (for reading from and
/// writing to gdb)
void gdb_apit::terminate_gdb_process()
gdb_state == gdb_statet::CREATED || gdb_state == gdb_statet::STOPPED);
// we cannot use most_recent_line_has_tag() here as it checks the last line
// before the next `(gdb) \n` prompt in the output; however when gdb exits no
// next prompt is printed
CHECK_RETURN(has_tag("^exit", read_next_line()));
gdb_state = gdb_statet::NOT_CREATED;
void gdb_apit::write_to_gdb(const std::string &command)
if(fputs(command.c_str(), output_stream) == EOF)
PRECONDITION(command.back() != '\n');
std::string line(command);
line += '\n';
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("Could not write a command to gdb");
if(fputs(line.c_str(), output_stream) == EOF)
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not write a command to gdb");
/// Return the vector of commands that have been written to gdb so far
const std::vector<std::string> &gdb_apit::get_command_log()
return command_log;
std::string gdb_apit::read_next_line()
@ -101,7 +162,7 @@ std::string gdb_apit::read_next_line()
const size_t buf_size = 1024;
char buf[buf_size];
char buf[buf_size]; // NOLINT(runtime/arrays)
const char *c = fgets(buf, buf_size, input_stream);
@ -112,173 +173,241 @@ std::string gdb_apit::read_next_line()
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("error reading from gdb");
INVARIANT(feof(input_stream), "");
INVARIANT(result.back() != '\n', "");
"EOF must have been reached when the error indicator on the stream "
"is not set and fgets returned NULL");
result.empty() || result.back() != '\n',
"when EOF is reached then either no characters were read or the string"
" read does not end in a newline");
return result;
result += std::string(buf);
std::string chunk(buf);
INVARIANT(!chunk.empty(), "chunk cannot be empty when EOF was not reached");
result += chunk;
} while(result.back() != '\n');
return result;
std::string gdb_apit::read_most_recent_line()
std::string line;
std::string output;
output = line;
line = read_next_line();
} while(line != "(gdb) \n");
return output;
gdb_apit::get_most_recent_record(const std::string &tag, const bool must_exist)
std::string line = read_most_recent_line();
const bool b = has_tag(tag, line);
else if(!b)
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("record does not exist");
std::string record = strip_string(line.substr(line.find(',') + 1));
return parse_gdb_output_record(record);
bool gdb_apit::has_tag(const std::string &tag, const std::string &line)
return line.compare(0, tag.length(), tag) == 0;
bool gdb_apit::most_recent_line_has_tag(const std::string &tag)
const std::string line = read_most_recent_line();
return has_tag(tag, line);
/// Run gdb with the given core file
/// \param corefile core dump
void gdb_apit::run_gdb_from_core(const std::string &corefile)
const std::string command = "core " + corefile + "\n";
PRECONDITION(gdb_state == gdb_statet::CREATED);
// there does not seem to be a gdb mi command to run from a core file
const std::string command = "core " + corefile;
std::string line;
gdb_state = gdb_statet::STOPPED;
/// Run gdb to the given breakpoint
/// \param breakpoint the breakpoint to set (can be e.g. a line number or a
/// function name)
bool gdb_apit::run_gdb_to_breakpoint(const std::string &breakpoint)
PRECONDITION(gdb_state == gdb_statet::CREATED);
std::string command("-break-insert");
command += " " + breakpoint;
line = read_next_line();
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont(
"This core file doesn't work with the binary.");
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not set breakpoint");
bool gdb_apit::check_for_gdb_core_error(const std::string &line)
const std::regex core_init_error_r("exec file is newer than core");
return regex_search(line, core_init_error_r);
void gdb_apit::run_gdb_to_breakpoint(const std::string &breakpoint)
std::string command = "break " + breakpoint + "\n";
command = "run\n";
std::string line;
line = read_next_line();
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("This is not a valid breakpoint\n");
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("could not run program");
gdb_output_recordt record = get_most_recent_record("*stopped");
const auto it = record.find("reason");
CHECK_RETURN(it != record.end());
const std::string &reason = it->second;
if(reason == "breakpoint-hit")
gdb_state = gdb_statet::STOPPED;
return true;
else if(reason == "exited-normally")
return false;
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont(
"gdb stopped for unhandled reason `" + reason + "`");
// not reached
return true;
