Remove obsolete references to SMT1

This commit is contained in:
Peter Schrammel 2018-12-10 22:20:28 +00:00
parent 55499d96f7
commit aa6fdbf44d
3 changed files with 4 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -105,8 +105,7 @@
\node[rectangle,fill=tachameleon!25!white] (solvers) [right of=engine4,xshift=2cm,yshift=-0.5cm]
{\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0.75cm]
\node[rectangle,fill=tachameleon!50!white] (sat) { SAT };
\node[rectangle,fill=tachameleon!50!white] (smt1) [below of=sat] { SMT1 };
\node[rectangle,fill=tachameleon!50!white] (smt2) [below of=smt1] { SMT2 };
\node[rectangle,fill=tachameleon!50!white] (smt2) [below of=sat] { SMT2 };
\node (decproc) [below of=smt2] { \tiny decision procedure };

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ perl -p -i -e 's/^(irep_ids.cpp:)/#$1/' $DEST/src/util/Makefile
# create sub-directories
mkdir -p $DEST/src/ansi-c/library $DEST/src/ansi-c/literals
mkdir -p $DEST/src/goto-instrument/{accelerate,wmm}
mkdir -p $DEST/src/solvers/{flattening,floatbv,miniBDD,prop,qbf,refinement,sat,smt1,smt2}
mkdir -p $DEST/src/solvers/{flattening,floatbv,miniBDD,prop,qbf,refinement,sat,smt2}
# copy generated files for coverage reports
for f in \

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@ -35,16 +35,8 @@ different decision procedures, roughly one per directory.
post-processing function that adds extra constraints. This is not used
by the SMT2 back-ends.
* dplib/: Provides the `dplib_dect` object which used the decision
procedure library from “Decision Procedures : An Algorithmic Point of
* smt1/: Provides the `smt1_dect` type which converts the formulae to
SMTLib version 1 and then invokes one of Boolector, CVC3, OpenSMT,
Yices, MathSAT or Z3. Again, note that this format is depreciated.
* smt2/: Provides the `smt2_dect` type which functions in a similar
way to `smt1_dect`, calling Boolector, CVC3, MathSAT, Yices or Z3.
* smt2/: Provides the `smt2_dect` type which converts the formulae to
SMTLib 2 and then invokes one of Boolector, CVC3, CVC4, MathSAT, Yices or Z3.
Note that the interaction with the solver is batched and uses
temporary files rather than using the interactive command supported by
SMTLib 2. With the `fpa` option, this output mode will not flatten