bool gdb_apit::check_for_gdb_breakpoint_error(const std::string &line)
std::string gdb_apit::eval_expr(const std::string &expr)
const std::regex breakpoint_init_error_r("Make breakpoint pending on future");
return regex_search(line, breakpoint_init_error_r);
write_to_gdb("-var-create tmp * " + expr);
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont(
"could not create variable for "
"expression `" +
expr + "`");
write_to_gdb("-var-evaluate-expression tmp");
gdb_output_recordt record = get_most_recent_record("^done", true);
write_to_gdb("-var-delete tmp");
const auto it = record.find("value");
CHECK_RETURN(it != record.end());
const std::string value = it->second;
value.back() != '"' ||
(value.length() >= 2 && value[value.length() - 2] == '\\'),
"quotes should have been stripped off from value");
INVARIANT(value.back() != '\n', "value should not end in a newline");
return value;
std::string gdb_apit::create_command(const std::string &variable)
/// Get the memory address pointed to by the given pointer expression
/// \param expr an expression of pointer type (e.g., `&x` with `x` being of type
/// `int` or `p` with `p` being of type `int *`)
/// \return memory address in hex format
std::string gdb_apit::get_memory(const std::string &expr)
return "p " + variable + "\n";
PRECONDITION(gdb_state == gdb_statet::STOPPED);
std::string gdb_apit::get_memory(const std::string &variable)
const std::string &response = read_next_line();
return extract_memory(response);
std::string mem;
// All lines in the output start with something like
// '$XX = ' where XX is a digit. => shared_prefix.
const char shared_prefix[] = R"(\$[0-9]+\s=\s)";
// regex matching a hex memory address followed by an optional identifier in
// angle brackets (e.g., `0x601060 <x>`)
std::regex regex(R"(^(0x[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)( <.*>)?)");
// Matching a hex encoded address.
const char memory_address[] = R"(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)";
std::string gdb_apit::extract_memory(const std::string &line)
// The next patterns matches the type information,
// which be "(classifier struct name (*)[XX])"
// for pointer to struct arrayes. classsifier and struct is optional => {1,3}
// If it isn't an array, than the ending is " *)"
// => or expression in pointer_star_or_array_suffix.
const std::string struct_name = R"((?:\S+\s){1,3})";
const std::string pointer_star_or_arary_suffix =
const std::string pointer_type_info =
R"(\()" + struct_name + pointer_star_or_arary_suffix + R"(\))";
// The pointer type info is followed by the memory value and eventually
// extended by the name of the pointer content, if gdb has an explicit symbol.
// See unit test cases for more examples of expected input.
const std::regex pointer_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + pointer_type_info + R"(\s()" + memory_address +
const std::regex null_pointer_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + R"((0x0))");
// Char pointer output the memory adress followed by the string in there.
const std::regex char_pointer_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + R"(()" + memory_address +
const std::string value = eval_expr(expr);
std::smatch result;
if(regex_search(line, result, char_pointer_pattern))
if(regex_match(value, result, regex))
// return hex address only
return result[1];
if(regex_search(line, result, pointer_pattern))
return result[1];
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont(
"value `" + value +
"` is not a memory address or has unrecognised format");
if(regex_search(line, result, null_pointer_pattern))
return result[1];
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("Cannot resolve memory_address: " + line);
// not reached
return "";
std::string gdb_apit::get_value(const std::string &variable)
/// Get value of the given value expression
/// \param expr an expression of non-pointer type or pointer to char
/// \return value of the expression; if the expression is of type pointer to
/// char and represents a string, the string value is returned; otherwise the
/// value is returned just as it is printed by gdb
std::string gdb_apit::get_value(const std::string &expr)
const std::string &response = read_next_line();
return extract_value(response);
PRECONDITION(gdb_state == gdb_statet::STOPPED);
std::string gdb_apit::extract_value(const std::string &line)
// This pattern matches primitive int values and bools.
const std::regex value_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + R"(((?:-)?\d+|true|false))");
// This pattern matches the char pointer content.
// It is printed behind the address.
const std::regex char_value_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + memory_address + "\\s\"([\\S ]*)\"");
// An enum entry just prints the name of the value on the commandline.
const std::regex enum_value_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + R"(([\S]+)(?:\n|$))");
// A void pointer outputs it type first, followed by the memory address it
// is pointing to. This pattern should extract the address.
const std::regex void_pointer_pattern(
std::string(shared_prefix) + R"((?:[\S\s]+)\s()" + memory_address + ")");
const std::string value = eval_expr(expr);
std::smatch result;
if(regex_search(line, result, char_value_pattern))
return result[1];
// get string from char pointer
const std::regex regex(R"(0x[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]* \\"(.*)\\")");
std::smatch result;
if(regex_match(value, result, regex))
return result[1];
if(regex_search(line, result, value_pattern))
// this case will go away eventually, once client code has been refactored to
// use get_memory() instead
return result[1];
// get void pointer address
const std::regex regex(R"(0x[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)");
std::smatch result;
if(regex_match(value, result, regex))
return result[1];
if(regex_search(line, result, enum_value_pattern))
return result[1];
if(regex_search(line, result, void_pointer_pattern))
return result[1];
std::regex memmory_access_error("Cannot access memory");
if(regex_search(line, memmory_access_error))
throw gdb_inaccessible_memory_exceptiont("ERROR: " + line);
throw gdb_interaction_exceptiont("Cannot extract value from this: " + line);
// return raw value
return value;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ Author: Malte Mues <mail.mues@gmail.com>
/// \file
/// Low-level interface to gdb
/// This provides an API to run a program under gdb up to some
/// breakpoint, and then query the values of expressions. It uses the
/// gdb machine interface (see section "The GDB/MI Interface" in the
/// gdb manual to communicate with gdb.
#ifdef __linux__
@ -19,35 +27,53 @@ Author: Malte Mues <mail.mues@gmail.com>
class gdb_apit
explicit gdb_apit(const char *binary);
explicit gdb_apit(const char *binary, const bool log = false);
int create_gdb_process();
void create_gdb_process();
void terminate_gdb_process();
void run_gdb_to_breakpoint(const std::string &breakpoint);
bool run_gdb_to_breakpoint(const std::string &breakpoint);
void run_gdb_from_core(const std::string &corefile);
std::string get_value(const std::string &variable);
std::string get_memory(const std::string &variable);
std::string get_value(const std::string &expr);
std::string get_memory(const std::string &expr);
const std::vector<std::string> &get_command_log();
const char *binary;
const char *binary_name;
FILE *input_stream;
FILE *output_stream;
static std::string create_command(const std::string &variable);
void write_to_gdb(const std::string &command);
const bool log;
std::vector<std::string> command_log;
std::string read_next_line();
enum class gdb_statet
static bool check_for_gdb_breakpoint_error(const std::string &line);
static bool check_for_gdb_core_error(const std::string &line);
static std::string extract_value(const std::string &line);
static std::string extract_memory(const std::string &line);
gdb_statet gdb_state;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> gdb_output_recordt;
static gdb_output_recordt parse_gdb_output_record(const std::string &s);
void write_to_gdb(const std::string &command);
std::string read_next_line();
std::string read_most_recent_line();
std::string eval_expr(const std::string &expr);
get_most_recent_record(const std::string &tag, const bool must_exist = false);
static bool has_tag(const std::string &tag, const std::string &line);
bool most_recent_line_has_tag(const std::string &tag);
class gdb_interaction_exceptiont : public cprover_exception_baset